My loves today is an extraordinarily special episode of why isn't everyone doing this, because not only is it our last episode of 2024, but this episode is created to celebrate the highlight reel of this year. Now, as you've likely heard, we've had some mind-boggling heart-opening guests
Each of them bringing us a new modality that just might be the medicine that your soul needs to feel free. New fractals of magic helping us together bring the frequency of heaven here to earth. So in 2024 we launched two new seasons of the podcast talking about everything from astrology to manifesting millions to healing your relationship with money and of course how to use your pleasure to pray.
I spoke to Zach Bush on how we can reconnect with nature, how we can make love to nature. We talked to the amazing Blue, our first, second time guest about creating art to connect to source and exploring your edges with the fascinating Mike Posner. Preston Smiles gave us a master class in the seven laws to attract more abundance and the amazing Christine Housler about how to connect with our inner child, which at the end of the day, I just keep coming back to. The more we can love these inner children, the more happy we are as adults.
So today's episode we selected the best, the most riveting highlights from this whole year. And you're going to hear from fascinating minds and some of my best friends like Robert Edward Grant, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Blue, James McCray, and so many more. And I want you to know that this was not an easy episode to create because we had so many brilliant guests. So I'm curious to know which has been your favorite so far. Let me know in the comments.
And my very strong recommendation is to head to right now. That's Z-I-V-A and join my newsletter. Join our emails. That is where I am sending out deep goodness from my heart to yours every Tuesday. And that's also where you're going to be the first to find out when our new episodes drop.
So in 2025 you're going to hear from people like Erin Alexander, Dinette May, and Dave Asprey. So go to I would head there right now and make sure that you are signed up to get my Tuesday emails. I am very proud of them and believe it or not 2025 is going to be an even better season of the show.
so I don't want to miss a single episode. So go to, join the newsletter, and be the first to know about when we are doing exciting things with Ziva Meditation and Ziva Magic. Okay, enjoy the best of why isn't everyone doing this.
Sweet friend, my favorite year-end manifesting exercise is here. So if you've been waiting for a sign to design a life that you have been dreaming of, this is it. So here's the truth. You have the power to become a magnet for your dreams, but it is not just about wishing or hoping. It is about reflecting and celebrating the year behind you, even the challenges, and then setting powerful intentions for the year ahead, plus using a formula that actually works to design and manifest what you truly want.
So this is where design your dream comes in. Now, this is not just a practice. This is a step-by-step guide into turning your deepest desires into your everyday reality, whether that is health, happiness, abundance, relationship. This is your chance to create a life so good that it almost feels too good to be true. So if you are ready to design a life that you would be truly proud of, go to slash dream or click the link below and we will send you that exercise right away.
Here's the thing, man. Dreams have expiration date. Dreams are either growing into plans or they're withering into regret.
Ooh, let's say that one more time. Dreams are either. Dreams are either growing into plants or they're withering into regret. Do you know the differences between a reason and an excuse? You're right. There's no fucking difference. There's no difference when it comes to something that you like actually care about.
almost always your reason to not start or to quit is an excuse wearing fancy clothes. Almost always. Okay. So like, well, I can't run the triathlon because I'm 44 and I have a five year old son and I've never run a triathlon before. Those are all my reasons. Yeah. Those are all excuses. Whole bunch of excuses. Uh huh. And I had them.
The moment that I first said I wanted to walk across America, it was a very unimportant moment. I said, I want to do that one day.
What I know now is nobody gives a fuck about the thing you're going to do one day. Nobody cares because you're probably never going to do it. And even you know that.
The solar plexus is what blocks us from being able to clear issues in the past. And how does one do that? How does one clear the emotions from the solar plexus? You have to feel, you know, every emotion that we didn't feel because we suppressed it. We denied its existence.
We didn't want to feel it is what accumulates in our solar plexus. So the way to resolve it is to go back and consciously remember those things that you have literally suppressed out of your memory and allow yourself to feel and release those emotions that are stuck. It could be a very painful, difficult process, but your soul, if it's on the journey,
Towards this path, we'll tell you exactly where to go. And you'll start to remember those things that you literally suppressed completely out of your memory and are in full denial of. By touching the rungs on those ladders of emotional states that you never experienced, you will open up portals within you and clear the pathway to a new existence.
I'm so enthralled by pleasure as a concept because I ran from it for so much of my life, largely because of my religious teachings. The pursuit of pleasure in your body is the experience of the masking and feminine within yourself.
And if you will begin to understand sensuality and sexuality and, in fact, human imagination in the context of that truth, that pleasure, ecstasy, is the experience of that intercourse, the mask and feminine within your own body.
you will no longer look at your partner that you're relating to and say, well, I expect to give you this experience or I expect this experience back from you. You were supposed to complete me and you can, so I'm mad at you. Yeah, you can't pleasure me, so this must not be screw you. If you are not able to pleasure yourself into the highest vibrations through just your own awareness of self, no sensuality needed in the sense of touching,
The sensuality of sensing yourself is the most pleasurable thing that will ever happen to you and that's what happens when somebody dies and gets brought back into the body. What you are seeing in their eye is ecstatic pleasure of realizing they are whole and perfect and accepted and loved for the vibration of beauty that is within them.
When I was very young and I started going into the personal development world and hearing all these people and it was actually Oprah. And I heard a quote from Oprah and she said, you can have it all just not all at once. And there was this little rebel part of me that's like, why?
Why not? Like, why? Why can I only have it in one or two areas of my life? I don't get it. There was a part of me that was like, can you explain that? And she wasn't there. So she couldn't explain. I was reading a quote. So I had a question. This quote on a Google image that I saw. But I was like, why? And then I started reflecting deeper. And I saw it. I was like, oh my god, people have the relationships
but they're super broke. And then there's these people that have financial abundance, but the health is down the drain. And then there's other people that are super healthy, but they haven't got that. And I was like, I was just seeing it left, right, and center. My awareness started tuning into like these imbalances, right? And people's different areas of their life. And I was like, well, what if that's not true? Like, just what if it's not true? What if you can have it all at once?
What if, yes, of course, what you focus on expands and maybe if you're really fixated in one area, you can do that. But what if you were to holistically expand and upgrade and up level every area of your life? What if my arm is actually not separate from my toe and my head? And what if we are a one complete holistic unit? Wouldn't it make sense that our life is also one complete holistic unit? And so I just started treating my life like that. And even if I was focused on, for example, manifesting money or
something with my relationships or a health goal. I would always write and intend to manifest and I still do, like, and made this ripple into every area of my life and let this upgrade every area of my life. And what I'm learning here with money, wow, I now see that codependency with money, that pattern, I can see it in my relationships, I see it with my family, I see, and I would notice where it maps into other areas and I would allow everything to elevate
So I started creating proof in my life like you know what I don't want to be the girl that just like is really Amazing at manifesting one thing like what if it really could be your entire life and the better it got the better it got right like just what if just what if right and so I started like sitting and living in that frequency and Playing with it and then I would just say it and the more I said it I was like wow this is really like
You would say you really can't have it all. I really can't have it all. Yeah, I would say it to myself and then I would say it to other people and then I mentioned it in conversation it just kind of became a thing in my language and then I realized I was like this is like a Codex for abundance because abundance does say you can have it all. Abundance doesn't say like oh you can have this but not that. You can have this but you have to trade that. Right? It's this old world model of scarcity where it's like a trade-off of one thing for the other.
a contraction of like, yeah, you've got to work hard for this, but that's going to fall at this expense. And I had a lot of childhood conditioning. Even my parents would be like, look, honey, just focus on one thing and do one thing really well. I hit all of this conditioning on the one thing. And I was like, I'm not a one thing kind of girl.
I'm super multi-dimensional, multi-faceted, I'm a creator, I'm an artist, I want to like go do that thing and then this thing and that thing and someone else might perceive me as scattered, but what if that's like upgrading every area of my expression and my reality and my manifestations? So it came from that.
When I was quote unquote broke, I was rich. When I had nothing, I had everything. Everything. Same word about that. When I have nothing, I have everything. So one of the things that I got really early was that the universe, I'll call it God, can't separate itself. There are no borders. There's no places where it stops. And so wherever
I am God is. And therefore, and I do this with my clients all the time, I say, you know, when you're first working on being in ownership of your sacred being and really being in the practice of self-love, what I want you to do is every time you see something beautiful, right? And so you see a rainbow and you go, oh my God, that's so pretty. You feel that and you say, I am that too.
You see a puppy, oh my God, it's so cute. I am that too, because God can't separate itself. And so when I was coming up, I was wealthy because I had a million dollar consciousness. I knew that whether I had a seven bedroom mansion or a 70 foot square foot apartment,
that I can only be in one space at a time and that I can create prison or paradise depending on how I looked at it. And so the game was to find paradise everywhere I went. The game was to see the face of God everywhere I went. The game was to
give from the overflow everywhere I went. And one of the key distinctions in all of this, because people will say, oh my God, this sounds awesome, but I'm like, not ready, I'm not ready. And I reminded myself back then, ready is not a feeling, it's a decision. And so I decided that it was possible and poof, because the universe is a yes button. That's number two, by the way.
The universe is a yes button. The universe is a yes button and the decision must occur before the universe can meet the yes. It's already meeting. It's meeting every single yes that we've ever had. Everything that's occurring right now in all of our lives is the universe, the law. It's not luck, it's law. It's not personal, it's principle. The principle gives no shits.
It just says yes, right? So I'll give you one more example.
No shits. The law of gravity doesn't give a fuck what I put right here. It goes down. I want to break it. Everything, the law doesn't care. The law doesn't care. That's the thing. I thought it was personal. I'm special in my traumas and the things in my dad and the this and the wounds and the bullying and the sexual stuff. I'm special. I was not special.
Neither are you and neither are you. None of us are special. The law just goes, I got you. What do you want? And so it is. What do you want? And so it is. But the wanting and the desiring which we never get out of does not come mainly from what we say. It's from
what we allow in our space to sort of percolate. This is why I love what you're doing around pleasure because sometimes in the manifestation world people are like, so I need to do a vision board and I need to have every detail. And I'm like, maybe I don't necessarily do that. I just go, do you think?
I have four planets in Scorpio. It's very death and rebirth. I'm also very platonic. I have a lot of Pluto in my astrology chart, so it's constant death and rebirth. People call me the art of shapeshifting. I have a shapeshift all the time. I'm always changing form in my style.
And it's because it's just who I am. I am supposed to die and be reborn over and over and over again within my life. And that's also what I invite within other people, specific people really close to me. And what's beautiful about that is also is quantum growth. And so because it's just who I've been,
The death and the rebirth process is actually kind of normal for me now. It's just what I'm used to. And also what it means is that it doesn't allow anything inauthentic to exist for a long period of time once it's been detected. And it also means I can't get away with my own bullshit.
There's not this that I know of an unconscious thing that is constantly looping that is draining my life force energy or that is creating triggers where I'm blaming the outside world and keeping myself in a loop. I detect it pretty early on. I have a method of people, situations, containers that I place myself in to get immediate reflections of what it is that I may not see to integrate it in real time and then become more
of myself because ultimately those unconscious loops hold your power and I personally came here to play a big game and I know you did too and so when you see it that your power is sitting there why would you not be like the bison and face the storm because you know that you're going to be stronger on the other side it's not even a knowing it's just a way of life it just is it's just how we operate or how I operate and so yes there is a death and a rebirth
And simultaneously when you understand astrology, astrology or the jinkies is such an incredible tool to know yourself. And when I started studying my astrology, then I understand the different cycles and the natures of what it is that I'm going through. And then I face it head on like the bison and then come out a more refined
more invigorated, more aligned version of myself. And that means that I can serve from that place because I believe when somebody is a teacher, their wisdom only lands when the words are embodied.
I say that the body wants to create. That is the nature of the body, both in a sexual sense, but also in a creative sense. If you look at the human body and the human vessel and what it's for and what it's designed to do,
It is designed to create because we have these things like intuition, which is like connects us to another portal to other dimensions. We have imagination that can conjure worlds that don't exist. These are natural abilities that we have. And we have our brains, which can take these insights and
strategize them into a plan and start to craft something. And then we have these amazing hands like do we take for granted these hands that we have and these five fingers and these thumbs. These thumbs are a miracle of nature. Most
Animals do not have thumbs, and the thumbs allow us to do so much with that other animals can't do. It's an amazing tool. So we're designed to make things. And even our vocal cords are there to express and to emote and to sing and to read poetry, et cetera. So I really feel like the body is designed to create. And I think that the creative impulse and the sexual impulse are the same. The spirit of creation moves through us.
We are vessels for the spirit of creation, the same life force that created the solar system, that fuels the sun. That is a life force that moves through us. And we are vessels to manifest that creative energy into the third dimension, in whatever that we do, whether it's creating children, whether it's creating events and food or art
My theme right now is to manifest through rest. Rest is a nice four-letter word.
If you want to teach that course, I will sign up manifest through rest. Yeah. So I'm really exploring that right now, just resting, being in the cut, but the same time allowing the next great vision and version of me and whatever I'm supposed to be about to emerge without trying to make it happen, which I don't really do anyway, which is more a deep undulation of rest.
but the same time allowing the next version to emerge. And do you ever do that just quite practically as a sleep practice? Like hold your visions as you're moving into sleep? Yes. And when I wake up in the morning and when I go to sleep at night, I have things that I read. It's grown to about 18 things. I have my phone. But yeah, there's personal, there's family.
And these are dreams you've written for yourself. These are community. Yeah, they're synthesized them into little statements. Okay. And so as I'm going to sleep, I just read it. And then I'll go to sleep with that. And when I wake up in the morning, most mornings, not every morning, but most mornings I'll wake up and I'll just read it. So it goes into my subconscious.
I would love to adopt this. Thank you for sharing that the physics such a powerful practice. And is that part of your life visioning? Is that what you would teach in life visioning? I teach it, not necessarily part of life visioning, but there's a state called the hypnagogic state, the state between sleep and awake. And so you can really program yourself in that state. Well, that's what we're going in Ziva. Like that's this exact state we go into in Ziva meditations, which is why we manifest at the end of that, but you're still in that in between in that liminal space. Yeah. Okay. So it's necessary that a lot of people
their mind will rush into their day too fast. They'll jump right on social media or the news or something, something that they habitually do. But if you can just break it for a few moments and while you're still sleepy, connect and it changes you.
I just was with a friend over New Year's, and he said that every morning before he opens his eyes, he smiles. And that was such a sweet, simple practice that just, and sometimes I forget, but I'm like, I close them back real fast. I just smile. You know, I do that, but it's more unconscious. It's like, I'm happy.
However, the biology of that is the moment you smile, your body chemistry changes. You start to produce tonic chemicals, your immune system is enhanced, the coherence of the brain happens, the aging process slows down just from a smile.
Holy moly, look, I know I was there for these conversations, but I love hearing them like best of the best, like pulling out the nuggets of wisdom and hearing them back to back. They just land in a different way for me. So before we end this episode, I want to take a moment to say thank you. We could not have created this podcast without you, without your love, without you sharing it with friends, without you giving it five star ratings and reviews. Like this is how we get this media as medicine out to as many people as possible.
We have read every single review and all of your comments. I've seen the way that you've shared on Instagram. Thank you for tagging us at Ziva Meditation. So thank you for making this podcast such a huge success. It's your enthusiasm and engagement and you taking the time to share these episodes with your beloveds. This is the thing that's helping us to grow. It's also helping to make these taboo modalities less taboo. So buckle up for 2025. I cannot believe I'm going to say this, but it is going to be even better.
So again, make sure you're on our mailing list so that you do not miss an episode and you can do that by going to and be the first to know when a new episode drops. And we also send out amazing gifts, journal entries from my heart and we share our upcoming live events every single week. So I love you. I love you. I love you. Thank you for making each season better than the last and for growing this community in ways that I never could have imagined when we started. Happy New Year.
So this is a crazy time of year because nature is asking us to slow down, to get still, and society is asking us to speed up, travel, throw parties, buy gifts, decorate the house, do year-end reports, and so it can feel like there's this internal struggle. And then on top of it, we're expected to make all of our resolutions and design some amazing year to come. And I get that this can feel a little overwhelming, a little stressful when you're like, you know what I want? It's a nap.
But here's the good news. You can actually design a year with more rest in it. You could design a year with breaks that honors the cycles of nature and the cycles of your body. And that is exactly what we've created inside of design your dream year. So this is an exercise I've been doing with my students in Ziva for over a decade. And I love it because it's going to take you into deep rest. It's going to take you into a guided meditation where I have you play the highlight reel of the previous year so that we can celebrate all of your successes. And by the way,
If no one has told you that you are doing a great job, you are doing a great job. It is challenging being a human right now. So you're doing great. And once you have celebrated all of your successes and even the learnings, then we get to design your dream year for the coming year. So if you would like to join me in this, just click the link below or go to slash dream and I will send you this free exercise. It has changed my life year after year after year.