The thing that has been a game changer my whole life for me and I swear by is taking probiotics. You cannot go wrong with probiotics. They are needed at the quintessential for you to perform at your optimum and at your best. My choice is seed and it has not failed me. This probiotic improves gut health, skin health, heart health, immune health, gut barrier integrity, gut microbiome balance and micro nutrition synthesis.
This is a two capsule design so it can actually get to your gut where it is needed and it honestly improves your health performance and helps with intermittent fasting and everything it optimizes your health in the biggest way. I am a huge fan and the packaging is so aesthetically pleasing. You have to see it to believe it. It's like this green super cool packaging and I love it.
It makes me feel like I am really taking care of myself when I take this supplement. Get ahead of the new year with a routine that helps you now by going to slash being her and use code 25 being her to get 25% off your first month. That's 25% off your first month of seeds DSO one daily symbiotic at slash being her code 25 being her.
In my culture probiotics are huge and I have been taking seed personally for years and years and years so I can vouch it easily. People who take it are always impressed and if you've been looking for a probiotic this is the one the technology is amazing and I'm sure you'll enjoy it so yeah enjoy.
Welcome back to this old school classic, which is my life, which is this car, my life in this car. I am a liberated woman. My daughter is now one years old. My husband's now comfortable with her staying with Nanny in our house, you know. And my kids are home. My kids are loud, so we are in the car.
This is where the good shit happens. This is where the real ideas come to life. This is where I am sitting with my phone and new years around the corner. I think when this is going to be posted, it is going to be, you know, like a few days before new year. I really want you to feel empowered because I am taking 25 2025 by its throat.
And it is going to be mine, as I'm sure it's going to be yours. I just feel in this new phase of life, we all go through phases of life. We all are always continuously different phases, but I feel right now, like it's just the right time for us women to just do the thing. I feel like we're finally getting out of traps that we've been in, generational traps. I feel like we are on point with our diet. I was just listening to a podcast about it in terms of going back to something that is more primal.
and not believing lies that are sold to us like the fact that cereal for example is good for you to have breakfast cereal please get out of my face with your breakfast cereal that's just an example okay but also I just feel like we're more aligned with what what it means to be a woman what it means to be
female in today's day and age like we're not buying the bs about girl bossing it until we cannot go bus anymore and we just pass out from burnout we're not buying the bs about being nineteen fifties housewife either we have this new understanding of a really empowered powerful.
feminine woman the goddess the woman that you know how we used to live in in essence to do with nature men equals productivity women equals to do with community communication and oneness we are now getting together with that but I digress because this right here this podcast is called 10 things to stop doing if you want to become that girl
that woman in 2025 or if you're watching this years later or if you're watching this in some kind of space station and you know this is 500 years later it still applies because these are no holds barred rules that I have learned through my years and I
The more I learn, the more I'm going to tell you, the more I learn, the more I'm going to impart it on you. I'm going to try and share some lessons, but these are 10 that if you want to manifest this new version of yourself in this coming year, this one is coming for you. I am sitting here and I've Uber eats my cousin. Well, who's a cousin? My son batteries because it was either sit here and talk to you about how you're going to become that girl or drive and get him batteries. I'm going to do both. Okay.
Who beats batteries? This is wild. Number one, stop saying yes to everything. I've told you this before, but you're not listening to me, Jessica. You're not listening. You will become the woman you want to be. The moment you stop feeling FOMO and you feel FOGO.
or whatever it's called, fear of joining in, or not even fear of joining in joy of missing out. Joy of missing out. Jomo, I think it's called whatever we move. Overcommitting and spreading yourself too thin with no room for truly what matters to you is the recipe to disaster. Absolute disaster. What are you doing? You are being there here everywhere for everybody else doing everything that you think is important because it fits into some kind of idea what people think is important.
when you don't know what's important to you. If you don't have that space in your mind to understand what is truly important, you will not value your time. You will not value your space and you will not understand what to do. Here's what you need to do.
Set non-negotiable days, choose one or two days a week where you don't take extra commitments and you just do the thing that you're meant to do. For me, sometimes when it's me and my kids day, which is all the time, by the way, but if it's just dedicated to me and my kids,
There is nothing else that's going to come in between that. If it's my day to record a... I used to... Listen, before I had children, I used to be like, I'm busy, babe. No offence, but what? No offence to my prior self. Now I had a meeting today. I saw the people who are doing my renovation. I ran around. I'm doing this podcast. I recorded something very exciting for somebody very, very exciting.
I'll share it on my Instagram, I'm sure you've seen it already. And there's not negotiable. There's going to be non-negotiable days if one is for admin or if cleaning your house gives you that headspace, it's got to be non-negotiable because if you're not on your own time, you're on somebody else's time. And when you're on somebody else's time,
you can do everything but be that girl. Use the pause rule. Before agreeing to anything, pause and ask, does this serve me? Does this drain me? And does this get me closer to the woman I want to be, that archetype of the woman that I want to be? We've discussed this, you and I, about the type of woman you want to be. So I'm not going to tell you about that again. But if you don't know about that, watch the blueprint about how to become the woman you want to be, that a dream girl, okay?
if it's not getting you closer to the woman you want to be and if it's not fulfilling you because sometimes just fun stuff to do is fun you know you don't you don't have to be like goal oriented you're not a machine you're not a workhorse you're not a dairy cow you are a wild fabulous idea if you don't know the reference you need to go on my tiktok or you need to watch my courses
Practice saying no with grace use simple ways to say no without always excusing yourself saying thank you so much. I'm really booked up with things right now. I really appreciate it like a scripted One sentence version of what you're gonna say stop apologizing constantly about having priorities in your life because you know what every time we talk about being the dream girl this amazing girl to make him obsessed with you and
The rule that you're not getting is it's not games. That's what you're not getting, Jessica. It's not games when it's real. You don't have to act busy when you are busy. You don't have to act like you've got other things going on when you have got things going on. That is a thing you don't, Jessica, please. Number two, stop ignoring your boundaries. Why? When you let people overstep your boundaries, you signal that you as a person as an entity in the universe don't matter.
If you have no boundary, if you have no form to you, imagine a bottle, it's got a form to it, a shape to it, that is what makes it a bottle. If you've got no form or shape to you, you're an amoeba, a blob, okay? Number one, write down your top three boundaries, be clear about what you draw the line at and what your relationship is to yourself, what you feel about, what is that?
I'm talking to my people, self-care, and they have to be clear. They have to be clear. People cannot cross those boundaries. People cannot manipulate you. People cannot do those things to you. Use a boundary script. When someone crosses a line, say, I appreciate that, or thank you for thinking of me, but I'm prioritizing my wellbeing, or I'm prioritizing what I'm doing right now. People, when you wake up, don't jump on your emails. Don't always jump to react. Don't always be jumping, jumping, jumping to conclusions, like a frog.
You need to prioritize yourself, get what you need done first and then the body is a wonderful tool that you can use in order to feel the best you can every day. There are some non-negotiables for me and one of them is collagen. I want my body to be able to have the best resources in order to repair and grow in ways that it needs.
As you age, your body's natural healing obviously slows down, but that's okay. That's okay because enter ancient nutrition. It's a brand that is on a mission to create high quality supplements that combine the best of ancient wisdom, things that we need. And we always knew we needed and modern science, which is everything for me. Ancient nutrition, multi collagen advanced lean supplement contains 10 types of collagen.
for from real foods which is very, very key for me. I think that is the best part of it. This formula is powered by clinically studied ingredients that promote fat loss and healthy weight management as well as building lean muscle. Collagen can also reduce joint discomfort and I've had that for a long time. I have sports injuries going back to childhood.
And I want my hair skin and nails all looking at their best, okay? So for me, it's a really, really important thing that I like to take. It is a delicious way to put it into your routine, especially in the morning or with your matcha. You put it in, you stir it in, boom, hey presto, there you go. Right now, Ancient Nutrition is offering 25% off your first order when you go to slash being her.
That's slash being her for 25% off your first order. slash being her. It's time to give your body the right tools in order to rebuild itself and perform at its best.
and address everybody else's request. Block boundary violators. If someone repeatedly disrespects your boundaries, even people who are extremely extremely draining in a needy way, you need to block them for the day and get your stuff done if you want to be that girl. Because if they want to drain your energy for free, they better do it at a time that is leisurely for you, not on your time when you're becoming that girl, okay? Guys, three, stop chasing validation for others. I told you Jessica,
Constantly seeking approval weakens your confidence and it drains your ability to decide yourself. The reason you're not progressing is because you do not decide. To decide is to cut off and flatten all other options. Okay? What to do instead? Number one, validate yourself daily.
every night, write down three things that you're grateful for and three things that you have one at. And the way you can do this is in any book that you have on your phone, on notes, whatever you want, or you can get her journal.
in the in the description box anyway you want that's the new journal i have prompts in there i have affirmations so it's all in one put together i even have like archetypes for you to to to imagine of the type of woman you you can be in order to really maximize your progressiveness okay number two limit external validation triggers mute social media accounts that you cannot
be inspired by but instead drain you and make you feel shitty about yourself. Why are you following that 16-year-old influencer who told you that she has built her butt by working out? She hasn't. It's genetic, Jessica. Comparing yourself to her, and it's useless. Follow people who you could be like, me, I'm a mum of two. I don't know how that's happened, but suddenly I'm a mum of two. I don't know, I feel 19, but here we are. No, actually, I feel 28. 28 is how I feel.
Listen, yeah, don't follow this person that you cannot have their life because that is not where we're living. We're living in reality. So only people who inspire not people who trigger. And number three, ask yourself first, when making decisions, ask, am I doing this for me or for them? If it's for them, reconsider it. If it means that you're just trying to prove yourself to them, being kind to someone is different to chasing validation from that person. Okay.
Being kind like going to the store and buying ice cream is different because your friend wants it is different than seeking validation from them. Okay, it's nice to be nice. But if you're doing something and breaking yourself and then you're building resentment, which happens to women a lot because we give a lot of ourselves and then we build resentment and then we're like acting like terrible rancid rats, right? And we're like, I do so much. I do so much. We'll stop doing so much.
Shit, stop doing so much. Number four, to be that girl coming up, it's new year, it's crunch time. Stop neglecting your health. It is the wealthiest thing. If you have everything in the world but you don't have your health, you have nothing. Every person who has not got their health and who's got a lot of money would give it all up for their health and their youth, youth meaning lack of illnesses, right?
Skipping self-care leaves you feeling drained and unbalanced I know and you know if you have young children on those days that you don't put yourself together You are a deficit on the days you put yourself together even though it's hard even though it's early morning even though it's all of these things you feel like you are a Warrior and you can do this thing number one
Hydration. We all talk about it. Feel a large jug of water and drink it to midday. Refill it and drink it before the night is done. Water is your friend, my friend. Do not be dehydrated. The person who works with me looks after my children is also used to do nursing. She's like, listen, you don't drink water. She had to remind me and I am reminding you, okay?
I have also a non-negotiable sleep ritual. If you are lucky enough to not have anybody waking you up, like I do, but I still have a sleep ritual. I still go to bed at a certain time, even though I want to scroll social media, even though I want to do this thing and that thing, even when I want to procrastinate, I go to sleep because it's non-negotiable. I cannot be tired. I cannot be that girl. I cannot be that woman with bags under my eyes, aging, aging.
No, I can't. It accelerates everything if you do not get sleep. Set an evening wind down routine. If you must, no screen times, dim lights, everything, things like that. Next, meal plan or have an idea of the type of way you want to eat. I'm going to talk to you in the new year about how I completely changed my life in terms of how I eat and how I look after my body from pregnancy number one.
to pregnancy number two. So, I mean, postpartum experiences and how I lost the weight in the second time and in the first time it was a cluster fluff. It was wild, okay? So plan, simple things that you can eat. It doesn't have to be complicated. Social media is telling you a lie. It doesn't have to be with the fruit sprinkle with the side bowl and the yada yada yada. It's got to be very simple. It's got to be protein. It's got to be a little bit of fiber. It's got to be high fat. It's got to be nutrition. I will talk to you more about it, okay? But next number five.
But basically it's number four is look after your health. It is the most important thing. It is a non-negotiable five stop comparing yourself to others comparison steals joy from your life, okay comparison steals your Joy we've talked about it
You are competing against yourself, not against other people. Those people do not live your lives. You only have one go around the sun being you. And if you truly ask yourself, there's something intoxicating and amazing about being you. Your face is the combination of your ancestors who slayed dragons.
Literally famines Overlords whatever it was in order to bring you and your ass here right now Okay, there's something amazing about your face and the features it contains and how your body works everything you are a work about you Because so many people strived to reproduce and not die up bloody here Okay, so appreciate that and you comparing yourself to Rebecca on Instagram What is she got to do with your life? Who is she?
Yeah? Limit your time and socials. That's number one. Set a daily reminder that your life is here to be lived, not to peruse other people's lives. Stop perusing your pariah. Number two, gratitude, check in. Use any journal or use mine. Three things every day that you're grateful for. Don't write the same thing every day. I sometimes look at the faces of my children, blades of grass. I am not kidding in moments. And I'm like, what is this? What is the simulation? Like how, how am I, what is this?
Number three, celebrate your progress. Small, small, small changes of personal growth and fitness. Do not look at these big, big, big, big, big, big goals. It's got to be small, tangible steps. If you did it today, that's fantastic. Do it again tomorrow. That's fantastic. Do the next thing, the next thing, that's fantastic. That's how Rome gets built.
It's not by not doing it one day and then you throw out the baby with the bath water. Number six, and this is for you. Stop overthinking everything, overthinking leads to procrastination and that leads to missed opportunity. If you don't decide, if you overthink, it is worse than making a decision and practicing that muscle and making a slightly wrong decision, who cares? You can always adjust.
Set a decision deadline. Give yourself 24 hours or less to make a decision, to cry over a guy, to decide what to do. If you have not decided, it's gone. That's it. Gonski, das vidanya. Okay. Number two, adopt the fail first method. Reframe mistakes as a part of a learning process. Fail fast, learn faster. I cannot, I do not have the time. I cannot afford the time to procrastinate on decisions. You cannot afford the time.
You have to decide fast, fail fast, move on. Move on. Oh, I don't know what to post on my channel. Oh, I don't know what to put. It doesn't matter. Post something. If it lands, it lands. If it doesn't, delete it. It doesn't matter. You know, that's a small thing. Or, oh, I don't know. I don't know how to look after my health. I don't know. Try something. Try something, Jessica. And Jessica, also, you know how you can't find your passion? That's because you haven't delved in deeply and tried enough things. That's what your 20s are for. Try a lot, OK?
Number three, trust your gut first. When faced with a choice, close your eyes and ask yourself what feels right. You need to get in tune walking past my car while I'm creating this.
You may or may not know, but I had Dr. Stephanie Van Watson on my podcast. She is an incredible scientist who found out about the thing I'm about to tell you about. And if you're interested in longevity and aging in the best way you can, which means slowly and feeling great, then you're going to want to know about fatty 15.
Fatty 15 basically contains just pure C15, which is a fatty acid, which Dr. Stephanie Van Watson discovered from her work with dolphins. She found out that through the Navy, the dolphins that had this compound were aging slower. They were
basically you're performing their best. And if you wanna age slowly, like a slowly aging dolphin, then you wanna be taking this. Jokes aside guys, C-15 is kind of like if you wanna compare it to omega-3 fish oil, but it is stable, it doesn't go off and it doesn't go bad. So your body can truly absorb it. It is based on about hundreds of studies. C-15 strengthens our cells and is the key to longevity and how you perform as a human being.
Thankfully Fatty 15 repair's age-related damage cells protects from future breakdown and basically makes you feel great sleep better, has even got mood stabilizing.
properties, and for me, that's really important. I'm a mum of young kids. I want science-based award-winning formulas to help me through my day. If you want that too, go to Fatty15, which are on a mission to optimize your C15 levels to help you live healthier, longer, and better. You can get an additional 15% off, guys, of their 90-day subscription. Start a kit by going to, slash being her, and using the code, being her, at checkout.
podcast how dare you know I'm kidding walk away ladies walk away when you you're a woman I'm a woman some of your men who watch this channel but you're probably in your feminine energy because you're interested in this content I mean that in a really good way right if you're in your feminine energy when you close your eyes you know what feels right first you know which path to take you know it's you know that you don't trust that guy you know that the reason he's acting like he doesn't want the relationship is actually because he's not interested in you and not because he's so busy at work
You know, but yet you don't believe yourself. You don't trust yourself. The universe therefore doesn't trust you. Number seven, stop gossiping and engaging in drama. I love a bit of a gossip me. Not inner about my friend's kind of way, but like when I find out some news, I love to run home to my husband who I don't know why out of everything he does that is totally unkind of in tune with the times and feminine. He loves a gossip. It's bizarre.
negative energy distracts you from your goals and dims your shine. It is like an energetic contract when you do that to other people. It happens to you. If someone is trying to gossip to you, flip the conversation. If gossip comes up, shift by asking what's something exciting that happens in your life right now or how are you or what are you doing.
try and reframe it, try and stay away from gossip because small minds gossip, big minds talk about concepts and ideas. I love talking about concepts and ideas and things that can create, you know, how to create more in my life, okay? Limit contact with drama.
Magnets, a lot of people, right? They might not be gossips, but they're so dramatic. Oh my god, like everything in their life is dramatic. This person did this. How dare they? And all they do is talk, talk, talk, talk about how someone did this and how dare they. And literally I tune out. I cannot listen. I'm a bad friend to those people because I cannot hear them.
When I know we're not progressing, it literally fries my brain. Choose to uplift people. That's number three. Overtare them down. If you have a friend and you see they're struggling, uplift people. Say the thing that's going to motivate them. Use your energy wisely. Okay, because it comes back. Trust me. Trust me.
Number eight, stop dressing for others and dress for yourself. Create the avatar that impresses you, impresses your authenticity, makes it fun for you to traverse through this thing called life. I love looking like a character that I think I could imagine myself being. Curate your dream style, Pinterest board outfits, and then Pinterest, the clever bastard,
suggests, suggests things like once you curate a few things, it suggests stuff. It's really, really clever. I love that. I don't use it much, but I love it. Ditch trendy clothes because trendiness, I think Chanel said, I'm not sure who said it anyway. Trendiness is one step away from tackiness, okay?
ditch the trends. Forget it. Everyone is different by timeless pieces or really cool curated pieces invest money into items that people made from a creative aspect, not children in another country. And look, I don't know everything about this. I am not, you'll go to gal here, but this is my, this is what I inspire to have, right? I aspire to buy pieces that are truly incredible.
And to give to local people who create them or to companies as opposed to trying to buy into trends and wasting a lot of money, right? Because when it looks like it's expensive, it's not worth it. And it's made, I don't know, in the US, for example. But if it's made somewhere else and you can buy hundreds of it, it looks like it's worth it. That's not right. Yeah.
Where? What makes you feel powerful? Does this outfit make me feel like that girl? What is that girl? Who is she? She got some girl? Is she Angelina Jolie? Are you always use those examples? But the different is she sex in the city? Who is that girl? If you want to be her, start to optimize yourself in that image. And I know you don't want to dress up. I know you want to wear tracksuits. Ever since 2020, everyone wants to wear tracksuits. Try not to. It's hard. I know, but try not to. Number nine.
Stop being afraid of the spotlight or putting yourself out there downplaying your strengths to avoid attention holds you back Do you think that I feel like I actually have come to a place where I don't give a shit? But I used to post and be like oh my god I hope my friends don't see this especially like people who are used to know like when I was younger You know they'll be like who is she who does she think she is posting this? I don't care anymore. I don't care. You don't like it. Don't watch. I don't care
A lot of you are holding yourselves back because you think that somebody's watching. Can I talk something super surprising, Jessica? Nobody's watching. Nobody cares about you as much as you think you do, and that should liberate you as opposed to make you feel set back. You know what I mean? We overemphasize our importance in other people's lives.
Have a daily practice called own it. Just own it. Share your wins. Share your vulnerabilities. Share them on Instagram, TikTok or whichever place you want because branding is important. And I'm going to start talking more in 2025 about personal branding, creating money as a woman and also being in your feminine and having children at the same time. There is a space, a huge space for that.
And we're sleeping on it. Okay, I'm going to teach you how everything I did. Take up more space. Shake up more space. If it is online, if it is in your real life, if it is in your business, if you don't want to have an online business, take up space, like lean in, sit at the table.
Stop being like all right now. Do you know, I hear a lot of women say of every generation, Gen Z, millennial, everything. Oh yeah, but first I've got a blah, blah, blah. First I've got to stop Pilates first. I've got a, you know, get my work right before I have the kids. Just lean in. Just lean into all of it. Stop stopping yourself. You never hear men talk like that.
and shine unapologetically when someone compliments you. Thank you. I worked really hard to do that. Thank you. Thank you. Not sorry. Not, oh my God. And then they're just thank you. And that's it. That's it. Okay. Number 10, stop waiting for permission to start waiting for the perfect time. I'm passionate about this one, Jessica will be the downfall of everything. I think that Uber eats batteries here. Are they here?
Okay, there, the guys delivering them. For a mission to start, it will be your downfall, waiting for qualifications, waiting for the right person to say the right thing, waiting for everything will be your downfall.
Start like a messy action challenge. Just action it. Just action it. Just see what happens. Throw ish at the wall. Pick a goal and just see how far you can get in six months, in three months. Just try it. Just try it. It's never going to be perfect. Create a start now trigger. It's now or it's never. Just do it. Okay. The battery guys are looking at me. Okay.
When you're thinking I'll do it tomorrow, just do it today. When you're thinking about first I need to just do it today. Every day do an action, right? That makes you closer to your goal. Every day you've got to do an action that gets you closer. Every single day. Write it down that if you don't commit an action every day,
It's only like even weekly, big actions weekly, small actions every day. You will get closer to your goal. There is no way that you won't. And if anything, if you're not sure what you want to do, the more you action something, the faster you will understand whether it's for you or not. Okay.
I love you. Thank you for watching. Thank you for being here. And thank you for getting my podcast to chart 38 weeks of the year last year. I spot if I notify me. Okay, that was amazing. Thank you so much. I'll see you in the new year. And we're going to kick ass. Okay, not just with relationships, but in every, every, every way possible. Love you. Like Jenny says, bye.