Oh, my friends, today is an extra special episode of why isn't everyone doing this because we have a juicy year-end exercise for you. But first, I want to say happy, happy holidays to you and to your whole family. I'm so grateful to have you listening to this podcast every week. And I want to thank you for every single minute of every hour that you have dedicated every time you've shared this on Instagram and with your WhatsApp communities.
Every comment, every five star rating really goes a long way to sharing this media as medicine. And this episode is my special gift to you. So today I'm going to share with you one of my most popular year end exercises and one of my personal favorites. I've been doing this for the past 10 years. I've been sharing it with the Ziva audience some version of it for almost 10 years. And this is a manifesting experience that's going to help you design the next 12 months of your life.
So we're going to start by dropping into a deep guided visualization to help you connect to your soul and your purpose. Then we're going to do a guided experience where we play the highlight reel of your past year. So this is where I walk you through all the milestones, the big events, the season changes, your relationships, your jobs, so that we can really go through every area of your life and celebrate your success.
Because here's what I know for sure. We cannot build on top of success we don't acknowledge. This is a brilliant quote from my friend Dallas Travers. We cannot build on top of success we don't acknowledge. So that's what we're going to do today. We're going to take the time to recognize and celebrate everything that you have learned from, experienced, savored this year. Yes, even the heartbreak and the challenges. Because sometimes that's where the biggest learnings come from.
Also, nature likes to be acknowledged, right? She likes to be thanked. So the more we can get into that space of enthusiastic gratitude for what is, the more we can remember how powerful we are at co-creating already. And then the more powerful your manifestations are going to be.
So after we play the tape in reverse, after we do the year in review, we're going to play the preview trailer for the coming year. So this is where I'm going to help you visualize the movie in your mind for your dream year. We're going to go through your finances, your love life, your home, your body so you can really design a blueprint
for what you want to create, how to prioritize your time, which is your most valuable resource, and your attention. So I recommend making some tea, closing down the other tabs on your computer, and give yourself a good 45 minutes to do this. Also, you're going to want to have something to write with. I would write with your physical hand, not typing, because there's something that happens between your brain and your body. And this is a great exercise to do with your beloved, with your family, or a group of friends.
so that you can really chart the course together and hold each other accountable to your dreams. So just like you wouldn't get into your car and just start driving aimlessly, you would want to know where you're going. You would set the GPS. So that's what today's exercise can do for your whole year. It's going to save you so much time and energy. This is like placing a giant order with a cosmic server so that they can bring you exactly what you desire. Our angels can't help us without our consent.
So don't let another year just happen to you. Take some time, listen to this, ask for what you desire and you're going to be amazed how quickly magic starts to happen. And if you would like to supercharge these dreams, if you would like to amplify everything that you designed in this exercise, the best way I know to do that is with a twice a day meditation practice. This is going to get your brain and body out of fight or flight so that you have the energetic and mental resources needed to attract and create this dream year for yourself.
So you can start that journey by going to zivameditation.com slash join today. And we actually have a 15% off code for you, which is simply why this. So you can go to z i v a meditation.com slash join today and use the code why this for 15% off our favorite meditation training at Ziva. So please enjoy this exercise, design your dream year, and let me know what you're calling in in the comments.
All right, friends, so now we are going to dive in. We're gonna do a little invocation, a little prayer, drop in, ground ourselves, and then we will move into the actual exercise. So we're gonna have something handy to write with next to you. And I'm gonna put on some music. Taking a big deep breath. Breathing into your heart.
As you exhale, letting any tension fall away from your forehead, your jaw, your shoulders, feeling your whole body soften. If it feels good, exhaling on a hum, exhaling on an arm.
Feeling yourself arrive fully in your body, fully in the room. Really good. And now imagining two beautiful golden cords stretching down from your heart down through your root.
connecting all the way down to the molten core of the planet. On your next inhale, letting that energy, that fire, that grounding energy move up through those cords, through the bottoms of your feet, through your root, and let it expand your heart even wider open.
As you exhale, taking any doubt, any anxiety, any fear, any disbelief, and just letting that wash down through your body and be expelled through those golden cords, letting the earth metabolize it for you. Any disappointment, any frustration, any overwhelm from the past few years, just letting that alchemize through these golden cords, send it back to the earth.
Really good and taking a moment now to ask for permission from the planet from wherever you are having these golden cords connected to your earth where you are in the planet, connecting to the spirit of the land and asking for permission
to play with these tools, opening up a beautiful halo above your head, and welcoming in guidance, clarity, inspiration, calling on your higher self, benevolent and loving guides,
your future self. Any and all counsel that is here to serve your highest good and the highest good of a species. Really good. And from this place of connection, of support and guidance, imagining a beautiful iridescent bubble of light wrapped all around your body and your energy field.
feeling so safe inside of it, filling it with love, allowing love, inspiration, and guidance to flow in. And now imagine a golden ring of fiery protection around all of us as we bravely step into our dreams.
acknowledging yourself, acknowledging everyone else who's shown up. Really, really beautiful. From this grounded place, this heart-open place, this ceremony space open, I'm gonna take you on
A trip down memory lane. I want to invite you to start to wake up that slideshow of the previous year, playing the tape all the way back to New Year's Eve last year. Can you remember who you were with on New Year's Eve of last year? Did you have any dreams, resolutions, intentions? Did you kiss anyone?
And remembering January, where were you personally, professionally, physically? Who was your best friend in the last January? Did you have a romantic partner?
On Valentine's Day, did you go out? Did you stay in? Did you take yourself on a date? Do you think about the end of Q1, March? What did your community look like? Were you traveling? How did you feel in your body?
Where were you for your birthday? And did you make a wish on a birthday cake? So oftentimes we make these wishes, we place these orders and when they come true, we forget to acknowledge them, we move on to the next. It's important to remember that much of your life right now was a dream at one point.
Thinking about your professional life, was there anything that you were proud of in the spring? And if you have kids, did you go on a spring break trip?
When was the time that you laughed the hardest? Did you put your pants a little at any point from laughter this year? A comedy show with your best friends? What's the scariest thing you did? How did you push yourself this year?
What was your biggest, deepest, ugliest cry?
Did you take any trips over the summer? What did you learn this year? About yourself, about your loved ones? What are the lessons you're taking away from this year? Good, bad or otherwise?
Is there anything that you regret? You need disappointments. Just being so gentle with yourself. Taking the lesson, acknowledging the learning. So once we learn those lessons, nature can change the syllabus.
But if we don't learn it, they have to get louder. I'm thinking about fall. That crunch of leaves under your feet, the smell of fireplaces. What were you most proud of this fall? Where did you take a risk? Where did you grow?
And if you think all the way to Halloween, did you dress up? Did you go out? Just asking these questions so you can remember how many things actually happened and how many days you actually lived. What did your morning routine look like? Did you wake up out of bed and feeling good and energized? Did you have a spiritual practice? Did you start your day with meditation? Did you run to the coffee machine feeling behind schedule?
How are you taking care of your body this year? Did you rest? Did you get massages? Did you take a bath? Did you get stronger? Did you get more sunshine? Did you have more sex? How have you nurtured and loved on your physical body this year?
and being your own height person, your own PR person. Celebrating your successes when you think about Thanksgiving, what are you feeling most grateful for at Thanksgiving? And navigating the holidays with
with a job, without a family, without a job, they're all challenging in their own right. Nature is asking us to slow down in society, is asking us to speed up, so giving yourself a huge high five, or making it through the holidays, and truly celebrating your successes, personally, professionally, physically, spiritually. As if you are your own cheerleader,
What are the things that you're most proud of in your personal life from this whole year? Let that slide show play in your mind. The ways that you loved, the ways that you forgave, the ways that you grew, your home. And professionally, most of us spend most of our time. What successes are you proud of?
Did you deepen your relationship with the co-worker, come up with an innovative idea, create something new, help your office go green? When you think about your body, how did you nurture it this year? Did you learn to accept a part of your body that you had judged previously? Did you move your body in new and exhilarating ways?
Did you nourish it? Even one home cooked me all. Even one new workout. More time and nature. All to be celebrated. And how about your spiritual life?
This is the one relationship that is always with us from birth to death and even beyond. And yet we don't spend too much of our calendar hours on our spiritual life. Did you start a meditation practice? Did you journal? Did you pray? Did you connect to your own soul in a new way?
Stopping and really celebrating all of your successes from the previous year. Letting those tears flow, letting the spirit move through you. There might be grief, there might be disappointment, there might be overwhelming gratitude. Be so gentle with yourself and give yourself permission to be exactly where you are.
Really good. And taking a big breath in, starting to bring your awareness onto your body,
And seeing if we can practice simultaneity of consciousness, keeping one foot in the unmanifest, in this visualization space, and one foot in this 3D reality, from this place of celebrating your successes, remembering the slideshow, and a moment I'm going to have you open up your eyes and write down the things that you're most proud of in these four areas.
So very slowly in your own time, you can gently, slowly open your eyes, and either in your workbook or your journal, invite you to write down one thing that you are most proud of in your personal life. Your romantic life, your friends, your home, service, community. You take about a minute, so you don't have to rush it, you can write down a lot in a minute,
The way that you loved, the way that you learned. Just let it flow. Be your own cheerleader. We cannot build on top of success. We don't acknowledge. So acknowledge your personal successes.
And then when you're ready, we can move on to what's one thing that you're proud of manifesting in your professional life. Did you make a new resume? Did you go out on job interviews? Did you treat your co-workers with care? Did you have your biggest year ever?
Really good. Now moving on to your physical body. How did you nurture and love and care for your physical body this year? What are you proud of?
Sleep, exercise, food, making love, supplements, any steps that you took towards your resilience, your brightness, and finally your spiritual life. The fact that you showed up to this today
Prayer, journaling, time in nature. How do you feel closest to God? How do you remember your own divinity? Celebrating that now? And anything else?
Anything else you're feeling proud of from this year does not, I don't have to have asked about the category. Could be a surprise check you got in the mail, a way that you communicated with your partner, your parenting, your student ship, your citizenship. How did you show up for your country, for your town, for your community?
Really, really good. Taking one final moment to write down any other successes, anything else that you're proud of. It could have been the way that you handled a challenge. And when that feels complete, you start to close your eyes again.
And now we get to go to the fun part. From this place of reminding yourself, what a powerful manifesto you already are, how you and nature are already playing together. From here, we are going to design your dream here. So go ahead and close the eyes again. Connect back down to those golden cords connecting you to the earth. Opening your heart back up to its full capacity.
And now you get to be the director, the star, the writer, the editor, and the sound designer for your movie. So what does this movie look like for you? You want it to be a rom-com documentary? Love story, a drama? We'll start on the micro thinking about tomorrow. If you could wave your magic wand
and have your dream day tomorrow. What would that feel like? What would that look like? Yes, of course, we can all dream for the pie in the sky, you know, Pulitzer Prizes and Oscar Awards and all of that. But when it comes down to it, life is made up of a collection of moments. Are you enjoying your life from the day to day basis? So imagining tomorrow, your dream calendar, your dream day, what time do you wake up? Who's in your bed with you?
How many hours a day do you spend working? And on what? What makes you feel most useful, most of service? How much time do you spend with your family, your friends? How do you move your body? How do you nourish your body?
We're talking magic wand. What time do you go to bed? What do your sheets feel like? Who's in your bed now? Same person, different person. It's your life, you get to choose. Really, really good.
And now I'll start to play that tape forward, thinking about Valentine's Day. Sure, it's a made up hallmark holiday, but what would make your love dreams come true? Fast forwarding to spring. I start to see people sitting at outdoor cafes and people wearing shorts and short sleeves. What would you love to be happening in your professional life by spring?
What seeds do you want to plant now so that you can celebrate their emergence in spring? And how does nature want to use you, your gifts?
Are there any dream trips of vacation you've been meaning to take? Is there a country you haven't visited? A sacred site that's on your bucket list. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow, so why not take that trip this year? One of my best friend's father died right before Christmas, four days before his retirement. He had worked his entire life for retirement, and four days before he was retired, he died.
So let's not delay our happiness. Let's not delay those trips. Let's put them on the calendar for this year for now. Thinking about the summer, what would your dream friend group feel like this summer? Do you want two friends that you see every week? Do you want 60 friends that you go on wild trips with?
Your birthday as well. Who would you love to celebrate your birthday with and where? Are there any old societal programmings you need to let go of around your age? You're too old to blank that you're too young to blank. So any of that that needs to be burned up.
When you think of fall, three quarters into the year, what would you love to be happening in your professional life? Did you get a new job? Did you leave an old one? Did you figure out how to make more money doing less? When you feel into your spiritual life,
that 24-hour day connection that you have to yourself, to God, to nature. What are you doing to nurture that? What is it that makes you feel the most alive, the most connected to source? Painting, surfing, praying, dancing, singing, making love, and of course meditating. If you could wave a magic wand over your meditation practice where you had one that you enjoyed, it made you feel better that you look forward to.
where you see a massive return on investment in your life, what would that feel like? Thinking all the way to Thanksgiving, Halloween, the holidays. Without it sneaking up on you and feeling behind, or I have to shop, I have to make a costume, I have to do this, what would be the most fun?
What do you want to be giving thanks for this year at Thanksgiving? Just closing your eyes and asking the questions. Some of the answers might come now. They might come when you're journaling. They might come this week. We're simply asking the questions, trusting that nature will answer them for us.
And let's say we're meeting back here, design your dream next year. And you guys jump back in because you're celebrating in the chat. Emily, I cannot believe it. I wrote down this thing. It happened, it happened more beautifully, more elegantly, than I could have imagined. What are those things, personally? Professionally. Physically.
and spiritually. Really good. And taking a big breath in, keeping one eye in this unmanifest dreamy space and starting to bring your awareness back to your journal, back to your pen. And with all of these ideas fresh in your mind, I'm going to ask you to open your eyes and start to write down
What is one thing that you would love to create in your personal life this year? This could be painting a wall, starting a garden, a new friendship, a new romantic relationship. I have too much judgment.
Again, you're the director. You're the star. You're the writer. It's your movie. So don't worry too much about the when and the how. Just dream into the what. What would you love and why? Taking one more minute because there's so much under personal friends, service, home,
really good. It's starting to bring that to a close and starting to ask yourself what would I love to create professionally? How can I use my unique gifts to be of highest service?
calling in a mentor, being a mentor, truly feeling like your gifts are being put to use, to birth the dream planet that your heart knows is possible. Now, thinking about your physical body,
How could you take extraordinary care of this vessel that we've been given? From your skin, to your muscles, to your hair, to your supplements, to your food, to your sex? What would nourish every single layer of this body? Massages, baths, sleep.
I recommend baby steps here. Don't try to go to an eighteen if you're at a two. If you're at a two, what would a three look like? What would a four look like? How could you be one click more kind to your body? Really good. And finally your spiritual life. This is the foundation for which everything else is built. Your relationship with God,
how you perceive yourself as an extension of or separate from nature. This will influence every other decision that you make. How guided you feel, how much access you have to your own intuition. These all come easily, effortlessly, elegantly through a meditation practice. So how do you recommit to that, commit to that?
How do you find things that help you to get into flow that help you to hear that beautiful inner wisdom? Really good. And anything else that feels charming, anything else that you would love to bring into fruition, taking a moment to write that down now. It doesn't matter what category it's in, just start free-flowing. You might surprise yourself.
And ask your guides for support here. How would you use me? What would you have me do? What would you have me create and just start writing?
Offering up the prayer, how would you use me? Please, nature, show me the way I surrender. And then finally, taking a look over all these things that you love to create.
Having looked back on your successes from the previous year, acknowledge your lessons, your learnings, is there one word? Is there a theme that you'd love to live into the coming year? It's checking in with your head, your heart, your hoo-ha. What is my word? My words in years past have been fun, bliss, discipline.
hmm bravery taking up last few moments to write anything else to get clear on your word you can always change it but i do recommend that you make a foam background of it to put a post-it note on your computer to make artwork of it and put it at your desk that you can really come back to this theme not to any one achievement because i promise that your success does not come on the other side of manifesting any single one of these dreams but rather how do you want to feel along the way right we feel good place the order place the order feel good
Okay, give yourself a huge high five. How did that feel? I want to say thank you for investing the time in designing your dream year. And I'm curious how it felt for you. Were you surprised by anything? Did you accomplish something that maybe you forgot about? So let me know in the comments how it was for you and let me know what your word for the year is.
So this is one of my favorite year in exercises. And one thing I want to share is that the combination of meditation and manifesting are so much more powerful together than either one alone. So what we just did is a manifesting exercise. But if you want to supercharge these dreams, then it's important for us to create a daily tool to shift our neurochemistry into one that is set for manifesting.
So if you don't have a meditation practice yet that you love, or if you have one that you're not doing every day twice a day and you want to now supercharge your manifesting, I want to invite you to join me inside of our most popular training called Ziva Meditation. So this is where you're going to learn mindfulness meditation and manifesting. And I'd like to offer you 15% off with a code. Why this? So go to zivameditation.com slash join today and you can get 15% off.
So you can go there right now, pull out your phone, put out your computer, type in Z-I-V-A, meditation.com slash join today and you can use the code YBIS at checkout and you're going to get 15% off this beautiful training that is going to teach you in the Ziva technique that you can take with you for life. Once you graduate, it's only 15 minutes a day for 15 days and then you have these life changing skills
to take with you for life. It's going to improve your sleep, reduce your stress, overcome anxiety, improve your sex life and supercharge all of these manifestations that you just created for yourself. So I love you. I love you. I love you. Thank you for investing in yourself and I will see you in the new year.