
    8.27.24 Homily

    enAugust 28, 2024
    What examples did Jesus use to illustrate hypocrisy?
    How did Saint Monica influence Augustine's conversion?
    What larger principles did Jesus emphasize over small rules?
    What lesson can be learned from Monica's resilience?
    How is preparing for death compared to welcoming a loved one?

    Podcast Summary

    • Jesus' criticism of hypocrisyJesus criticized the scribes and Pharisees for their hypocrisy, focusing on small rules while neglecting larger ones like judgment, mercy, and fidelity. Examine priorities to avoid neglecting the bigger picture for appearances.

      Hypocrisy, or putting on a false front, is a serious issue that Jesus addressed during his time. As shown in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus criticized the scribes and Pharisees for their hypocrisy, specifically their focus on the smallest of rules while neglecting the larger ones, such as judgment, mercy, and fidelity. Jesus used the example of tithing to illustrate their hypocrisy, as they were meticulously tithing even the smallest herbs, yet overlooking the more important aspects of the law. This lesson is particularly relevant during times of transition, such as the beginning of a new academic year, as we are reminded to examine our priorities and ensure that we are not neglecting the bigger picture for the sake of appearances.

    • Spiritual growth distractionsNeglecting our relationship with God and focusing on small distractions can hinder our spiritual growth, especially for individuals at a university age.

      Focusing on the little things while neglecting the most important aspects of our spiritual growth can be a common mistake. Just as the people in the text were preoccupied with judging others while overlooking their own shortcomings, we too can fall into this trap. It's essential to prioritize our relationship with God above all else and let His love overflow towards others. This requires patience, kindness, and the ability to bear injuries. However, it's not enough to focus solely on the smaller, important things. We must strive to focus on the biggest stuff and avoid being distracted by the excuses of focusing on the little things. This is particularly relevant for individuals at a university age, who may struggle with the vice of spiritual sloth and find themselves overwhelmed by the less important tasks, ultimately preventing them from engaging in the most important aspects of their spiritual journey.

    • Prioritizing the importantFocus on what matters most daily, including prayer, relationships, self-care, and long-term learning, while also living each day to the fullest and serving others

      Prioritizing the important over the urgent is essential for living a meaningful and focused life. We should ask ourselves daily what matters most and make time for it, including prayer, relationships, self-care, and long-term learning. However, it's crucial to remember that focusing on the weighty things doesn't mean neglecting the present or becoming overly fixated on the end times. Instead, we should strive to enter the narrow gate by loving and serving others, seeking forgiveness, and living each day to the fullest, recognizing that we never know when it might be our last. Jesus urged us to prepare for the future without losing sight of the present, and to focus on the most important things in life, such as love and service to others.

    • Communion with God, Preparing for DeathLiving each day with deep communion with God and preparing for death with holy eagerness and trust can bring great joy and excitement, just as eagerly welcoming a loved one home does.

      Living each day with a deep communion with God, trusting in His plan and preparing for our eventual union with Him, can bring us great joy and excitement, just as eagerly welcoming a loved one home brings happiness. The story of the speaker's childhood experience with his father illustrates this concept, showing that when we live in love and connection with those we care about, we eagerly anticipate their return or presence. Similarly, preparing for death with holy eagerness and trust in God can bring us peace and excitement for the ultimate reunion with Him.

    • Fear and the return of the LordFear can prevent us from living in love and anticipation of the Lord's return, instead find stability in sacred scripture and the teachings of the Church.

      Fear can cloud our judgment and prevent us from living in love and anticipation of the return of God. The Thessalonians were afraid of the imminent return of the Lord and were so focused on the fear that they were not living in love and stability. St. Paul prayed for them to not be deceived by those trying to manipulate their fears or dismiss the importance of the return of the Lord. Instead, he encouraged them to hold fast to the traditions they had been taught, finding stability in sacred scripture and the oral tradition. In our own lives, it's important to remember to live in love and anticipation, rather than being consumed by fear or dismissive of the importance of our faith. We can find stability and guidance in the teachings of the Church.

    • Perseverance in faithSaint Monica's unwavering faith and persistence in prayer led to her husband's conversion after 17 long years, reminding us to trust in God's timing and continue praying even in difficult circumstances

      The ultimate goal of our faith is not just to receive encouragement and guidance from God, but to be strengthened by Him so we can live out our faith every day and meet Him with righteous deeds when He returns. Saint Monica, a relatable saint, exemplified this by being a good Christian wife and mother despite her challenging marriage to a brutal Roman patrician. She suffered through addiction and prayed for her husband's conversion for 17 long years. Her unwavering faith and persistence ultimately led to their conversions, and serves as a reminder that no matter how difficult our circumstances may seem, we too can persevere through prayer and trust in God's timing.

    • Saint Monica's role in Augustine's conversionSaint Monica's unwavering faith and maternal love played a crucial role in Augustine's eventual conversion to Christianity, inspiring him to seek a deeper understanding of the faith he had once rejected.

      Saint Monica's unwavering faith and maternal love played a crucial role in Augustine's eventual conversion to Christianity, despite his wayward behavior and abandonment. Monica's prayers and determination were instrumental in Augustine's spiritual journey, even when he was rebellious and disrespectful towards her. Her love and faith remained steadfast, inspiring Augustine to seek a deeper understanding of the faith he had once rejected. Augustine's abandonment of his mother in Rome was a low point in their relationship, but Monica's resilience and determination ultimately led her to find him in Milan, where he would eventually convert. Monica's story serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of faith, love, and perseverance.

    • Persistence in prayerMonica's unwavering faith and dedication to praying for her son's conversion led to his transformation and her own spiritual growth after 32 years

      Persistence in prayer pays off. Monica's unwavering faith and dedication to praying for her son's conversion led to the transformation of not only Augustine, but also herself. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Monica continued to seek God's guidance and intervention. Her prayers were answered after 32 long years, resulting in Augustine's conversion and eventual rise to become a prominent figure in the Christian faith. However, Monica's own spiritual growth and eventual sainthood were also a significant outcome of her relentless prayer. This story serves as a reminder that prayer, no matter how long it takes, can bring about profound changes and that God's timing is perfect.

    • Monica's prayers for loved onesMonica's unwavering prayers for her children led to Augustine's conversion and becoming a priest, reminding us of the power of patient love and prayers for our loved ones, even in challenging situations.

      The depth of faith and holiness may require consistent and persistent prayer, even for those we love who are not yet open to the faith. Monica's unwavering prayers for her children, despite their challenges, ultimately led to Augustine's conversion and his becoming a priest. We too can become saints through our patient love and prayers for our loved ones, even in the face of difficult behaviors or distancing. Monica's final request, to be remembered before the altar of the Lord, ultimately led to her intercession for all souls, reminding us of the importance of prayer and faithfulness, even in the face of uncertainty and loss.

    • Divine IntercessionWe are never alone in our prayers. The Blessed Mother intercedes for us and our loved ones, providing constant support and guidance. As we remember those before us, let us embrace this connection with joy and trust in the power of prayer.

      In moments of prayer and remembrance, we honor those who have come before us and keep their memories alive, like Natalie, Ben, Gabe, and Roger. Just as their names are cherished, we too ask for the intercession of those like Monica and the Blessed Mother. She, as our other mother, offers unwavering support and prayers for us and our loved ones. This connection transcends time, as even in centuries to come, people will continue to rely on her guidance and blessings. Embracing this faith gives us strength and hope, reminding us that we are never alone. We collectively lift our intentions, trusting that our prayers are heard and answered. So let’s approach this sacred moment with joy and gratitude, knowing the weight of our prayers is significant and loved ones are being looked after through divine intercession.

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