The following podcast is a dear media production.
is kind of a lot as a new preschooler and three year old in a big city. At the moment, we turn to Highlands Naturals. Highlands has been in the well-being business since 1903. Their products have always been made with safe, effective ingredients from babies and kids to grown-ups. Families have trusted Highlands to help relieve sniffles for more than 120 years. You can feel the difference today because they're just trusted.
They take care of our kids so that we can get back to the moments that matter most. Highlands crafted by nature, tested by time. They have been beloved and trusted for so long, which is one of my favorite things about them. And their new kids organic all-in-one cough syrup is safe for kids ages one to 12.
In his USDA organic certified, they're made with gentle organic ingredients such as organic honey, Ivy leaf, elderberry, chamomile, as well as wild cherry bark, zinc, and more. They have a daytime formula and a nighttime formula and a kid approved taste. Shop now for 25% off all of Highlands products at slash balanced.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Kids all in one coughs are up for coughs due to dry, irritated throats. Number one in dollar sales, 52 weeks ends October 5th, 2024.
Hey guys, it's Jordan Younger, your host of the Balance Blonde Soul On Fire podcast. Here we go deep on all things astrology, awakening, wellness, motherhood, channeling, aliens, and so much more. We have deep conversations, we go to other realms. It's a lot of fun, so stick around, let's dive on in. I cannot wait to connect.
Hello and welcome to the show. I'm so happy that you're here. I am over the moon to do today's episode. I don't even know where to begin. I have told you guys for years, so many years that the day that I manifest my book deal come to life as well as the day that I manifest my family's first home, it'll be the best day and I will share everything with you guys on the podcast.
And both of those things have happened over the last couple months and i can finally share and because i'm me and i'm not one of those influencers who spreads out all their exciting information over the course of months i shared it both in one week last week.
I couldn't wait any longer. I had to tell you guys about the book deal, and I had to tell you about the house. And basically the book deal took place on Halloween, 2024. That's when I got the call that my book, A Bridge Between Worlds, was being published and is being published by a shut.
a top five publishing company and then the house. I'm going to tell you the whole journey from beginning to end, but we ended up opening escrow and having our offer accepted on the house on January 3rd of this year. And the escrow was quick. And then as many of you know, Los Angeles went up in flames.
four days after we signed as girl on this house, opened as girl, signed the offer and everything went a little crazy, but it turns out the timing couldn't have been more of a blessing for us personally. So today we're going to get into it. The first thing I want to say is if you're listening to this and you have this feeling of this is hard to listen to because
I want to manifest a house and I want to manifest a book deal or whatever those taught manifestations are for you. They might not be house. They might not be book deal or they might be career. They may be soulmate, pregnancy, so many different things. Just know that listening to this, the simple act.
of turning this episode on, of being inspired to listen to a conversation that is about someone manifesting their wildest dreams. You are raising your vibration. You're raising your own frequency. You're tapping into a higher vibration. You're calling in your future self. You're aligning with your future self. So please know anything that you might feel listening to this episode. And maybe you won't feel this at all. But if you do,
feel while you're listening to this episode like I'm just a little jealous. I actually want to turn this off. I'm kind of annoyed that Jordan's talking about these amazing things happening in her life and maybe I don't have these things or I don't even feel like I have the tools to tap into.
this kind of manifestation come to life for myself. I want you to immediately wipe that negative thinking, that limiting belief, that old pattern out of your mind. And I want you to start rewriting your story, your narrative as you listen to this episode, to view me as not somebody who has gotten these things that they've wanted for so long that you can't have. But as an expander,
CC my amazing friend lacy phillips from to be magnetic and expand or a vision holder for the fact that you can do exactly the same thing. Because you can and nobody has more access than you nobody has more luck than you we can all tap into higher alignment higher frequency higher vibration.
trusting in the universe, knowing that things happen when they're supposed to, and just being on the ride for these good things to come into our lives. I also want to start by saying, if you've listened to this show for a while, then you already know this. But I have been trying to manifest this home for my family for more than five years, and we'll get into the whole journey in this episode. And I'm also going to tell you where our house is, because I haven't said on Instagram yet,
Number two, I've been trying to manifest this book deal, not just the book, because anybody can write a book. I've written this book 150 million times over the last 10 years, but I've been trying to manifest a specific book deal with a specific publishing company.
For so long, for nine years. Ever since my first book came out in 2015. And from there, I thought I could just keep publishing books because the first one did so well. But it wasn't working out. It wasn't working out. And it's not that the story wasn't there. The audience wasn't there. It's that the time wasn't right. And I wasn't ready. And I truly believe
even though I had all of these ideas that I felt like were amazing ideas and these books needed to come to life and these publishers just needed to know how valuable I was. These were all the stories in my head. And I now know the universe was protecting me.
and handing me rejection after rejection after rejection so that I could have what I was meant to have, which was the book deal with his shirt that finally came to life in October 2024. With this book, a bridge between worlds that's coming out in October 2026 so that it can have the stories in it that I'm currently living right now.
that I can tell you how I manifested this house, how I manifested my health, my two healthy kids, my marriage, my soulmate, my happy life, my abundance, my career, everything that I didn't have nine years ago. And of course, a book is always going to capture us at a specific moment in time.
And I think of it like a wave, and we could be in an up part of the wave, we could be in a down part of the wave. And wherever that book is and wherever it meets you, it's going to be a little snapshot of a wave that is your forever life. And so everything, if I write a book this year, it's going to be entirely different than what I write next year, and so on and so forth.
But I truly believe and know that this book, A Bridge Between Worlds, is exactly what it is on this wave and is going to come into the world and help the exact people that it's supposed to help. And it's going to heal the people that it's meant to all because I trusted the process. And I'm not just saying I trusted the process. The universe forced me to trust the process and I persisted and I didn't give up.
And that's what you have access to within yourself as well. To keep going even when it's not working out, even when it's not aligning and keep going and persist and believe in yourself and never give up and you can pivot and change paths. And you can also listen to the universe or God, whatever you believe in and take those little breadcrumbs and those intuitive pinks and take that knowledge of, okay, this
isn't working out the way that I want it to, whatever it is that you're calling into your life that you don't have yet. How can I pivot? How can I do things differently? So let's get started first by talking about the house manifestation and then we'll get into the book because I know there's probably more people out there who are looking to buy a home.
And then there are for people looking to get a book published. So the first thing that I did five years ago when we started house hunting was get extremely clear on everything it was that I wanted in a house. I had a list of non-negotiables from the airy light that I wanted to come into the house to wood floors, to renovate it and new to a big kitchen.
to white marble countertops in the kitchen, at least four bedrooms, at least three bathrooms. I wanted a backyard for my kids to run around, and I also wanted a pool. And I also really, really wanted something that felt like it was in nature with views of something like up in the mountains is what I kept envisioning.
And I wanted it to be in LA, possibly, but also outside of LA. And I know that that sounds a little confusing. And I think because I was confused, that's what took so long for this manifestation to fully come to life in the perfect timing. So I wanted something that was very filled with nature. Kind of reminds you like you're in Yosemite or Bali, something very rustic, but also renovated. However,
This is what gets a little tricky. And I believe this is what took us so long to land on the area that we ended up landing on. I also wanted the convenience of being able to go into town, being able to go to grocery stores with ease and farmers markets and yoga studios and preschools and parks and all this kind of stuff. Because when you first hear what I was looking for in a house, you probably think of something like Topanga Canyon.
Now, Topanga was my original vision. So all the way back when we were on our honeymoon in Bali in 2019, and we did mushrooms in the trees in Hupud, and I saw all of these visions out the window of our amazing hotel in the jungle. The monkeys were flying around, all the things.
And I was still really sick with lying back then. I saw up to Jonathan on mushrooms saying, we have to live in Topanga. I have this vision of us. It's like the trees were telling me that we had to move to Topanga and create the same level of calm and peace and nature and harmony.
with animals and harmony with the land and community, like community people who are interested in the same types of things. Because LA is a mixed bag. You're going to get everything when you think of people who live in LA. You're going to get the Hollywood people. You're going to get the neighborhood, beachy people. You're going to get the hippies who are very much like me, who live into paying others. Everything you could ever imagine in Los Angeles, there's a neighborhood for you.
So coming back from our honeymoon at the end of 2019 into the beginning of 2020, we had our sights set on Topanga. We started looking into Panga. Everything was beautiful, but also the drive in through the canyon and out was a lot. And
If you don't know anything about where we live, we live in the heart of Brentwood, which is one of the only parts of LA where you can truly walk everywhere. From our apartment, we can walk to Whole Foods, we can walk to CVS, we can walk to CorePower Yoga, tons of different restaurants, farmers, markets, we could walk to the beach. It's a long walk, but we walk everywhere. And you don't have that in a lot of parts of LA, but you certainly don't have that into paying up.
And I have so many friends who live in Topanga. They're the first to admit when they're home, they're in their cocoon. They don't leave the canyon very much. And if they do, they're okay with long drives, traffic, commutes, fire evacuations, frequently, all this kind of stuff. And it's a trade-off because you get this amazing piece in the heart of Los Angeles while also feeling like you're in Yosemite and
The trade off is it's a bit of a drive and it's also pure nature. So you are evacuating because of fire warnings and all this kind of stuff.
Highlands Naturals is everything to me, everything to my family, everything to my kids. Highlands has been in the well-being business since 1903. Their products have always been made with safe, effective ingredients. From babies and kids to grown-ups, families have trusted Highlands to help relieve sniffles for more than 120 years. Today, you can feel the difference in any of Highlands formulas.
We'll take care of them so you can get back to the moments that matter most. Highlands, crafted by nature, tested by time. Highlands has been a trusted beloved brand for, like I said, more than 120 years. And Highlands' new kids' organic all-in-one cough syrup is safe for ages 1 to 12 and is USDA organic certified.
They're made with gentle organic ingredients, such as organic honey, Ivy leaf, elderberry, chamomile, as well as wild cherry bark, zinc, and more. And they have a multi-benefit formula that not only eases coughs and mucus, but also supports immune health, their new formula.
Is so amazing it's gentle is effective they have separate daytime and nighttime formulas and they have a kid approved taste. You can shop now for twenty five percent off all highlands products at highlands dot com slash balanced. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Kids all in one cough syrup for coughs due to dry, irritated throats. Number one in dollar sales, 52 weeks end October 5th, 2024.
I'm Whitney of the Buyer, you may name me from Love Island, but it's time to name me from a little island called Life. My podcast, What's It Giving, features my sister Lizzie as well as special guests getting into all the things, life, love, laughter. I'm not saying T.E. will be spilled, but I'm also not saying the floor will be dry.
Send me your DM on Instagram if you have any dilemmas you want to learn from our podcasts, watch or listen to what's your giving, wherever you get your podcasts every Wednesday. Be there, I'll be square.
Because of who I am and I am an indecisive triple Libra, we probably looked at over the years, probably more than 50 or 100 homes in Topanga. And we would get really close so many times to putting an offer. And every time.
At the end of the process, I would come to this feeling like I can't do it. I need the conveniences. I just don't know if I'm ready. And back in 2020, I would tell myself, maybe when we have kids or maybe when it's the perfect house, maybe it'll be right. And then many of us know what happened during 2020. And after 2020, the world got crazy. But beyond that, the housing market really changed. And in our price range, homes that had formerly been available,
Absolutely skyrocketed in terms of price. So let's just use kind of like a blanket number. And I'm not going to tell you guys any numbers of what we spent or anything because it doesn't matter. But let's just pretend we were looking in the $2 million range.
So at the time, late 2019, early 2020, you could get a beautiful house into paying up for that number. You could get a beautiful house small on the outskirts of the palace dates, but you could for something around that number. And then.
post COVID, post pandemic, everything changed. Price is skyrocketed. So in our price range, you could still look in those areas, but you're looking at something really old, really small, not a lot of land, not renovated. With me, I have a lot of health issues. So there were mold concerns and a lot of these old homes. And then there were also tons of competition. And with that competition came
buyers basically agreeing to waive their contingencies. So in order for them to get a house from the sellers, they would waive the contingencies like the mold inspections, the home inspections, everything else because everything was so competitive. So this was a really overwhelming time. And at the same time, I was always really grateful for our space in Brentwood. We have a beautiful apartment
My parents live upstairs. Our entire life is in Brentwood and has been for 12 years. We started having kids in 2021. And then last year had Delilah. So my kids started to become really accustomed to this area. So from like 2021 to 2024, we were in this space where I feel like we were rushing out to see tons of houses all the time looking on Zillow. We had so many different real estate agents.
And to all of the agents that we've ever worked with, thank you. I love you. I appreciate you. My point is everyone was sending us listings all the time. And we looked all the time. And there was the era of my pregnancy with Atticus. And then I just got too pregnant and decided we're not going to move. And then there was the era of everything just became so expensive that it wasn't a good time to look. And I trusted that the market was going to change.
And then there was the era from probably 2022 to 2023 of maybe we're just going to rent. Let's rent. And then we can try a new neighborhood to us, like the Palisades or Topanga or even something like Beverly Hills or West Hollywood or Sherman Oaks or Calabasas or Manhattan Beach. So many options were thrown out, even Orange County. And maybe we'll rent something. So then we started getting heavily involved in looking in the rental market.
Now, rentals were out of control off the charts as well. So what we were paying in Brentwood to live in a beautiful renovated space in a wonderful neighborhood, we'd be paying at least double, if not triple, to basically just have a house, the same size as our apartment, but with a yard and with all of the wonderful things that come with renting a house. And so,
Even though it seemed like a good idea, we just couldn't bring ourselves to do it. And the thing about me is I'm very much involved with the soul of money. I believe in the soul of money. I spend money very freely. It comes back to me very freely. I'm all about the energy of money. And that's always worked really well for me.
But I also make really, really, really practical choices when it comes to big purchases. Like when it comes to daily things, small things, I'm the girl who's post mating every meal. I'm grocery shopping at heroin. I'm really spending very freely. But when it comes to very big things like houses and cars, et cetera,
I am as practical as they come to the point where I had the same Honda CRV for like 12 years and it didn't fit my aesthetic or my personality or my success level or anything, but I did it because it just wasn't something that was super important to me. So with a house, you can imagine I felt the same way. And then on an energetic level, I feel like
looking for a house, whether it be to rent or to buy for all these years, and then not actually taking that next step to make an offer or get into the house. Kind of put me into this headspace where I started feeling like we just look at houses for fun.
And it's not like I was telling anybody that or any of our real estate agents knew that or that I even knew that consciously. I was more subconsciously. I think deep within my subconscious and subconscious talk is important when we're talking about manifesting because I believe it all comes from our subconscious deep within my subconscious.
I started to believe we just kind of look at houses for fun. This is like a sport for us at this point. It's like a game and we never make any offers and we never make any moves. And that's what's happening. And this was all like wrapped up in some limiting beliefs in my subconscious. Like maybe we're not ready. Maybe the world's not ready. Maybe I don't even want to raise my kids in LA. So there was always like that kind of complication in the back burner. Maybe we want to move to Hawaii.
Maybe we want to move back to Sacramento. There were all of these feelings of why would we buy a house in Los Angeles if I don't even know if we want to stay in Los Angeles. So even though purchasing a home is a huge deal and probably one of the biggest purchases one could ever make in their life, I was making it into even a bigger deal.
almost to the fact I had to keep reminding myself you can buy a house and you can move you can sell the house if you're not happy maybe not overnight and maybe not even within a year but like you're not going to be stuck there for your whole entire life so I had to do a lot of subconscious reprogramming work around that.
Then I was pregnant with Delilah and knowing that we were going to have another child now in our two bedroom apartment, definitely move the needle for us to know we can't just look at houses for fun anymore, quote unquote. We've got to do something.
So there are a couple homes that we almost moved into that were for rent. And I was really, really into the renting idea I had remit on my podcast. He's the amazing author of, I will teach you to be rich. And he is really with it, really modern when it comes to financial advice. And he had told me renting is actually smarter than buying.
as far as investments go and for a lot of young families, especially in big cities. And he really opened my mind. So we were looking to rent all the time. And then the homes that we kept loving in places like Santa Monica and the palisades to rent kept falling through for various different reasons, whether they had mold in them, whether
The prices were raised whether they chose someone that wasn't us. Like this kept happening for like a year. And I wasn't very attached and I think it's because none of these houses were really right for us in the end. And then after I had Delilah and we did have two kids and we do have two kids in a two bedroom apartment and the pressure was really on from my family, from everyone all around us. Like you guys need to expand your search.
you really can't just keep looking on the west side of LA. And for people who aren't local to LA, that means Brentwood, Santa Monica, the Palisades, Malibu. Those were really the only places that I was interested in for several years, and to Panga, depending on my mood, but I had kind of shifted from looking into Panga because I knew that I wanted more conveniences. So from there,
We'd been looking looking and we looked at townhomes in the Palisades all the time. Now fast forward to current day, everything that we had ever looked at in the Palisades is gone.
And I'm heartbroken for absolutely everyone who's affected. And it's crazy to think some of these homes that were like the homes that got away. That's how Jonathan and I talked about them, homes that we fell in love with in the Palisades. Had we bought them, they are now gone. And that's just a really, really wild thought, not that I believe
And everything happens for a reason in that sense, because I will never say everything happens for a reason when so many people are dealing with the aftermath of that tragedy. Now, fast forward to the end of 2023. I went to my friend, Lacey Phillips to be magnetic live event in Los Angeles. I went with a couple of friends. We're sitting in a front row. Lacey was inspiring the heck out of all of us. We were doing live meditations.
And in the meditation, which was a big manifestation meditation and releasing negative blocks and limiting beliefs around our biggest manifestations and desires, I had a really emotional moment where I realized I think it's time to start searching outside of the parameters that I've always been putting on where we're looking.
and being so picky that I'm actually subconsciously purposely blocking us from getting a house. Like on purpose, because I'm afraid of change. And it was this really deep huge realization of I'm terrified to move because
I'm so used to our life here. I'm so used to having my parents upstairs. I'm so used to everything that we do in Brentwood that I've done for the last 12 years in this little one mile radius where I have lived, even before I was with Jonathan, before we had kids.
So I started unwinding myself from that subconscious limiting belief, that big block, and I blurted out to one of my friends that I was at the lazy event with saying, oh my God, I think I have to start looking in the valley. And at the time, I thought that that meant like Sherman Oaks Studio City. So we set our sights on those areas. And after looking there for half a year,
I started to realize and I actually realized right away as beautiful as those areas are. And as central as they are to a lot of our life, it's not my vibe. I'm all about vibes. I'm all about energy. And if we're talking about the neighborhood in which we're going to raise our kids and build a home and the next, you know, 10, 20 years of our lives are going to be in this area.
Although yes, we can move, but my intention is to stay and plant roots, then I wasn't seeing myself in that area. But I did expand my mind through that meditation with Lacey. And then fast forward again to my pregnancy with Delilah. I was bedridden on my desk bed, so sick.
couldn't leave my room for 35 days and thought I was going to die in the deepest depression miserable in physical pain.
Really, every single day felt like I was facing the brink of my own death. This was June of last year. During that time, I had so many visions and I felt very, very close to God because I really felt like I was on the brink of death. And I also was so disconnected from where I was physically based off of location.
because I didn't leave my room. I could have been anywhere. I could have been in any town in the entire world and it wouldn't have mattered because I couldn't move. And I had a lot of really, really clear revelations during that time. And one of those revelations was, oh my God.
We need to live in Westlake, Westlake Village, California, which is about 30 to 35 miles north of where I live now. It is considered the valley. It is kind of on the border of Los Angeles County and Ventura County. I thought it was in Ventura County, but I guess it's more like LA County, but it's so close. It's basically in Ventura.
And if you're not familiar with LA, all you need to know is it's like 30 miles north of Los Angeles. And yes, it might be considered LA County, but trust me when I say it is out of the way. It is nowhere near where I go to podcast at Dear Media. It's nowhere near Brentwood. It's nowhere near where my kids go to school right now. Like it's a whole new life.
And it's beautiful. I love it out there. It's also over the hill from Malibu. So that's ideal for me because I spend all my time in Malibu. So I love the idea of just being able to jet over to Malibu. My kids could go to school in Malibu if I wanted them to. It has everything we want. It's the beachy life that we want. But also we could actually have space. We could actually have land.
and we could have everything that we want in a home. And Jonathan, by the way, has been open to Westlake and or anywhere this whole time. He's extremely go with the flow, which makes my life really easy. But also at times, I felt like made my life hard because I felt like I was the only one making the decision because he's literally happy anywhere. Now, the thing about Westlake that I had a lot of limiting beliefs around,
And if you're listening and you live in Westlake or you grew up in Westlake you're probably laughing at me because I've never lived there so I can only speak off of what I imagine thus far. The hang-ups that I had around this area were that is far.
It is a place I feel where people move when they're ready to kind of leave the city life and settle down and raise their kids. It's true suburbia. It reminds me of where I grew up in Sacramento. It's suburbia. It's slow paced. It's all about families. It's all about the kids.
Which is what I want and crave and desire and what I've been trying to create over here in the middle of the city and it's just not happening. But the hang up I had around it is that I've always my whole life had a ton of family in the valley. So growing up I was raised in Sacramento which is six hours north of Los Angeles so nowhere near here.
My sister lives in the Valley of Los Angeles, all of my cousins, my aunts and uncles, and then I married Jonathan and his whole family is from the Valley. So he grew up in Calabasas. His whole family lives either in Calabasas or in Westlake, and my whole family lives in Westlake other than my parents and some of my siblings who live in Sacramento.
And because of this, and I think because I have this innate part of me that is very rebellious and not even on purpose, like I just like to be different. I feel different. And I like that to be reflected in everything I do. Even though we were always told, you should move to the valley. You know, you could get so much space to be closer to the family. I always felt like, you know what, we're just a little different. Like, I think we're going to be happier.
somewhere like Brentwood or the Palisades. Long story short, I had this huge revelation when I was pregnant with Delilah, and then I had Delilah and was in big newborn mode, but the revelation came back to me in October, and I had this huge download, like a moment from God where I was in the bath, and I got this huge intuitive hit. We are going to move to Westlake. We need to stop looking everywhere else. Looking anywhere else is a waste of our time.
we're going to build a life in Westlake. It'll be amazing for the kids to live by their cousins. It's beautiful. It's, yes, so much further than I planned on being from LA and a lot of our friends and a lot of our work and a lot of what we do on a daily basis, everything that we do on a daily basis. But it gives us an opportunity to start fresh rather than moving to
Sherman Oaks, for example, which is so much closer to here, but we would still be doing all the same things, but kind of living in a different neighborhood, far different neighborhood than we do, where Westlake is like a fresh chapter. There will be different schools. There will be different doctors. There will be different yoga studios. Everything is going to be different. And it's close enough where I can still come into the city and do what I need to do, like once a week, because I don't think I would come more often than that.
And when I had this, a revelation, I told my parents they were thrilled. They also want to move to Westlake. They also just bought a house in Westlake. Surprise, surprise. We're going to get into that in a few minutes. And we spoke to my sister, who, of course, had us work with her best friend, who's an amazing agent out there and spent the last few months looking.
And then this house basically fell in our laps. And that's what happens when you are meant to be living in a house, when the house is meant to be yours. It is not necessarily easy because I wouldn't say the process was easy, but it was easeful and joyful in that it was so obvious that this was supposed to be our house. So when we stopped wasting time looking in other areas, because I knew at this point was like is where we want to be.
we started to get really excited and i went to tour a bunch of houses in person one day and i ended up seeing this house the house that is our house and because i had seen a bunch of houses on that day i don't think i could fully appreciate its beauty i loved it i felt like i could totally see us here but this is
The first day that we've looked at houses, I'm going to give it more time because I've been so used to looking at houses just for fun, quote unquote, remember my limiting belief. So we kind of went home, tried to cleanse the palette, waited for more homes to come on the market.
And then the holidays happened. We were home in Sacramento, and my family started talking about that house, the house that ends up being our house, my sister, my nieces, my brother-in-law. Everybody's pulling up the photos of this house.
And they're like, have you seen that this house is still on the market? And they also lowered the price. Like this is an amazing house. And it's been sitting on the market for a little while. And then over the course of about a month and a half, I had like 10 friends send me the link to this house.
Which again is nothing new because we've been looking for homes forever, but 10 friends literally like, hey, this is completely your vibe. And it's just sitting on the market. And I was like, no, I know I've seen that house. I think I need to go back and see it in person. So right after Christmas,
Jonathan and I and our kids and my sister and my niece and my brother, we all went to see it. And it was just our house. The feeling was unbelievable. It was our house. It was a resounding yes. Atticus was so happy in the house. He was so happy in the yard. Everything about it was perfect. It actually feels like a house that is meant to be in Topanga.
but it's in the suburbs of West Lake. So it overlooks the mountains. It overlooks the lake. It's high up on a hill, but it's completely in suburbia. So extreme convenience. It's down the street from a park. It would be a long walk, but we could walk to grocery stores. And then the kicker is my parents ended up buying a house one mile away from there. And that happened one week later.
I can't even tell you how many things aligned for this to happen. And the beauty of this house, like the energy that we feel in this house doesn't even come. No other house that we saw in the last five years gave us the same feeling.
Truly. And I believe we could have been happy in so many different places, but this is what it was meant to be. And that's what it feels like when you're in the place where it's supposed to be. So we made an offer. There was a lot of back and forth because there was another offer. So the other offer was actually higher than ours, but we had some other
really good qualities that made our offer stand out that I won't necessarily share. But let's just say they went with us and they were always going to go with us because this was literally meant to be. We got the house for under asking, which is basically unheard of in this market anywhere in Southern California.
And it closed, or should I say, we got the offer and opened escrow five days before the fires in Los Angeles. So then we were heavily watching everything because there was a moment there where it seemed as if the fires were going to burn down the whole city and everything surrounding the city. There were fires in Calabasas, which is close to Westlake. There were fires into Pinga, which is close to Westlake Malibu, which is right over the hill. So we were worried. We were watching everything very closely, but
By the grace of God, Westlake is perfectly fine, and it's also now in a much, much safer area for air quality than where we live in Brentwood. Like here, I can't walk outside without a mask right now. Don't even feel comfortable sending Atticus to school. A bunch of people in our neighborhood and a bunch of fellow classmates from Atticus' school have permanently relocated because of what's going on with the air quality here.
And we just had this house sitting that we're already moving into in a much safer, better area for the air. So I can't even tell you the timings and the blessings. And then because of everything that happened and so many people being displaced from their homes in the palisades and Altadena and other places that have been affected by the fires, the housing market is way up again. And homes on the outskirts of LA like this are going for way, way, way over asking.
So had we been five days later in opening escrow, we would have probably not maybe been able to compete with the offers coming into this house.
So, I mean, I gave you a lot more detail than I was planning on. That is the long-winded story of how we got our house. I wanna tell you a few things that I did to manifest this house, and then we'll get into the book, Manifestation. So what I did to manifest this house, even though, as you can see, the biggest thing I did was get rid of those limiting beliefs, that although we look at homes all the time, although we can afford a home, although we're meant to be in a home, although our family has outgrown our apartment,
It's just not working for us for whatever reason. That was like this big limiting belief of like, I don't know if I want to spend that much money. I don't know if I want to be tied to a house because I like to travel. All of these limiting beliefs, things that might sound really, really, really first world problems, but very realistic for a young family who lives here who's just trying to figure out what is in alignment with our life right now. So I had to get past that limiting belief first of all.
Number two, I had to step into the energy of this is already what I have. Every time I've ever manifested anything in my life, whether it be big or small, I've had to step into the energy of I am the person who already has this. I ask myself, how would I feel, think and act if this was already mine? How would I carry myself? How would I dress? How would I talk? How would I walk if I lived in this beautiful home?
how would I show up? And that's the energy that I stepped into. Number three, I've had a lot of expanders in the realm of home. Lacey is one of my expanders when she moved her family into their beautiful home in Topanga, which if you follow her, many of you have seen on Instagram, they have a farm, they have donkeys, they have it all. She was a huge expander for me in finding her family's home in LA, even though she was never
a big L.A. person just like me and her body healed there and her kids are so happy there. Huge expander. Same with my friend Lily who has a beautiful home in nature. Same with my friend Laura who manifested a beautiful home several years ago. I just found all of these expanders. My cousins who moved from the city back to Westlake where they grew up.
Beautiful homes. They're super happy. Some of our really good friends who moved also from the city to Westlake, beautiful home. They're super happy. They belong to this country club. They go to Malibu on the weekends. That vision was the expansion that I needed to step into it. Seeing others have what I wanted, it didn't make me feel jealous at all. All it was for me was proof that my dreams were possible.
Number four, something that I believe is really important in all manifestation is a healthy level of detachment.
Yes, I had a few moments where we were in the final stages of making an offer on this house and we were not sure if we were gonna be picked or the other family who was putting an offer, we're gonna be picked. I had moments where I felt psychotic, where I wanted to call the agents and be like, I can't even sleep tonight if you don't tell me if we have the house or not. But instead, I practiced a healthy level of detachment.
and got myself into a place of knowing I will be okay if this house isn't ours because if it's not ours, then I trust that it was never meant to be ours. And I trust that it's coming. And detaching doesn't mean that you go to a place of I don't care. You go to a place of I trust whatever's supposed to happen. And if we don't get it and it's devastating, I'm going to let myself feel devastated. But I'm also going to know that it wasn't meant to be our house in the first place.
Quantum timeline hopping, I visualize my future self for the last five years, waking up in my light filled large bedroom with Jonathan next to me with light filling through the windows overlooking beautiful nature overlooking a peaceful yard.
The kids are slowly waking up. They're coming into our room from their rooms. We all go downstairs to make coffee together. We sit on the back porch together while the kids play. I've had this vision playing in my mind for years, years and years and years. And I kept this vision high even when it felt like we were never going to get a house. That was huge. I had a lot of moments of extreme gratitude of where I live now knowing that when we get into a healthy positive energy,
of where we currently are, we're much more likely to manifest more of the same positive energy with where we're going. I got rid of toxic people in my life as crazy as that might sound. I had a lot of negative people kind of weighing me down and more like whenever we have that,
We are a vibrational match for it. So I shifted my own energy to not be a vibrational match for that anymore. That's what I teach how to do in the quantum method, which we will link in the show notes. So those are a lot of things I did and I cannot wait to bring you guys along for the process of moving into our house, which we're moving in on 201. That's my lucky number. You can't even make it up. I didn't choose to move in on 201. Like the moving companies set that date for us.
Everything is so aligned. Everything shows me that this was always the path that was meant to be. And it was worth the wait. Everything about it was worth the wait. And as far as where we're going to be, I got rid of all of those limiting beliefs about living in the valley. Because I realized, and it's kind of funny that it took me this long to realize, this is what I've always wanted. I wanted to get out of LA. I wanted to live in suburbia. I wanted a slow paced life for my kids. I wanted more of a nature-filled life.
and that's what this is it's a beautiful amazing place to be and i just had to get rid of all of my associations with it that made me feel anything other than that it's beautiful i love it it's 45 minutes from oh hi where we got married it's 45 minutes from Santa Barbara monocito it's amazing my parents.
Got a house down the street. That was manifested. And now let me quickly tell you about manifesting the book deal. I feel like this is more of a house episode. And then the book also needs its own episode, which we will do many of. But I will just quickly talk a bit about the book manifestation.
So I wrote my first book, Breaking Vegan. In 2014, it came out in 2015. It did really well, but it was also a really traumatizing time in my life because I was getting annihilated from the vegan community and the vegan community wanted me to die. So that was a horrible time where they all basically tried to take down Breaking Vegan and
right horrible amazon reviews and just the whole process was really really tainted from the public annihilation that happened from the vegans the big vegan youtubers media it was very negative very dark but it was also wonderful because i wrote a book at the age of twenty three
That was a memoir that was like i was talking about in the beginning a snapshot of my way of life and i know that it helps a lot of people and meets them where they are it's about disordered eating it's about. Finding freedom with food it's about how i found the healthy lifestyle and funny enough.
I would take back so much of what I wrote in Breaking Vegan, but that's kind of how it goes with writing books. And now that I know I never had an eating disorder, I never had disordered patterns with food. I was struggling with Lyme disease, trying to make myself feel better by taking care of myself. And that's what my life became. So ever since that book came out, I've been eager to write more books and
gave it some time and then got really sick and then went to my agent. I have an amazing literary agent who needs to come back on the podcast soon. And I went back to her with a hundred ideas over the last nine years. Like, we gotta do this, we gotta do this, we gotta do this. And she has always believed in me and she'll also tell me when she thinks it's not the right time or it's not the right idea. So that happened a few times, but sometimes she was super on board with the idea. We took it to publishing companies, didn't work out.
And this was becoming a subconscious limiting belief, just like the house belief that I was telling you guys about. I got to the point of believing a publishing company is never going to believe in me again for whatever reason. They're just not. They just see me as this blogger influencer, not a real author, even though I
have a master's in creative writing. This is my passion. This is what I came to this earth to do. They just don't see me that way. And I'm going to have to self-publish if I ever want to publish a book again. That was the limiting belief. And self-publishing is wonderful, but this was my whole journey with the publishing industry, how I was feeling over the course of nine years. And then
We took this book a couple years ago when I finally honed in on exactly what this book is because I have written it, rewritten it, everything over the course of all these years. It's a self-held memoir. It's a modern day version of Louise Hayes. You can heal your life.
And when I brought this to my agent, two years ago, I told her, we got to do it. It's time. Like, I'm not waiting anymore. The next step in my healing evolution is publishing his book, and I will not take no for an answer. And she was like, OK, we got to get this out.
So I wrote the whole book and then I wrote another book proposal, Taylor and around the book. And my agent really felt, and I agreed with her, there's one publishing house and one publishing house only where this book belongs. And I'm not going to say it by name, but I'm sure you guys know if you're familiar with like the spiritual book industry, what I'm talking about. So we took it there.
And I have a whole blog post about this, but this was over a year ago. This was November 2023 on the same day that I found out I was pregnant with Delilah in a little hotel room in New York City. I had a meeting with the publishing house.
and my agent and they were very interested in the book they had a lot of changes and tweaks that they wanted me to make to the book proposal so i did and they basically gave us more or less a handshake deal that if you make these changes we are gonna sign you for this book deal we're super interested this is so up our alley just make these changes
So I did. I made the changes the next day. I was still in New York. This publishing house gets acquired by a bigger publishing house. More strings are attached, more things get involved. They asked me to make 25 more changes over the course of seven months, and I do. And then in May 2024 on my baby moon, so this is literally my whole pregnancy arc,
my agent calls and says, I'm so sorry to tell you this on your baby moon butt. And I just knew, obviously, what she was going to say, which was they are going to pass on the book. So not only were they rejecting the book, my dream publishing house, they strung us along for seven months. It was very bad business, unethical.
messed up. I don't have anything negative to say about them. I understand they were dealing with their own acquisition and it just didn't work out because it wasn't supposed to. That's what the universe does. The universe sends us rejections in the form of protection. But at the same time, I really didn't want to embrace that. I didn't want to tell myself, Oh my God, this is just protecting me. Thank you universe. I was kind of just like, I'm devastated.
And I am eight months pregnant and I'm getting really sick and my time was wasted. And the whole year that I wanted to spend writing and editing this book with a publishing house, I now can't do because they kind of like took that time from me when they could have just said no to me. I'm not resentful. I totally trust. And I'm thankful for everything that happened. And the really big positive that happened was even though that they rejected the book, they gave me
Seven months worth of extremely talented literary advice that made the book so much better and made the book proposal so much better so. In the most genuine way possible I have a lot to thank them for.
Then I told my agent, I'm sorry. I'm too sick. I'm so sick in my pregnancy and I'm about to have a baby. We're going to have to revisit this after I have her. So she was like, of course. Then I think around September, Delilah was born in July. I felt like we got to go back. We got to revisit the book proposal. I'm ready. I'm ready. And I'm ready to unwind from all these limiting beliefs. And we're going to get a yes this time. We're going to get a yes this time. I changed the title of the book.
from the healer is you to a bridge between worlds, which is much more spiritual, much more metaphysical, very much, Louise Hay, you can heal your life. TBB 2.0, but Pleiadians, but deeper, but a memoir with self-help, like, we're going to change people's lives. I've never, ever felt so passionate about something and so excited about anything I've done in my entire life.
So we go through the whole process again, send it to a bunch of publishing houses this time. We get a whole bunch of interest, lots of back and forth, lots of conversations that were all very similar to each other, all but one with an amazing editor named Diana at his chat. And that conversation was nothing.
At all, like all of the other conversations, it stood out like a diamond in the rough, just like this house that we also manifested. This conversation with Diana was out of this world. We laughed, we cried. She was so connected to the material.
I was so connected to her. There was no other options in my eyes at this point. After we talked to her, I said to my agent, we're going with them. No matter what. I don't care what they offer. I don't care anything. We're going with them. She agreed. This took about a month or so to wrap up in a nice little bow, but it happened and that book deal came through.
So I got to sign a book deal on my dream book with a dream publishing company, a dream editor, and move now into our dream house this weekend on 201 all within the same season of life after so much waiting after so much patience after so much pain after so many limiting beliefs being rewritten. It all happened. And
The steps that i followed to manifest the book were the same as the ones that i followed to manifest the house that i shared with you guys but really heavy on the detachment element because i had to be detached i had to know that any rejection.
isn't what my worth is based off of. I know that I'm a good writer. I know that there's an audience for this book. And I know that I have a story to tell, even if nobody else believes in it. Thankfully, they do. And I've been shown that by the universe. But for many, many years there, it didn't feel that way. And I had to have my value and my worth driven from within. And then same with the house. I had to become the person who could manifest the house. And then I did.
And I believe this is not just the beginning, but like the middle of this snowball of amazing manifestations that are coming to life. And even though it's been a really crazy year so far and my heart is deeply, deeply with everyone who's had pain this year so far for me.
Aside from living in LA and experiencing the tragedy of the fires, for me, this year is only going to be good. And it's been good and it's going to get better. And I'm so thankful for where I am. I'm so thankful for who I've become and who I had to be to get here.
I am so thankful for all of the pain, the near-death experiences, the pregnancy experiences that brought me to my knees, the friends that I've lost, the friends that I've gained, the mentors that I've gained, the
pieces and peaks and valleys of my career that all had to come into place for this to happen, I'm thankful for all of it. And I'm most of all thankful for all of you because if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have a career and I wouldn't have a deal. And if I didn't have a career, wouldn't be getting a house. So I'm really thankful for all of you when I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
I love you all. And this is the beginning of many episodes like this. So please send in your specific questions around this topic and for our next listener calling. I will answer more questions on this. Go to slash the Balanced Blonde to leave a voicemail that will be featured in our next Q&A episode. I love you all and stay tuned for a really fun episode next week with a dream guest that I manifested.
Thank you for listening and let this expand you. You deserve it all. I love you. Thank you guys so much for listening to the show. I'm so happy that you're here. Come say hi on Instagram at the balance bond and tell me what your favorite part of this episode was. Subscribe, rate, and review on Apple podcast and send me a screenshot of your rating and review for a free Soul on Fire yoga ebook. See you next Wednesday. Love you guys.
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