59. Becoming A Magic Maker with Emily Fletcher & Stephanie Robinson
October 15, 2024
TLDR: Emily Fletcher introduces Ziva Magic, a course for unlocking potential by visualizing, alchemizing, and magnetizing, helping students like Stephanie Robinson break through blocks and manifest clarity and abundance in their lives.

In the latest episode of the podcast, titled 59. Becoming A Magic Maker, host Emily Fletcher, the founder of Ziva Meditation, teams up with Ziva student Stephanie Robinson to explore the transformative power of manifestation. This engaging conversation not only highlights personal stories but also dives deep into the concept of manifestation using Ziva Meditation's core principles: Visualize, Alchemize, and Magnetize.
Episode Highlights
- Introduction to Ziva Magic: Emily introduces her new course, Ziva Magic, aimed at helping individuals break through mental barriers and embrace clarity and abundance in their personal and professional lives.
- Stephanie’s Journey: Stephanie, who recently began her meditation journey, shares her experiences and the obstacles she has faced in her quest for clarity in her business.
The Ziva Magic Formula
- Setting Intentions: The episode emphasizes the importance of recognizing and articulating what we truly want. Most people struggle with identifying their desires due to fear of failure or past disappointments.
- Visualization Exercise: Emily guides listeners through a meditation where they visualize their dreams as if they are already fulfilled, tapping into their subconscious to enhance clarity.
- Releasing Old Patterns: The conversation addresses the significance of releasing stored trauma, unfelt emotions, and negative energy that block personal growth. Emily and Stephanie engage in a powerful somatic dance to move through these emotions.
- Empowering Movement: By allowing space for feelings—be it sorrow or anger—participants can transform and direct that energy toward their dreams rather than allowing past pains to dictate their future.
- Feeling Good to Attract Good: The hosts agree that feeling good is essential in attracting higher quality experiences into our lives. By cultivating pleasure and joy, individuals can become magnetic to their desires.
- Practical Application: Listeners are encouraged to embrace movement and self-expression as means to deepen their connection to both mind and body, creating a vibrational match to their dreams.
Key Takeaways
- Power of Visualization: Successful manifestation begins with the ability to visualize your desires clearly and safely. This clarity opens up pathways to achieve these goals.
- Embodied Manifestation: The body plays a central role in manifestation. Engaging in somatic practices allows individuals to release pent-up emotions and instill a feeling of empowerment.
- Transformative Experience: Ziva Magic isn’t just theoretical; it is a practical course designed to foster emotional resilience while helping participants discover their true desires without the stigma of societal expectations.
- Community Support: Emily emphasizes the value of community in the healing process, encouraging listeners to engage in these practices collectively for greater impact.
Stephanie’s Personal Insights
Throughout the episode, Stephanie shares intimate reflections on her path to self-discovery. She has experienced:
- Choosing Joy: The choice to create from a space of love rather than fear, trusting that abundance will follow.
- Overcoming Limitations: Confronting beliefs tied to fear of failure—specifically regarding financial security—while learning to embrace creativity and self-expression.
- Freedom to Feel: Acknowledging her personal struggles with expressing feelings and how this podcast has helped her reclaim her voice and experiences as she manifested her dreams.
Conclusion: Accessing Your Inner Magic
The episode ultimately serves as an invitation for listeners to tap into their own magic by learning the Ziva Magic formula for manifestation. Emily encourages everyone to become a magic maker by:
- Committing to their unique dreams.
- Engaging in embodied practices that honor both joy and sorrow.
- Trusting in their worthiness to receive their desires.
This podcast is not just an introduction to a method for effective manifestation; it’s a heartfelt invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Whether you're seeking clarity in your career, relationships, or personal growth, the Ziva Magic approach offers practical tools to bring your desires to fruition. Join the movement, and begin manifesting the life you deserve!
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Sweet friends, welcome to today's episode of why isn't everyone doing this? The show where we reveal those taboo modalities that just might be the medicine that your soul needs to feel free. I'm your host Emily Fletcher, Broadway performer, turned meditation teacher, turned magic maker, and today we make an extraordinary amount of magic on the podcast. We do something we've never done before on the show, and I had a Ziva student named Stephanie join me.
who just started meditating this summer, started listening to the podcast, started with Ziva Online, and then actually won a contest. We put it out on Instagram. We said, hey, Emily's going to do some coaching and do a live Ziva Magic activation on the show. And then she won. And we have to say, like, nature was really looking out for us. We picked the right person because Stephanie already is a yoga teacher and already loves embodied and ecstatic dance.
So she was very brave. She was very willing to go on this ride with me. But the cool thing is that if you listen to this episode, I would recommend doing it at a time where you have some space to move so you can actually join us and do the activation with us. So what I did is that I helped to coach Stephanie through something that she's manifesting. And I'm going to do that same thing with you. So if there's anything in your life that you're looking to call in, a dream that you have, a desire,
that you would love if you're looking to call in a dream relationship or home or career, then you can practice this formula today on this podcast for free in your own time with me and Stephanie. And I'm going to have you drop into a meditation where you can visualize this dream as if it's already happened. And then we're going to move and alchemize anything standing in the way through somatic dance.
And then we're going to magnetize it by feeling good, because the good news is the better you feel, the higher quality things you attract. And if you enjoy it and you want to join me live, I'm doing a free event called Magic Maker, where we are going to have thousands and thousands of people all around the globe coming together to experience this even magic formula live.
You can think of this episode as the perfect appetizer for what we're going to experience at the free event called Magic Maker. Trust me when I say that you are not going to leave this workshop at the same frequency as when you came in. You were going to feel more whole, more worthy, more yourself, more like your dreams are inevitable versus being something that stresses you out. You're going to learn how to move through this formula and you're going to have the chance to deepen. So enjoy today's appetizer for the Magic Maker event.
And if you want to learn more, you can go to zbameditation.com slash magic. I love you and I will see you inside. I don't know what I want. This is the number one issue I see people facing when they're manifesting. So I've been teaching manifesting since 2017. And again, this is the number one thing that I hear that people think that they don't know what they want. But actually, according to science, they do know what they want, but they're protecting themselves from potential future failure.
And this is one of the things that we address inside of Ziva Magic, because if you've been people-pleasing and ignoring that still small voice inside of you, and if you've been ignoring your physical desires and how on earth do you expect yourself to be able to hear the big desires when it comes to your life.
So this is what we are going to give you the tools to eradicate so you can get crystal clear on what it is that you want inside of the first module of Ziva Magic, which is called Visualize. This is going to teach you to visualize from a place of safety and coherence in your body. And this is just the first part of a course that is unlike anything I've ever seen. It is so beautiful. It is, in fact, magical. And it is already changing people's lives. We have beta testers going through it right now. So don't want you to miss this opportunity to join me.
inside of the first cohort, the first graduating class, you can click the link in the bio or go to zivameditation.com slash make magic to join me for this course. And the card is going to close on October 24th. So I would go there now. I'd like to actually for you, I'd like to know what do you, what have you heard about Ziva magic? What do you know about it? And then I can maybe catch you up and catch our listeners up to what it is.
Yes. Well, you've been so gracious with what you've provided to people. So I've gone through some of the pamphlet, but just the three-step process, visualize, mouth, alchemize, magnetize, I believe. And basically like looking at manifestation in a different way. And as you said, getting out of the head into the heart, into the body and recognizing that there's blocks, your body is smart and protecting you.
And just a way to get out of that and move forward and manifest your dreams because our subconscious mind is so powerful and so many people don't realize that. And I think this is, from my understanding, just really going into that and embodying what you really want.
Oh, thank you for saying that. That was really helpful for me. The way you said that a lot of people don't realize how powerful their subconscious mind is. And the thing is that the thing that is creating the subconscious beliefs, the thing that is creating the upper limit on what you will allow yourself to receive, the thing that is creating the blocks from you manifesting the home, the person, the money is usually found
in stored trauma in the body, unfelt feelings in the body. And so the beautiful part about this work, and why I'm so passionate about Ziva Magic, is that in a really fun and liberating way, they can help you reclaim your body and your pleasure for your own. You're actually giving yourself one of the most powerful skills I can think of, which is the ability to not only feel your feelings, but to move and express your feelings. And what happens is that you change the vibrational frequency of your cells. You change
If you change the frequency of your body when you do that, and that is the thing that is creating the limiting beliefs or creating the beliefs that you deserve your desires. Because as I always say, you don't get what we don't get what we want in life. We get what we believe we deserve. And so through Ziva magic and through embodied manifesting, what we're doing is giving people the tools to actually feel and name and process and alchemize
the very things that they thought were standing in the way of their dreams and then turning it into fuel for their dreams. So I'll be curious to find out for you, but I think for most of us, it's like the very same thing that is our superpower is also our Achilles heel.
And so it's like there's a light and a dark to all of it. So the greatest power is often often the greatest shadow. And until people understand that and they see they can start to integrate and work with and love their shadow, then oftentimes we're cutting ourselves off of the knees and not then utilizing what could be our greatest asset towards magnetizing and manifesting our dreams. So it's almost like to get to heaven, we got to go through hell.
Right? It's like if we in order to get to clean the vibrational match of the dreams, we have to be willing to feel the rage, the sorrow, the hurt, the disappointment that it's not there yet. And so for anyone listening, Estefan and I are going to work on manifesting a dream for her. I'm going to do some some laser hot sea coaching for a dream for, for Stephanie, but I invite everyone listening to really tune in even now, like start to marinate what is one thing that I would love. Like what's one thing that I would love to manifest? If I could wave a magic wand over my life,
what would I love? And then I'm going to walk all of us through this process of visualize, alchemize, magnetize. So, so Stephanie, give us a window in like, what's something that you're looking to call in? Is there something that you would love to manifest right now? I would like to call in more clarity for my business and feeling not so attached to the outcome and allowing myself to, to dream big and
create without worrying about if people are going to sign up or if it's good enough or, you know, all the things like, I just want to create from a space of pure enjoyment and love and trust that it will come.
Oh, beautiful. So what I heard you say is that you want to create specifically in your work, but you want to create from a place of love and enjoyment and trust. Is there anything you want to add to that? I know that I am holding myself back due to the fear of the money and not having enough.
I'm living, I'm living my Dharma, but it's not providing me with exactly what I need right now. And so that's kind of where the trust falls is like, okay, well, if I'm not thinking about it and on top of everything, then it's all good to crumble. So there certainly is a, you know, financial element as well.
Yeah, and I'm curious to know what's your relationship with time right now? Like, do you feel like you're always working, that there's not enough hours in the day to complete everything you have to do? Or are you like, ah, there's an abundance of time, I'm good, I can take my time. Like, what's talking about your relationship with time? Depends on the day. Sometimes I feel like I, I've created, I don't have to like, not working like 40, 50, 60 hours a week. I don't do that anymore.
I have a lot of leisure time, but it's more like in my mind, all these things need to be done now for me to have this dream. And I've missed out, you know, and so like physical time I have, but the idea of I'm not doing enough right now is quite constant.
Okay, so it's not like, so on your calendar, you feel spaciousness right inside of your head. It's like there's a constant list of things to execute on and it feels like they're all equally urgent. Is that correct? Yeah, or I need to research and learn and there's so much more for me to learn and there's so much more for me to do and I'm constantly in that beginning stage over and over and over again instead of just like execute.
Oh, okay, so you like get a little addicted to the research before. Okay, let's just do it. Oh, which is like a sneaky perfectionism, sneaky self-sabotage. Okay, so we'll go into this a little bit more later, but let's just give that part the microphone so that part of you that instead of executing on the task is like, well, let me just do a little bit more research. Can we just go one layer deeper and where is that?
where's that coming from? Let's give that part of you the microphone. Like what does that part have to say? No, I would say there is some, I definitely struggled in school as a kid and I had moments where I felt not smart and I've been like trying to prove that, you know, for a long time that I am quite intelligent just because I was bad at math and couldn't read when I was like, and, you know, I figured it out, right? I had quite, quite challenges there, but, um,
and that I've been trying to prove that for a long time and I think wanting to have a finished product that I'm really proud of and I checked all the boxes and I've worked hard enough for that's certainly a big thing for me like I don't know if I worked hard enough for this I should probably work a little bit more.
Okay, so this feels really big and this also feels very, very universal. So everyone listening to this, can we just tune into no matter what it is that you're manifesting?
Right? Like how many of us are trying to prove? Look how smart I am. Look how rich I am. Look how pretty I am. Look how fertile I am. Look what a good wife I would be. Look what a good husband I would be. Look what a good mom I am. And so just tuning in for all of us to that piece of us that's proving and just getting curious. Like who are we proving to? Who are we trying to impress?
Right? And who really cares? Like everyone else is just trying to prove themselves to everyone. No one's actually thinking about you because everyone's too busy proving themselves to this imaginary audience that doesn't exist. And then the other piece is what would happen if we were to choose to believe?
that were enough. Like what would happen if you were to choose to believe that you are enough exactly as you are? Because you exist, because you are an extension of the divine, because you are a hand of God, because you are a wave on the ocean of infinite consciousness. Like what would happen if just right now
You were to choose to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're perfect exactly as you are, that you are so outrageously loved and that there is nothing to prove and no one to prove anything to because you are already enough. Let's just try that on for a moment. I am enough.
It might not feel true right now. It might not feel like an energetic match, but I just want to like put it on. Try on the shirt if I am enough. I have nothing to prove. I am brilliant. And as you try that on, I'm just curious what other voices come up. What other, what's the argument there? I haven't worked hard enough. I can feel it for a day or two, but I'm going to come back, you know? Okay.
and it goes away. You know, I'm like, okay. And like, what if that is the point? Like, what if that cosmic dance? What if it's like cosmic teeter-totter of riding the bike?
like, oh, I am enough. No, I'm not. I need to prove. Oh, I'm brilliant. No, I need to do some more research. Like this, it's like this constant micro correction. What if instead of judging that as good or bad, like, oh, at some point I will believe that I'm enough and then my career will take off and then I can be, then I can create from a place of love and enoughness and inspiration and not proving, but until this story goes away, then I'm stuck.
Versus reframing the entire challenge as like this teeter totter this falling out of alignment and coming back to it is the game. Right it's the forgetting and the remembering that and you know I want to say that the betas according to Emily. Is that the one became to for the joy of becoming one again right that the unity.
became duality for the joy of becoming unity again. Like we forget because it's delightful to remember. Like instead of judging that as bad, can we celebrate that like, oh, here I am veering to the right again. Oh good, I get to enjoy veering back to the left. Oh look, I forgot that I actually am perfect and I am love. Oh, it's so much fun to ease back into this. Like celebrating the contrast
celebrating the darkness because it feels so good to come back into the light. So I feel like if we can start to develop a relationship with our feelings, if we can start to give these fears, the microphone, and even better yet, allow these fears to move through our body, what we do is that we expand our range and capacity for resilience so that it's like when the dream shows up, we believe that we deserve it.
And the deserving comes from how much we trust ourselves. The deserving comes from how much you trust yourself to feel your feelings, not how many hours did I spend behind my screen, you know, slaving away on Zooms. And just to name that, because I know that you're not alone, and so many of us are balancing that.
Like how much do I have to work before I believe that I deserve abundance? How many hours do I have to cop if I believe that I deserve this dream? What if instead we could prove to ourselves that we deserve it by trusting our capacity to feel our feelings instead of how many hours did I log working? Because I've just never seen it work.
I've never seen something like, let me do 10 more hours on Zoom and then I'll receive abundance and time and joy, right? But if...
we trust our ability to like move through the agony, then we actually trust ourselves to hold space for the ecstasy. What I'd like to do now is walk us through the formula, the Ziva Magic formula, which is visualize, alchemize, magnetize. And we're gonna do music and I'll play a song and I'm gonna invite you to just really drop into coherence with yourself and then see this dream as if it's already happened. So, and it might mutate, it might shift a little bit, but what I heard you say is
really creating your life's work from a place of love, from a place of inspiration, from a place of joy. So I'm going to invite you to feel that as if it's already happened. And for anyone listening, you know, this is a pretty beautiful and universal one of someone like your Dharma from a place of love and joy. So you can adopt Stephanie's dream if you like, but it will likely be even more impactful if there's something specific.
that you're trying to manifest for yourself. And when we go into the visualization, I'm going to invite everyone to feel that as if it's already done. Five senses reality already accomplished. And then we're going to tap into anything keeping you from that dream, right? What are the limiting beliefs? What are the fears? What are the stories which we just touched on? But we're going to let those get the microphone and move. And then once we've cleared that channel, once we've made space, we're going to magnetize. We're going to actually
cultivate and curate the most magnetic and creative force on the planet, which is what I call creation energy or sexual energy. But the thing about sexual energy is that it doesn't have to be sexualized. It doesn't have to be an act between two people. It's just life force, right? It's like the thing that allows us to do the most divine thing that humans are capable of, which is to make another human.
But we can channel that to create whatever it is that we want. We can harness that to become more magnetic for our dreams. And the cool thing is that once people know this formula, once people move through Ziva Magic, which is this amazing new course that we have, it's like once you learn this skill, you can apply it to any area of your life, your work, your relationship, your home, having a baby, money. And so I'm really excited for us to move through.
For everyone listening, I would recommend not doing this while you're in a car. I would recommend doing this when you have some time and space, get even a little privacy, because when we go into alchemize, you know, we might be punching a pillow, you might want to get a pillow to punch. If you need to do this in a place where your kids are in the next room, you could always do a silent scream.
You could scream into a pillow. You can punch the air. So there's ways to adapt this, but if you can have some time and space and some comfortable clothes, that'll probably be a little bit more fun. So go ahead and let's close our eyes. Taking a big deep breath into your heart. Exhaling on the sound of the sound of God. Really good. Another big breath into the heart.
Exhaling on the sound of ah, the sound of God. One more big, beautiful breath in. Exhaling and noticing where your body is now, noticing the most prevalent sensation in your body right now.
So letting your body start to soften and ground, feeling your heart open. Starting to listen to this music, letting the music be medicine as well. Dropping a beautiful golden cord down into the core of the planet. And as you inhale, breathing that grounded crystalline frequency up into your bones, up into your cells, really giving yourself permission to arrive right here, right now.
And as you inhale, breathing that grounded earthy energy up into your heart. All the way up into your crown. And allowing that light and energy to move through the top of your head and activating, imagining you have a crown or a halo above your head. Like a cosmic antenna connecting you to creative intelligence itself.
And now allowing your awareness to rest on this golden cord connecting you down into the center of the earth and your crown, both things happening simultaneously. Remembering and feeling yourself as a vessel and as a channel. Tuning into all of the support, all of the guidance that we have all around us. The abundance of air, the abundance of light, the abundance of food, the abundance of love,
Now with the ceremony and ritual space set, I invite you to call on any guidance that would feel good to you. Inviting your five-year-old self to join you. Inviting your future self to join you. Tuning into that innocence and audacity of your inner child, that five-year-old that believed that anything and everything is possible.
the five-year-old that was willing to feel and express and move their feelings fully, and then tuning into future you, the more evolved, more wise, more integrated, more whole version of you, more holy version of you, this version of you that's already manifested this dream, this version of you that is already creating
from a place of love and joy and abundance and worthiness. This version of you that believes that money wants to flow and that you already are abundant. This version of you that knows that everything happens and it's perfect time and that there's no rush. It's tuning into what that future you looks like and feels like.
and now I invite you to imagine this dream, your life's work, your Dharma, is happening from a place of joy that every time you go to teach, every time you look at your schedule or your calendar, you're like, wow, this is my life, that your work feels generative, that you have an abundance of resources and time,
that you're really creating from a space of love and alignment, feeling what that feels like in your body. For those of you listening, just feeling your dream as if it's already happened, tuning into the five senses reality, noticing what your life looks like. As you drop yourself into this timeline, as you embody the version of you that's already living the dream,
What's the most beautiful thing you can see? Noticing if there's any sounds. Do you hear the sounds of nature or laughter, applause, silence?
Noticing if there's any tastes or smells, but really allowing yourself to enjoy the visceral embodied five senses reality of this dream having already happened. If you're manifesting a love, feeling their arms around you, feeling how soft and open your heart feels, if you're manifesting abundance, feeling the freedom and inspiration and joy that comes from being so held. Sacred abundance.
truly feeling the inspiration, the joy, the regenerative nature of your work coming from this place of enoughness. Trusting your intelligence, your gifts, and really feeling yourself as a vessel for nature to use you. I'm now asking the question, how does this dream feel in my body, in my heart, in my head, in my hoo-ha?
giving yourself the gift of this dream already happened. Like you're letting this movie play in your mind.
I'm now getting curious, letting nature show you anything that it would have you see. In nature, how would you love to use me? What would I love? And what I invite you to do now is that you've allowed yourself to drop into this part of the timeline where the dream has already happened, feeling this five senses reality in your cells. I invite you to take a snapshot.
We've been playing the movie in our minds, but now I want you to take a snapshot. An inside of this picture are all of the elements. And we're going to come back to this in a bit. We're going to come back to this after we've moved through the alchemize and the magnetize. So now what I'm going to invite you to do is bravely tune into
The part of you that is afraid that this dream may never come. The part of you that is scared that you may never truly feel like you deserve your Dharma. Part of you that is heartbroken, that it has not already arrived. Giving the part of you the microphone that feels ashamed.
that this dream has not shown up yet. Just tuning in, what are these voices? What are these stories? They might be our words or they might be societal conditioning. Just getting curious, what is this inner dialogue around what I believe I deserve?
And then tuning into the part of you that judges yourself. That judges these aspects of you. I'm really giving it the microphone, seeing if there's any sacred wisdom in there, but mostly just letting it be heard, our feelings simply want to be felt.
These parts of us just want to be seen and acknowledged, and when we see and acknowledge them, they will sit in the back seat. But if we try to act like they are there, they will take over the wheel of our life. Really good. And now tuning into that sacred sorrow,
That fear, that little inner kid, that inner child that is terrified, that this dream may never come, that is heartbroken, that it has not come yet. And giving it permission to be witnessed. And in your own time, I'm going to invite you to open your eyes.
Just staying with yourself, staying with your heart, staying with this feeling. And when you're feeling ready, I'm gonna invite you to stand up. And we're gonna start to move our bodies. We're gonna start to move. This little part of us is feeling some rock, some sorrow, some sadness. So everyone with us at home, I'm gonna invite you to join along and go ahead and stand up, taking a big breath in.
tuning into that little kid, that little inner fibro that's feeling so sad that this dream has not come and we're gonna give that part of us the opportunity to simply move. So letting the music be medicine, letting the music move you, as if you were the frequency of sorrow itself, letting that move through you. And sometimes we fake it till we make it.
Sometimes we can allow the fake tears to lead to real tears. Which is what would happen if you let yourself quote unquote fall apart and feel it all. So good, so beautiful. Wow.
This is not a performance. This is for you. Letting these feelings move your body. Letting your heart animate your body. So beautiful. Yes, Stephanie. Yes.
How does the sorrow want to move? Does it want to shake? Does it want to cry? Does it want to sound? Does it want to swirl? Everything is still. Letting it move. Letting it flow. So good. So beautiful.
On this chaos one way, one way far away Through my eyes and some eyes
Opening up your heart and letting any unexpressed feeling come out, letting it be love, letting it be with us.
Yes, so beautiful. Anything else that wants to be seen in witness move, letting it be expressed, so beautiful.
Yes. Really good in taking one hand and placing it on your heart. So good. One hand and placing it on your belly, taking a big breath in. Exhaling on a hum. Regulating the nervous system, finding safety in the body, finding safety in your nervous system.
knowing that many of us have been told not to feel, not to cry, that we'll be weak, that we should suck it up. And so really celebrating that brave part of you that just gave yourself permission to feel, permission to move, permission to be expressed. This can be a radical act of reclamation, bravo, bravo. And just naming out loud, how do you feel now? Open. Open, yeah.
open and energized. Yes, and this is just one song. So we're going to keep going, right? So what I find is that there's a little piece of us that we started with the most advanced. We've started with the most vulnerable, the sorrow, because usually that's the little kid that doesn't
doesn't want to come out to play too much. And so we create these protector parts around it. So what we're going to tune into next is the protector part, which is usually the sacred rage, that piece that is like, it's their fault. If that, I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to even get in the ring. It's never going to happen for me. Everyone else has it. I don't deserve it. Like all of these defense mechanisms, all of these stories, we want to give that part the microphone and we're going to let this sacred rage move through us.
Now this can be very, very transformative, especially for women, because for many women, rage has not been an acceptable part of our archetype. We don't have anywhere to put it. And so we just turn it towards ourselves. And so even one song of expressing this rage, of punching the air, of stomping on the ground, of letting your inner toddler out to play, can be a radical act.
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to play a song and we're going to tune into this new frequency of this new song. So it's almost like we're on a playground. And it's like now we're on the swings, we're on the sad swings, and now we're going to get on the rage merry-go-round. So it's like we're just giving ourselves permission to get on these different rides.
Okay, and letting the music be medicine and tapping into these different parts of ourselves. So now we're going to tune into Sacred Rage. So just dropping into your heart and noticing what's the part of you and everyone listening at home, I want you to do this with us. What is the part of you that is pissed that your dream has not shown up yet?
giving the microphone to the part of you that is angry at yourself for whatever mistakes you've made in the past. Tuning into the part of you that is mad at the world or mad at your parents or mad at your ex or mad at the people who betrayed you.
For all of the ways you feel that you have been wronged, just letting that part out to play. And toddlers can be our best teachers in this. When toddlers are mad, they just let it rip. They feel their feelings all the way. And then they move through to the new now. So we're gonna tune into this sacred rage. Here we go. So let's go ahead and stand on up. Taking a big breath in. Exhaling.
And starting to stomp our feet. Yeah, like you're a little kid having a temper tantrum. Yes. Yes. So beautiful. Yes. Yes. Maybe starting to shake your hands.
Maybe starting to punch the air. Anything that you think has kept you from your dream. Just see it in front of you and punch it. Letting that inner fire out. Letting that inner ancient archetype of rage out to feel. Yes.
Is there an animal that feels and embodies this rage tuning into that animal, that lion, that gorilla, that snake? Yes, a dragon. Really giving yourself permission to go all the way. If this is your six, what does your 10 look like?
Yeah, this is for you. Beautiful. Yes. Went into shake, stomp, punch, yell, silent scream. So good. Yes, you can punch a pillow, beautiful.
Oh, so good. So beautiful. Yes, Stephanie. And then we'll take one hand and put it on our heart. Yes, one hand and place it on our belly. Inhaling. And anything left that didn't get to be expressed is letting that out on. Ah.
So brave, so beautiful, taking a moment to acknowledge that inner little kid, that part of you that was told not to be mad, not to cry, not to yell, celebrating the bravery that it takes to let that part of you out to play. Taking another breath into your heart, exhaling on a hum, regulating the nervous system, finding where in your body you feel safe right now, where in your room you feel safe right now,
Really, really good. And how are you feeling now? Just naming it out loud. I feel relieved. Intense. Yeah, intense. What kind of intensity? My heart's beating really fast. And I know that little girl had so much of like,
Be happy, and that's it. Yeah, that we were only told to feel one feeling. We're only allowed to play one note on the 88 keys of the keyboard. And was there any little piece of you, a little kernel of delight, a little spark of ecstasy, a little spark of joy that you found in the expression and in the movement of these feelings?
Totally. Yeah. Can you speak to that? Oh, yeah. What did it feel like? The part of you felt good to feel it? Just doing the stomps that I never got to do. Yes. Being angry when I never got to be angry. Yes. Your inner child is smiling and celebrating you.
There is a Lakota saying that says that the devastation on the planet is a result of the thousands of years of uncried tears. And I believe that to be true, that every time we repress our feelings, we are not only keeping us from our dreams, but we are also adding to the collective devastation. And so while this might seem like a simple process, I actually believe that not only are we alchemizing ourselves,
into our future selves, we are also helping to metabolize and alchemize some of the suffering on the planet. So here's what we're going to do. So we've visualized, right? We've got clear on the dream. For you, it's creating and moving into your work from a place of love, from a place of joy, from a place of abundance. For whatever you're manifesting at home, I want you to come back to that vision. Okay, come back to that five senses reality, that snapshot.
And then what we did is that we alchemized anything standing in the way. We got to give that little kid the microphone, that sacred sorrow, that sacred rage. We got to let that be expressed. And now what we're going to do is we're going to, like there's a little ember, like there's a little spark of pleasure that was liberated and happy to be felt. But that little kid that was told to shut up is like, thank God someone's letting me dance. Thank God someone's letting me say my feelings. And so now we're going to allow that piece of us
to grow. We're going to turn on. We're going to activate and amplify the most creative and magnetic force in our body, which is our life force, our turn on, our pleasure. And so I'm going to put on a song and I'm going to invite you to just let the song feel good in your body. I'm going to invite you to just move your body in a way that feels good to you. This is not a performance. This is not for anyone else. This, if anything, is a seduction of your dream.
Like, could you turn on your magnet so big, so bright that your dream is like, oh, I want her. Right? The abundance is chasing you, that the love is chasing you, that the house is looking for you because you're so clear on what you want. You trust yourself to feel your feelings and your magnet is so on. So let's go ahead and stand on up. We're going to tune into another frequency, another song. And again, this is for you.
Taking a big breath into your heart. Exhale, we're going to pleasureable. Ah. And noticing where in your body feels the best right now. It might be your breath. It might be your hands. It might be your hair on your skin.
Letting this song move you. Letting this song feel good in your body. Just starting to move in a way that delights you. Maybe caressing your skin. Ahhh!
If there is any sorrow or sadness or rage left over, you can let that be here too. Letting it be alchemized with your turn on, alchemized with your bliss. You'll be tuning into an animal here as well, a cat, a snake, a bird, a fox.
Yes, breathing all the way down into your roots, breathing all the way down into your hoo-ha, this magnet, this generator of your body, turning it on, allowing this life force to light up and animate every cell in your body.
And now dancing as if this dream has already happened.
tuning into that snapshot, tuning into that five census reality of the stream having already come true, and noticing that joy, that bliss, that celebration, that turn on, and then letting this be your celebration dance, making love to the stream, seducing the stream, yes. Oh.
Letting your body flow like water, letting the emotions flow like water. Connecting to that inner five-year-old and that future you, both are welcome here.
Can you actually feel your body as a magnet? Can you feel the life force and the joy emanating off of your heart, your head, your huha? Can you imagine and feel this dream moving through time and space towards you right now? Trusting that this dream is also dreaming you. Trusting that it needs you as much as you need it.
Yeah, so beautiful. Letting the dream feel good. Yes. Feeling this magnetism, this life force, this creation energy inside of your body. Yes. And taking a big breath in all the way down into your hula, all the way down into your root.
Exhaling on the sound of ah, ah. One hand on your heart, one hand on your belly, checking in with your body. How does it feel to tune into one of the most taboo, one of the most repressed forces on the planet and letting it be witnessed, letting it alchemize,
letting it attract your dream. Oh, so exciting. What feels exciting? The joy is here. It's already here. It's tapping more into that. We'll bring it into my life with ease.
Yes, it's like this is the cosmic trick, right? Is it the more we want something, the more we stress out about the fact that it's not here, but what you just did, and what everyone just did with us in just three songs, is that we got our bodies into the feeling of the dream. We're starting to collapse the timelines. We're starting to merge a future you on you, so that right now you're already an energetic match for the stream. You already feel like you can create from this place of joy and abundance and enoughness.
So what I'm gonna do now is as our bodies are lit up, as we're in our bodies, we're gonna do one more final visualization and really just anchor in this stream. So go ahead and close the eyes. Taking a big breath in. Exhaling on the sound of ah.
So good. And feeling all of this aliveness, all of this creation energy, all this life force energy coursing through your body, feeling your head, your heart and your hoo-ha, all in deep coherence with each other. Feeling your magnetism, your heart open. And tuning into that five senses reality, that snapshot of your dream, it might have expanded, it might have evolved.
and wait to feel that dream as if it's already happened unfolding all around you. Doing your life's work from a place of inspiration, of worthiness, of abundance, joy and inspiration. Whatever it is that you're manifesting, feeling that already here, already now, giving your body that gift,
As you put your attention on this timeline of the dream, as you give it weight and mass to bring it from the unmanifest down into the manifest. What we put our attention on grows, so keep bringing your awareness, keep bringing your attention onto the feeling of this dream already happened. Letting it feel good.
knowing that you deserve it, knowing that your desires are divinely inspired. And that the better we feel, the faster we attract these dreams. And now just for fun, I want you to tune into three people in your life that will directly benefit from your dream coming true. Share your joy with them. Let them share their joy with you.
knowing that as you step into your greatness, you liberate others to do the same. I'm now tuning into the frequency of the planet. How does the entire frequency of the planet change as you up level your frequency?
And to close, I'm going to invite us all to do that, to imagine this happening on mass. Imagine billions of people putting their attention on what they desire. Billions of people letting themselves feel good and place the order.
A whole planet of people willing and equipped to feel their feelings. A whole planet of people trusting themselves to dream, trusting that their desires are divinely inspiring. A whole planet of people flooding their bodies, their brains, their cells with this beautiful cocktail of bliss chemistry that nature has installed inside of us.
thanking this dream, thanking your future you, thanking five-year-old you, and starting to bring your awareness back into the body, back into the room, back into the now. Celebrating yourself for your bravery, acknowledging yourself for saying yes. And in your own time whenever you're ready, we can start to slowly, gently open the eyes.
Bravo, Stephanie. That was really, really beautiful. That was really brave. It was really free. It was really honest. And such an honor to witness, such an honor to watch you going into the sticky places, going into the unfamiliar places, going into the familiar places, and it really felt you
expanding. I felt you vibrating at a different frequency, feeling more confident, trusting yourself more, feeling more joy, feeling more aliveness. But that was just my perception of watching you. But what was your experience like of moving through that?
I am certainly one to promote that sort of somatic release, but do I do it often enough? No. Same. Yeah. You know, doctors need doctors. Trainers need trainers. So a lot of healers, like it's, it's, it's more fun to do it together. And it's more fun to do it with someone leading you through. So, um, you know, we can, you know, just celebrating you and knowing that you're not alone, right? You're not alone. It's better to do in community.
and just recognizing that five year old self and having a lot of images of this future me and all these different like outfits and a lot of clothing for me. And I had a moment where I was just like, you know, that inner saboteur coming through and being like, why are you focusing on the clothes? Like,
Why does that even matter? And I just, you know, my little five year old self loves, loves fashion. And I love fashion, you know, and it's, I was sort of like, wanted to be a fashion designer when I was a kid. And that was totally put to the side and I couldn't draw. And like, you know, these limiting beliefs come up, but it's like, no, I, why?
Why would I ever put that to the side? That is so important to me. I want to dress up and, you know, I have this dress on. I'm like, this is, this is the five year old me. I'm wearing this for her. Yes. I'm dressing up for her.
We love this. Like that feels like a fun game that you could play with yourself as like paint yourself a sign, do finger paints or watercolor or something. And like, what would my five year old self wear today? You know, and like dressing from that place of innocence and creativity and self expression versus like, Oh, what should I wear? What other people will look, think will look good. Like that inside out is a physical representation of this work. So I love that. And also manifesting is like trying on different outfits.
Thank you.
you're like trying on different future use. Like, oh, do I like this one? And that's something that people don't talk too much about with manifesting is that when you do this work, this embodied manifesting, you get to try on one future reality version of you. I'm like, you know what? This one doesn't fit so well. I thought I was going to like it, but actually I thought I wanted to get married. But when I tried that on, it didn't feel good. I'm actually going to manifest instead being so delighted, being in love with myself and enjoying this single life. Or, you know, I thought I wanted to make a million dollars when I tried that on. It was just like,
Oppressed by my stuff, you know, I'd rather actually just love what I have and feel free So it's like you get to try on the thing and decide so I love that the clothes were coming up for you. Yeah, and The movement was you know getting that out and that in the jumping and like the stomping and and all of that was so
you know, I had those moments in my childhood or whatever, adolescence where it's like that, you know, I had that anger. I didn't have it put it out. And I really stopped crying. I didn't cry for many, many years. A lot of my life is no crying. And I still don't cry very much.
But just shutting that off where it used to be quite emotional. And I remember the time when the throat just stopped and that the anger just went in, but there was no way to release it. So letting it out in that way is so important for me. I'm not wanting to get sad. I get mad. So if I can release it in that way, it's not going to brew and stay in the body and stick. Yes.
Yes, that's exactly it. And I really believe in the Vedic concept of, you know, we have the opportunity to learn our lessons on the spiritual plane. And if we don't learn them, then they show up on the psychological plane and then they have to pay our therapist $200 a week for a couple of decades. And then if we don't learn it on the psychological plane, then it shows up on the physical plane, right? Like we get stuck, we lose our voice. It shows up as cancer and the liver. It shows up as autoimmune issues because the body's attacking itself because it has never had the chance to feel the feelings.
And so as silly as it might seem and like, oh, I don't have time or it's selfish or this is indulgent or all of the stories and conditioning. I actually think that a three-song dance party of moving through the Ziva Magic formula one time a day could save you tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in doctor's bills of repressed emotions that will inevitably show up as addiction or stagnation or sickness or autoimmune or inflammation
in the body and so it's like and the beautiful part is that it can be fun, right? Like we were also terrified of feeling our feelings and I think it's because for many of us the first time we experienced big emotion it was with an unregulated adult. You know like daddy was drinking and he got mad and it didn't feel safe. Her mommy was depressed and she was sad and I thought it was my fault. And so we associate big feelings with our lack of safety.
And that's just a byproduct of an entire civilization not being trained how to feel their feelings in a safe and healthy way. And so one of the things I'm so proud of inside of Ziba Magic is giving people this safe container where it's almost like a game, right? Where it's like, yeah, the game now is like dance the rage. The game now is dance the sorrow. And it's like we can try that on too in a way that's kind of safe, but also alchemical and more fun if you have good music. Sure. Yeah. Yeah.
I did feel I have some chronic pain in my body. And that certainly came up during the movements. And I just sort of instead of shying away from it, I more like went into it and like, okay, like how big can this pain be, you know, and like, can I just move as if it isn't there. And it just brings it back to my attention that like,
I'm suppressing this. I don't necessarily, I just live with it and it's like, you don't have to live with it. You don't have to live with it. Obviously, I'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice, but I'll just speak from my own experience of what I've seen for myself and what I've seen through doing, facilitating these Eva Magic retreats as we've been birthing this, is that
oftentimes, not always, but oftentimes, chronic pain is a direct result of unfelt feelings. For me, I've had chronic pain in my lower back, and I could feel it. I was like, oh, these are uncried tears. I know that. These are uncried tears, exactly when or how.
to feel these feelings. And through doing this work, through developing this modality, I no longer have chronic back pain. Because I don't have, I mean, I certainly have uncrateers, but not as many. Do you know what I mean? I've like gone through many of the years of repression and let that come up and out to be witnessed. And I know that a lot of people might feel scared of that, but it's like,
The not feeling of the feeling does not make it go away. It actually costs us more to hold it in and hold it down than it does to simply witness it and let it out. Most feelings only last for 90 seconds. My friend, Dr. Joan Rosenberg, she's a PhD psychiatrist, and she wrote a book called 90 Seconds to a Life You Love. And the theory is that any feeling only lasts for 90 seconds. If we just effing feel it. But if we push it down, you can keep it down there for decades. The village shows up as pain and disease.
Good. So I know I want to be respectful of your time, but I'm curious to know, did anything feel challenging to you? Was there anything that felt hard? I did struggle with. So one of the things that came up was I saw myself with like a team, like working with people. And I was like,
How am I going to, I don't have anybody right now. I can't pay for anybody to work for me right now. That came up and I, but I kept on seeing it and seeing it in that inner, inner critic or saboteur or whatever you want to call it was just like, I saw these big picture of these stages and speaking and, you know, hugging people and all that and I'm just like,
But what's like, what am I doing? What are you speaking about? Yeah, what am I speaking about? What am I hugging people? Like, why are we all together? What's going on? Doesn't really matter. Doesn't matter. It doesn't really matter. I saw that too. When I was a little girl, I could see, I would have these visions of me on a podium and a stage. And I could see thousands of people, mostly women. And I knew I was helping them, but I didn't know in what way.
And so it doesn't really matter like the what. And honestly still, people are like, Emily, what are you going to talk about? I'm doing a conference in 10 days. We need you to send your descriptions. I'm like, I don't know what I'm going to say.
Because really what people are interested in is your transmission, right? It's like who you are Not what you're saying and and that doesn't absolve you of doing the work and yes We need to become experts and things and yes, we need to study But really what people are going to come into that room for is how you make them feel Like what is it that you have embodied that they get?
by osmosis through your transmission. And like sure, the knowledge is nice. Like the left brain facts are nice. But that's not what sells tickets. That's not what fills retreats. That's not why people come to those rooms. It's who you are. It's the frequency of your cells. And this work is the fastest thing I've ever found to help you sort of vibrate at the frequency of that dream. So anything you want to share, anything you want to celebrate, anything that was super fun?
I don't know, maybe the second to last song I got into like that sensation of my higher self, feeling that level of worthiness and rootedness. I really felt that I was able to to picture what that was like. And it was almost similar to how you described that
iridescent light around you. It was kind of like I was in that sort of energetic cocoon, right? Almost like Teflon, it's like nothing. Nothing's going to shake this. Yes, and it is that worthiness, that like, that thing that enters the room before you do, that will be the thing that attracts the team, right? Like that will be the thing that attracts the stage. So your job is to keep tuning into that feeling.
to keep believing in your worthiness, to keep creating from that place of love. What would love create? What would joy create? And then, yes, you could do this again on specifically abundance. You could do this again on specifically calling in the team. But for right now, I think that this worthiness and your dharma is beautiful.
So I'm not sure exactly when this is coming out, but I'll just name that if you want to keep practicing this, there's a few ways that people that you can do this. One, we're doing a free event on October 16th. And that is called magic maker. And we're going to walk, like I said, I think we're going to have like many, many thousands of people all around the world doing this formula. So visualizing. And I think what I'm going to do for this is really tapping into the dream for the planet and then clearing anything standing in the way of that and then magnetizing that with this beautiful creation energy.
And then if people want to dive deeper, we are launching our first ever, evergreen flagship course called Ziva Magic. It's our first really robust embodied manifesting course that I am so outrageously proud of. We thought it was going to be just an online course, but we ended up basically filming a retreat. I had 15 people.
flying from all around the world, and we did a four-day retreat that we documented while I was also teaching to camera. We had artists coming in and making original art, painting our bodies, like it ended up being one of those beautiful, creative ceremonies I've ever experienced, and that is all captured inside of Ziva Magic, and it's gonna teach you these tools that you could literally just press play. There's breathwork, there's alchemical dance, there's youth, there's pleasure prayer ceremonies,
And so I'm so excited about this. And I want to say thank you to you, Stephanie, for like bravely being willing to jump in here to name your dreams. Just even the bravery that it takes to name your dreams is really special. And certainly the bravery of feeling your feelings out loud and being witnessed is beautiful. So anything you want to leave folks with before we wrap it up? Yeah, this is
an incredible experience. And also, you know, I just did this in my living room. This is so accessible and it can be done. You know, that rage, that little kid needs to be seen and let them out. Um, and I, my Instagram is Robin underscore daughter. If you want to check me out and see what I got going on, I'm in the underscored daughter, Robin daughter.
Yeah. Oh, cool. Okay. My last name is Robinson. I'm the girl on the daughter. I love that. And it sounds like you're doing, you know, some similar work to this. So I definitely go and check out Robin Underscore daughter, check out this embodied manifesting and Stephanie, thank you so, so much for bravely going on this journey with us so we can all do it together.
And those of you who are watching, I want to celebrate your bravery and being willing to dream, being willing to visualize, alchemize and magnetize. If you like this work, I want to invite you to join me inside of Ziva Magic. This was just like the Amuz Bouch. This was just the appetizer. The depth of work that happens in this course is like nothing I have ever seen. It is a full ceremony. You will not leave this course vibrating at the same frequency as where you are now. You will believe in your worth. You believe that your desires are divinely inspired. You will get crystal clear on your dreams.
You will start to build resilience to feel your feelings and that same muscle will allow you to hold space for your joy. Like the same muscle that allows you to hold space for your pain is the same muscle that allows you to receive your capacity for joy and to actually receive your dreams. So thank you all for joining me. If you enjoyed this episode, screenshot it. Let us know what you learned. You can tag me at Ziva Meditation. You can tag Stephanie at
robin underscore daughter and let us know what you learned and we will see you next week on why isn't everyone doing this i don't know what i want this is the number one issue i see people facing when they're manifesting so i've been teaching manifesting since 2017 and again this is the number one thing that i hear that people think that they don't know what they want but actually according to science they do know what they want but they're protecting themselves from potential future failure
And this is one of the things that we address inside of Ziba Magic, because if you've been people-pleasing and ignoring that still small voice inside of you, and if you've been ignoring your physical desires and how on earth do you expect yourself to be able to hear the big desires when it comes to your life?
So this is what we are going to give you the tools to eradicate so you can get crystal clear on what it is that you want inside of the first module of Ziva Magic, which is called Visualize. This is going to teach you to visualize from a place of safety and coherence in your body. And this is just the first part of a course that is unlike anything I've ever seen. It is so beautiful. It is, in fact, magical. And it is already changing people's lives. We have beta testers going through it right now. So I don't want you to miss this opportunity to join me.
Inside of the first cohort, the first graduating class, you can click the link in the bio or go to zivameditation.com slash make magic to join me for this course. And the card is going to close on October 24th, so I would go there now.
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