
Adam Grant ON: Why Discomfort is the Key to Growth and Strategies for Unlocking Your Hidden Potential


November 06, 2023

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  • Embracing growth and continuous improvement for a fulfilling life.True contentment and peace come from actively pursuing personal and professional growth, unlocking our hidden potential, and striving for greatness in all aspects of life.

    Growth and improvement are intrinsically enjoyable and motivating for most people, but some may not be as motivated by it. While it may seem tempting to idolize average and be content with where we are, true contentment and peace come from embracing growth and constantly striving to get better. It's natural for us to resist change and prefer the status quo, but this can lead to complacency and a lack of fulfillment. By actively pursuing personal and professional growth, we tap into our hidden potential and unlock greater achievements. So, instead of settling for mediocrity, we should embrace the journey of continuous improvement and explore our capacity for goodness and greatness in our lives.

  • Shifting our mindset: Using social comparison as inspiration for personal growth.Embrace your own progress by setting goals, reflecting on your journey, and avoiding constant comparison to others. Value and appreciate your achievements along the way.

    Instead of comparing ourselves and feeling envious of others, we should use social comparison as a source of inspiration and learning. Comparing our pace of growth to others can often lead to feelings of inadequacy, but it's important to remember that everyone has different starting points and advantages. Instead of focusing on pace, we can shift our mindset to appreciate our own progress by comparing ourselves to our past selves. By setting goals and reflecting on how far we've come, we can find joy, meaning, and a sense of purpose in our growth journey. Avoiding the trap of constantly raising our expectations allows us to appreciate and celebrate our achievements. In the end, it's about recognizing and valuing our own progress rather than constantly comparing ourselves to others.

  • Uncovering the Journey to SuccessEmbrace discomfort and learn from the starting points and cumulative progress of role models to overcome challenges and unlock hidden potential.

    We often envy successful individuals without fully understanding the challenges and obstacles they overcame to reach their achievements. By delving deeper into the journeys of those we admire, we can gain a new perspective and realize that their success was not instantaneous or effortless. For example, Adam Grant's fear of public speaking seemed insurmountable, but he sought inspiration from great speakers like MLK. However, upon realizing MLK's years of practice and dedication, Grant could have easily been demoralized. Instead, he recognized the importance of understanding the starting points and cumulative progress of our role models. This analysis encourages us to embrace discomfort and tackle difficult tasks, as it is through trials and suffering that we build character, strengthen our souls, and unlock our hidden potential.

  • Embracing discomfort for growth and progress.By actively seeking discomfort and pushing our boundaries, we can achieve personal and professional development, discover our true potential, and experience a steeper learning curve.

    Discomfort is key to growth and progress. Often, we tend to avoid uncomfortable situations, challenges, and awkwardness. However, actively seeking discomfort and even amplifying it can lead to personal and professional development. It is important to put ourselves in situations that challenge us and make us feel uncomfortable. This can be done by intentionally seeking out opportunities that push our boundaries, such as public speaking or taking on new responsibilities. By doing so, we can experience a steeper learning curve and discover our true potential. While there may be times when it is necessary to start small and gradually work our way up, we should not shy away from taking risks and embracing discomfort to achieve meaningful growth.

  • The Power of Immersion in Skill ExplorationBy fully immersing ourselves in a skill or activity, we can quickly determine if it brings joy and fulfillment, helping us identify the right areas to invest our time and energy.

    Immersing oneself in a skill or activity can be an efficient way to determine whether to invest more time and effort into it. By canceling everything else and dedicating a weekend to fully experiencing something, we can quickly assess if it brings us joy and fulfillment or if it drains us. This immersive approach allows us to gauge our level of competence and discover if we truly enjoy the skill even when we are not yet good at it. However, it's important to recognize that some skills may require more time and practice before we can experience the joy they bring. Understanding what we're struggling with or what we need to improve on is crucial in selecting the right areas to invest our time and energy.

  • The Power of Seeking Advice for Personal GrowthAsking for advice helps us identify areas for growth and improvement, and finding a balance between self-reflection and external input is key to personal development.

    When seeking personal growth and improvement, it is more effective to ask for advice rather than feedback. Feedback tends to focus on what was done right or wrong in the past, leading to cheerleaders who applaud our best self and critics who attack our worst self. This can leave us demoralized or complacent. On the other hand, seeking advice helps us focus on what we can do better in the future. By asking others for advice and looking for patterns in their suggestions, we can identify areas for growth and improvement. Even if we feel overwhelmed by the number of suggestions, seeking more advice can help us distinguish between individual preferences and valuable insights from multiple sources. Ultimately, finding a balance between self-reflection and external input is key to personal development.

  • The Power of Self-Evaluation: Lessons from Diving and BeyondSelf-evaluation involves setting specific targets for improvement, seeking feedback from others, and reflecting on personal principles to achieve growth and progress.

    Self-evaluation is crucial for personal growth and improvement. Adam Grant shares his experience of self-evaluation through his journey in springboard diving. His coach taught him that perfection doesn't exist, and instead of aiming for perfect tens, they set specific targets for each dive based on his skill level. This approach allowed him to focus on progress and improvement rather than being fixated on perfection. In his post-diving career, Grant applied this concept to his professional life by seeking feedback from others and using their reactions as a mirror to gauge his performance. However, he emphasizes the importance of also considering his own principles and being proud of his progress. Ultimately, self-evaluation involves a balance between outside feedback and personal reflection.

  • Embracing Authenticity: Jay Shetty's Journey in Creating Online ContentStay true to yourself, embrace your natural voice, and focus on your intentions. Accept feedback, but also stay aligned to your beliefs and understand that perfection is unachievable.

    Jay Shetty's journey in creating online content has taught him the importance of staying true to himself and his intentions, despite criticism and negative feedback. Initially, Jay was hesitant to put himself out there and worried about looking silly or being judged. However, by creating his own voice and embracing what was natural to him, he found joy in sharing his message. As his platform grew, so did the criticism, but he realized that he could only control his intentions, not how others perceive his actions. Jay has learned to balance accepting advice and feedback with staying aligned to his beliefs, understanding that perfection is unachievable and criticism will always exist.

  • Balancing Others' Reactions and Self-Identity in Learning and GrowthCare about others' opinions to learn and grow, but don't let them define you. Prioritize feedback from those who matter, rather than conforming to everyone's expectations. Embrace mistakes as opportunities for improvement in the ongoing process of learning and growth.

    We often care too much about what others think of us, leading to self-doubt and conformity. Adam Grant emphasizes the importance of caring enough about other people's reactions to learn from them, but not so much that we feel pressured to conform. He suggests deciding whose opinions actually matter to us and including ourselves in that group. It's better to disappoint strangers or those whose standards and taste differ from ours than to let down the people we care about and ourselves. Additionally, Grant highlights the overblown implications effect, which shows that when others see us make a mistake, they don't attribute it to our incompetence or lack of character as we might think. We tend to judge ourselves more harshly than others do. Overall, it's crucial to detach feedback or advice from our identity and view them as moments for improvement rather than personal flaws. Learning doesn't follow a linear path where knowledge leads to comfort, practice, and progress, as we often assume. Modern learning is a continuous process of growth and adaptation.

  • Evolving Rules and Continuous Learning in Business and RelationshipsMastery is not the endpoint; instead, continuously evolving our knowledge and skills is crucial. Don't be afraid to start something new and make mistakes along the way, as it helps in internalizing and remembering the correct answers.

    Rules in business, marketing, sales, and even relationships are not fixed and unchanging. They evolve, mold, and grow. We often feel the pressure to find the right answer and follow the right rule, but in reality, reaching mastery is not the endpoint. Instead, we must keep evolving our knowledge and skills as the world around us evolves. Many people spend too much time trying to reach mastery before even attempting something new. Language learners, for example, often conclude that they are incapable of mastering a foreign language because they didn't stick to the traditional language classes that focus on vocabulary and grammar. The key is to start speaking and using the language from day one, despite making mistakes, as it helps internalize and remember the correct answers.

  • The Power of Learning by TeachingActively using and sharing our knowledge, even before feeling fully qualified, deepens our understanding and fosters a collaborative learning environment.

    Learning happens when we actively use our knowledge while acquiring it. Waiting until we feel fully qualified or have complete mastery is not how true learning occurs. The process of learning by teaching is particularly powerful and allows us to better internalize and understand what we are learning. By sharing what we have learned with others, even if we don't yet have all the answers, we deepen our own understanding and improve our ability to remember and explain the information. It is important to give ourselves permission to teach and share what we know, even before we feel completely confident, as this is a valuable way to learn and grow. Additionally, expressing uncertainty and admitting when we don't know something actually enhances our credibility and fosters a more open and collaborative learning environment.

  • The Power of Coaching: Unlock Your Potential and Grow in All Areas of Life.Seeking guidance from a coach can empower you to develop your skills, perspectives, and values, enabling continuous growth and improvement in different aspects of your life.

    Finding a coach is important for personal growth and improvement. Adam Grant highlights that having a coach is not limited to athletes, but can be beneficial in various areas of life. While many may feel uncomfortable seeking guidance or think they should be able to teach themselves everything, this mindset may limit their progress. A good coach aims to empower individuals to internalize their advice and develop their own skills and perspectives. Coaches can be found in different forms, such as mentors, advisors, or even informal groups. By seeking coaching, individuals can refine their values, adapt to significant life changes, and continuously improve in areas they want to grow in.

  • Discovering Hidden Potential through CoachingCoaching allows us to realign with our values, explore new opportunities, and discover our true selves with the guidance of a good coach.

    Coaching can help us realign with our values and discover our hidden potential. Jay Shetty emphasizes the importance of personal time to regularly refine and reconnect with our core principles. He believes that coaching, especially with someone who has experienced different worlds, can be incredibly helpful in this process. Adam Grant suggests that coaching can be fruitful on two levels - reassessing our values in light of changing circumstances, and exploring new opportunities to live by those values. Conversation, according to Grant, brings out a more insightful and charming version of ourselves, making us aware of our hidden potential. A good coach doesn't tell us who we are or provide answers, but rather helps us discover our true selves.

  • Embracing Imperfection and Releasing Flawed CreationsIt's important to let go of the need for perfection and share our imperfect creations, as it allows for growth, learning, and a broader perspective.

    It's important to embrace imperfection and release things that are flawed and incomplete. Adam Grant shares his own struggle with perfectionism and the fear of putting out something that isn't flawless. However, he has learned that the calibration of effort and expectations is crucial. For big projects like a book, aiming for a nine and pouring in a lot of time is essential. But for shorter forms like social media posts, being content with a six and accepting that some people might misunderstand or disagree is fine. The sharing process itself is valuable, as it allows for learning, growth, and the opportunity to see things from different perspectives. By not putting anything out into the world, we limit our own contribution and hinder our personal growth.

  • The Difference Between Self-Promotion and Idea PromotionSharing valuable ideas and knowledge is not self-promotion, but rather a way to benefit others and make a difference in their lives.

    There is a difference between self-promotion and idea promotion. Self-promotion is all about showcasing oneself, bragging about accomplishments, and seeking attention. On the other hand, idea promotion is about sharing something valuable that one has created, with the hope that it will benefit others. Many people shy away from sharing their work due to a fear of self-promotion. However, holding back deprives others of benefiting from one's knowledge and effort. It is essential to realize that by promoting ideas and knowledge, one is not promoting themselves but rather the value they have created. Sharing mistakes and personal experiences along the way also adds authenticity and helps readers connect with the author. So, rather than hesitating, it is important to share what you have poured your heart into because it can make a difference in someone else's life.

  • Sharing Wisdom and Knowledge for AllBoth Adam Grant and Jay Shetty believe in the importance of openly sharing knowledge and wisdom, emphasizing that it should be accessible to everyone regardless of their background or current position.

    Both Adam Grant and Jay Shetty believe in the importance of sharing ideas and knowledge. They both emphasize the value of spreading wisdom and insights, regardless of one's background or current position. Grant mentions that if we gain knowledge from our chosen fields, it would be selfish not to share it, as it can benefit others. Shetty also expresses his mission to make ancient wisdom practical and accessible, particularly for young individuals who may be new to spirituality. They both reject the notion that one can only teach or share based on their current identity or personal experiences. Instead, they advocate for the idea that valuable knowledge should be available to all, not limited to specific groups or backgrounds.

  • Overcoming Fear and Promoting IdeasOvercoming the fear of sharing our ideas is crucial. Creating a portfolio of ideas, aligning personal goals with the greater good, and finding a balance between self-promotion and compassion can lead to beneficial outcomes.

    It is important to overcome the fear of sharing our ideas. Jay Shetty and Adam Grant emphasize the significance of showcasing our work and promoting our ideas to benefit others. They debunk the concern of someone stealing our ideas, explaining that most of the time, it happens unintentionally due to "kle amnesia" or forgetfulness of the source. They suggest generating a portfolio of ideas instead of attaching ourselves to just one, reducing the risk of theft. Furthermore, they argue that it is perfectly valid to have multiple motives behind promoting our ideas, including personal aspirations and the desire for recognition. It is essential to align our personal goals with the greater good and nurture a balance between self-promotion and compassion for others.

  • Finding Purpose and Doing Good: The Path to Fulfillment and SuccessPursuing activities that align personal happiness with making a positive impact on others, embracing discomfort, and continuously developing character skills can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life.

    Finding purpose and doing good in the world can bring deep satisfaction and fulfillment to one's life. Jay Shetty and Adam Grant emphasize the importance of not only pursuing activities that make us feel good, but also having a genuine desire to make a positive impact on others. They highlight the significance of aligning personal happiness with the greater good. Additionally, the discussion on hidden potential reveals that character skills, such as embracing discomfort and accepting imperfections, can be more valuable for personal growth than cognitive skills. This finding encourages individuals to continuously develop their character throughout their lives, rather than believing that these skills are fixed at a young age. Ultimately, pursuing meaningful purpose and growth can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life.

  • Incorporating Deliberate Play for Motivation and Enjoyment in Skill DevelopmentMaking the learning process enjoyable and meaningful through playful techniques can maintain motivation, foster creativity, and allow individuals to fully enjoy the journey of skill development.

    When it comes to practice and skill development, incorporating deliberate play can greatly enhance motivation and enjoyment. Instead of turning the daily grind into a tiresome routine, breaking skills down into enjoyable and playful pieces can make the process more sustainable and fulfilling. This means finding ways to make learning itself enjoyable, rather than relying on external rewards or gamification. The idea is to make the process fun, meaningful, and fulfilling in and of itself, rather than just a means to an end. By incorporating play into our practice, we can maintain motivation, foster creativity, and ultimately enjoy the journey of skill development.

  • Embracing Imperfection and Finding JoyLaughing at our flaws and accepting them as part of our nature allows us to navigate life with resilience, keeping our focus on growth and finding joy amid imperfections.

    It's important to learn to laugh at ourselves and not take our flaws and mistakes too seriously. Just like watching monkeys and finding amusement in their silly antics, we should recognize that our minds are flawed and imperfect. Instead of being harsh on ourselves when our ego or other negative traits surface, we should accept them as part of our human nature and continue taking action towards our goals and growth. Waiting for these flaws to disappear completely is unrealistic, but we can strive to keep them in the rearview mirror and not let them be our primary focus. By embracing our imperfections and having a lighthearted outlook, we can navigate through life with more joy and resilience.

  • The Power of Taking a Step BackDon't let fear of giving up progress hold you back. Consider the opportunity costs of staying on the same path and be open to exploring new directions for greater joy and fulfillment.

    When we get stuck in our pursuits, it's often necessary to take a step back in order to move forward. Many of us remain stuck because we feel embarrassed or hesitant to go backwards, afraid to give up the progress we've made. However, this mindset can be detrimental to our growth and happiness. It's important to recognize that the concept of sunk costs shouldn't govern our decisions. Instead, we should consider the opportunity costs of staying on the same path. By shifting gears and exploring new directions, we open ourselves up to greater joy and fulfillment. This applies not only to career choices, but also to our children's education. The idea of allowing children to choose what they study is complex and warrants further exploration.

  • The Benefits of Limited Choices in EducationProviding students with limited choices within certain constraints can improve their engagement and academic outcomes, while teachers who have long-term relationships with students are better equipped to support their potential.

    Having too much choice can be overwhelming and less effective than having limited options. It is easier to manage the problem of too many choices than it is to create freedom where there is none. When it comes to education, it can be helpful for students to have choices within certain constraints. For example, allowing students to choose their own books to read while still setting a minimum reading requirement. As students progress, it may be beneficial to offer a menu of options within specific subjects rather than rigidly enforcing certain courses. Additionally, teachers who have the opportunity to know students over multiple years can better spot hidden potential and provide more effective guidance and support. Schools should consider implementing the practice of having the same teacher for multiple years to foster stronger relationships and better academic outcomes.

  • The Power of Personalized Guidance and MentorshipBuilding a long-term relationship with a dedicated teacher or coach who understands our individual needs can unlock hidden potential and lead to significant personal growth. Trust their knowledge and insights for achieving greater things.

    Having a dedicated teacher or coach who knows you deeply can greatly benefit your growth and development. This is evident in both spiritual education and general learning. When teachers take the time to understand their students on a personal level, they can tailor their guidance and create specific learning experiences that align with individual needs. This personalized approach can lead to significant progress and unlock hidden potential. It's important to maintain a long-term relationship with such mentors, even as we become more independent, so that they can provide fresh perspectives and continuity during important moments in our lives. Trusting in the knowledge and insights of a teacher who truly knows and understands us can be incredibly valuable for personal growth and achieving greater things.

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