68. Remembering Your Divinity with Danette May
January 07, 2025
TLDR: Danette May shares her journey from rock bottom to multiple eight-figure businesses and discusses the power of manifesting a purposeful, abundant life filled with self-love. She reflects on the importance of embracing self-love, tuning into energy, and trusting the divine flow to transform even the darkest moments.

In this enlightening episode of Why I Isn’t Everyone Doing This?, host Emily Fletcher interviews Danette May, a transformational speaker and entrepreneur, who shares her incredible journey from adversity to success. This summary encapsulates their profound discussions on self-love, energy alignment, and the power of manifestation.
Key Themes and Insights
Danette’s Transformation Journey
- Danette’s life took a drastic turn when she faced the death of her son and a difficult divorce, leaving her with just $47. Instead of succumbing to despair, she embraced self-love and aligned with the divine flow of life.
- Through resilience and a commitment to personal growth, she went on to build multiple eight-figure businesses, teaching others to manifest abundant lives.
The Power of Self-Love
- Emphasizing self-love as a core principle, Danette believes that true transformation starts with how we regard ourselves. Key points include:
- Self-acceptance allows us to navigate challenges without becoming defined by them.
- Loving oneself is essential for manifesting desires and living authentically.
Energetic Alignment
- Danette discusses her belief that everything is energy, and how mindful engagement with our emotions can attract positive outcomes. Important aspects include:
- The significance of surrounding oneself with uplifting energies and relationships.
- Practical applications include reflection on personal beliefs, understanding emotional responses, and recognizing the vibratory nature of thoughts and words.
The Manifestation Process
- Danette shares a structured approach to manifestation, asserting that aiming for goals from a state of pure intention and reflection is key to success:
- Manifestation Exercise: "Design Your Dream" involves clear visualization and emotional alignment to set intentions effectively. This practice furthers one’s journey towards realization and clarity in desires.
- Recognizing the importance of joyful celebration throughout the journey is highlighted as a catalyst for growth and achievement.
Overcoming Personal Challenges
Loss and Resilience
- Following the tragic loss of her son, Danette found profound lessons in love, forgiveness, and understanding the continuity of connection beyond physical existence. Key insights include:
- The process of releasing guilt and the healing nature of forgiveness.
- Viewing loss as an opportunity to deepen one’s understanding of love and existence.
The Role of Divine Guidance
- Danette speaks on the importance of tuning into a higher consciousness, describing her belief in a divine energy guiding us. She passionately argues that:
- Each individual has a unique mission that contributes to a collective purpose.
- Recognizing this interconnectedness can lighten life's burdens, allowing us to embrace experiences as parts of a grand journey.
- Danette’s story and teachings serve as illuminating reminders of the strength found within vulnerability and the transformative power of love and energy. Listeners are encouraged to:
- Cultivate self-appreciation and align with their true desires.
- Embrace the notion that everyone’s journey is different yet meaningful, and we are all connected to something greater.
Call to Action
Inward reflection coupled with an open heart facilitates deeper connections and personal evolution. As Danette states, by embodying love and pursuing one’s truth, anyone can navigate life’s challenges and emerge victorious. Interested listeners are encouraged to explore more about Danette and her practices through her website and social channels.
By integrating these insights and practices into daily routines, individuals can unlock their potential and manifest a life filled with abundance, joy, and meaning.
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Sweet friends, welcome to a very special episode of why isn't everyone doing this? I am your host, Emily Fletcher, and this show is brought to you by Ziva. So Ziva is here to help you embody your highest potential, and we do that through meditation and embodied manifesting. So if you'd like to try out one of our two flagship offerings, you can go to zivameditation.com.
Now, in today's episode, we're going to talk about why isn't everyone remembering their divinity? And I'm joined by the amazing Dinette May. Now, Dinette May is a best-selling author, a founder of multiple eight figure businesses, a leader in the world of personal growth and manifestation, and a true powerhouse who has turned her big life challenges into opportunities for growth. So in this episode, she's going to share how she went from having $47 to her name, to creating truly a life of outrageous abundance
healing and joy. She shares how she works with energy, how she prays, how she dances with the unmanifest. She also shares about a deeply personal story of loss and how this story shaped her perspective on love, forgiveness, and living authentically. This conversation inspired me so deeply, and I know you're going to love Donette as much as I do, so please welcome to the show, Donette May.
So I'm curious if this sounds like you. Every New Year's, you set intentions, you journal, you meditate, maybe you've even tried all the manifestation tricks out there and yet nothing seems to really be sticking. You're not saying the progress and you wonder what am I missing? What is wrong with me? But here's the thing, you are not a failure, it is not you, it's the structure. When we try to manifest from a place of hope,
or wishful thinking without a clear aligned formula, then it's easy to get stuck or feel like we're just spinning our wheels. So this is where design your dream comes in. This is one of my favorite exercises I've been doing with Ziva students for over a decade. So this is not just a journal prompt or a guided visualization. This is a manifestation exercise designed to help you go deeper, get clear, and actually create your desires.
So with this formula, you're not only gonna feel progress on your journey, but you're gonna step into your highest potential and the best part, this exercise is rooted in reflection and celebration, not pressure. Let your intentions come to fruition to bring your gifts to the world and create a life of purpose and joy. Now is the time. So click the link below or go to zivameditation.com slash dream and let's make 20, 25 your best year yet. Your dream life is a whole lot closer than you think.
Thank you so much for joining me on why isn't everyone doing this. I was just going through your website, which I feel like this should be a part of friendship now. It's like when you meet someone, you should be obliged to go through their website to just see how interesting they are.
Because you've done so much. And I'm going to do your official bio afterwards. But I was floored. You are a mother. You are the founder of multiple companies. You are a keynote speaker. You have a podcast. You have a whole wellness product line of giving people superfoods, access to really high quality superfoods.
And you're teaching people to manifest. So I think the thing that I want to lead with is how are you manifesting so many things? Like, is this through you remembering your divine nature? Is this through you remembering your your bigness? Or what's your manifestation practice look like? Because you manifested a lot.
Yeah and you know actually it's interesting the books like right behind me because that exact question was asked to me from Hay House. After I'd written the first book I was like I'm not writing a book for a while because as we all know when we write a book it's a lot of work. I don't know I've written a lot of digital programs or like yeah programs books and for whatever reason something about a hard copy book feels so hard.
because you know you can't really change anything in there and I don't know just something about it because you know it's gonna be in bookstores it's a journey but they had come to me and they said
We want to know and we were wondering if you'd write a book on what you just asked, like how is it that you had $47 to your name and now you have these eight figure businesses? How is it that you lost a child and now it seems and went through really hard divorce and now married seem like you have a great relationship with your kids and
these friendships and your health you look younger than you did before like what is that and I was like that's really interesting because it's something that is near and dear to my heart but I'm also was just kind of stepping into talking about it because I was figuring out the right languaging because I always want to be a bridge I never want to be like oh I'm preaching or I'm better or
And I also want to reach people up where I was before, which was from this very religious background. And I know the people that are in my sphere, they come a lot from the same backgrounds. And so I wanted to be that bridge of not being too far out there. But knowing that I had some stuff that I was like, you guys, I'm working with some energies. And we have this ability
all of us to work with these energies. And all of us are worthy of this. All of us have immense gifts inside of us. And we are so much more than we've been told. And ultimately, I started discovering all of this because I took my mess, all the stuff that was, you know, really difficult in my life and really had to stop and pause and look at it. And I have to think a lot of mentors and people that have passed on that in my
alone time and in my sorrow and in my, like honestly losing my son and the divorce, I was just clinging to anything free that I could get online from people that I looked up to. And there was a formula that kept playing over and over from all these different people that I looked up to. And that formula was most of them had a mess. Most of them had chaos. And I was like, okay, I have that too. Great. And exactly.
And they started to play with the energy of words, the energy of thoughts, the energy of vibration within their body, energy of belief, who they surround themselves with, the conversations they're having. And so I started playing with that.
and just taking it on as my truth too and just started watching my life completely change and of course that I've always had this huge fascination with Indigenous ways and was getting even just with that fascination I was finding that I was getting invited to places that
For sure, no blonde hair bluehead girl had been and I was on discovering even more than what I could read in a book or here on YouTube. And so that was what led me to really start creating on a higher level when it came to business.
creating on a higher level in my personal intimate relationships, creating on a higher level in my health. And now I'd love for everyone to have this and to experience this. Yeah, I mean, that's what I was struck by is that you're really like playing full out in all of these areas. You know, multiple eight figure businesses, right? Like mom, partner.
Right, you're a spiritual teacher, speaker, health and wellness. You're really, you've not allowed yourself to be pigeonholed. And so when you say you're working with energies, can you just tell us a little bit more about that? What does that mean working with energies?
Okay, so I come from this belief that we all have certain, like, we all have coats. And they're not coming from gramanina. They're coming from these beings. They're coming from the stars, they're coming from the cosmos. And I also believe that everything is energy. Everyone is working with energy. Whether you like what you're seeing or not liking what you're seeing, you're working with energy. Every single person is emitting an energy.
every plant, every stone, every the desk and the speaker and the computer, everything's an energy. But I also believe that some of us are working with magic. And I inherently am cautious to talk about it because I don't think magic is something that everyone should play with necessarily. I think we can all play with energy, but sometimes magic can be used not in such great ways. And I think we open ourselves to
These powers that if we're not in alignment with love and light, it could turn and be very subtle into not such a positive thing.
So even if someone's not intending to use black magic or casting spells on someone to do harm, but you're saying that if someone is even using more powerful energies or using magic for their own personal manifestations, if it's not coming from a place of pure intention that they might inadvertently do themselves harm? I think you could invertly do yourself harm in the fact that you could build some karma because everything is karma, meaning that if we're just in this school, I believe we're just in this school down here,
doing the best we can, and we're receiving information as well as giving information back and forth through the cosmos. Because this is not just the world. Planet Earth is not just the only thing going on, in my opinion. I think there's a lot going on more than we need. There are billions of stars, billions of galaxies. It would be very arrogant to think that Earth is it.
And these are the people and that I'm not like connected to every single thing around me, right? Like, I think it would be quite arrogant to think that you're separated from it. And you know what I mean? And most spiritual teachings, right? There's only one thing we're all it. We're all interconnected. And it's a lot to follow because we're not really taught it. But if we can feel into it, we'll remember because
It is a universal truth. So if we were to think of everything being energy, like let's just take on this belief system that everything is energy from my pen to the computer to my thought to anything, my body, my energy to Emily, let's say
So if I have that belief system and I believe I'm connected to something greater, then what I do is I actually embody the energy. So if I was like, okay, for example, my first book with Hay House, that was a practice and energy because I always said I wanted to
be an author with Hay House because those particular authors had impacted me. I didn't want any other publishing house. If I was going to write a metaphysical book, I only wanted them. And I remember feeling into that. And what I do is I see it. I see that a book. I see that it's with this publishing firm. I don't know what the book is, but I know it's like these deep musings within me.
And I remember then getting an interview where they were like, we want to meet you in New York. And they were like, they wanted my Eat, Drink, and Shrink book, which was this recipe book. And it was probably because at that time, Hay House was going through kind of a financial dip. And so they were like, Oh,
Let's just start looking at taking on some nutrition books or some things that actually are converting for people and I knew in my heart of hearts what I was visualizing which was not a recipe book. It was deep internal musings around energy and I remember them offering me a deal which I was selling it online already and I was like, I said no.
i said no this isn't the right book and i walked away which was really interesting because i was like i called that meeting in but i but i know what i'm desiring with them fast forward i get an email from hey house like a year and a half maybe two years later
And it's the CEO of Hay House. And he's like, I would like to meet with you. And I was like, well, I happen to be in La Jolla filming. And he's like, I will come to where you're filming. I want to sit down with you. I'm like, what are the odds of that other than energy, right? Me embodying what I truly desire and believing. See, I believe in the alchemy of energy being loved.
So working on my only job is how much can I love myself. That's where I come from and what I believe in. And when I am in the alchemy of love and I'm emitting love and emitting love for myself and emitting love out, then that is a magnet to whatever I'm desiring.
And so we sit down, we're sitting on this balcony. I'm like, I'm sitting with the CEO of Hay House, and we're talking about Louise Hay, and we're talking about Wayne Tyre, and we're just bonding. Like, we're not talking books, we're just bonding. And then he goes, I really hope you choose Hay House to write your first book with. And I'm like, you hope I choose Hay House? Like, I hope you choose me. And he's like, really? And then he's like,
What do you want to write on? You can write on anything you want. And I was like, OK. And then the advance that they gave me was like out of this, like I had not even thought of an advance or what that advance I wasn't meditating on that. But anyway, that's just an example of energy, an example of using that energy.
Wow, okay, so I heard you say that your priority is loving yourself, and then emitting that frequency of love, and then holding the vision. That you see the vision, you believe that it's possible, and it sounds like you're working with the energy of your words, your beliefs, your actions, and then trusting what shows up. And the other thing I heard is that a no can lead to a yes. We're saying yes to the things that are actually no's.
because I would have likely, if I'm in that position, I know I want a book with Hey House. They've offered me this recipe book. I'll say yes to this, and this will lead to the next book. So what made you say no?
What made me say no was that I was already making good money on that book on my own. I didn't need a publishing house to come in. It was already had its own wings and legs. Because once again, when you create, you're not creating for you, you're creating for something bigger, right? So for me, I created the book. It was serving humanity at a very great rate. And I didn't
My service would have been in something different. So I could have taken on that thinking, but I was like, no, this isn't an alignment for what I'm truly desiring. Did I know that door would open up again? I didn't. But I think that's when you're really in love with yourself and not in an egoic way, but when you really can believe in yourself and love yourself.
It's easy to say no. It's not like it was easy, but it's not hard. It's not like this is never going to come again. It's just this or something better. Yeah, I think that what it displays to me is an extraordinary amount of trust, right? Then like the actual online thing will come. Yeah.
I want to talk more about your self-love practice, but you just mentioned, and as I was going through your website earlier, I did not know this about you. I did not know that you had lost a son. And I'm so curious what that journey was like. Well, first of all, thank you for sharing that with us. I was weeping crying. I was listening to one of your keynotes just sobbing, crying.
And just feeling so much love and compassion for you and wishing that I had known so that I could love you better as a friend and then feeling grateful that you're willing to let us into that vulnerable moment. But I'm curious how that journey has shaped you, how losing a son has affected your ability to love yourself because I imagine at times it might have felt harder. But it seems like maybe stronger now. So anything that you feel inspired to share now about that.
I feel very inspired to talk about it now because I think I don't think I know we're all going to lose someone we love dearly and when I say lose I don't think we lose anyone and I think this is why this happened for me so that I can really feel into what I believe is true for me and
and hopefully be in beacon for anyone who is going to release someone they deeply love on this earth plane. Release is such a better way of saying it. Yeah, because we don't really lose anything, right? So I'll speak to the rawness of it because I think all of us can, well, I was gonna fill the rawness. This is the human experience. And the rawness was, oh, I had this idea of having a son and now I'm not bringing home my son
And now I have to reconcile with this room of clothes and these dreams that I had of having the sun and also reconciling with, did I do something wrong? Because some of us feel that when there's a passing of a loved one. Did I say the right thing? Did I give enough? Did I potentially cause this depending on the circumstance?
And so I had to go through all of that navigating, right? And it was, it was gnarly because it was, there was depression, there was this loathing, this, there was this shut in moment in time. And over time, I started to understand that he was never, he's not gone. And I, there are so many stories from so many people around loved ones showing signs and animals and showing signs in a song just randomly playing.
Or you can feel them in a dream state, or you can just feel them. And I always tell people, really hold on to that. It's not coincidence. We're so, we're so known. And these loved ones, these ancestors, these people that have passed on and moved on and released, they're just in another realm. And a lot of times here to support and help.
And so I do like speaking on that because I think there's a almost like, why me? Why would God do this to me? Why would this happen when I know it's for us? And some souls have chosen to come in for a certain duration and some have, you know, some go quicker, some go longer.
There's no right or wrong. Nothing was wrong in any of it. It's just that there's a new realm to be had. It reminds me, one of my favorite quotes is, nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. It's a Shakespeare quote. It's very in line with the Vedas. There's no such thing as good or bad. There's just creation, maintenance, and destruction. And so this idea that what is the soul's highest service? What is that soul's highest purpose? It could be in the body.
or it could be to be an angel or some unembodied being helping you in this mission. Can you speak to how that experience affected your self-love, your ability to love yourself? Yeah, I always say that it took him passing on and going to sleep for me to wake up. And for me to really wake up, I needed that jolt in my life because I did
like face-off, there's like almost this beauty and hitting a rock bottom. I can speak to this because I've been there. And when you hit rock bottom, it really is this like almost like this unshackling that happens because for me, it's like imagine if you just hit like rock bottom and you're in the bottom of this cave and you have no idea how to get out.
It's like, you're not going to be like, oh, I'm going to pretend to be this person or pretend to this person anymore because you don't care. And it was almost like I didn't care anymore. I was like, I don't care what belief system to my family wants to me to hold on to. I don't care about being the good girl anymore. I just lost it all. And so it's like, unshackle, unshackle, unshackle. And that woke me up. I was like, I don't care anymore. It was like,
I'm just ready to be me." And that was led me to the divorce, it led me to me saying, all these things that I've been taught, is this my truth? And I just started going, nope, not my truth, not my truth, not my truth, not in a like, I'm angry, but like, whoa, what is to nets truth? Because right now she is just reclaiming herself.
Oh, it sounds like you've got like a healthy dose of effort. We are just like, like you said, there's no room for president. That's so true. I finally like some of my best creations come right on the other side of me being like, fuck it. And like, and the fuck it is not like, it's not out of anger. It's not out of wanting to hurt anyone. But there is like a, I don't care what other people think. I'm going to listen to the still small voice inside, which is usually divinity.
Right? It's usually nature using us as vessels. And so I just want to really celebrate you for the bravery of that, and for using that time that might have broken many people, that might have paralyzed many people, and instead used it as a tool to shed things that were not truly dinette.
And I'd love to hear because, you know, I would say that my divorce was like top three most powerful transformative consciousness shifting events in my life. And I know that so many people think of it as like a failure or a sin or something that they've made a mistake around. And it sounds like for you, and I'm not going to say that it's easy. Everyone is unique, but anything that you feel inspired to share about your divorce, about how it has changed you, how it has alchemized you, I would love to hear.
So this is a crazy time of year because nature is asking us to slow down, to get still, and society is asking us to speed up, travel, throw parties, buy gifts, decorate the house, do year-end reports, and so it can feel like there's this internal struggle. And then on top of it, we're expected to make all of our resolutions and design some amazing year to come. And I get that this can feel a little overwhelming, a little stressful when you're like, you know what I want? It's a nap.
But here's the good news. You can actually design a year with more rest in it. You could design a year with breaks that honors the cycles of nature and the cycles of your body. And that is exactly what we've created inside of design your dream year. So this is an exercise I've been doing with my students in Ziva for over a decade. And I love it because it's going to take you into deep rest. It's going to take you into a guided meditation where I have you play the highlight reel of the previous year so that we can celebrate all of your successes. And by the way, if no
is told you that you are doing a great job. You are doing a great job. It is challenging being a human right now. So you're doing great. And once you have celebrated all of your successes and even the learnings, then we get to design your dream year for the coming year. So if you would like to join me in this, just click the link below or go to zivameditation.com slash dream and I will send you this free exercise. It has changed my life year after year after year.
Yeah, I think it's important to talk about this because for me walking into a divorce or from my conditioning as a child, it's like you don't get divorced. That is a failure. That is you only get divorced if you're getting beat. There's like a physical abuse, not even just emotional abuse, but physical abuse. And so that was the way I thought about divorce.
When I stepped into it, of course, I was wrestling with those thoughts of, I failed my kids, I failed myself, I failed my family, I failed my friends, I failed his family. And so I did have to face off with those thoughts.
how I face off with them as I say is that absolutely true. Is it absolutely true that I ruined everybody? And I do remember, well, I do have to say that mine was not pretty. Mine was not amicable. Mine was very, very difficult. And I imagine everybody has a different
Regardless, if it's Amagulonah, it's very difficult, especially with kids because as mothers, all we care about ultimately is that they are okay and that we've done right by them. At least that's how I felt. And I was really wrestling with it because of them. And how many were your kids at this time? Two and six. Yeah.
So, um, well, it was going on a little while, but by the time, you know, um, so anyway, that was, that was a big decision for me. And I decided that these children deserved a mom fully awake and they deserved a mom who was honoring her truth. And if I were to ask, like, let's just say if I was, they were older and they were coming to me and they were in the same situation, I would be advocating for them to be in bliss, to be into happiness and to be in their truth.
no matter what. And so why couldn't I advocate that for myself? And so this divorce taught me from the like it's been the most pivotal thing for me because it's taught me the most fundamental thing which I think is also an alchemy of manifesting since we're both so excited and connected in that way is forgiveness. And I've had to do years and years and years of deep
work on forgiving my ex, forgiving myself. And I feel like that's been a huge gift because if I can forgive him, then I can forgive pretty much anything, you know? And so it's important. People that have really heard us, it's important to still forgive. And I've watched as my wings have come out because of forgiveness.
I think that forgiveness is, it's like gratitude. It's like that word that gets thrown around a lot and we almost stop hearing it. Like gratitude, give thanks, I'm grateful. But if you really practice gratitude, it'll change your whole life. And I feel like forgiveness is the same way. We get thrown around, I'm like, oh, forgiven. And, but it's, if you really do it. I mean, it's actually what they do in 40 years of Zen. Have you done 40 years of Zen? So funny, I have a ticket. I've had a ticket for years and I haven't used it.
I thought my husband bought me a ticket, I haven't used it. That's what I hear. So for five days you have your brain hooked up to electrodes and you're trying to basically emulate the brain state of monks that have been meditating for 40 years and the thing that you're doing primarily is forgiveness. And so I love that you said that it's giving you your wings, like it's ushering you into these higher states of consciousness
through forgiving probably the hardest person, which is the situation and also yourself in that. So when you say like growing your wings, it sounds similar to what you wanted to have this episode about. Like why isn't everyone remembering their bigness? Why isn't everyone remembering like how connected we all are? So can you speak to that? If you could imagine
waving a magic wand over the planet and tomorrow morning eight billion people wake up and they do remember their bigness they do remember how connected we all are what do you think that world would look like uh well i do want to say that even though i know this i am also human and i have days and moments well i would say more moments now where i question or i forget and i know i'm questioning because if i'm not fully standing in um
my fullest alignment or doing the thing that I know, like my soul's leading me to, then I'm questioning, right? Because what else would I do that? Why else would I procrastinate? Why else would I not forgive? Why else would I do all the little things that we do as humans if I remembered? So I do want to say that I don't necessarily think any, we're always evolving in our remembrance.
So to give us all freedom in that, but if everyone was remembering just even a fraction, even a fraction, a more of who we're really connected to and who we really are and understood this like mission. Holy moly, I think we'd be playing with totally different energies. I think who are we connected to and what is the mission?
Well, everybody's mission, I believe, is different. I think we're connected to it. It's interesting. So I had Emily on my podcast on the Manifest podcast, and she talked about the big G, the big God. And I feel like there is a supreme creator. I don't think it's male. I don't think it's like what I was taught. I believe it's an anger to gender something as big as God.
Yeah, I believe in this what I would call a God, like I would call it a supreme energy. And then I believe that there's all these different powerful energy sources that come from what we would probably call as stars, planets, galaxies. And I do think Earth is like this little test.
And I think we all said, OK, I'm going to go down. And I've had moments in different ceremonies for myself where I was like, oh, wow. I was kind of not really wanting to come down here. I was a little bit nervous for this mission. We all have different missions. Some of us are to feel emotion in all the extremes. And we conjure up emotions. We stir emotions. We create drama.
And it's to feel all the emotion that we like to stir it up in others because we're here to like take that information and bring it back up. This is my belief system. I'm going out there on this. I love this. I love this. That's the whole point of this podcast to bring the taboo into digestible ways. And I am with you. I am loving this. Yeah. And like others are, they might just be walking certain lands or certain paths to receive codes, take the codes back up. They don't even know they're doing it. They're just like,
They're like little code master like we all have a different I'm just giving examples. We all have a different mission But ultimately this is such a fraction in who our essence our light essence is this is just a fraction so if we could remember that this is just a fraction of time and space and That there's a specific mission. I think we would also just chill out like if I think we would almost look at life a little bit more like
like a vacation. Like, you don't worry about the car you rent for vacation. Typically, if it gets you from A to B, you're like, cool, I'm in this car. We wouldn't be worrying about the prestigious bags and all these things that are illusions around or I have to have this job or make this money. I think we would just be operating more in the emotion in the soul call to lead us. Now, are those things fun and fine? Sure. But we wouldn't put so much emphasis on them.
Okay, so what I heard you say is we remembered like how big we are. We are a fraction of something bigger than we would see this ride as a more like a vacation than like a testing ground, right? Like a make it or break it. I think we would have a little more fun.
Yeah, I love that. We just have a little bit more fun, and that has come through many times. You asked me this amazing question on your podcast, that if it was in front of millions and millions of people, and everyone could see and feel and hear me, and I could transmit one final message, what would that be?
And the first thought that I had actually was have more fun. And so I'd like to play that question to you in reverse, because now you've painted the picture of what it would look like if we remembered. But now let's say you're on stage. There's millions of people in front of you. And you're able to transmit one frequency. You're able to install one code into the species. What code would you want to install? You're unconditionally loved.
You are already unconditionally loved. No matter whatever, whatever one's standing in, you're every single person is unconditionally loved. This I do know for sure. How do you know that for sure? What about your life experience? What about your body? How do you know that
I think it's one of the gifts that I've been given is to some at some point see and see certain things and I've seen and have had witness of seeing how even someone we would judge as a murderer or a bum or
someone who takes advantage of others and or someone who's doing amazing good things in the world, whatever we want to label that every single being on this planet is loved completely loved.
And I also really believe that everyone is doing the best that they can with the tools that they have. Like if we knew what that murderer faced or saw when they were an infant or what was in their karmic lineage, like we would have a lot more forgiveness. I think if our lens was bigger and we understood that we don't know how the story ends. So who are we to judge what is good or bad?
So why isn't everyone remembering their divine nature? Why isn't everyone remembering how big we are? What's keeping us from that? I think that was part of the plan. I don't think all of us, we weren't meant to come down and just know it, like know exactly what our mission was or know everything.
I think that's part of the experiment. I think it's part of us uncovering and it's part of the experimenting of how are you as a human going to navigate these emotions and these experiences. Plus, I believe everything is quite karmic.
you might some people might have a little bit more some sticky things that they get to navigate to transmute it to love themselves but I think we just this is part of this experience of going like okay this person did me dirty but if I believe that everybody's loved who am I not to love and who am I not to
Let that be and let go so that I can move through the karmic lesson and move to the next thing. And then also not take on that energy and allow it to poison you, which is going to change your vibration and your ability to manifest the next thing because you're too busy not loving the person who did you dirty. It becomes like a self love exercise. How do you define karma?
That's a great question. So I'm going to try to do it in like really simple, simple, hopefully simple, simple way. Most masterful. Yeah. So for example, anything that is like we can all relate to how our body feels, right? Because we have these bodies. And whenever you feel like
I think any emotion, actually, when you're bumping into an experience or another human, for example, if you're bumping into trigger, like, ooh, anger, or why'd you do that? Or why does that happen? Or even love, even like this, like, ooh, I love this juiciness together.
there's a there's a karmic energy attached that so have you ever just bumped into somebody and it just feels easy easy to love them just it's just easy but you might know somebody that you really enjoy and really trust and they're like that person is not easy that person
has got some bad juju and they're not a good person but you're like wow with me they just feel like so easy to love and they just feels like this flow of great energy and the reason we're all having these different experiences because these karmic ties
And I believe that we, what we get to do on this plane and what I'm wanting to work through and I'm wanting to do is go, Oh, those sticky ones. I want to clear that I want to know why does it feel sticky or why does it feel bad? Some of them are downright bad. Some of them I call sticky just because it's more of an annoyance and go, what is the lesson in this for me? Maybe they're reflecting something back within me that I get to.
alchemize or work on. Maybe you're looking at them and that's a shadow part of you. Or maybe you just have so many different lifetimes that are going on all at the same time that you're like, oh, I get to stop that. Yeah, it's done. The lesson's done. And I get to let that go. Yeah.
So that's to me what karmic, what I'm referring to that, hopefully not all. So it sounds like you think of karma more and like interpersonally or like what is our relationship karma? What are you here to teach me? I like to get started there because most people can relate to relationship like we are.
that's our biggest thing is how we relate with others on this. So this is maybe switching you into coach mode, but let's say just hypothetically asking for a friend, a friend might be me. I always like to get some free coaching on the podcast. I think it's interesting for people to see you in your gift and real time practicing. But I think this is a very specific thing that's happening for me, but I think it's also very universally relevant. I see a lot of women
often times putting it in on themselves. Oh, maybe this relationship, maybe this person is reflecting something that I need to work on inside of myself and in so doing settling or being in relationship with something that does not feel totally aligned and then taking it on for themselves.
I'm like, oh, I just need to heal something here. Let me just use as an opportunity to work and to get better. How do you tell the difference between, oh, I'm excusing someone else's lack of mastery and internalizing that versus just not standing up for your standards?
Oh my gosh, I love this question because I see this so much in the work that I'm doing with people. Yeah, okay. So I'm going to just say, for example, we're all going to bump into let's just call it an intimate lover because I think that's what you're referring to. And that's typically, is that what you're referring to? I guess it could be a girlfriend, girlfriend, friend, friend, but let's just.
Yes, I think I think it's more relevant if we do it in romantic relationship. Yeah, because it's pricier. It's a little dicier because as a human or like a really close close friendship that you're like we're lifers, right? So you you and your big heart has bumped up against another soul and your hearts are intertwined. And a lot of times we bump up into these souls because of
it could be that your wound and their wound is an energetic match because remember we were talking about earlier everything's energy everything's energy so you're emitting an energy of whatever you're feeling and also your past the things you've experienced and it could be even beyond what you can remember but we're emitting this energy so you can bump up into souls that
Well, we all are. The souls that are simple are a frequency match. And so most likely you bumped up into a soul that was a frequency match in that moment, right? So let's just say now you're one year down, two years down, three down, and you're doing work because most of the women who ask this question, they've been stepping into work.
Meaning looking at their shadows looking at their wounding looking at and so now the frequency has shifted Because you've been doing some work right and now you're noticing these certain behaviors and maybe you noticed it like a week later But you're noticing these certain behaviors that are twinging on you and you're like, oh, I don't
That's not resonating. That doesn't feel good in my body. And that's the biggest indicator. What is your body saying when you're with this person? Is your body shutting down? Is sex painful? Do you feel cramps in your neck and you're blaming it on your pillow? Come on, people. We have to stop blaming the pose, the bed, sitting at a desk.
Doing a job. We don't like a lot of times we're blaming our jobs. Yes, that can be it. But sometimes it's our partnerships. These intimate partnerships that we have are going to manifest in our bodies. We're like, oh, I got this new rash. I don't know where this rash is coming from. Look at your people.
So what, what I'm saying is a lot of times women, especially in, let's just call it what it is. I like to call this beta spade and this like spiritual awakening world that we're all in because we're all healers. We are all healers. So this little healer part of you is like, well, I don't want to just let this person go or release them or set up a boundary because this must be mine that I get to reflect back within you.
Great to do that. That's fine. But then after you've done and gotten the message and you're cleaning up your side of the street, which most of us need to, and if this relationship is still not a match, you're still receiving a discomfort in your body and you're not feeling super awesome, right? And you'll notice it because you'll get tired around them. You'll get
Definitely there will be stuff sexually for sure. Neck usually lower back will happen and your knees. You'll start having knee problems. And then you can either set up boundaries. You can say, these are the things that work for me. These are the things that don't. And if those things don't shift,
then you get to shift out. You get to shift out. It's okay to shift out of relationships. I think Emily and I both did that. I mean, it's okay to shift out or they're going to shift out, especially if you set up some boundaries.
Is that a sense? So it's like, I do think you it's a it's a little bit of both because you want to learn why is this triggering? Because a lot of times it is part of your journey. But then after a while, and you've learned it and you're still seeing it, it just might be an in frequency match. And you don't have to keep walking with this person. Because what I do know is in relationship, people that are mismatched are as the quickest way to keep you from your purpose.
Yeah, because it takes a lot of work and energy to try and get something into match if it's not. Yeah, thank you for that. Okay, so what I heard you say is, yes, take a look inside. Like, do look in the mirror first. Is this showing me something that I have to work to do? How do I clean up my side of the street?
And then, which is, I would argue, the point of our relationships. And then once we've done that work, once we've cleaned it up, if it's still, if the behavior is still happening, if it still feels like a mismatch, you can either put up boundaries, and that might have them leave, or you can release them. You can move on. You can graduate, I like to say, graduating from the relationship.
I don't ever think it serves you to be your partner's healer. Like, where you think that you are going to heal them, you're going to, like, fix their trauma.
women can get into that because we're desiring to be our healer. Go heal in other ways. Go to pay for that. Go make money for that. Yeah. Yeah. That's really helpful because it's like we all, I mean, yes, we all want to see that someone's potential and yet let's like go into relationships that are already a match like energetically that you and then you evolve together. So
This show is all about bringing the taboo modalities into the mainstream, like those spine-tailing taboo modalities that just may be the key that someone's soul needs to feel free. Is there anything that you feel like maybe you don't have permission to talk about or anything that's just on the cutting edge? You asked me about Egypt on your show, which is new for me. But is there anything that you were like hungry to talk about, about what's next that people don't ask you often?
There's so much. And this is honestly, if I'm really honest, this is something that probably almost every day I sit with spirit and I'm like, what?
do I share and what do I not share? Because I don't think everything has to be shared. I'm learning that. And so I, my very human self is always wrestling with, do I share this stuff or do I not?
or and so to be really real with you there is so much i could go in so many things that i feel that i wrestle with to talk about and i'm not sure where that comes from i don't know if that's still uh i've asked myself is that a part of the little girl that's like afraid to use her voice or is there some stuff that i shouldn't be sharing but um one thing i do want to talk about more
that I don't feel afraid to talk about, but it still feels a little edgy for me, is about what we're labeling extraterrestrials, what we're labeling as aliens. I think most of us can agree that this exists and
I feel that there's going to be a lot of miscommunication about their intentions. And I feel that I'm being asked to talk more about it. And you'll probably see more and more of that coming out from me. Oh, great. So that was my big realization in Egypt that I was like, oh, we are not alone. We have not been alone.
the pyramids themselves are 100% codes and keys to either can reconnect us or reconnect them. Like it felt like a portal of other nations to this Earth nation. And it's fun to be 44 years old and have your entire worldview and universe view shifted and blown wide open. And also just like- It's something you can't unsee it. Like you can't, you know, like
That's just the truth, what you see. And just for anyone who's listening to this, it's like, what are they talking about? Like just a few months ago, Stanford had the first ever, so Stanford University had its first UAE convention, which is now like the, it's the PC term for UFOs. They're not just unidentified flying objects, viewing it. Unidentified anomalous entities, which includes craft and life forms.
And there were politicians, scientists. There were all of these, quote unquote, credible people there. For the first time ever, an academic university having a convention, and we have people testifying under oath in front of Congress about seeing crafts and forms. We now know that the US government has at least for 70 years had access to technology. And so things are going to be shifting really, really quickly. And I think that is important.
that we start listening, that we deepen our ability to listen to what feels true in and of ourselves, because I think that the simultaneity of us having more contact to, or at least more public discussion of these other life forms combined with the rise of AI and deep fakes is a real tricky time to know what is true and what is not, because it's all going to be expanding our lens of perception.
right? It's going to be challenging us because what we thought was real is going to be changing and quickly and that might also be manipulated quickly. So I'm curious to know for you like when when was the first time that you had a feeling or a connection or when did you know that we are not alone as on planet Earth?
Well, okay, so obviously there's the difference between knowing and seeing. I've known for, I don't even know the exact time, but I've known. But I've actually had experiences that I can't deny. And I think that happened approximately like six years ago.
And how did it change your life, like having that sort of contact, which I just want to like celebrate you, because I think it does take an extraordinary amount of love and open-heartedness. From what I've heard, from the people I know who have had these experiences, there's a similar frequency and a similar level of love that I feel in those people who have had contact. And so just celebrating you in that. And I'm curious how it shifted your life, how it shifted who Dinette May is and how you show up in the
in this incarnation after that experience? Yeah, you know, I, well, and I say this humbly because I still feel that I have to keep remembering that, yeah, I'm a divine being like, because that's the biggest thing is like,
These, well, I'll do that. I'm just going to call them beings for lack of, because I don't know if I really resonate with extraterrestrial or alien or because it feels like that word has kind of gotten a little bit out there. And so everyone has a different context to what that word means. Let's just call it a being or beings. What's being transmuted and what I was receiving is just a remembrance that we are
connected to something bigger, right? So for what has done for me, we were talking earlier about energy and creating things like what we like to call in this earth plane, like, oh, businesses and money and health and the trips and the man and the friends, all the things that we talk about manifesting.
It's almost this reminder that one love for me is, and I think you agree, and we both agree on this, like, you know, joy and dancing and singing and all that, and sex and orgasm, all that is also in that love frequency, but there's like a deep, deep love frequency of like this
loving you and nothing and loving even if I don't have orgasm and loving even if I can't dance and loving there's just this energy and I don't know how to describe but it's an energy and they that's really what was being shared with me with about this energy of love and it being an amplifier like I think of jet fuel or those race cars when they put the extra little octane in there and you can like
go so fast and so it's just reminding me that anything and that's where manifestable birth from is the sound frequencies and this movement and this understanding of what I'm getting is that you know I can create anything I don't have to stay in this box of I'm this fitness person nutrition person or author speaker I can
be whatever's coming through to me and whatever wants to be birthed through me. So it's kind of giving me more permission, I guess I should say, giving me more permission to just play whatever chord and string I want to play.
Oh, so beautiful. And you're playing so many chords so beautifully, and it's in your unique frequency, the frequency of Dinette. I actually interviewed a woman who was with me in Egypt, and she's a channel, and I asked her on the show if she'd be willing to channel, and she said yes.
And so she went into meditation, and you could see her eyes change. She's from New Zealand, so she has an accent, and she starts speaking her accent changes. And she was channeling a fractal of metatron, which metatron is an archangel, and there's like three humans who have ascended into archangels. And metatron is also known as Thoth, and like there's so many different incarnations of metatron. And it was so fascinating.
to hear her channel and i basically got to interview like i felt like i was interviewing this divine being like i was interviewing an angel and the thing that kept coming through was sea beauty spread beauty sea beauty spread beauty and then and know that every single brush on the canvas
is beauty, even if you can't understand it as beautiful yet. And that we, and that the more we can paint with our unique frequency, that the more beautiful the giant tapestry becomes. And it feels like, you know, it's a bit of a cliche. We always say like, you know, sing your song, like play your note in the grand orchestra. And this was a similar, a similar transmission, but just with the analogy of painting.
And so it sounds like that is what came through for you as well. If we're in pure love, if we purely love ourselves, then it gives us the freedom to pour jet fuel on our dreams, and then to really play our instrument, to play the role that we were assigned with audacity.
Yeah, I want to, I know this is your show, but I have a question because I know you've been in a lot of spaces and with a lot of different, and I'm just going to use the word, the spiritual community, you like you, I don't know who you're referring to, but like even just saying, oh, I'm this person says they can channel this, like what you call metatron. Yeah, and
How are you because I see what I'm seeing is this wave of there's trends in the world, right? And so there was a huge, like 10 years ago, I'm giving you an example, a yoga trend that happened, right? Where yoga was a trend and it was for like it escalated it peaked and it's still here, but there was a huge trend in it. And I see this huge trend of healers coming.
and it started and we're all a part of it and it's gonna have a big, big peak. And what I do know just because we're in this human experience is there's a lot of snake oils and people that are jumping on the trends and wanting it and wanting to play with it and also not using, we were talking about magic. So how do you decipher
Because it can be tricky because your body might not paying up on it. I've been noticing that. I'm curious how, within myself, and I'm curious how you decipher what's true channeling or what's true magic or what's true. And when I say true, it's coming from love and not from an ego or a way to manipulate or control.
Ooh, well, I think, I mean, that sounds like you just answered your own question of like, is it coming from love? Or is it coming from a desire to manipulate or control? But I'm fully with you on like the tech bro slash shaman. Like we're certainly entering like that phase. And I think it's trusting all of it. Like that all of it, even if we can't see it as beauty, right? That all of it, all the brushstrokes have their purpose.
And to me, it comes back to the people pleasing, which we talked about on your show as well, that I am beholden to no one. I owe no one my time, my energy, access to me. And so if someone doesn't feel like a 100% resonant yes, like really bounding myself and not giving them access to my psyche, not letting, not opening myself energetically around them, not putting myself in any sort of a vulnerable position where I would ask for their advice or their channel or
experience where someone who has wanted to work on you or give you advice or channel and you're like this doesn't feel in residence.
It's interesting because it happens online all the time. People are always like, when you were speaking, you're doing an Instagram live or a Zoom or something, and there's 3,000 people, and people are like, I can feel an entity in your throat chakra. And for a minute, I'm like, is there an entity in my throat chakra? And then I'm like, how about no? How about I'm doing fine? But interestingly, someone DM'd me on Instagram, and she's like, Emily, I know you're on Broadway. I'm a voice teacher. I've been in the Broadway community. I would love to gift you three voice lessons, and everything in my body said yes.
And I just was like, why am I saying yes to this? I don't know who this person is, but I said yes. And she came to my house, and she gave a voice lesson, which is one of those vulnerable things that singing has been a very emotional journey for me. I left Broadway because I didn't like the way that my voice sounded, and here I am letting a full stranger into my voice, like touching my body, giving me a voice lesson, and it was amazing.
And so I think it was just truly listening to my body's discernment. And then I think this comes back to the pleasure work as well. If you know what your body desires, if you know what an enthusiastic hell yes feels like in your body, then it's very easy to detect anything that is not that. If it's like, okay, fine, that's a no.
Right? And so I'm trying to know. I love that. Yeah, like certainly in like sexual spaces, right? Like if you're in a play party, there's many people interacting. If you don't get a like, yes, I would love that. If you don't get an enthusiastic yes, then it's a no.
And that's like a boundary for someone else. And so it's like respecting that boundary inside of yourself. And I am in the luxury position of I have an abundance of amazing healers that I actually don't have enough time for. Like I want to coach with all of my friends. I want to go to all of the therapists. I want to do all like I love this stuff. And so I have no shortage of healers. So if someone comes to me and they're new,
and my body isn't, like every cell isn't screaming, yes, then that's a no for me. And I think that this is, that's universal advice. But I do think we're entering an age where, you know, everyone's gonna be like, I got a weekend certification to become a shaman. Like we're definitely entering that. And so then it's like, don't take fitness advice from someone who isn't fit. Don't take financial advice from someone who's money you don't respect. You know, it's like then just look at their lives. Are they leading a life that you would want to emulate?
Yeah, absolutely. And I think you are the best. Is it coming from love? Yeah, and it's coming from love. Yeah, totally. And what we're saying now, and I think that don't just look at social, because I think social is an illusion piece. It's an illusion play. Be careful when you're looking and feeling into
Yeah, anything actually, just really going beyond behind the curtain. Yeah, and I think then asking your guides, whatever your higher self, your younger self, like whatever, whatever you connect to, and then also asking your body, because the body is the past, right? Like our cells and our blood and our karma and our epigenetics, they have memories that might be smarter than we are in this intellect. So I think asking at least the guides in your body, that's a good feel safe.
so this has been so amazing is there anything that you wish that I had asked you anything that you're dying to share no this has been so good yeah I feel like we covered a lot of ground and I'm so excited to have
reignited our friendship. I feel, I feel the inklings and sparks of potential of what we can create together, which makes me cry. I actually want to be next to you because I've seen some things. So I'm sure that people are fascinated by you and want to learn more about you. Where would you like to send people where to learn more about? Oh, that's a great question.
I'm doing so many different things. We certainly did netmay.com because I just told you not to put a website. Maybe go there. You can do social. I tried to link ways that might be helpful for you there, but yeah, those are probably the best. And you're at did that may on social.
at the Denette May, yep. The Denette May, okay, and we'll put everything in the show notes, but those of you listening, it's DenetteMay.com or at the Denette May. So, sweet friends, thank you so much for joining me for this fascinating, multifaceted interview with the amazing Denette May. If you enjoyed this, if you found even one aha moment,
then our ask is that you share this media as medicine. You could screenshot it, tag us on Instagram. I'm at Ziva Meditation. She's at the Donette May. Let us know what you thought and always leaving a five-star review and a comment is a way for us to be able to interact and to learn more about what you want to know more about. So I love you and I will see you next week on why isn't everyone doing this.
Sweet friend, my favorite year-end manifesting exercise is here. So if you've been waiting for a sign to design a life that you have been dreaming of, this is it. So here's the truth. You have the power to become a magnet for your dreams, but it is not just about wishing or hoping. It is about reflecting and celebrating the year behind you, even the challenges, and then setting powerful intentions for the year ahead, plus using a formula that actually works to design and manifest what you truly want.
So this is where design your dream comes in. Now, this is not just a practice. This is a step-by-step guide into turning your deepest desires into your everyday reality, whether that is health, happiness, abundance, relationship. This is your chance to create a life so good that it almost feels too good to be true. So if you are ready to design a life that you would be truly proud of, go to zivameditation.com slash dream or click the link below and we will send you that exercise right away.
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