
    5 Ways to Improve Your Subconscious Mind & Be Happier in 2024: Amazing Insight From Dr. Paul Conti

    enDecember 04, 2023
    What role does the unconscious mind play in our lives?
    How can negative self-talk affect personal growth?
    Why is self-care important for parents?
    How does humility contribute to mental well-being?
    What does Dr. Conti recommend for nurturing positive thoughts?

    Podcast Summary

    • Unleashing the Power of the Unconscious MindExploring and understanding our unconscious mind can lead to personal growth, happiness, and a transformative journey towards a more fulfilling life.

      Our unconscious mind holds the key to understanding and improving various aspects of our lives. Dr. Paul Conti, a renowned psychiatrist, emphasizes that the little voice in our heads, the unconscious mind, is responsible for our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. It is often the source of self-limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. Recognizing and exploring this inner voice opens up the opportunity for personal growth and change. By addressing and understanding our unconscious mind, we can embark on a journey towards a happier, more present, and loving self. Dr. Conti's expertise on trauma further highlights the connection between our unconscious mind and emotional well-being. By embracing and delving into our unconscious mind, we can uncover the answers we need to transform our lives.

    • The power of self-perception and internal dialogueBy being aware of our self-talk and challenging negative thoughts, we can shape our perceptions and thoughts to create a positive and empowering mindset.

      Our internal dialogue and self-perception play a significant role in how we respond to life and view ourselves and the world around us. It's important to recognize that there is more going on inside of us than what we consciously take in at the moment. We have the power to control this internal dialogue and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs. By paying attention to our self-talk and being curious about our own thoughts, we can identify any unfair conclusions we may have about ourselves and actively work towards changing them. Instead of allowing negative thoughts to dominate our minds, we can cultivate more positive and empowering beliefs that accurately reflect who we truly are. It's crucial to remember that we have the ability to shape our own perceptions and thoughts, which can ultimately influence our decisions and outcomes in life.

    • The Power of Internal Narratives and How They Shape Our PerceptionBy recognizing and challenging our internal narratives, we can regain control over our emotions, beliefs, and experiences, leading to a more positive and hopeful mindset.

      Our internal narratives, often unknown to us, have a powerful impact on how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. Without paying attention to these narratives, we can easily fall into a state of learned helplessness. By examining and putting words to these thoughts, we can challenge their validity and start to regain control over our emotions and beliefs. The stories shared by Paul Conti in his book provide valuable examples of how our inner voice can shape our experiences and contribute to feelings of being cursed or doomed. Recognizing that we have the power to change these narratives allows us to align our thoughts with our true beliefs and create a more positive and hopeful mindset.

    • The Power of Self-TalkOur thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. By being mindful of our self-talk, we can break free from limiting beliefs and create a positive and empowering narrative that leads to success and happiness.

      The dialogue we have with ourselves can greatly impact our lives. This is exemplified by the story of a man who lived in loneliness and isolation for so long that he believed he was already dead. It shows that the thoughts and beliefs we repeat to ourselves can limit our horizons, health, and happiness. Whether it's convincing ourselves that we'll never find friends or believing that we'll never achieve our goals, the little voice inside our heads influences the actions we take or don't take. This is why it's imperative to be aware of our self-talk and ensure that it empowers us rather than holds us back. The internal dialogue is often more influential than external factors in determining our success and well-being.

    • Breaking Free from Repetitive Patterns for a Better FutureBy recognizing and understanding our patterns, we can break free from the past and make conscious decisions to create a positive and successful future.

      Our past experiences can heavily influence our future outcomes if we keep repeating the same patterns. Dr. Paul Conti emphasizes that many people tend to carry the weight of their past and project it into their future, leading to repetitive cycles of negative experiences. This is evident in relationships and even in career choices. However, by recognizing these patterns and variations of the same story, we can break free from this deterministic mindset. Exploring our inner selves, whether through therapy or self-reflection, allows us to understand our past behaviors and make conscious decisions to create a better future. By learning from our past and using it to our advantage, we can overcome repetitive failures and open up a world of positive change.

    • Silencing the Inner CriticReject destructive thoughts and embrace self-compassion to overcome the negative beliefs that hold us back from achieving our goals and treating ourselves with kindness.

      Our inner voice can be extremely cruel and damaging. We often repeat negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves, painting with a broad brush that we are not good enough, not deserving of love or success. These thoughts can be so pervasive and convincing that we start to believe them as truth. It's important to recognize and reject these destructive thoughts instead of arguing with them. We need to understand that our inner voice is not always accurate or objective. It can also attack the things we most desire, telling us that we will never achieve them. We must challenge these thoughts and choose self-compassion instead. It's time to stop listening to the relentless negativity and start treating ourselves with kindness and support.

    • The Power of Understanding Our Negative Self-TalkBy recognizing that our negative self-talk stems from survival mechanisms and understanding how it can affect our lives, we can take control and create positive change.

      Our negative self-talk and self-destructive behaviors are not intentional or inherent. We don't have a part of our brain that wants to harm us. Instead, it is likely a result of survival mechanisms being hijacked. Our brains have evolved to prioritize potential threats and negative experiences in order to ensure our survival. However, in today's world, this salience bias towards the negative can lead to self-sabotage and a distorted self-perception. Understanding this can help us be more compassionate towards ourselves and realize that we have the power to break free from this negativity. By being curious about our internal experiences and addressing past traumas or sources of shame, we can transform our lives and create positive change.

    • Challenging Negative Beliefs for Personal GrowthChildhood trauma and negative beliefs about ourselves can hinder personal growth, but by questioning and challenging these beliefs, we can achieve self-fulfillment and a better understanding of ourselves.

      Our brains have a built-in survival mechanism that highlights negative experiences in order to protect us. However, this mechanism can also exaggerate negative beliefs about ourselves that are not true. Childhood trauma and abuse, in particular, can have a profound impact on our perception of ourselves and the world. Negative lessons learned in childhood, such as feeling not good enough or helpless, can stay with us into adulthood and hinder our growth and self-fulfillment. Unlike computers that reboot and integrate new information, we often fail to question these negative beliefs as adults. Taking the time to examine the givens from our childhood and challenging these negative beliefs can lead to personal growth and a better understanding of ourselves.

    • Understanding the Impact of Childhood Experiences on Self-WorthRecognizing that negative experiences in childhood were not our fault can help us challenge and improve our self-esteem, leading to better mental well-being. Encouraging resilience in children fosters their ability to overcome challenges and seek better opportunities.

      Children often internalize negative experiences and blame themselves for the actions or emotions of others because they lack the cognitive abilities and life experience to understand that people's behaviors may have little to do with them. As adults, we can reflect on our own childhood and recognize that it wasn't our fault if someone treated us poorly or reacted negatively towards us. This understanding allows us to challenge and change the beliefs we formed as children, and in turn, improve our self-esteem and mental well-being. Additionally, the concept of raising children to feel "good enough" emphasizes the importance of instilling resilience and the belief that they are capable of overcoming challenges and finding better situations for themselves.

    • Prioritizing Self-care for Better Parenting and RelationshipsTaking care of ourselves, acknowledging our flaws, and improving our communication not only benefits our children but also sets a positive example for all our relationships.

      As parents, it is crucial to prioritize our own self-care in order to be the best parents we can be. This means taking care of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, as our own state directly impacts our interactions with our children. We need to be aware of our own stress levels, fatigue, and limitations, and take steps to address them. It is also important to be honest and open with our children when we make mistakes, apologize when necessary, and strive to improve our communication choices. By doing so, we create a healthier environment for our children and model the importance of self-awareness and personal growth. This principle applies not only to parenting but also to all other relationships in our lives.

    • Unlocking the Power of Positive VoicesBy nurturing and amplifying the positive voices within us, practicing humility and gratitude, and prioritizing self-care, we can achieve good mental health and develop healthier relationships with ourselves and others.

      Our negative voices have a natural advantage and tend to overshadow the positive ones. This is due to our evolutionary bias towards the negative. However, the positive voices just need an ally, someone who can nurture and amplify them. Like gardening, where weeds grow faster than flowers, we must be attentive to nurturing the good things in our lives. By taking care of ourselves, we cultivate a sense of humility and gratitude. This helps us navigate the difficulties and uncertainties of life without beating ourselves up. When we approach the world with humility and active gratitude, we become unshackled from the past and can develop healthier relationships with ourselves and others. Good mental health is achievable through simplicity and self-care.

    • Confronting Fear to Discover SolutionsFacing our fears and exploring our thoughts and emotions is necessary for personal growth and positive change in our lives.

      It is natural to feel scared and resistant when it comes to looking inward and facing our thoughts, especially those tied to trauma or negative experiences. This reflexive fear and shame often lead us to hide from exploring and understanding ourselves, causing our problems to grow and fester. However, the answers to our problems are usually within reach, albeit surrounded by fear-inducing decorations. It is important to realize that confronting our past, thoughts, and emotions is not harmful. It is the fear of facing them that keeps us from making positive changes in our lives. Instead of avoiding and hiding, we need to shine a light on our own minds and bravely explore the places we need to go.

    • Confronting Our Fears and Traumas Key Takeaway: Facing our fears and traumas is essential for personal growth and healing, as avoiding them only prolongs our suffering and prevents us from moving forward in life.Subtitle: Confronting Our Fears and Traumas  Facing our fears and traumas is essential for personal growth and healing, as avoiding them only prolongs our suffering and prevents us from moving forward in life.

      Avoiding and ignoring our fears and past traumas only prolongs our suffering and prevents us from moving forward in life. Just like ignoring an overflowing toilet doesn't make the problem go away, pretending that our internal struggles don't exist doesn't make them disappear either. By acknowledging and facing our fears and traumas, we can gain control over them and release the burdens we've been carrying. It's like cutting the rope to the weights of the past and freeing ourselves from their hold. Only then can we truly move forward and create the future we desire. Avoiding our struggles only perpetuates negative self-talk and hinders our progress. So, it's crucial to confront and address what's inside us in order to find healing and growth.

    • Healing from the Past for Personal GrowthBy addressing our past experiences and emotions, we can break free from negative self-talk, improve our relationships, and find success. Seek support to navigate this process and experience transformation.

      Our past experiences and traumas can weigh us down and affect our present mindset. The lingering weight of shame and unprocessed emotions can manifest as negative self-talk and sabotage our relationships and success. However, it is possible to make positive changes by delving deep into our subconscious and addressing these underlying issues. By acknowledging the connections between our thoughts, emotions, and past experiences, we can free ourselves from the burdens that hold us back. It is essential to seek support from therapists or trusted individuals who can help us navigate these complex layers and provide guidance towards personal growth and transformation.

    • The Lingering Effects of Childhood TraumaAcknowledging and dealing with childhood trauma, no matter how seemingly small, is crucial for personal growth and breaking free from self-blame and guilt.

      Childhood trauma, no matter how seemingly small, can have long-lasting effects on our lives. Mel Robbins shared her experience of a traumatic incident in fourth grade that she initially thought was insignificant. However, that singular experience, combined with a million other moments of self-blame and guilt, shaped her inner voice and affected her well into adulthood. It wasn't until she connected the dots and realized the impact of that childhood trauma that she could free herself from the weight of self-criticism. This example highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing childhood trauma, even if it may appear insignificant at first. Understanding the roots of our inner voices can lead to liberation and the ability to create a different, more empowered way of living.

    • The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Belief and BehaviorChildhood trauma can lead to the internalization of false beliefs, causing feelings of shame and inadequacy. By examining our inner dialogue and cultivating self-acceptance, we can overcome these negative beliefs and begin to heal.

      The lessons of trauma that we learn as children can shape our beliefs and behavior. These lessons may be false, but they still hold power over us. We may unknowingly carry shame and feelings of inadequacy from these early experiences, which can impact our actions and relationships throughout life. Despite all our achievements and education, this deeply ingrained lesson remains unless we actively seek to unlearn it. Our brain associates shame with survival and automatically reminds us of our perceived wrongdoings. However, we have the power to challenge and change these negative beliefs. By cultivating curiosity about ourselves and our inner dialogue, we can uncover the root causes of our shame and begin the journey of healing and self-acceptance.

    • The benefits of self-expression for gaining clarity and insight.Talking to someone we trust or writing down our thoughts and emotions can help us understand ourselves better and provide relief and support, even if professional therapy is not accessible.

      Self-reflection and introspection are important for understanding ourselves better. However, simply thinking about our thoughts and emotions may lead to circular thinking, which is why it can be beneficial to express them externally. Talking to someone we trust or writing them down can make a significant difference in gaining clarity and insight. Seeking professional help, such as therapy, is essential in severe situations where safety is a concern. A therapist can provide an objective perspective and help us analyze our thoughts and experiences in a way that we may not be able to do for ourselves. Normalizing our experiences and having a safe space to share can also provide relief and support, even if professional therapy is not accessible.

    • Gain insight through open conversations.Engaging in open conversations with others can help us gain self-awareness and break free from harmful patterns, leading to a fair and compassionate view of ourselves.

      Seeking outside perspectives and engaging in open conversations with trusted friends or loved ones can provide valuable insight and self-awareness. Often, we are not fully conscious of how our internal thoughts and beliefs impact our behavior and interactions with others. This lack of awareness can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies and negative experiences, such as feeling inadequate or attracting negative situations. By discussing our thoughts and experiences with others, we can gain a clearer understanding of ourselves and how we present ourselves to the world. This process enables us to break free from harmful patterns and view ourselves with fairness and compassion, just as we would towards others.

    • The Power of Trusted Communication and UnderstandingTrue change requires patience and perseverance. By focusing on small incremental improvements and reframing our mindset, we can gradually replace negative pathways with positive ones.

      Trusted communication and understanding can greatly benefit us in helping one another. By engaging in meaningful conversations, both parties have the opportunity to learn, grow, and open up to new perspectives. This process can be instrumental in addressing negative thoughts and behaviors. While changing deep-rooted habits takes time, it's important to acknowledge that progress is possible and should not be undermined by unrealistic expectations. We often seek instant gratification, but true change requires patience and perseverance. By reframing our mindset and focusing on small incremental improvements, we can gradually replace negative pathways with positive ones. Let us be mindful of the journey ahead and celebrate even the slightest progress as a significant achievement.

    • Nurturing Change and Personal GrowthRecognizing the importance of patience, self-reflection, and kindness in the process of personal growth can lead to significant improvements in well-being and pave the way for further progress.

      Understanding and having rational expectations are crucial in the process of change and personal growth. It is important to recognize that change takes time and effort, and it is not just a quick fix or a magic solution. Developing patience and giving ourselves and others space to work through challenges can lead to progress. Identifying and acknowledging reflexive habits or negative thought patterns is a rewarding step in itself. It takes courage and curiosity to examine ourselves without judgment. By practicing small acts of kindness and consideration towards ourselves and others, we can empower and embolden ourselves to do better and feel better. These seemingly small actions have a significant impact on our well-being and can set the stage for more significant personal growth.

    • Taking Small Actions to Protect Ourselves from NegativityPrioritizing self-care and acknowledging our worth can shield us from negativity and lead to a more positive and fulfilling life.

      We have the power to protect ourselves from negativity by taking small but meaningful actions. Mel Robbins' analogy of carrying an umbrella in the rain resonates with this idea. Just like popping up the umbrella shields us from the raindrops, making the effort to do something positive for ourselves shields us from negativity. When we think "to hell with it," it's important to recognize that we might actually be thinking "to hell with me." By choosing to acknowledge our worth and prioritize our well-being, we are actively taking steps towards a more pleasant and positive life. This awareness and self-care can make a significant difference in our overall happiness and mindset.

    Recent Episodes from The Mel Robbins Podcast

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    In this episode, Mel dives into an incredible, true story about her life-changing experience with an owl and how it brought profound and unexpected meaning to her life. 

    This episode is remarkable because whether you’re dealing with a change in your own life or just looking for a little bit of inspiration, Mel’s lessons and insights will inspire you to open your mind to larger possibilities and amazing capabilities that you already have.

    This episode is your reminder to keep your eyes—and your mind—wide open and embrace the magic in the everyday.

    If you liked this poignant episode, check this one out next: Trust Your Gut: The Science and Spirit of Intuitive Decision-Making

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 16, 2024

    How to Make a Decision You Won’t Regret Later

    How to Make a Decision You Won’t Regret Later

    In today’s episode, Mel is giving you the playbook to make decisions without guilt.

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    This episode is a candid, funny, and unexpectedly deep dive into how to release the pressure to be everything to everyone. 

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    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
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    The Ultimate Advice for Your Next Chapter (After Your Kids Have Left Home)

    The Ultimate Advice for Your Next Chapter (After Your Kids Have Left Home)

    In today’s episode, you are getting the ultimate advice for navigating any major life change. 

    Mel is now an empty nester and is giving her best wisdom about how to step into a new chapter. She is sharing deeply personal advice about her experience with this transition.

    Whether you’re also figuring out your next steps after the kids have left home, or are navigating a move, relationship change, or new job, this advice is exactly what you need to hear.

    This episode will be your guide for how to take on the unknown with ease and comfort. It’s exactly what you need to find peace and live a more fulfilled life. 

    The truth is, things don’t change with time. It’s what you do with that time that matters. And you’re getting the playbook you need today.

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 09, 2024

    The Secret to a Happy Life: What the Ultimate Study on Happiness Reveals

    The Secret to a Happy Life: What the Ultimate Study on Happiness Reveals

    In today’s episode, you’ll learn the surprising science of happiness. 

    This is a masterclass on everything you need to know about happiness: what really creates it, the different types of happiness, and 4 easy habits that will make your life better.

    You’ll learn lessons from the longest study on happiness, what habits are blocking your happiness, and science-based tools for feeling better.

    It’s also grounded in questions from listeners just like you, who are seeking more happiness, fulfillment, and meaning in their lives. This is an encore episode with new and exciting insights from Mel at the top of the episode. You’ll be happy you joined. Because happiness is not only possible; it is an option for you.

    Get out your notebook because we are drilling into decades of psychological research that will ladder up to more meaning, purpose, and satisfaction in your life.

    To hear more about some of the powerful research mentioned, listen to this episode with happiness expert Dr. Robert Waldinger: What Makes a Good Life? Lessons From the Longest Study on Happiness

    If you, like Mel, find it hard to truly let yourself be happy, listen to this very personal episode about why you’ve been blocking happiness: The Secret to Success & Happiness Nobody Talks About

    For more resources, including the studies mentioned today, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 07, 2024

    How to Get Ahead of 99% of People (In 4 Months)

    How to Get Ahead of 99% of People (In 4 Months)

    Do you want to know the secret to getting ahead of 99% of people, starting now? 

    In today’s episode, Mel is sharing the results of a surprising study that will change how you think about creating the life you want. 

    What if you’ve been approaching goal-setting all wrong? 

    There’s a simple, hidden advantage in front of you, waiting for you to take it.

    Right now, you’re in a unique window of time in which you can leapfrog change, hack productivity, and make the most of your time and energy. 

    Very few people know this research about the unique opportunity of the fall to achieve your goals and dreams. 

    It’s all covered in today’s episode.

    Imagine if by the end of the year you had new, rock-solid habits, an unbreakable routine, and felt calm and energized. This is possible for you by the time you finish listening.

    For another personal episode about making the most of your time listen to this episode next: Life Is Short (How to Spend It Wisely)

    For more resources, including the studies mentioned today, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 05, 2024

    How to Get Motivated Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

    How to Get Motivated Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

    Do you want to know how to get motivated even when you don’t feel like it? 

    Today’s episode is one of the best talks ever on how to improve self-motivation and overcome your excuses. 

    So before you waste any more time, listen to this. 

    After today, you will know how to navigate your life with more power and purpose than you ever thought possible. 

    Psychiatrist Dr. Alok Kanojia, MD, also widely known as Dr. K, is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist specializing in modern mental health and the brain. He is beloved by the millions of fans of his YouTube channel Healthy Gamer for his clear, no-nonsense advice about motivation, technology, and making the most of your life.

    This is one of those episodes that will forever change the way you think.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Alok Kanojia’s research, website, book, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love Dr. K’s first appearance on The Mel Robbins Podcast, which focuses on technology’s impact on the brain and body: Before You Waste Time, Listen to This

     Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    8 Things I Wish I Knew in College

    8 Things I Wish I Knew in College

    These 8 pieces of advice will change your college experience.

    In this episode, Mel is sharing the most impactful and insightful advice for all college students.

    Think of it as a freshman year survival guide.

    And if you’re a parent of a college student, this episode is one that you’re going to want to share and listen to with your kid.

    Mel is sharing advice on:

    • How to handle drinking and hookup culture 
    • Why you need to stop clinging to your high school friends
    • How to take responsibility for your own experience and manage the ups and downs of this new season of life 
    • How to navigate change and uncertainty
    • Understanding what is happening to your body and brain during the first month of college
    • What you really learn from college and why it’s not all about studying

    This episode is the cheat sheet for how to navigate college (and any major life change), so grab your pen and paper because class is in session. 

    For another personal episode on navigating your 20’s, check this out next: 13 Things I Wish I Knew in My 20s

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enAugust 29, 2024

    7 Lessons To Learn Once That Will Improve Your Life Forever

    7 Lessons To Learn Once That Will Improve Your Life Forever

    Once you learn these 7 lessons, you will never be the same. 

    Today, Mel is sharing the profound wisdom that she learned while hiking on the Appalachian Trail. 

    In this deeply personal, relatable, and entertaining episode, Mel walks you through how you can use these insights to improve your relationships, find perspective, change your mindset, and keep your cool even in moments of high stress. 

    By the end of this episode, you are going to feel inspired to take on new challenges and climb to the next level in your life. 

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this one next, which is a recent fan favorite: 8 Realistic Healthy Habits That Make a Huge Difference

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enAugust 26, 2024

    The Science of Women’s Health: Ob/Gyn Reveals 10 Truths You Need to Know

    The Science of Women’s Health: Ob/Gyn Reveals 10 Truths You Need to Know

    Today’s episode is a must-listen because you’ll learn exactly what to do (and not do) to take better care of your body. 

    In this research-packed episode, one of the top gynecologists in the world is here to debunk 10 myths about women’s health. 

    Mel is asking all the uncomfortable questions you want to ask but never have, and today you’re getting the answers.

    Gone are the days of feeling small or out of control when it comes to your health. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to take their power back. 

    Dr. Jen Gunter, MD, is joining Mel in this no-shame, straight-to-the-point conversation. Dr. Gunter is known as the internet’s best Ob/Gyn. She is a double-board certified, fellowship-trained medical doctor and a fierce advocate for women’s health. 

    Dr. Gunter says you deserve science-backed solutions, not fairytales, and she is here to bust through all health myths and clear through the misinformation. This conversation is going to make you think differently about everything, from periods to pleasure—it’s all covered today.

    And you’ll also want to listen all the way to the end for one of the most poignant, inspiring endings to any episode of The Mel Robbins Podcast.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Gunter’s research, website, and social media pages, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love Dr. Gunter’s first appearance on The Mel Robbins Podcast, which focuses on menopause: How to Balance Your Hormones: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About Menopause

    For another personal episode about health, listen to the recent conversation Mel had with Dr. Rena Malik, MD: I’ve Never Told This Story: Leaky Bladder, Pelvic Floor, UTIs, & Constipation (#1 Urologist Gives Solutions)

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enAugust 22, 2024

    Pull Yourself Together: The Best Expert Advice to Make You Feel Incredible

    Pull Yourself Together: The Best Expert Advice to Make You Feel Incredible

    Today’s episode is the guide that you need to create lasting change and uplevel in all areas of your life.

    You will learn the 3 foundational habits that will transform your life and improve your productivity, wellness, health, and life balance.

    These 3 habits are essential to your health, and you need to get them right. Renowned experts are here to give you their straight-from-the-lab advice on how to do each of these things in the optimal way and make them a habit you can stick with for life. 

    Consider the next hour an investment in your health and wellbeing. You can’t afford to miss it.

    What should you listen to next? 

    You’ll love the full podcast episodes with each of the experts featured today:

    Patrick McKeown, 5 Ways to Improve Your Breathing for Better Health (With the #1 Breath Expert in the World):  Apple I Spotify

    Dr. Shane O’Mara, The Shocking Science and Benefits of Taking a Simple Walk:  Apple I Spotify 

    Dr. Gina Poe, How to Get Better Sleep and Boost Your Learning, Memory, and Energy: Apple I Spotify

    Dr. Neha Sangwan, The Surprising Link Between People Pleasing & Your Health: A Medical Doctor’s Recommendation on How to Say “No”: Apple I Spotify 

    For more resources, including links to learn more about each expert on today’s episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enAugust 19, 2024

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    Unveiling the Truth: Understanding the Roots of Confidence and Fulfillment

    Unveiling the Truth: Understanding the Roots of Confidence and Fulfillment

    In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast, Joanna dives into the root causes of self-doubt and lack of fulfillment. It explores how our inner critic, formed from early negative experiences, shapes our perceptions and behaviors.

    The episode highlights the importance of recognizing and detaching from our inner critic to access our authentic selves and experience true joy, peace, and fulfillment. It emphasizes that building confidence and fulfillment comes from within, not through external validation.

    Why you should listen:

    • Learn how to identify and detach from your inner critic
    • Discover the root causes of self-doubt and lack of fulfillment
    • Understand how to build confidence and fulfillment from within
    • Gain insights into creating a life of purpose and authenticity

    Reflection Questions:

    1. How does your inner critic manifest in your life?
    2. What steps can you take to detach from your inner critic and connect with your authentic self?
    3. How can you build confidence and fulfillment from within, rather than seeking external validation?


    If you're feeling stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and seeking external validation? You're not alone. But there's a way to break free and build unshakeable confidence from within.

    Join me for my exclusive Masterclass, "Building Your Confidence from Within," happening March 11th-15th!

    In this 5-day intensive workshop, I'll guide you through a transformative journey to:

    • Unmask your inner critic and its limiting beliefs
    • Develop powerful strategies to overcome self-doubt and negative self-talk
    • Craft a personalized roadmap to build lasting confidence and self-worth

    This Masterclass is your chance to step into a future filled with self-belief and empowerment. Don't miss out!

    Secure your spot today at https://dethroningyourinnercritic.com.securechkout.com/buildingconfidencefromwithin

    EP 59: How You Can Have High Self-Esteem and Low Self-Worth

    EP 59: How You Can Have High Self-Esteem and Low Self-Worth

    Did you know that you can experience high self-esteem and low-self worth at the same time? Tune into this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast as I talk about the differences between self-worth and self-esteem. Then, I answer a listener’s question while sharing 4 ways you can practice self-compassion daily.


    • My personal journey with self-esteem & self-worth.
    • How self-esteem is different from self-worth.
    • What are the daily things I can do to reduce my negative self-talk and feelings of unworthiness, especially when I feel like nothing is working for me?
    • 4 core elements of self-compassion + 4 phrases you can use daily to connect with your self-worth.

    Resources Mentioned:

    The Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program: https://www.unconditionallyworthy.com/program 

    The Date Yourself Course: 4 Weeks to a Healthy Relationship with You: https://www.unconditionallyworthy.com/dateyourself 

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this podcast & DM me on social media to let me know your thoughts on this episode!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with me:

    Watch this episode on Youtube:  https://youtu.be/ex_qZi9JgSY
    Read the show notes: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/59
    Read the transcript: https://dradiagooden.squarespace.com/s/UWP-EP-59-Adia-Gooden-Solo-TRANSCRIPT.pdf

    This episode is sponsored by Crys & Tiana, a podcast production company helping you take the guesswork out of launching and growing your podcasts. Book a strategy call today and start turning your podcast dreams into reality!

    Get 25% off your first launch strategy session at https://www.crysandtiana.com/launchstrategy.

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.

    Learn more at https://www.crysandtiana.com

    7 Steps on How to Silence Your INNER CRITIC Especially When it Gets TOO LOUD and Becomes Overwhelming

    7 Steps on How to Silence Your INNER CRITIC Especially When it Gets TOO LOUD and Becomes Overwhelming

    Are you struggling to silence your inner critic?

    Is it becoming too loud and overwhelming? 

    Today, Jay guides you through the art of silencing your inner critic and the reasons behind our tendency to quit. Unpack the various types of criticism influencing our inner dialogue, and discover actionable tips to befriend your inner critic. Jay's insights span from the importance of self-love in catalyzing change to the transformative power of language, urging you to remove the "I Am" statement. 

    Learn the practice of journaling wins, cultivating resilience, and celebrating daily victories. And unpack how to navigate challenges with resilience, staying true to your goals despite the internal resistance.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • Why your inner critic is so loud
    • How to take control of your inner critic
    • How to think differently about yourself
    • How to celebrate small wins

    Listen in, reflect, be in tune to a more positive and empowered self-perception. 

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:00 How To Silence Your Inner Critic When It’s Too Loud
    • 03:29 This Is The Reason Why We Quit Doing Something
    • 05:15 The Two Broad Types Of Criticism
    • 06:35 7 Tips To Befriend Your Inner Critic
    • 08:03 #1: You Can’t Hate Yourself Into Change
    • 12:24 #2: Give Your Inner Critic A Name
    • 12:56 #3: You Heard Your Inner Critic From Someone Else First
    • 16:55 #4: Remove The “I Am” Statement
    • 17:59 #5: Don’t Let Your Inner Critic Stop You From Making The Right Action
    • 23:24 #6: Start Journaling Your Wins And Good Moments
    • 26:04 #7: Write Down 3 Things You Did Well Today

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