You know what, sexy? It's not elaborate underwear that you have to match that has to be the right shape and size for the thing you're wearing. And if you gain a pound, if you dare, gain a pound, then you can't wear it because you've got to go the size up. Truly, it's infuriating for me, especially. I have been on a complete underwear overhaul.
And there is one brand that it's in there and not going anywhere and that skims I've been wearing them for years and years and years throughout all my pregnancies and what I've realized is they are saving me time and make me feel sexy because they streamline my body under all the clothes.
and they stretch up to two sizes up and they don't lose their shape okay so what's happening to me is i've had two children my body's been all kinds of shapes as you can understand boobs especially and skims just fit they fit they stretch with you you can't see the panty lines you they don't make you feel like you gotta be self-conscious i just went away with my mom and my kids
They fit in my suitcase because you only have to bring a few pairs. You don't have to think about the outfits you're going to wear and how the underwear is going to fit under it. They're aesthetically pleasing. They're modern. They are divine. I am obsessed. It is truly something you need as a staple. And the Fits Everybody Collection is the one I would recommend to you if you've now tried them before. The Fits Everybody Collection is available in sizes X, X, S.
24x you can now shop at and skims stores. After you place your order, be sure to let them know I sent you, okay? Select podcast in the survey and be sure to select my show in the drop down menu that follows. And if you're looking for the perfect gift for your Valentine or yourself, okay? Because how you treat yourself is how he will treat you. Skims just launched their best Valentine's Shop ever, available in sizes from women, men and
kids. Check out the fits everybody collection at Enjoy and let them know I sent you.
Hello, welcome to today's podcast. If you're watching this, you will see I'm in a different space, perfectly fitting for today's episode on embracing your queen energy and using universal laws in order to do so. We talk a lot on this podcast about upgrading yourself, stepping into 2025 or whatever year you're listening this in and becoming the person that you're meant to be.
but I want to pivot a little bit and twist it into something a little bit different and use the language of universal laws of which there are over 60 in order to communicate to you what I am talking about. I am wearing a bikini right now and some shorts because we're staying in this beautiful home with my family my mum is visiting me from the UK so I am doing a combo
I am both working on this podcast and I am using this pool with my family and it is a vibe but I also want to bring you this important information today because I think in order to understand becoming the woman that you're meant to be you need to understand that there are universal laws that don't just apply to you know TikTok trends or I don't even know if we have TikTok anymore when I'm recording this but
it's not just about TikTok trends, it's also about how you present yourself in the world. So I'm going to tell you a law, for example, number one, the law of vibration, and I'm going to tell you how that relates to what we talk about here, okay? So the law of vibration is that your energy determines what you attract, okay?
So if you energetically embody the role of a queen, somebody that people want to do things for somebody who presents themselves, as somebody who makes people want to value them highly in the world, then that is what your vibration will attract to you.
You need to understand that if your inner beliefs dictate that you are not worthy of love, that you are not worthy of people's time, that you are not worthy of people going out of their way for, then that is what you are going to attract to you. You need to sit down and really hone in using the law of vibration of what your internal vibration is and what that's going to mean for you in the world.
You need a journal about what does my higher self act like a look, a like and believe. Believe being the most important one. You can use my journal. You can get it in the description box. It's called her journal and it takes you through 90 days of becoming her or the queen that you want to be.
If that is not for you, get any journal. There is no excuses. What does your higher self look like? Act like behave like. What does she value? What habits does she have? Because until you know who you are, you cannot attract things accordingly. Number two, law of correspondence. And this is a law about boundaries when it comes to what we talk about.
your outer world mirrors your inner world. If your outer world is chaotic, you need to understand that it is mirroring a chaos in your inner world. You need to understand that to identify one situation, for example, like you've been overextending yourself, you're always the one who's doing everything, you need to know that that is coming from your own inner world and your inner beliefs, your outer world mirrors your inner world. You need to identify situations where you've been overextending yourself,
or you've been energetically drained and you need to write down mission statements. For example, I will no longer overextend myself for people who don't value me or write a boundary statement like, I will no longer accept behaviors that waste my time. You need to be very, very strong about your boundaries and very in tune with the fact that however you allow people to treat you inside is how it's going to manifest outside.
Energy is a very interesting thing and it manifests in your world in ways that you don't expect. For example, sometimes if you do not keep your promises and you, you're in a world is you don't know how to make decisions and things like that. It will manifest in the outside world and it will come back to you in ways like say you are always late, you're always late to people, you're never on time. And then you, I don't know,
get something stolen from your house, right? You will say, how did that happen? I've never stolen anything. That's so strange. Karma, you know, gets you back and all this stuff. But in reality, you've stolen people's time by being late. So, comically, you might get something physical stolen, or maybe a guy will lead you on.
So a guy will lead you on for two years and in that you will have your time stolen. You understand what I mean? So energetically your outer world is very much dictated by your inner world. If there's chaos on the outside, understand this chaos on the inside, your outside experience is very much determined by your inside reality. Number three, the law of association. The people around you and their vibration
really, really affects how you feel about yourself and everything that happens around you. So the Law of Association means that the people who you most associate with, even though you feel like you gossip about them and they might not be like you and oh my god Jessica so annoying, no, no, no, you are Jessica, you are the sum of the three people you hang out with most.
You need to go through the people that you are around most. That includes people you follow online and curate your own reality about who you are around most. You need to understand that by allowing those people into your life, you are also becoming that person. You are becoming the people that you are around.
And if people around you have hectic energy, if people around you lie and deceive you, if even that guy is like texting you one day, then not texting you another day, you need to understand that it's all a part of who you also are, who you will become. If they're not quality people, you're not a quality person. You need to commit to spending more of your time around people who elevate your energy, people who make you feel incredible, people who you want to be like as uncomfortable as that might seem. You need to curate your life and people around you.
energy and the frequency of those people impacts who you are and who you are becoming. Number four, the law of polarity. This is probably my favorite law that there is, but you need to understand that sometimes things that present as challenges are actually opportunities. So that is the law of polarity that sometimes things are disguised as obstacles or challenges and they bring in something that is incredible into your life.
You need to ask yourself if something seems wrong or bad or a bit sticky or tricky and it keeps appearing in your life again and again and again. What is this thing teaching me? What is it designed to come into my life to teach me? Every challenge in it has a polar opposite effect in terms of creating the person that you're meant to be. Cultivate emotional resilience is how we relate it to what we're talking about.
When something happens and you feel it's wrong, do not crumble, do not fall apart. You are a queen that you're meant to embody. That's the energy you're trying to embody. And if you crumble at every negative perceived feeling, you will not go through with that lesson. You need to see what is this teaching me? What is this in the long scheme of things? What is this in my story and my life? How can I become the person I'm meant to be?
Often things like, I don't know, you're not having a father around or growing up as an immigrant, anything, anything. I mean, some people have really, really incredible hardships that are even hard to speak about or understand, but it makes people who they are. How can I use my experience to strengthen who I am?
and further guide people how do you think i created this podcast this channel and all the things i do it's obviously from not feeling like enough not feeling like i know how to embody somebody that i want to be not feeling that i know what to do practice reframing reframing is key is absolute key and i teach you that on my eight week course i think this video is going to go live at the end of january this podcast i am launching my eight week become her
intensive with me live for the last time. This will be the last time I do it if you miss it. I'm sorry, but if you're watching this video as it's gone live, then please join me. I think it's really helpful and useful, but enough of that. Practice reframing a difficult situation into a positive one because the universe will reward you for that. Cultivate emotional resilience, practice the law of polarity. Number five, law of attraction. We all know that one.
you attract what you embody. This relates to us in already embodying and dressing like the woman that you want to be. You want to be that queen energy. You want to be that princess. You want to be treated a certain way. You've got already come looking like that. You've got already come looking correct. Identify three key outfits, three key ways that you want to present yourself. Title it, the queen lookbook, whatever you want it to be. Name yourself, Pamela.
Paloma, Penelope, whatever it is. I don't know. Peas make me feel a bit fabulous. So that is the one for me. Priscilla. Practice always having one of those accessories, walking the walk, talking the talk. The law of attraction dictates how you already present yourself. You will attract more of that. So why not already embody that? If you go around looking like a mop, as my mum says, you will attract more mop energy.
Commit to intentionally always appearing in the way that you already want to be. I know it's- The thing that is a non-negotiable for me is gut health. I will do everything and flip over backwards in order to make that a thing for me because I know that how I look and how my hair looks and how my nails look is not about the makeup I'm wearing but how my gut is feeling okay.
So I have been a seed probiotic and prebiotic fan, the DSO1, namely, for years, even before they sponsor this podcast. So I'm so excited that they are a sponsor. The DSO1 is clinically validated two in one probiotic and prebiotic. It's formulated with 24 strains that support your whole body.
including reducing bloating, supporting radiant skin and supporting immune health and strengthening the gut barrier. Okay. Even more reasons to believe it because more than 1 million people have experienced the power of DSO1s and left reviews. So it's not just me. Okay. This is proven to work time and time again and I wouldn't be talking about it if it wasn't.
your gut needs support from your diet, but also C probiotic is genuinely an incredible tool to use if you want to support yourself from the inside out and really radiate and be magnetic in that way.
Get ready to experience a probiotic that actually works. Go to slash being her and use the code 25 being her to get 25% off your first month. That's 25% off your first month of seeds D so ones daily symbiotic at slash being her code 25 being her.
It's hard, for example, 2025, I want to embody my physical health more, like, actually weight train. And despite not having that strength right now, I'm going to start embodying that and doing that. If you want to become sophisticated, but you don't have the money to do that yet, embody that anyway, where the most sophisticated outfit that you can.
Number six, the law of cause and effect. Your actions create your results and actions of others should create the results in your life too. This is twofold, okay? Set and communicate high standards. So number one, you set and communicate high standards for yourself. You got that gym membership, you should go show up at the gym.
you decided you're gonna meet your goals work-wise, you should commit to that. Commitment creates confidence, okay? So the actions creating your results means that you, by using the law of cause and effect, you understand that the more you lean into who you're meant to be, the more results you're gonna get. The second part of it is teaching the people around you
the guy who didn't reply to you, the guy who didn't text you back, that everything has a cause and effect. If somebody treats you badly but you don't react to any type of way by removing your energy from them, then they're going to keep doing that. You should not be giving your energy to anybody who treats you subpar. You should be only giving your energy to people who treat you well. That is the law of cause and effect.
If you do not know how to implement that, you need to have some mantras. I will not tolerate this respectful behavior. I will remove my energy from them. Even in a marriage, and this comes up a lot, how can I do that? I'm married. I'm married to the person. How can I remove my energy? Very easily. You do not pivot your life around that person. You do not placate to them, always asking how they are.
you do not lean into them when they come home you're not always pivoting yourself like the planets around the sun around them you start to very much pour that energy back into yourself when you would have asked them if they want to drink you ask yourself if you want to drink you know what i mean number seven is the law of perpetual transmutation that means energy transmutes into other things it doesn't disappear energy uh for example you eat a calorie it becomes a calorie it becomes something in your body right it becomes fuel for you or fat or whatever right
So the law of transmutation means that whatever energy you have, you need to focus because to create your life that you want to become the queen that you want to be, to embody the woman that you want to be, you need to focus on those areas. You can't just randomly visualize it and fantasize about it.
you need to actually focus that down. Write down the ideal life that you want to be living. Really write it down. I know people use chatgbt to do prompts on it. I'm not really sure how they do that. But relationships, career, health, fitness, you need to laser focus your energy because the law of transmutation is real.
that once you focus enough energy, once you focus enough thought, once you focus enough writing about it, once you focus vision boards, that's how they work. That energy is going to flow somewhere. It cannot just disappear because energy goes into something. You know what I mean? So in order to become the person you want to be, you need to create vision boards. You need to write about it. You need to break it into actionable steps in order to get there.
Number eight, the law of divine oneness. In order to really embody a person that is worth reverence and worth your own respect, you need to practice the law of oneness and that means all energy is one and we are all a part of one's self. Everyone is one thing, right? So you need to start treating everybody around you with respect and in the ways that you yourself want to be treated.
Your choices impact everyone in a larger goal. And if you really want to, as a girl, say I want to build my empire, I want to do this, boss babe, whatever. If you really want to be a leader in your life, you need to start caring about others. And there's a big rhetoric about, oh yes, you know, focusing yourself, do it for you. It's all about you, girl. But the reality is, if you really want to level up, it's got to be a bigger thing about your children, about your community, about your family, about something.
it's got to be about something bigger than you. When faced with decision-making, does this align with my higher vision for the people, for everybody that I want to do this for, to this align with the higher goal of who I want to be, write down the pros and cons of every decision in terms of a big communal thing as opposed to just you in the moment? And this is not to be mistaken for running yourself into the ground, ragged,
Like like a crazy animal because because you know you got to do everything for everybody else because at the end of the day even in terms of you Putting yourself first in order to look good act right and your health in the end it benefits your family too So you've got to really balance it. Well, you can't just be doing things for everybody like a rabid raccoon You've got to do it with intention number nine
Law of gratitude. Gratitude amplifies abundance. I've told you that 100 times. That's why my journal has a gratitude part at the bottom. Practice gratitude and abundance. Write down three things you're grateful for. I do it in the evening. People recommend to do it in the morning. I like to do it in the evening. Reflect on the ways that those positive things made you feel the more you reflect on positive things in your life and the more you actually feel that gratitude in your solar plexus.
the more it will be delivered to you. Number 10, the law of compensation, the universe rewards your efforts and acknowledges them. I know it's hard to believe because sometimes you feel like you do a lot and it's not rewarded, but
if you celebrate your wins and you acknowledge them and you're grateful for them you will get more of that in your life. Create a notebook where you write down all the ways in which you did well and you really celebrate and we're often scared to do that because we've got a big culture of you know the evil lion we don't want to scare away luck or whatever and I'm not telling you to go and post about it on instagram but it should be in reference to you
I sat down with somebody that's very close to me and we talked about 2024 and all they mentioned was you know people weren't fair to them or something and you know along those lines I'm not going to go into it because not my story to tell but when I was talking to that person I just thought how funny it is that all I remember of 2024 is that I published a book that I raised my daughter that all these things and that is because I have a practice of celebrating my wins and I don't mean financially and
and just like putting on Instagram but to myself because the law of the universe states that the law of compensation if you put in good deeds they will come back to you and I know that's debatable but it is true create a way of rewarding yourself each week write down a win that you had smaller big a way that you traversed over something that you previously couldn't and it doesn't have to be work it doesn't have to be anything like that but it's just got to be something that you wanted and that you achieved
Okay, thanks for joining me on this one. If you're watching this on YouTube, I'm sure YouTube is smart and it's going to suggest a video that you should watch next, one of my things that really would relate to you. And if you're listening, then I will listen and talk to you on the next one. Love you lots like JTots. Bye.