Welcome to Healing Honey's, the podcast for girls with big dreams trying to balance it all. I'm Louise Rumbel, serial entrepreneur, type A overachiever, healing girly and holistic wellness coach who also once got called the Jesus of Modern Dating. But let's get one thing straight. My healing era has never been calm. I'm talking savage dating stories, 20 cigarettes a day, daddy issues, an anxious attachment style and an autoimmune disorder too.
Today, I've spent thousands of dollars on healing and therapy, and now I'm here to guide you, love you and love with you, as I share my favourite tips, tricks and rituals that have saved me along the way. With new episodes every Wednesday, expect girl talk psychology in the nervous system, as well as love, sex and dating, wellness, fitness and a little bit of business and spirituality too.
So get in honey, we are balancing healing, hustling and life, and the best is yet to come. And if you're looking for ad-free listening or my somatic healing subscription daily devotion, just head over to the show notes. Now, let's get into it.
Hi my honeys welcome back to another episode of the healing honeys podcast with me your host Louise rumble it always feels a little bit weird to introduce myself because I'm like we know each other we know each other am I right like we are journeying this thing called life together but
We are back for another episode and today I am going to give you a life update and I'm also going to be sharing the four things that I have learned through my self-development journey in January. The big lessons, the big learning curves, the big realizations that have been really, really big and powerful for me. So I'm going to share those four lessons in today's episode so you can learn from me, so you can learn with me. I am just here to guide your own expansion
You are the powerful person in your life and I am just so excited to guide you along the way. And I realized that it's really just been a while since I've done a life update. In fact, I can't actually remember when the last time was that I did a life update. So girl, we got a lot to talk about. So if you are ready, I am ready. Let's get into it.
So for the most part, January has been a pretty positive month for me. I definitely feel like the years of self work and self worth, even like work that I've been doing is really starting to come to fruition in my 3D reality. And I have this belief, which isn't one of my lessons for 2025, but honestly, probably should be because it's quite a good point.
I feel like it takes a while to do the internal work and then see that coming out into the reality around you. So what I would say is I'm really starting to see the changes from the internal work that I've been doing in the world around me. I really feel like my life is slotting into place. I really feel like the right opportunities are coming to me, the right people are coming to me. There are amazing synchronicities and coincidences all over the shop.
But that is not what I'm here to talk to you about today. My first lesson of 2025 has been sometimes we have to give ourselves permission to pivot.
Now, if you've listened to any of my other episodes, you will know that my word of the year is expansion. I am obsessed with this concept of expansion and energetically expanding into the versions of us that can hold more, hold more in our body, in our mind, in our soul, believe that we are worthy of holding more. And this concept of expansion allows us to expand into the places that are right for us, the people that are right for us.
the paths and the careers that are right for us. So I've been talking a lot about expansion lately. I'm really, really, really into it. It just hits the nail on the head in so many different ways. But one thing I got super clear on this month is that sometimes you have to pivot in order to be able to expand.
And I always think about the fish tank analogy. So my mom told me this, I don't know if it's true. I think it is. Apparently a goldfish will grow to the size of the tank that you put it in. So if you put it in a small tank, it will grow to a certain size. But if you put it in a bigger fish tank, the fish literally will grow more. It will become bigger. And whether that is true, factually correct or not,
It really, really got me thinking because I was talking about it this month and I realized the fish tank is our life. The fish tank is our environment. The fish tank is the places that we spend time in, the people that we spend time with, the decisions that we make in our day-to-day life, they are either allowing us to grow and expand or they are holding us and keeping us at a certain level of growth.
Now, the thing about expansion is that in real life, we are not living in a fish tank, obviously. I would absolutely lose it, could you imagine? Oh my god, me? Oh my goodness, that would really not be good for me. In fact, I've always felt quite bad for fishes and fish tanks, but...
You know, hopefully they're happy. God, knowing me, I'm going to end up like starting to give money to a fish tank charity now. Like, that's literally me. I give money to so many charities. I'm like, I don't have enough money for business at this point in my life. Anyway, the fish tank is your life. And that constraint of the people around you, the places around you, the mindset that you are living in and with, the thoughts that you are repeatedly firing all day long in your subconscious mind, they are either going to support your expansion or they are not.
Now, sometimes we need to pivot in order to be able to expand. And that's why I'm always very real about the whole manifestation thing, the whole, you know, not everything is just like, oh, I'm just going to manifest my dream life. It doesn't work like that because we live in a 3D reality. And sometimes we need to pivot in order to move into spaces that can support our expansion, that can take us on a new direction, that can take us on a new path.
And the reason that pivoting and giving myself permission to pivot has been such a big topic of January 2025 for me is because I've been experiencing this in my personal life. Now, if we're going to take it back to the fish tank analogy, Tulum, Mexico, where I've lived for the last three years, that has been a restrictive fish tank for me.
Now i'm not going to go into it you guys know if you listen to the podcast that i went there on holiday and i met someone and i ended up staying for three years and i really gave one hundred and fifty percent to tell them to my relationship and to making it work.
But at the back end of last year, the pain points of my fish tank interlum were becoming more painful than the enjoyment I was having swimming around in the fish tank, so to speak. Once again, all of my friends left. I started to feel that it was like inhibiting my career in some aspects, like I couldn't have things posted to me. It meant that I was potentially missing out on brand deals and stuff like that. And most of all, the fish tank that I was in was not making me a happy fish.
I was grumpy with my boyfriend. I was resentful. I was kind of angry. I was like holding on to that suppressed emotion when you you just like not a great version of you. And that was what was happening to me at the back end of last year.
And so the more and more that I started thinking about this permission to pivot, I realized that we are not supposed to stay in the same places our whole life. We are meant to evolve. We are meant to expand. We are meant to go on beautiful adventures with people and places. And those can be emotional adventures. We don't have to be actually traveling the world. But we are meant to explore different parts of us, different segments of us, different parts of our psyche.
I just felt that the fish tank was not supporting my expansion. So I started to think about pivoting and that for me looked like one of two ways. One, breaking up with my boyfriend and going back to London.
potentially him coming with me, or two, us finding another place that we could go to together to start the next chapter of our life. Because I felt like I had committed 150% to living in Tulum. Like, I really had sacrificed so many things to be there for him, for our relationship, for our life together. But it was just getting to the point where I was like, I am done.
And deep down in my soul, I knew that I was done. I knew it was time to move on. I knew it was time to change. And the thing about that gut feeling is you can ignore it for a while. Am I right? But you cannot ignore it forever. And at some point, that gut feeling is going to come up to the surface and it needs to be vocalized. So I tried, in fact,
I'm pretty like direct blunt and honest. So I think I didn't really suppress that gut instinct for too long. Like, I think I'm always pretty honest with him and everyone around me about how I'm feeling. But it did get to the point where I was like, this is not working for me. There has to be another solution here because like, it's time to pivot. I've done three years here.
And because of that, I started thinking about this concept of giving ourselves permission to pivot. And I looked back at my life and I was like, wow, I have actually pivoted on so many moments in my life. I think as one of my strengths as a human being is like, I am not scared for change. I am not scared to make new decisions. I don't really stay in my comfort zone.
I want to give life 150 fucking percent. I want to go to the grave knowing I did everything that I could. I gave it everything I could. And up until this point in my life, I don't have any regrets other than cheating on my boyfriend when I was 18. That wasn't great. But I don't have any regrets because I was journeying as I was meant to and I was kind of giving life my all. And if I look back at life and if you look back at your life, I think there are actually these really amazing moments when we realized like, oh, I pivoted.
That might be leaving a relationship that might be changing a job that might be changing a house that might just be changing the relationship with yourself or the way that you view the world around you. And for me, I've pivoted hard like I went to law school. I qualified as a lawyer right as I qualified as a lawyer.
I left the legal world, like my dad was like, what the fuck are you doing? Like, that is honestly in hindsight crazy that I pivoted that hard. And I left because I met the guys behind One Rebel, which is a boutique fitness studio in London. And it's much like a Barry's Bootcamp orange theory kind of vibe soul cycle, if you're in the States, but it's way cooler. And they said, like, we want to work with you, come and be our head of brand marketing.
And sometimes when we kind of want to make these decisions and these big pivots, it takes a while, right? Like it's really scary and we logically want to balance the pros and the cons. And one thing that I have learned along the way from pivoting is that it is always going to work out. It is always going to work out. Whatever you choose and you decide,
you can backtrack at any moment, you can go off on a different path. And that path that you are stepping on might take you on the most amazing journey that you haven't even accounted for. So I'm here to show you that pivoting and giving yourself permission to pivot is really important.
I did that when I jumped out of the legal world, then I went to one rebel, then I pivoted again. I set up my own brand and marketing agency and I built an agency with a full team of employees. And then I pivoted again, I closed it down. And that was so hard, you know, having people on payroll and you paying their rent and their bills, that's really difficult. But I pivoted because it was taking me into an area where I just was like working in the nightlife industry and with restaurants and bars and gyms and
All I was doing was just working out and drinking and partying on repeat. It was like so much like intense stress and cortisol and burnout. We're going to get to that in today's episode. So I pivoted again and I closed down the business. And that is when I moved to LA and I set up the podcast. Then the podcast wasn't the end of the story. I did that for two and a half years, blew up in the dating and one of space, blew up in the anxious attachment space, pivoted again.
Pivoted again when everyone told me, Louise, you are fucking mental. You could make so much money in the anxious attachment space. Stay here. But I couldn't. I could not do that because it didn't felt aligned to me. There's always something in our body that is telling us the truth. The truth that lies.
deep within us that we know we're meant for more. We know we're meant for something different. And I truly believe that when we get on the right path, it feels good. It feels right. And more importantly, it flows. And let me tell you, life isn't all one big, flowy experience for me. But the closer I get to my path, everything just starts to get easier because I pivoted again.
and i went from the dating space into a healing podcast then i launched there she glows and then i pivoted again into creating daily devotion which is somatic healing and at the same time i train to become an integrative health practitioner and today i decided to train to become a breath worker.
So that is a little overview of my pivots. I've obviously pivoted out of relationships often as well. And that's really hard when you know in your soul that you're not meant to be with this person, but you love them. You care about them. They are your best friend.
But what I will say is you know when it is time to pivot and sometimes it doesn't have to be a huge pivot. It can be a small step. It can be a small acknowledgement to yourself that you want something different, that you want more, that you want to feel something that you are not feeling right now.
And that feeling will give you an indication of where to go. And I always say, what lights you up? What gets you so excited? What makes you feel alive? What is your dream job? Go towards that. And pivoting can be scary. I as a nervous system coach understand more than anyone that our nervous systems do not want to change. They want to stay where they are in their comfort zone.
in their safe space, exactly close to everything they know that they can control, even if it is not the life of your dreams, because that is how we are wired to function. And going outside of that, the thought of making big decisions, it is scary. It can be scary because we are stepping into the unknown.
But my first lesson for January 2025 is that I have never regretted one of my pivots in my life. And I have this self trust and self belief in a greater power than myself and in my decision making and in my ability to just make life work, whatever is going to happen. I just trust that everything is always working out as it's meant to be.
and it's always going to be in my highest interest and greatest good because even if something fucking hurts, it is teaching me something, it is taking me somewhere. And so pivoting has been a huge theme for my January because me and my boyfriend have officially decided to move to Mexico City. We have put an offer in on an apartment
It feels so good. I don't want to get too excited just yet in case it doesn't go through. But I, the moment that I stepped foot in the city last week when we came to visit, it was like my soul knew that I was on the right track. It felt right. It felt so good to walk around and have a nice coffee and go to Pilates. I have bumped into so many people since I have been here. I bumped into a guy that I used to live with in LA. Like are you
fucking kidding me, that is crazy. Then I bumped into another girl that I know and there have also been so many synchronicities happening to me this week. So I feel like I'm on the right path and I just wouldn't be here if I didn't give myself permission to be honest with my boyfriend, permission to pivot and knowing that we are not meant to stay the same forever. So lesson one for January 2025 has been
give yourself permission to pivot big or small and trust that the pivot will unfold exactly when and as it is meant to. Now, lesson two, the topic that I have been obsessed with in January 2025 is resilience. And this is something that I've never really necessarily even like,
been that interested in before but I am obsessed. I'm talking like I will sit and read scientific journals for fun and I will make notes like me and my boyfriend were flying to Mexico City instead of it being like whoo so far more on the airplane I am reading journals on toxic stress and stress rejuvenescence and all of these things because I am so fascinated.
Because one thing I realized is like, the stress in this world is not going away. This world, particularly like the political climate and all the weather stuff going on right now, the stress levels are like worse than they have ever been. And the stress is not going to get better. But what can get better is the way that our body can cope with it, can handle it, can process it, can deal with it. And that for me is resiliency. And one thing that a lot of people are talking about at the moment is high cortisol.
It is something that I have also talked about a lot. It's been my own personal journey. I remember when I was 18 years old and my chronic pain disorder started, I had needles put into every single part of my body with like an electric current attached to it to see what the problem was. And they said the problem is cortisol. So I have lived this. I am qualified to talk on it as a health practitioner, but also as someone who has gone through the journey.
But the part about cortisol that I feel like is being missed in the concept of resiliency is that our adrenal glands cannot pump out cortisol forever. Okay. So while the whole world is obsessed with high cortisol, there are so many women who actually have low cortisol. And that is because the adrenals have basically said, we have an energy problem here, like we don't have any more energy to keep fighting and to keep hustling and
to keep producing cortisol, so we're going to just basically burn out. And burnout is what happens when our adrenal glands like cannot keep up. And over time, this is when these symptoms of fatigue and brain fog and like really low motivation and lethargy and like you cannot get up in the morning and you just say can't do anything. That is when we've gone from high cortisol to low cortisol. And the solution is resiliency.
So before I tell you about lesson two and what I've been learning about resiliency and how it's going to benefit you, we're going to take a little coffee break because if you haven't noticed, this episode has no add role on it whatsoever because this episode is sponsored by SpaceGoods.
Now I have been testing rainbow dust and astro dust to have their products throughout January and they are sponsoring this episode so I can share with you how you can help your body build resiliency. So let's make a coffee together. Okay, I'm back and to start this, I just want to ask you, like, let's be honest, how many times have you got to Friday and you have actually crashed out on the sofa? I'm talking you've canceled your plans because you quite literally girl boss too hard the entire week and you needed a horizontal evening on the sofa.
Now, as someone who runs three businesses at the moment, and I'm trying to work out and move cities and furnish an apartment, I am no stranger to those weekend crashes, and I really have burnt out more times than is normal, and I used to be ashamed of it, but I'm not anymore. Because what I realized is that my adrenals were just really, really working on overtime, and I wasn't supporting them. So it's natural that I would get to the weekend and really crash.
Now you guys know I am so picky about brands that I partner with or brands that come on this podcast, particularly in relation to quality and ingredients and sourcing. I have been trying spacers and it is a 10 out of 10 for me. So Rainbow Dust is their coffee blend. It is full of adaptogens and functional mushrooms. And it really works because I've got clear that it's not about resting more. It's about building that resilience inside of me.
And I used to think I needed to sleep more or I needed a holiday or I needed more time on the weekends for me. But what I've realized is I was actually just running on fake energy the whole time. Empty coffee, cortisol adrenaline, you name it. Monday through Friday, it felt great until the weekend came. I crashed and my adrenals crashed too.
So as I started to research into resiliency, I realized I needed to add in a daily habit that supported my stress system, supported my nervous system, supported my hormonal system, and helped to build that resiliency inside of me. So this rainbow dust is a coffee that is packed full of stress managing adaptogens like chaga, cordyceps, as well as anti-anxiety and relaxing ashwagandha.
and lion's mane, which is incredible for cognitive health. It also has macro root for more energy. And I will tell you that I have been performing better, feeling better, and honestly just living a better life ever since I've been swapping out my morning coffee for this. You can drink it like you drink your daily coffee. I also love to add it into my protein shake post gym. And what I love about it is that people always say, oh, you just need to like
Find some balance or you just need to stop taking coffee. But the thing about me and balance, we are not in a relationship. And the thing about me and coffee, we are in a love love relationship. So I feel like I've found a coffee solution that is nourishing and builds resiliency inside of me, rather than having that empty fake energy that is doing way more harm than good. So resiliency has been my second topic of the month.
And I've also got clear that to break this hustle crash repeat cycle, it's not about making these huge changes to our life, okay? Because I know that January comes around and there is so much pressure to make these huge, huge, big life changing decisions. But actually in reality, it's the small decisions like adding adaptogens into your life.
or switching out a coffee for a mushroom based coffee that are actually going to be so much more impactful and less stressful because making huge changes in our life and the stress that comes with that, it is impactful for our nervous system and not in a positive way. So adding in a daily ritual that I feel like is supporting my adrenals, which is supporting my stress management system has been really game changing for me.
and it's been allowing me to start building an app for daily devotion and doing a whole rebranding exercise. It's allowed me to do over 30 focus calls with women to create a new resiliency program. It's allowed me to work to hire a new team, plan IRL events and a podcast tour as well as global events thereafter.
as well as also being able to have the time to apartment hunt, furniture hunt, you name it. I have been working so intensely, but I'm feeling really good. It's also crazy because the space goes actually tastes really good as well. There is no mushroom flavor whatsoever. It just tastes like a coffee except you know that it's good for you. And the Astra dust is also delicious. It's an evening formula that's full of things like magnesium and Al Tryptophan, as well as Reishi, Tramella, Maytaki, just like amazing high quality adaptogens
that are so good for winding down, relaxation, and again, more stress reduction and resiliency. So my lesson two for January 2025 is the importance of nourishing our bodies and building resiliency. And if you want to get your hands on the Rainbow Dust by SpaceGoods, I have a code. It's HealingHoney's 20. You get 20% off your whole order. That is linked in the show notes for you. And as a health practitioner, I will recommend it to you as such an easy thing that you can add into your life that will bring you so many benefits.
I am feeling good. And honestly, mushrooms and adaptogens, they are the next big thing. Everyone will be taking them in the next six or 12 months. So you might as well get involved now. Mm.
It's actually so good. Okay, lesson three. What I learned in January 2025 was that just because you hear things online, just because you see things online, just because other people are telling you the things that they do online, does not mean that it's going to work for you. Because you are beautifully unique.
You are bio-unique. You are you. And that means that you are not someone else. And that means that also the advice on the internet is not necessarily going to work for you because we are all so different. We all have different genetic profiles. We all have different nervous systems. We've all lived through different things.
And I experienced this first hand in January 2025. So one thing I do not do is cycle sync. And that's because I'm pretty much high on life every single day of my life, not only thanks to this base goods, but also just from my own ambition and excitement for life and enjoying every step of the way. But as a health practitioner, I felt like, okay, everyone's doing this. I should be doing this.
And if you don't know, cycle sinking is about kind of like a lifestyle strategy where you listen to the cyclical nature of the female body and you learn about the different stages of our hormonal cycle. And then you essentially change your life and your decision making and your nutrition decisions and your exercise decisions around the stage of your cycle. And that is not something that I have done up until now.
But on your period, also guys, oh my god, last week I actually remembered that my ex-boyfriend used to call my period my menzies. I am so sorry what the actual fuck. My menzies, like, I remember the first time that he said that to me, I got the ick so badly, which I shouldn't, that's probably some kind of internalized shame, right? But I'm sorry, like a man like calling it my menzies, that like fucking set me off in a bad fucking way. Anyway,
On your men's years, you're supposed to take it slow. You're supposed to respect and honor your body and understand that you have less energy and that really it's time for rest and rejuvenation and shedding of your men's years.
Anyway, I don't do that normally. I just don't have bad periods. In fact, I have really good periods. They are totally pain free. I have zero symptoms, zero cramps, zero fatigue, zero cravings. Like I really think it's a reflection of how much work I've done on my health. But because of that, I never slow down. And this month I was like, do you know what? Everyone's talking. Everyone's talking about cycle sinking. I'm going to cycle sink. When I tell you cycle sinking did not work for me.
I ended up, like, quite literally for five days, just working all day and then lying a bed all night and watching Ted Lasso. And I was like, ah, rest and rejuvenation for my men's ease. Guys, it was like kind of fun whilst it lasted. Do you know it was not fun? Do you know it was not fun? What happened when it got to Monday? When it got to Monday and it was back to work, my concentration, my mood, had never, ever been as bad. And my ADHD girlies, they can understand, right? I literally couldn't even, like,
Look at an item without thinking like oh, I should clean the fridge. Obviously I did not think that I've never cleaned the fridge in my life But like I'd see a tab on my computer something and I'm gonna have to do that I have to do that I was jumping so badly between things my focus was awful my mood was awful
And I realized in that moment that cycle sinking in that way, like doing nothing, that didn't work for me. So what I realized is that movement is medicine for me. It keeps my energy moving, it keeps my lymphatic system moving, it keeps my detoxification system moving.
I can take over the world when I exercise and stopping was really, really not good for me. So I realized and my third lesson for 2025 is that you need to find a routine that works for you. And it is not what the girls on Instagram are posting. It's not what the girls on TikTok are posting. It is what works for you and your beautiful bio unique body. But you have to try. You have to test permission to pivot in your wellness routine as well.
try things, see how you feel, decide how you feel. You know, this week in the house, which is my community area, someone was saying that they have some issues with their hormones and their personal trainer told them that they should do hit in order for them to lose some more weight because she was like asking. I assume it wasn't unsolicited advice. Anyway, she started doing the hit.
And she felt awful. She was in pain the next day. She was lethargic. She had no energy. And that is exactly because her adrenals, which we were talking about in lesson two, they could not stand the stress and the energy that her body needed to do hit. It's very stressful on our body if we do not have balanced hormonal systems and profiles and really we're not in a great state of balanced health.
And it's hard, right? We do take advice from people. We do take advice online. I'm sure I've given you guys advice at some point. But what I will say is that you are your greatest healer. I am not your healer. I just help you understand how you can unlock your own power to heal. And it's about testing and trialing and seeing how you feel, asking your body how you feel and pivoting.
When it's not working, you pivot. When it's working, you stick with it and you keep strategies and rituals that actually work for you. And what did not work for me was lying above the five days on my period, on my menses, watching Ted Lasso. It was not good. So next month, I will not be doing that. And maybe what I'll be doing instead is trying to do maybe a warm yoga session rather than a big weight lifting session, for example. So I will report back on how that goes.
And I also have a very exciting hormonal guest coming on the podcast soon to talk about the differences between the female and the male nervous system. Because when you understand that, a lot of other things slot into place as well. Now, my final lesson from January of this year so far and just the year so far is that there are always going to be bad moments in life. But that doesn't mean it's a bad life. Same thing in relationships. There are always going to be bad moments in relationships.
That doesn't mean it's a bad relationship, okay? That is the reality of life. Like everything, things ebb and they flow, things are cyclical, seasonal, there are good times, there are summer days, there's ice cream, and then there's cold, dark winter months, you know?
the seasons are the perfect reflection of what is going on in life around us and it's unrealistic to expect that things are good all of the time and i will say that sometimes i go on the internet and i'm like looking at these perfect instagram girls and i am wondering like why does my life not look like that you know why is it easier for them or like why does their body look like that and mine doesn't
And what I've realized is that again, they are not showing the bad points of their life. They really, really aren't. And there are an amazing number of creators who are, hopefully I am one of them, but there's also a lot of people that aren't. And so I think it's really important to understand that there are going to be bad moments, but they do not mean that
it is a bad life or a bad relationship. And I first hand have experienced this in my relationship over the back quarter of last year. We had so many bad moments. We had so many bad moments. Like, I was really trying not to be a total fucking bitch, but I was also trying to communicate like, I want more. I need more in life. Like, don't you want more? Don't you need more? Like, do you not want to grow and expand and move?
And we really had some like really difficult conversations and we were in a point at one point where like, we were really on the brink of breaking up if I'm totally honest. And I was becoming angry and resentful. And it was because I just felt so stuck in my fish tank in Tulum. And I felt like he was restricting me and he wasn't supporting me to grow and to move and all of these things. But those bad moments didn't mean that we are in a bad relationship.
And actually what came out of that situation was how well we navigated those bad moments. And I will say that for the most part, that is thanks to him. He is so calm and so amazing having conversations with never raising his voice, never saying anything mean. He is just so amazing.
I, the fucking fiery Sagittarius, like that is not my strength. I'm trying and I'm doing really good. But what I will say is like the bad moments in our relationship, it didn't mean that we were in a bad relationship. It just meant that we had things we had to talk through and
they are either going to bring you closer together or they're going to push you further away. And those bad moments actually brought us closer. Those bad moments allowed me to share my need to pivot, my need to expand. And because of that, I am now sat here today recording this from Mexico City, having put an offer in an apartment and having spent a week here knowing that I am on exactly the right path in life.
I've already mentioned that the synchronicities are just quite nuts that have been happening the last week. But I think it's in these moments that we are really rewarded for the moments that we pivot and expand even when we're scared. So the last story that I'm going to leave you with today is a story from an amazing girl inside my community called Francesca. And she has been with me for a while. She's done lots of my program. She's a daily devotion member.
And she has been in a not good toxic workplace for many months now, I reckon at least six to 12 months. And she knew she had to get out. She knew she had to leave. It was stressful, legal, money, they owed her $30,000. It was all stressful. This week, she messaged in the house saying, not only did she quit, she just said, I'm done, I'm out. But that day, her dream brand
arrived in her inbox asking if she does consulting her dream fucking brand her dream brand like that you can't write it and if you think that's a coincidence that's fine but that is not a coincidence my professional advice is that that is not a coincidence she
Pivoted. She gave herself permission to pivot. She opened up space energetically for something new and the moment she did it came in. Same with me. I gave myself permission to pivot. I spoke to my boyfriend about how I need to pivot. I opened up my space to being in Mexico City and the moment I did that.
All of these things started coming into my inbox. We found the apartment. I'd been bumping into people. So as we round up this story, I want you to remember about Francesca. I want you to remember about me. I want you to remember about the fish tank as well. Because baby, you deserve the world's greatest fish tank. You deserve the ocean to be your fish tank. You can do whatever you want in this world. There is nothing you can't do. I'm going to be best friends with Haley Bieber one day.
Don't tell me that's not going to happen and it's not possible because it is. And I want you to bring that energy into your life with you because if I believe that I'm going to be best friends with Haley Beaver, you can believe in whatever it is you want to believe in. But how we get there, it's through giving ourselves permission.
But how we get there is through building that internal resilience through drinking space goods, through pivoting, through expanding, and remember, there are going to be bad moments along the way. But they are going to lead to so many better moments too.
So that is it from me, my angels. I'm so excited for the next chapter. By the time you hear this, I will be heading back to Tulum, hopefully packing up my house, moving to Mexico City, then heading back to the UK. We have some crazy, exciting stuff going on in the UK. If you are not on the healing honey's mailing list, you are not going to get invited to these events.
because they go out first to the mailing list and the last time we did this, they sold out 200 tickets in two minutes with a 98% attendance rate. So sign up in the show notes to get on that mailing list. I promise you, when you hear about these things we've been organizing and the brands that I'm working with, you are going to kick yourself so badly if you do not do that right now. And next, head over to SpaceGoods.
Get your rainbow dust, use code healinghoney20, and I promise you, between those two things, February and the rest of Q1, I love business terms, are just going to get better from here. So I love you guys so much with my whole heart. I really, really do.
Please share this pod with anyone that you think would benefit from it. Please share on your social media if you have listened to it. I want to know and please message me. Today someone messaged me from Australia saying they were so happy they found the podcast and they helped her literally go through a situation ship and come out of it. I literally voice noted to back like as I was walking down the street.
So this is your reminder, if you message me, you'll probably get a reply. Yes, I'm fucking busy, but like, it's really important for me to reply to you guys. So I love you. Thank you so much for spending your time with me. I will talk to you guys so soon and have an amazing rest of your day. Goodbye.