33.04 - MU Podcast - Laser Beam Ley Lines
January 31, 2025
TLDR: This podcast episode investigates unusual encounters with ley lines and other energy currents affecting human reality and health, plus discusses The Garabandal Prophecies, their cosmic connections, and society-changing events.

In this intriguing episode of the Mysterious Universe podcast titled 33.04 - MU Podcast - Laser Beam Ley Lines, hosts Benjamin Grandy and Aaron Wright delve into the enigmatic world of ley lines, uncovering the hidden energies that flow beneath our landscapes. They investigate how these energies may influence not only paranormal phenomena but also our health and spiritual well-being.
Key Concepts Discussed
What Are Ley Lines?
Ley lines are believed to be invisible alignments connecting various sites of natural energy across the Earth, including ancient monuments and sacred locations. The hosts explore how these energies are perceived to have effects on both human experiences and environmental conditions.
- Ley lines may correlate with:
- Paranormal phenomena: Some reports suggest that ley lines facilitate encounters with other realms or time shifts.
- Health impacts: Certain areas associated with ley lines may enhance well-being or, conversely, serve as sources of negative energy affecting health.
The Garabandal Prophecies
The episode also discusses the Garabandal Prophecies, which stem from a series of apparitions experienced by four children in a small Spanish village in the 1960s.
- Key points about the prophecies include:
- Visions of Angels: The children claimed to see a young boy-like angel, revealing messages of urgency and future events.
- Connection to Cosmic Cycles: These prophecies suggest a broader connection to major celestial events and transitions in spiritual eras, specifically linking to the concept of the Kali Yuga (the current age of darkness in Hindu cosmology).
Expert Insights
Different Perspectives on Ley Lines
The podcast features insights from various sources, including researchers who have explored the intersection of ley lines with paranormal activity and personal experiences.
- Some researchers claim:
- Psychic experiences often align with physical locations of ley lines, supporting claims of beings manipulating energy within these areas.
- Geomancy: The ancient practice of earth divination highlights a deeper understanding of these energies and their effects, suggesting our ancestors had more knowledge about the spiritual aspects of Earth's energy grids than we do today.
Stories of Survival and Warnings
The discourse is enriched with anecdotal stories tying together ley lines, paranormal experiences, and personal testimonials of direct encounters.
- One compelling story mentioned was about a man who, after a near-death experience, found himself guided by an unseen force that changed his life path, guiding him away from dangerous situations through coincidental interactions.
- Another story described a mechanism where a deceased father guided his son through dreams, highlighting how unseen forces may use ley lines as conduits for communication and direction.
Practical Applications and Takeaways
Harnessing Energy for Well-Being
Listeners are encouraged to view ley lines not just as abstract phenomena but as energies that can be harnessed positively in our lives.
- Techniques discussed for interacting with ley lines include:
- Dowsing: Using tools to identify ley lines could help individuals locate beneficial energies in their environments.
- Meditation and Mindfulness: Engaging with these energies through meditation, particularly at significant sites, may enhance personal insights and connections
- Home Energy Management: Identifying and adjusting the layout of living spaces in relation to ley lines can potentially alleviate negative health effects.
The exploration of ley lines in this episode is thought-provoking, offering insights into how unseen forces may shape our experiences. Through a mix of ancient wisdom and modern anecdotal evidence, the hosts illustrate that ley lines are not merely geographical quirks but play a significant role in our interactions with the world around us.
Listeners are left to ponder the deeper connections between the energy of our planet and the fabric of our realities, making a compelling case for further exploration beyond the veil of the ordinary.
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Welcome to Mysterious Universe, Season 33, Episode 4. Coming up on the show, we've got the Garabundal Prophecies, The Electric Serpent Guardians, and the Lay Lines of Time. I'm your host Benjamin Grandy, joining me is Aaron Wright. So, is this an Aboriginal word? Garabundal. Is that... Oh, is it Italian? It's Spanish. Oh, Spanish.
close, attacking an Aboriginal Spanish, she was all the same. There's a new book that came out this week, it's called, I've messed up my screen capture, but touched by the light, a compilation of awe-inspiring near-death experiences and messages from the other side. Started reading it today, not bad, some pretty interesting out-of-body and near-death experiences that we haven't heard before. One was from a guy who
I don't remember how he died. That's right. He was at a party when he was 14 and decided to have eight shots of vodka, 10 beers, all these. Oh, no, some good early drinks. Yeah. He was just being an idiot showing off. And yeah, he just, he had alcohol poisoning passed out. His face went blue and he had a new death experience.
And in this near death experience, he claimed that a selection of angels appeared in front of him. They're all quite tall, like seven feet tall or female. And then from them emerged a giant.
who was 30 feet tall. And he claims this giant went into his mind. It's not your average near the exact experience. There was no Jesus, there was no tunnel, there was no all encompassing ecstasy in the void. But when you say giant, is it just a human form?
Yeah, just a human being, what was like 30 feet tall. And he had the understanding that, oh, this was a giant from ancient times. Oh, that's weird. And so this giant enters his mind and then he wakes up. I don't know if he was in the hospital or where he woke up, but he just feels like rubbish. And he now has this understanding that the giant is inside him. So he has like an afterlife possession hangover? Well, he claims he's a walk-in.
And so for the next, I think it was four or five weeks after he recovered from his alcohol poisoning, everything seemed really small.
He claims that everything was microscopic. His computer was tiny and he would get in the car and he'd be like, this is such a hard fit. He just felt like he was this giant. And over time, it emerges that he definitely may have picked up something because he started hearing voices in his head. It got to the point where, for example, he was going to move from, I think, the east coast of the United States back to the west coast.
had everything planned. And instead of hearing a voice telling him what to do, he gets this phone call. It's this random phone call. There's a woman on the other end of the line. And she starts telling him all about himself. He's like, who are you? She says, don't worry about that. I know who you are. She starts telling him about a dream he had when he was nine years old. She starts describing everything in his life. And she's like, whatever you do, you can't move back to Seattle.
He's like, who, how did you even get my phone number? She's like, don't worry about that. You can't go to Seattle. You need to go to this college in New Mexico. And he's like, what are you talking at? And she's like, I'm funny. He's like, this is ridiculous. I'm moving to Seattle tomorrow. Everything's booked. This is crazy. There's no way I'm going to listen to this person. I don't even know who that person was. I don't know how she knew that stuff about me, but I'm moving back to Seattle.
Yeah, I mean, that's rational. You don't just have some random, you know, what you would assume pranking you. The next morning, he gets a call from an old school friend of his. And he says, hey, you know, I've been, for some reason I started thinking about you last night. And I remember, you know, all the things that you were into when we were into high school. And he says, by the way, I'm on the board at this, and he mentions this college in New Mexico. And he's like, I think you need to come down and sign up for this course that, you know, I'm a part of and we can help you get your degree.
He's like, what the hell's going on? So it's a series of coincidences, but no, they're not coincidences. It's often just this, some unknown, unseen entity directly telling him what to do after he had this new death experience when he was 13. And to him, it's some kind of grand spiritual plan.
But it's funny because when you listen to some of the things that he's told to do, you can tell that it's not a higher plan at something low level. For example, he'll turn up for his shift at work. He waits tables at some restaurant. And all of a sudden, the voice is like, you got to leave your shift now.
And he's like, I can't, I just turned up to work. He's like, you have to leave your shift now. Don't worry about what happens. Just leave now. He's like, okay. So he goes and asks and he gets to leave these bosslets in leave. But there's just examples like that where it's very urgent. You know, that's a psychology tactic. If you want to manipulate and gaslight people, you create this sense of urgency, right? And so what it does is it gets them into this state of eventually like it becomes this, it's not Stockholm syndrome, but it gets people conditioned to respond all the time at this heightened
response. That's really what it was like, right? A story I hopefully have time for it in the plus extension coming up. But my point was that if something is orchestrated by a higher being, it should be effortless. Of course. Yeah. And you shouldn't, but also not only should it be effortless. You shouldn't know about it. Exactly. It should come in just be like hints and metaphors. Well, like I said, synchronicities, right? Yeah, a little synchronicities that way you enlighten to the meaning yourself rather than being told directly what to do, which is what happens to him.
Yeah, I heard a couple of great anecdotes actually this week on. I think it was with Jeffrey Mishlove or at least on his YouTube channel. I'll look it up and see if I can find it. I can't recall exactly, but they had a guest on who was talking about some of the strange
After life experiences that the living still have you know not the actual person who's passed over. But there are a couple of great ones that you just reminded me about so this is one great story of where I believe it was a young man who had been told by and shown while his father was alive that he had this gun like he had a handgun. And he said look it's it's hidden here in this closet like up the top and if anything ever happens to me.
Please get rid of it because I don't want your mother knowing about it, but she'll flip out. She'll be really upset about it. And he's like, yep, dad, no worries. And he's father lived for a long time. But when his father passed away, immediately the son was like, oh, I would have gone and get that gun because if mom finds that she's going to totally flip out. So he goes and he makes an excuse to go to his mother's place.
And he's like, I'm just going to duck upstairs for a second. And he goes upstairs to where he's seen this weapon placed. And he knew where it was. It's not there. Uh oh. And he's like, oh, well, the mom's already found it. Well, that's what he thought, but she had it there. He would have known how she found it because she would have actually flipped out. She would have had it. She had an issue with it.
And nothing really happens until he goes home and he has this dream. And in this dream, he meets his father. And his father's like, totally forgot to tell you. You need to go down into the basement. And in the basement is this crawl space. And in the back of this crawl space, up the top, you'll find that where this gun is. And he woke up in the morning and it was so real. Like it was so real. It was so vivid, but he thought it was absurd. Like after you wake up and that kind of cloud or that fog leaves,
And later in the day, he decides, obviously, and we know where this is going, because later in the day, he decides to go to his mother's house and he says, mom, I'm just going to get into the basement. She's like, oh, no worries. Of course, he wanders down and stuffed in that location wrapped up in something. Was that gone? There is absolute and these cases are really important because there's absolutely no way he could have known that information. And then there was another one and I might be conflicting them, but there was another one. It was very similar thing where someone passed over.
And that had a series of shares or something. And the shares were placed in this cabinet. And when the person passed, I believe it was a father again, when he passed over, they couldn't find these shares. And the family was destitute, but the family was in a bad place and they just lost a breadwinner and it was all back and they could not find these shares. This is the back of the days when you had to have the certificate. That's right. Well, you had to have it on a piece of paper.
And eventually what had happened was one of them had a dream, and one of them had a dream that it was in this drawer, but rather than being at the bottom of the drawer, it had been taped up with double-sided tape to the other side of the drawer. Of course, what do they do? They go and open the drawer, put their hand under, pull it down, and they find the shares. Yeah, there was lots of stories like that in the book as well. There's a woman. I don't know what's going on with the caption now. There's a woman who heard knee-death experiences brutal.
Then I actually couldn't read through it all. It was so graphic. It happens when she's giving birth, she's in labor, and something about the placenta filling up with blood. It's just awful. The way she describes the nurse comes in and the nurse just looks at her and it's like, you've got two minutes to live. Just all bedside manner goes out the window because there's so much blood. She was saying that as every new person came in, every doctor came in,
It kind of became humorous because they're just like slipping on all the blood, like falling over. They had to get the cleaner, had to get the mop and start making a path so the staff could actually get in the room. So she dies. But she's eventually brought back, she comes back, but she encounters her father.
Not anything to the point of the stories you just shared, but her father gave her all this advice on what to do when she comes back. Right. Okay. Directly from him, and he had all these anecdotes of when she was a child, and it was all from her father, and when she miraculously survived.
Well, the thing is there's so many of these stories, and I know they're anecdotal, but for whatever reason, they're just so readily dismissed, even when there's some type of validation. And a lot of the time, they're very personal. And perhaps that's the reason why they're so readily dismissed by a third party. There was one great example of where a woman was in a car and she always follows this particular route home. We all do, right? We're creatures of habit. We all usually follow the same kind of route when we're driving home. And she'd finished up a shift wherever she was working. And as she drove home,
I think it was her father who's been dead for years, like is in her like sitting in the back like a voice of the father going, do not go home over this particular bridge. Like don't go that way. You have to turn this way. And she's like, what? And it's like, it's audible. It's coming from behind. She turns around. There's nothing there, but she drives. And then this voice like, no, turn right here, turn right here. So she does. Like she turns right and she goes around and she gets home. She gets home and turns on the TV. And of course there's breaking news that the bridge that she would normally drive over collapsed.
Oh, wow. So had she been driving, it was highly likely that she would have been on that bridge or at least approaching it when it collapsed. Well, that guy I mentioned who had the giant beamed into his head during his knee-death experience. When he came back, he had prophetic visions and he said it was a disaster.
Why? No one wanted to talk to him because he would always know something very personal about the person and he didn't have the tact to know when to reveal it. So there was a point where he was desperate to say, or he was traveling with a friend of his with the family. They're on a ski trip or something.
And he went to his friend's mother and said, whatever you do, don't let your daughter come up to meet us. And she's like, what are you talking about? He says, you know, whatever you do, do not let Sarah come up to the ski lodge. Don't let her drive. Just tell her. Keep her away. Keep her away. And at the time, the mother was having an argument with this with her daughter with Sarah.
And the mother thought it was because of that, and he was just being nosy, but he kept on pushing and he's like, no, no, no, it's not about that. Don't let it calm. Don't let it calm. And eventually the family got so sick of him saying it, they sent him home. They're like, all right, get on a bus. We're sick of this. Get out of here.
The next day, the daughter drives out to meet them. She's killed in a car crash on the way to the ski lodge. Oh my God. And he felt guilty about it, even though he tried to warn them. That's the difficulty with these things. So it's because it sounds crazy. Like beforehand, it's crazy. It's nuts. It's something like you're being paranoid or you're being superstitious and such a silly thing. But then in hindsight, you go,
How did you know that? How did you have that information? How could you perceive that? And that's why not just these experiences, but many paranormal experiences, experiences that are in this realm are very isolating to the person who undergoes them. And people don't want to listen to you. People don't want to help you. And that became quite apparent actually today when I was going through lay lines and earth energies, a groundbreaking exploration of the earth's natural energy and how it affects our health. People don't want to listen to you.
Well, not about that. Yeah, I don't care about that. No, you're right. And you know, I don't care anymore. You don't want to listen to me. Fine. Cool. Like, please don't like more fun. You're talking about, I'm going to keep going. You're talking about people don't want to listen to you. Then I can relate to that. Yeah, I definitely can. No, it's about people that have, you know, strange experiences, right? That are so surreal and so bizarre and no one wants to listen to them. No one wants to help them. And so ultimately what they end up doing is from, you know, a mainstream standpoint,
you get woo people and new ages coming to help you. But the amazing thing is, is that as much as we, you know, give these people a hard time, they've got direct exposure to this stuff, which is an alternative view, which often solves the problems that these people are having. And I'm going to give you some examples as well through this book is correct. But many times they are also not bad shit in saying they are, but that's also, I think,
The closer you get to the coal face, the more crazy you become for a lot of people. You're really because it is just so foreign to us, especially in our very materialistic world that we're in now. Maybe many hundreds of years ago, or even thousands of years ago, who knows? The perception of this may have been very different. We don't look down upon superstition. We don't look down upon Earth energies.
So that's what I'm going to be talking about in today's show, where we're going to jump into some of these experiences that can also tie in with maybe Earth energies, explain not all of it, right? So this is not black and white. This is very much the gray zone. Explain a vast number of occurrences that we experience in the paranormal world.
So David Cohen, Chris Arnold, where are these guys from? Are they from the UK? Yeah, well, they focus. I don't know where they are from, but most of their stories are from the UK. So I'm assuming that they're from the UK. I've also got a couple of little stories that I want to mention from time shifts, experiences of slipping into the past and future from von Brachella. He also references Frank Joseph in there as well. There's some really intriguing stories.
that line up with this idea that maybe this is to do with Earth energies. And in reference to what I was saying before, it's quite clear that cultures in the past may have been far more advanced from a spiritual perspective than what we are, whether it's druids or Stone Age cultures, or we see them as being very backwards. But then we realize that they understand things about the Earth and its energies that we do not recognize today, that our instruments cannot measure, that we cannot understand.
And the reason why I got into this is because on the last plus show, we were talking about a great blog from Dr. Carl Shuka, where he was talking about the occurrence and the incidence of essentially glowing or luminescent owls. Right then, because owls aren't supposed to glow.
They're not supposed to go offline, and the number of encounters that people have had with these things that tied in with things like min-min-lights. Of course, those strange lights that are seen in the Australian Outback, you know, people speculate that they're spirits. But one thing grabbed my attention. Remember how I was saying that there seems to be an increase in activity of min-min-lights, these balls of light that go flying around and follow people and terrify people?
during the rainy season or during the wet season, when the swamps are full of water and bring all of these animals. And my argument was, or the argument I was putting forward was even from Calshuka was that, well, if there's more of these, you know, these animals, it means the ecosystems all live. So the glowing owls are just there, they're congregating. Well, that's where there's food. So that would make sense. But as I pointed out, that doesn't explain all of the phenomena of what's going on.
And so, funnily enough, when it comes to lay lines and earth energies, there seems to be an increase of activity of min-min-like phenomena when there's been water involved. Yeah, I still remember covering some of those stories from England over the years. There's one in particular, the author of it, I can't remember, but it was
at one of these stones. Paul Devereaux has done some of this stuff. Yeah, it might have been Devereaux at one of these stone circles. Multiple eyewitnesses saw a giant orb of energy. Some plasma ball lifted up out of the stone. That's right. Yeah. And it's been witnessed by people. Normally, it's witnessed by individuals that seemingly have a more psychic kind of ability, whether they recognize it or not, or have had other experiences that make them inclined to be psychic. And some of the stones that zap you as well. Yes.
And do you got any of those stories? I do. And stones that talk to you. Yeah, it gets quite surreal. So conversationalists. They're stones. They're boring. They don't really want to talk about anything. They're desperate as well. They're quite neat. Breaking news. They're very needy. How did the press talk to us?
Let's kick it off, though, but talking about some of this stuff that is like the really highlight of this kind of stuff. And we have to go to Avery, which one is one of these hotspots for this type of activity with these lay lines, whether it's stone circles and this man-made mound that's, you know, the silvery hill there.
just you know incredible locations that people all throughout history have felt something like they've gone to these locations but it's not just there it's it's all over the UK and indeed other locations globally you go back to 1845 you've got the Reverend Edward Duke
He left the splendor of his home, traveling through the deepest of Wiltshire, and as he traveled through, he seemingly got this knowing, this understanding of seeing these connections, of these lines, of these energy pathways that were crisscrossing throughout the land, and there being something to it. And many people, since then,
that are psychically inclined to have had experiences. And indeed, people who aren't psychically inclined have had experiences at this site. But let me give you a standard kind of case, and then we'll give you, we'll move away to go to the more obscure cases. So Brent Swancer had this great write up a couple of years ago on our site, mr. universe.org, where he said the stone circles at Avery and the famous Stonehenge not too far away.
Hot spots for UFO phenomena. It also has crop circles and the locations contain very strange encounters, including aliens. We've got Silbri Hill. It's said to lie upon a lay line, which is supposed to be a vein of energy cursing through the earth. And crop circles have frequently been found in the surrounding countryside.
And you know, that's fascinating as well because many people automatically when you hear of crop circles associate it with UFOs. That's a pretty standard kind of thing. And that's fine. But it's a trope because it's like usually there's not any sometimes there's balls of light involved. But the reality is that these things just suddenly appear and some people have put forward that the reason why these crop circles appear is because of the Leyline energy.
because there's a manifestation in this particular form to take place. And the reason why that actually really stands out is because when we go back to David Cowan and Chris Arnold's book, they talk about petroglyphs, like petroglyphs that show up in these stones and through their research, and a lot of their research, look, I know it's not, you know, would be considered to be conventional, but they utilize dousing to detect the energy that's moving through these things.
And what they've found is that these petroglyphs seemingly either give off some kind of energy or manipulate energy. Do you mean things like this? The famous horse on the horse is is fascinating. It's not that it's more like stuff like this, where it's like carving into rock.
You know what, this is considered, it's carving in a rock, but that particular one, when you went back to that horse one, funnily enough, there is a report that I didn't go into into greater detail, but there was a report where a psychic person had gone up to this particular site. And when they were there,
They sensed that there was something, right? There was something off about it, not in a bad way, but they could sense that there was something going on. They continued to meditate for a few moments. And as they meditated, apparently there was like 30 horses appeared, but guess what? No, there was 30 white, like almost 30 white luminous things that appeared, but there were horses, but there were many horses.
Those little horses and they're all coming around there while they all are caught over this meditative trance. I remember that one. Yeah. And then as soon as they left the trance like state, it just all just disappeared. But then so it's like, why is it? Like, is it about this big boy? You got him coming up? I'm sure. No, I don't have that coming up, but it's.
Yeah, that it's there. But you have to wonder, is it that the psychic went there known because there was a horse form there that somehow their brain created this weird vision? Or is it just simply they've built a horse form there because people have had experiences with these weird spectral horses. Yeah. Over time, people kept seeing the fairy horses and thought, let's mark this spot.
And I'm pleased that you said ferry because that ferry and that Faye folklore plays a big role in a lot of these things. Like there are so many reports of people encountering this stuff. I'll link to a YouTube video actually that describes this in a greater detail than what I'm going to do today. But it's supernatural spaces and it talks about lay lines, energy grids and that sort of stuff. There's a couple of stories in there. This is one story. And let me just bring up the details here of a man from 1953. I believe his name was Hugh Sheridan. He was in Ireland.
1953, he was heading home from work. And as he headed home, he said, all of a sudden he came across what appeared to be something like a green color kind of splashed out upon the ground in front of him. And as he looked closer, he realized that it was a bunch of fairies, like that's the only way to describe it with these fairies. And he said, they were all running around and they were kind of like,
just being little fairies. And he said he felt like he was being an empowerphrasing here, but kind of being led. And of course, this is consistent with the Faye folklore stories of being pixie led, right? And so as he's being led, he's like, I don't want to go that way. Like I'm not going that way, but it's almost like they were taking him to a door or to this kind of location.
And he turned away, fortunately, because these are some of the stories with the fairy tales, you know, warning you that you don't be pixelate. You don't allow yourself to go with these things. But he turned away from it. And these things kind of all just disappeared. But when he got home, it was like he was high. He said, all this energy that had been imbued into him, it's like, this is what it does. It creates euphoria and wonder. So I'm going to go with them. And you forget these warnings, like you're not supposed to go with these things.
It's interesting the difference between people that see an experience dark demonic things they say the opposite they feel drained.
That does come up. And that actually, funnily enough, could have something to do with the direction of the energy, like the way that the energy is going. So in the the Laylines book as well, there was this report of where I don't know if it was David or Chris, but one of them had been doing something which seems to be rather silly, but had an interesting story attached to it, is that they were taking crystals and using crystals to activate the petroglyphs that are on these stones. These guys are not conventional.
at all. Not conventional. Literally gluing a crystal. I don't know what kind of crystal. I'm assuming maybe a quartz crystal, maybe a nice amethyst, something. Did they do a druidix ceremony afterwards? Druids do come up in some of these reports. In fact, more so the druid reports come up in a book that was published by, and it just disappeared. Thank you very much. What happened when they
I'll come back to that. So I've got Spirits of the Stones, Visions of Sacred Britain. And that was published by Alan Richardson. And I'll put that in the show notes as well. That details more of the druids and supporting their stuff. But what they did is they attached a crystal.
to one of these petroglyphs, because they'd recognize that these petroglyphs, as I pointed out, either inhibit or manipulate or enhance the energy of these lay lines. So these lay lines come flowing through, and clearly someone in the past with an understanding of this has put these things in to manipulate this energy. Yeah, they're like geomantic acupoints. Yeah, absolutely right. It's like Earth's acupuncture. And it's funny because it's done things like produce protective bubbles around people's homes, but I'll come back to that.
So what happened with the crystals I'm doing? They glued this crystal to this petroglyph. And for some reason, a report came in later. I don't know how they got this. And I don't know if it was like a coincidence that they got it. But a report came in later from where this couple had been walking along, essentially this direction of where this lay line would have been altered, right? Where this energy would have been altered. And as they came along, there was this like weird like cliche green, which like pixie like entity.
that came along that was like, like, Michael Jackson, weird voice, coming up like and laughing at them and messing with them. And they obviously were freaked out by what they were seeing. This wasn't someone lapping. This is something. No, no, it was because it was mini, like, not mini mini, but it was like diminutive. Like it was not the right size of what a human should be. And it was green skin. It wasn't like it was a costume. And he's like, that happened after I altered the energy of this location, like after I'd stuck this crystal to alter it.
So just an anecdote and nothing else to it. But for them, he was like, well, this is like, this is indicating that something we have done because then they found, and you got to recall like they're doing huge amounts of research of over years and years and years going up to these locations, measuring these energies. And they started to find strange things. So some examples were.
There was this one particular house, I believe, where the energy was just different. Like, everything else around these energies can be positive, they can be healing, and they can be utilized for healing. But the energies can also be negative and pathogenic, and they can actually cause significant problems for the people that are around them. And funnily enough,
even though these are natural lay lines, our modern technology also generates these artificial lay lines. And these artificial lay lines are usually pathogenic from what I was reading. So he was just surprised. I'm not surprised at all. No, I'm not surprised. Like he was describing how at one point he was dousing nuclear submarines and everything was fine except for the fact that they parked these two nuclear submarines together and somehow their energy was intersecting. And so what it was doing as it was intersecting, it was then sending it out and blasting through these series of homes.
Causing illness. Can you rewind? What do you mean dowsing nuclear submarines? He was dowsing, he was taking his rods and going out to these nuclear submarines and using whatever other methodologies... How can he go out and get nuclear submarines? You can see where they're parked. Like you've obviously stand on a hill over the top of where these things are like, you know, of course you can.
You're Sydney, Garden Island. We've got a whole bunch of boats, Navy boats parked there. So if I was inclined to do that, I could just get my dowsing rod and bolts down to the nuclear submarines. You could go and stand up on North Sydney and you could go and look down at Garden Island. You can see all of them. And I'm assuming with all the, whatever they're using, the dowsing rods or whatever is that you can
I can access to it. I presumed he would just be doing it on a map with a picture of a site. No, he's they're going out to the sites. Like they're going out. And so these two nuclear subs created some man-made ley lines. Yeah. And he points out that it's not whoever it was either David or Chris, but they also point out that it's not just submarines. It's like radar towers. It's like microwaves. It's even in their home. They're detecting all these with their dousing. They're dousing in whatever methodologies they're using. OK.
So it's like, I think there may be something to it. Like there's, because no doubt these lay lines have a face because so many people have reported encounters with these things. What else did they discover? Okay. So there was this thing where they noticed there was this particular house, right? And this house had been not the house itself, but there was right smack bang in this like negative flowing energy state. And it was just like really surreal. Add for property value. Really? Except for the fact that this house was fine. People weren't reporting. Oh, it's a stunning house.
No, no, no, no. I've bet you're not a man. No, no, no, no. That's all irrelevant. It was that the people inside the house weren't experiencing anything. They weren't experiencing poltergeist activity. They weren't having ill health effects. What's the problem?
The house was protected by these sigils or these petroglyphs that were altering the energy layer and creating a bubble around that house that stopped it from being affected by this negative energy layer. Did the owners know this or was that just very old stones? Oh, old stones. And it's not like it's right on top of it, right? Like these lay lines because they travel and sometimes they do meander, but you've also got the straight lay lines. Like they kind of, you know, can be at a distance and can affect things at a vast distance. So how old was the house? It doesn't say.
But that doesn't matter. It's not relevant. There's a whole heap of properties that are affected by this stuff. So let me give you an example of where things can turn bizarre and strange, right? People tend to think that poltergeist have an agent to them, that poltergeist are either a disembodied angry spirit that is trying to get attention or trying to terrify people and wreck up your house.
One of the other theories is the living agent hypothesis where you have a young child about to go into puberty, which isn't a time which is immensely stressful, and is causing them to have psychokinetic phenomena, which is manifesting externally to them can be boys, but usually it's girls and a lot of these reports. But I think that's actually
These poor kids are actually copying the blame for something which is rather natural. There seems to be, in a number of sightings where they investigated poltergeist hauntings, these houses sit directly smack bang on the top of these layer lines, these energy lines, right?
And oddly enough, it can become very precise that these energy lines can fire through a very specific area. So you can have your living room and you have no phenomena take place ever. It's not a problem. But then you have your laundry and there's like constantly your laundry powder box is exploding and being flung about the room and precise.
It's that precise. And in some of these reports, they did. They found that there were people that had these houses that had poltergeist, they had water manifesting, right, which is a typical poltergeist type of behavior. They would have pools of water appearing, but only in specific areas when he did his dowsing, when he used his methodologies.
He found that there was these negative energy lay lines shooting directly through the particular location. I mean, I'd be curious to hear the full gamut of the poltergeist activity because a lot of it does indicate some agency, some intelligence. Sure. And look, this is the thing, right? I really have to emphasize this. When I'm talking about these things, I'm not saying all poltergeist encounters are lay lines.
Yeah, and you could also argue that that lay line is the environment that allows the poltergeist to exist. I mean, that would be like them finding a fish in a river and saying, look, the river creates these things called fish. Bingo, I'm so pleased you said that because there was another great example of that where
We've touched on this before with telluric currents, like telluric stuff comes up and they do mention that I don't know if they're saying these energy lines are necessarily telluric, but it's like, it's an energy, right? Let's just call it an energy. And there was a great example of where a house was haunted, right? And no one understood why it was because when they investigated, obviously the people looking into it, they found that there was a graveyard down the road, but that graveyard had a water, like a channel of water underground,
going from the graveyard to the house and the telluric current moving through that water was causing the ghosts that were in that graveyard to be moved under and then back up in the house, which is madness, right? It's just absolute madness. But there was a similar example that was described in this book of where
there was this energy line that they found. And the energy line was moving in a positive direction and it was moving and it was fine. But then also they found that the current would change and the current would move in an opposite direction. And they never could kind of work out what was causing the current to move back and forth. That was never determined. But what they did find, right, is guess what? When the current was moving in one particular direction, it was fine. But when it moved in another direction, it was actually running underneath the cemetery.
So when that current was running underneath the cemetery, guess what's happening in the house? Unusual activity, but there's weird activity taking place. Then there was a more obscure report, which was kind of strange, but it's funny with so many of these examples, it's like there's this afterwards validation that occurs. So there was this one particular site.
where they went out, and you're able to actually see where the two kind of points where you've got a terminus of these things. Usually they go on and on, but you can find where they terminate, where they initiate. And he goes out to this particular site, I can't recall where, but when he does and he starts doing it, he notices that the energy had somehow been
like kind of sent in two directions, like it was odd, like it was kind of going out in two directions. And he was able to see this through the dousing and that what they were using. And so he finds out later on though that there's like all these like strange modern urban legends and folktales about these two particular locations, which are vastly separated. Like they're so far apart that no normal paranormal researcher would find any connection between the two. You just wouldn't, but he found a connection between it with these energies. But here's the story.
The story is that there was this one particular house at this location, and it's an old house. And of course, like many hauntings, apparently, it was at a time where you could get away with murder. It was a kind of thing where there was a semen or a sea merchant or something. And he accused his wife of cheating, so he had killed his wife, and he buried a
in the back of the house, something like that. But what he'd done is he'd gone out to see or he'd gone out to work and he'd come back after a sufficient amount of time and past thinking that everything would kind of calm down and just told the other local villages that are my wife right away. I don't know what happened to her knowing very well what happened to her. But like all people that do terrible crimes for the most part is that he started to get paranoid. He was like,
Yeah, you know, people might be asking questions or so for whatever reason, he dug up his wife's body and cut it into, right? He cut the body into fix it. Yeah. And then, you know, turned it up and got rid of it. I don't know exactly how he got rid of it.
It doesn't matter, though, because he did this right on top of this particular energy line. And so, skipped to modern times, like 150 years, 200 years later, I don't know exactly how long. There's reports of people saying that this man was staying in this house, and I think it was the same house, and he awoke in the evening to find this form standing over the edge of the bed.
And he's terrified because he's like, what the hell is this that he realizes that it's not it's not any usual form that you expect. It's not a burglar. It's not a home invader. It was this angry ghostly form of this woman. But guess what? Much like the story I told you a couple of weeks ago, my experiences with the haunting.
It's like cut off. There's no legs. Oh, she was missing half a body. She's missing half a body. And this thing comes over and kisses him on the cheek. And he said it was like fire. It felt like fire was a terrifying experience for him. And of course, when he woke up, the thing dissipated and it was gone. But he was like absolutely horrified. So that's like one story. But then at this vast other distance, but like lines up perfectly with the lay line, there's reports of people having encounters with a pair of like green legs.
Like, spectral green legs. So if you were to choose a succubus encounter, would you choose top half or bottom half? Well, that's the mermaid question, right? Like, everyone has these fantasies apparently about mermaids, but it's like, you're screwing a fish.
Which like, but in this case, it's a very different scenario. Very different scenario. There's no right or wrong answer. Well, I think there may be, but yes, but it was amazing. Like it was just amazing that through his research, he was able to line up these stories through this weird energy line. It's like, it's cause, and that comes up. I didn't go into it in too great a detail because he goes into, you know, what we were called the stone tape theory, but really he refers to them as like repeating holograms.
So these high intensity situations like murder and fights and suicide, but it's a lot of emotion involved. It seemingly imbues itself into that energy and that energy replays it. And sometimes these, these, um, petroglyphs and sigils can affect that. And that's why you've got druids, you know, going to these locations for so long and doing things, doing, uh, rituals and practices to alter it so that they can harness that power for whatever purpose no one's really to know, but they knew.
like they knew what they were doing with this stuff. But like really great. So I'm just looking here at the times because I want to jump over like really great stuff. I'll link to the book in the show notes so you can go and check it out. What were they trying to achieve? And did they did they achieve it? They were just well, they were really just trying to understand like achieve an understanding of the the weirdness. Like they talk about ghost cars of what people are seeing. So much like there was this one place where if you have a car accident on a powerful lay line, it creates a
It says replay. But not even that. You don't even have to have that. So there was this length of road that coincided with the telluric circle, right? And so which is not a big deal except for the fact that this family had built this house and all of a sudden they started having ghost cars like haunting their backyard.
But they would see lights people and hear sound apparently this to lyric lines they store sounds so people hear sounds people see lights they will see forms and figures and they know what was going on and they'll freaked out because i hear car starting and i'd hear strange sounds and i would see lights driving through the living room like it would just be shocking until they found out that previously.
Nothing had taken place. There was no murder. There was nothing horrible taking place. There had just been a car park where the house was built, but it just happened to be on top of a telluric line or one of these lay lines. And so that energy somehow had in because nothing was aware, like it wasn't like a haunting where there was something aware and you could react to him. It was just that, yeah, okay, like these energies do this kind of stuff. So this could explain why people have, you know, weird hauntings and weird experiences.
Yeah, and like there's another one here of where people experienced in Perthshire, a monk that would come out of their wall. It would just like wander out of their wall, walk back into the other side. Of course, they find that it connects to a layer line in another location. There were other unusual events like the girls hearing a rat-like noise climbing up the wall and down the other, but not on the roof. Apparently their telephone bill would be astronomical, even though no one was using the telephone. And they suffered a series of just terrible illnesses.
and violent allergic reactions. There was a lot of horrible things going on, but what they found in their research, and this is where it truly does become just before I finish up this particular book, and highly unconventional. There was a couple of examples of where he talks about the black spirals.
And when you hear this, I kind of go, oh, well, this must be like some large black form, which is spewing up from these lines. Because this is what, as you pointed out earlier in the show, Ben, some people have experienced that they go apart and multiples of people have witnessed like this energy in these lights and like.
beams shooting up out of the ground and a geyser of etheric energy coming through. And that's if it's positive, but if it's negative, it's sometimes this black, misty, or spiral kind of form. But sometimes you can have mini ones, mini ones. And consistent with what I was telling you about how there's a precision to some of these ley lines, where it can cause poltergeist activity in a very specific location.
There was one example of where there was this haunting where old granny had passed away, but she had a favorite chair, right? And granny would reappear in this chair all the time, freaking the entire family out, but it was just because her favorite chair was placed on one of these very precise lines. So if you just move, they moved it and guess what happened? To your feet to the right, it would be fine.
Yeah, I mean, there was another example of where there was a house where a murder had taken place and it was like next to this bed. And this bed just happened to be on one of these lines. And so the form of this, the monster, the man who had committed the murder would always appear. As soon as they moved the bed, the activity changed. We need an app or a device that can just map out these lay lines. Well, they move as well.
Oh, this is right. And they move and they're subject and they're influenced by, you know, sigils, but not just sigils, but our modern activities. Well, you put a microwave somewhere that might just slightly alter it and move it around. Wouldn't it be good that if you could point it at neighbors that you don't like? Yeah, like that would be really kind of directed to lyric weapon. Just the barking dog next door.
You could actually direct that barking into someone's head. There was like one story that I was reading. I don't know if it was in this book, but there was a story I was reading today of where this woman would walk into this room of her house, right? Every time she walked in, there'd be Christmas music playing. And it's not like,
If you've ever worked in retail, right? And they play and it's like Christmas time and they play the same songs over, over, over, over again. It's great when you're just going shopping once. Exactly. It's great when you just go shopping and you're in there for half an hour an hour, maxing you're out. But when you're there for eight hours or 10 hours doing sales times, it's over and over, driving. This is what was happening to this woman.
It was, you know, like, Mariah Carey was in a head every time she opened this door. She's like, what the hell's going on? They found that there was this directed line that was coming from a shop that was playing music, Christmas music, that was baby, and it was somehow for whatever reason, stopping in her house. It was like it was terminating right there. Oh, my gosh.
So then, though, going back to the black spirals, this is where it's like, you asked before, like, what were they trying to achieve? Well, it's trying to achieve an understanding and educating people, but also pointing out that there are health benefits and health negatives to this kind of stuff. And so there's health benefits where you've got, you know, the ancient Greeks and the Romans or whatever that, and even older cultures would have like,
healing baths that you could go to. And we would think that, oh, it's healing because that the water has like minerals in it. And sure, that has all of its own effects as well. But it also happens to be energized by this particular telluric or leyline energies. And that has an effect, a physiological effect on people and it improves their health. But it can also have negative effects. So these people that
I find that they're in terrible marriages, but it's only happened since they've moved. They've only started fighting with their spouse because they've moved into this negative energy. But then it becomes very much a physical problem. It starts manifesting physically. There was this one woman who I believe had some terrible flesh-eating bacteria. It was this horrible flesh-eating bacteria, which is extremely rare. That's because she was sleeping in the telluric line, wasn't it?
She just needed to move two feet over. That's right. She was precisely in this telluric line. When they looked at the bed and they measured this, right? But there's a kicker to this story, right? So it was in her stomach. Like where she slept, it perfectly was through her stomach, which is where the bacteria started and had started moving. And so it took ages. So it's like it's creating the perfect energetic environment for the pathogen. Her husband had liver cancer.
And so he was like a little bit, like a little higher, so the liver was a little bit higher. And it was because where this line was, it went so where the husband was, it would go through the husband's liver and then through her stomach. What? Like a medically- That's a stream carrying this pathogenic energy. That's crazy. Black spiral of energy that ran like this perfect laser-like beam, like through both of them.
wild, but absolutely wild kind of stuff. And again, another reason, if any of this is true, to be able to map these energies, to be able to see where they are, detect them. Yeah, absolutely. And get a order, a protective bubble for your home. Yeah, I mean, there's another one here. So there was, he said, occasionally paranormal phenomena can escalate to horrifying incidents. There was a lady in Edinburgh who telephoned me for help.
Her story was a truly horrifying one. Almost every night, she was being savagely raped by an invisible entity. She described it as bestial, determined and impersonal in its attack, and it took place even when her husband was with her, like right next to her. She'd been attacked where she'd lived at a previous location, though, which is weird. So that suggests there's nothing to lurk about it, right? But she said, no matter what she tried to do to thwart this creature, it always caught up with her.
And he's like, well, yeah, it's because somehow this is suggesting that these things, these entities, they utilize these things to travel, right? They utilize these lines. So he goes into a house and he's like, yeah, there's a black spiral in your living room right in front of the television set. And there's another one that comes out in the center of your bed. And she's like, oh, that's weird because both my husband and I have been experiencing this horrible chest pain like nails were being driven into our solar plexuses.
And he was like, yeah. And like the Lord's prayer, and apparently that didn't work. So he ended up getting a, he used a sigil, right? He put a stone to like, Malta, the energy. And that seemed to eliminate most of the black energy. But a lot of the things, you know, like continued to happen. Apparently he got in some Arabian gentleman, he said, who eliminated it with the form of a ceremonial magic.
And he said, this man later said to me, the people in the UK do not know very much about these kinds of things. And yeah, it's true. Like Jin Whisperer. We had Jin come up, you know, in this book as well. Like truly just surreal stuff. Like there's, it's really well written in this book, actually. And it just has, you know, story after story after story.
But I don't want to go into it in too good a detail because there's other stories I want to tell you. One thing comes up is like barriers, like people describing, countering, you know, weird energy barriers that they can't pass through or, you know, sometimes these things, but you look at these, these particular petroglyphs, right? And.
The, the to lyric current moves in a certain direction, like most of the year, but apparently when it's hit by the sun at a certain time of the year, so whether it's a solstice or like they build a cave and then there's like a little slit in there for the moon to come through and on certain dates, it lines up with the petroglyph and that petroglyph that energy somehow like activates the petroglyph and it causes the to lyric current to move or to check just like a video game. Yeah, but only for a certain period of time. Okay.
So it's like the haunting that's in like house 9B will suddenly just turn it down the street. Now there's a haunting going on there. It's like this weird thing. But in the past, whoever built these things, utilized it for their own purposes, whether it was for ceremonial magic or contacting entities, you know, who knows. And that's where like the teleportation ideas come up. And I'm, again, I can't remember if it was that book or the other one I was reading, but it was like, there's also reports of people that
on particular times where there's one of these to lyric currents. It's almost like they're sucked into it. And then they find themselves somehow with missing time, but then at the exit point, then just wake up in the Philippines with no money, no clothes. But you say that, but I sent to your name, but there was a report. Remember of the Spanish soldier that teleported. He teleported from Spain to the Philippines. Didn't he go from the Philippines back to Spain?
I can't recall which direction. No, no, I think it was he went from Spain to the Philippines. But like, yeah, I mean, maybe this is explaining these spontaneous teleportation to take place. There was another example actually of where a guy had gone to meditate at one of these locations and he'd wandered over and he was meditating. And as he meditated, he actually, he doesn't realize, but like the scene around him changed. And it was all like this ancient kind of foresty kind of scene.
And then when he kind of came to, because he came out of this meditative state, he always says, ah! And it was like, the guy behind him had been standing there, watch, sorry I blew up years, but you should put a living room. Oh my God, dude. So the guy who'd been standing there just watching this, this scenery, right? He'd just gotten there. It was like enjoying the scenery, the guy that was meditating.
materialized in front of it. So I can't hear what you're saying. He completely materialized in front of him because the lane line had actually had been sucked into it while he was in this trance-like state. And as soon as he came out of the trance, he came back out and out of it.
So, what are these things? What are they doing? What is happening to people with this kind of stuff? They're getting sucked into lay lines and getting into these two researches. But this is a thing, right? Does this explain why people being pixy-led or going off to the Feywild, they're not even doing that. They're just being sucked into these earth energies, these natural things that have always existed, but it's like it has this effect upon people.
But let me tell you a couple of these other stories that I wanted to go into of where it just becomes like just truly, truly strange. Is that from the other book you got there? Yeah. So this particular, no, this I'll come back to that time shifts. And the reason why I ended up going to some of the time stuff is because of the lay lines. Like many people report that when they encounter these energies that they actually undergo time slips.
But they have missing time in some circumstances. They find themselves either going forward or back through time, but other times they actually see a time slip where they find themselves actually in another time, like medieval times, but it's right on this current. It's like the current pulls them in, drags them through, and then the energy dissipates. Yeah, I mean, that's often been the speculation with people that report those timeshift stories that some natural energy is just
thrown them out of the space time continuum. It makes sense as an idea. Well, there was another great example of how there's this cliche, again, this trope that from a media standpoint of what we consume that goes through these ghostly white forms or a glowing green form, and he's like, yeah, that actually might be because these
Basically repeating holograms. They're in the to lyric current. They're in the lay line and they repeat, but they lose energy. And so as they lose energy, they lose color. And ultimately, that's why they go green and then they go white. And that's like whether they've lost all of their energy. Oh, that's weird. Isn't it weird? That reminds me of, I can't remember the source, but it's someone.
might have been one of these 19th century out of body experiences, but someone talking about the afterlife. And if you stay at the lower levels, your substance starts to dissipate. You basically start to dissipate.
And so lower level entities are desperate for energy because it keeps them alive. It keeps them sustained. Where was it? I think this actually came from spirit fade away. There's a really great example. This came from Spirits of the Stone by Alan Richardson. I'll just skip down to it. There was an Australian woman actually of, I don't have her name here. It just says, a young Australian woman has a marvelous story to tell. So she ended up going to one of these long barrows.
in the Crohn's of England. I don't know exactly what that is. But apparently she was this delightfully humorous individual, but she had some unusual powers about her. And she said she went to this particular cave or this tomb that she was visiting. And when she got there, she encountered a spirit, pardon me.
a spirit guardian. And she said this spirit guardian at the mouth of the tomb was so drained of energy that it was suffering from what she termed psychic anorexia. It was like it was completely was emaciated. She said this thing could barely be like the feeblest of gestures that this thing made. She's called it a poor old sod. So what she did, and it's like the hungry ghosts.
She went home and she got a bunch of like chicken heads and awful and blood and made an offering. Oh, God. And she said, when she made an offering to this thing, the Guardian regained its form. She said, blood, according to occult law, contains etheric materials that spirits use themselves to regain their substance after feeding upon the offering, the Guardian roared and towed over them in the expected manner. He said, that's better before strolling off.
That's better. Thanks for the feed. And that's where that one of the headlines starts to come up. So there's this other really great story. I think it was, it was of all people, Arthur Shuttlewood. I'm just moving around in my notes here. But Arthur Shuttlewood, you know, we know from his research into, into UFOs. Yeah, here it is. So he was the one that did the, the Warminster UFOs, you know, that basically in the 19th, mid 1970s, Wiltshire,
which was already associated with a huge amount of unusual activity was, you know, stalked by a bunch of UFOs. But he said that he came across reports of what people described as slithering snakes or serpents of the sound. And he described his encounter that was occurred at Star Hill or Battleberry Hill. And he said, basically, there was this strange sound.
He said we heard an eerie crackling noise emanating from the rain-soaked soil. So again, water involved with this. He said it was someone like static on the radio set with a distinct electrical element involved in this creeping carpet of sound. It was as if a serpent was uncoiling and thrusting its sinuous length across the ground. It was a celibence snake.
We saw no rise and fall of the furrowed soil along its inclines, but we certainly could feel the humming and the hissing sounds directly below. It was accompanied by a weird whip-cracking sound and lashes of light of the slithering snake moving about and unleashing its invisible loops of skin, bearing its fangs and pronging towards us. He said, our nerves broke down and we ran. But they were so terrified. Did they see it or not?
I think they could feel it. It was more like they could sense the energy of this thing. But funnily enough, it's known that this particular site is protected by one of these guardians, like these weird mound guardians, but this one was in a serpentine form. It was almost like it was tapping into their consciousness. There's other reports of this going through. But one of the I will raise up here actually is quite, and let me just find it because I've moved it around, but it comes from Stonehenge. So let me just bring it up.
There's woman essentially she went to stonehenge and she was rather arrogant in her approach because she was like i don't know if she was wicked nor she was part of some alternative belief system it doesn't really matter it's not relevant, but she thought that she would be able to contact the spirit of stonehenge so she goes there.
And she wanders around Stonehenge, and she does whatever practice she does. And she was so assured of herself, because she's superglue any crystals to the stones. No, but close. You know, people say when you're going to do these practices, whether it's a Norwegian board or anything else that you kind of imagine a white light in shrouding yourself, she put on like blue energy armor. You're protective barrier. She put on this blue and impenetrable armor as she wanders through. And she basically like summons the spirit guardian of this thing.
pissed, like it's pissed off. And she was expecting, I believe, to have this kind of like, oh, you don't fill me with your wonder. And let's have a lovely chat. This thing is like, what the hell are you doing here? It smacks her in the face, electrically, like this blue, like electric energy smacks her in the face, pushes her into the ground. There's a eyewitness who can't see that going up, but can see her being pushed her face into the soil. And this thing's like, why did you build a road next to Stonehenge? And she's like, I don't know.
It's really pissed off, and it's like you arrogance of humans, and ultimately everything dissipates and lets it go. But it was because of this guardian was so ticked off, but for whatever reason, it was able this person had gone and somehow had set it off. Well, your earlier story made me think of the serpent mound in Ohio.
Yeah, right. Yeah. That's fascinating, because look at that. Like, that's consistent with that report. Yeah, it's the same kind of description. Yeah, very similar. They're describing it moving in real time. Yeah. But is this another scenario where they carved this into the location in Ohio because they were experiencing what you just described? Yeah, I think that's probably more likely. So then there's this other story that comes up from a particular man. I don't have his name here, but it happened in Stony-Libtham-Longborrow.
And, apparently, there was this man who said, I was there with my then partner, Jan, and I'd gone and sat at the far end of this cell, and I was meditating for a short while, with the intention of sensing or experiencing whatever was there. Whilst Jan wandered in and out of the tunnels and the side chambers, I felt nothing unusual. But at some point, Jan stopped and suddenly started getting very distressed. She got really upset.
And eventually he comes out of his meditation and she says, Tom, will you just come here for a minute? I just just come here like with this urgency, this sense of urgency in her voice. And this is why he did come out of the meditation came forward. So there's his name. I said, I didn't have his name. It's Tom. So he does. And she's like, Oh, okay, it's, it's you. It's okay. You're okay. And so what are you talking about? And she's like, while you are meditating, and by the way, this particular location sits right on one of these lines.
But this line, it's not just this line, this particular site, it lines up with the constellation of Taurus. She's like, while you were meditating and I was looking at you, there were horns growing out of your head. What? Like Taurus. The Taurus bull, these horns were coming out and it just happens to sit with the ruling planet of Venus and aligned towards Taurus.
which pops up at certain times that I apparently aligns at certain crucial times of the year. So it was like previously had it been used by some type of culture or a group that understood the powers of these locations to use to tap into God knows, you know, what these things are. There was another woman who her name was Claire that she'd gone to a site that she only identifies as Silvery Hill. It doesn't give any other details as to what, but you'll understand why she calls it Silvery Hill. She said that she found this tree
And she sat in front of this tree and she was kind of, you know, meditating. And she said, I imagined what I didn't imagine as she was meditating, this silver triangle of energy appeared in front of me. And it was kind of moving in and forward and kind of apexing in on her forehead. It was coming in. She said it was extremely strong this force.
And she said, I suddenly was out of my body and saw myself looking down upon the mound. And I see this large horror symbol and the mound seemed to be kind of an opening to another world that was very ancient and very safe. But as this was happening, when she was still in and out of a body, she said, this beautiful silver young girl came out from behind a tree, like she was silver, a completely silver. And she was childlike and very mischievous. She asked me if I wanted to see the future.
I thanked her, but smartly declined her offer, telling her I'd had enough to deal with in the present. She smiled and offered me a gift of a silvery stone before rejoining the reality of now. She said, I remember putting it in my pocket, and that was the end of the experience, so nothing else came from it. But it ties in with other reports of people saying that when they're at these locations, they can see through time. Why wouldn't you want to see the future?
Because I think she doesn't trust. You don't trust these things. You don't trust them. You don't know what they are. You get to see the future, but you don't get to come back. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Like, who knows? Oh, you come back and 20 years has gone past. Yeah. And then so with these things, you've got apparently like angry druids that are left over and there, there was this one particular druid that didn't obviously in his time.
He didn't actually know it well. And so for whatever reason, he'd gone to this particular site and had gotten trapped there as being the resident guardian. And he goes to speak to them. And this is the witness. He goes there and he starts meditating and gets in contact with this druid. And the druid is like 1900 years old.
He's like, yeah, you're giving off a really bad esoteric aura, like you just need to get out of here. And the guy starts challenging him. He's like, yeah, but, and so all this druid can do because he doesn't know the practice very well is just repeat the same phrase like over and over and over. And he says it turns out that this guy, because he'd stuffed up is fixed in his own time, maintaining a jealous, theocratic hold over this small, this kind of group of souls that are trapped in that location.
what is going on? How do you accidentally become some kind of... Because he said ethereal sight gardens. Because he said after engaging in a heated discussion, he basically continued the same druidic dogma over and over, and that's all he knew. It became so very tiresome, and I could not persuade him to leave. He did not want to leave his little congregation either. He said, I left this sight feeling very bad, bad, tempered, and have not returned some 20 years later. I have no interest in going back there at all.
Someone needs to go tag tag team that guy tag him in. Yeah, I mean, it's just it's so odd. This kind of stuff. Do you have to serve the full 1900 years? Yeah, who knows? Like, who knows what these people like? It's just so weird. Then you've got like roads, like
running through these locations, and of course, much like the previous report, when you have roads running through these locations, you find that there's weird paranormal activity taking place. People will see not only spectral cars, but all of a sudden, legions of Roman soldiers will appear, or you'll have hooded, cowed figures that will suddenly start appearing, but they all seem to line up with these energy locations and these lines facilitating this stuff to go through.
And sometimes it's like really exotic with people seeing really crazy stuff, but other times it's just feelings, but it's felt by many people kind of reinforcing this understanding of what's going on. But then the other thing that comes up is getting stuck in time loops, like time loops is the one that I want to mention here.
So this is where we go to time shifts, experiences of slipping into the past and the future by von Brachella. But there's a little introduction here, and the introduction is actually by Frank Joseph. And Frank Joseph says, look, the people that told me this story have no need to make it up. He's like, I know them. I've worked with them. I've worked with Larry. And it relates to Larry and his wife Claire. So this happened in spring in 1990 in a South Chicago suburb.
But they had got, well, so they were from a South Chicago suburb, but they'd gone to visit relatives in New Mexico. Now, while they were traveling through a southwestern area of Missouri, the discover that Interstate 44 was closed. So Larry exited the off ramp following the signs of the detour. Now, this mid-afternoon, it was cleared. There was broad pasture land. There was nothing really unusual about it. They didn't feel anything. But 15 minutes after leaving the expressway,
They arrived at this charming little town. It had small shops, a friendly looking diner that was like out of that Edward Hopper painting, Night Hawks. It had this big glass window and this very quiet and inviting atmosphere on the streets where the traffic lights, the sidewalks weren't crowded. The sidewalks weren't crowded. But there was this young redhead woman that was pushing a baby buggy across the park and there were some kids playing hopscotch there. There was plenty of other little bits of activity.
But nothing that you wouldn't really pay attention to and you really know, it's just the reason why they notice it is because it becomes very prominent in their minds later on. They said that the main square, however, was dominated by this attractive vintage city hall building that appeared to be very well preserved.
Immediately, I think it's like the clock tower added back to the future. This is what they're seeing. They said it was this tall brick clock tower had been constructed. Apparently, sometimes during the late 1800s to date was shrouded by broad, well-mannered public parks and gardens. Claire noticed the time and she said, oh, it's like the hands had stopped at 130. But she's like, no, my watch is three o'clock. She's sure, but she's like, oh, it stopped. So they go into this diner and they go and eat as they would because they've been driving for a while and they take a break.
And they got what a lovely, quaint town. Let's get back on and follow the detour so they continue driving and they drive for another 15 minutes or so when they come across this other town and they come into the town and they're like, oh, that's so weird. Look, it's the same clock tower and they start justifiably going, well, they must have built like a multitude of these towns and some developers do that, right? They put the same infrastructure in, same design, all the way along, but they're just like,
It's the same diner. Why would you make the diner the same way? Why would you do that? Actually, this is an episode of Star Trek Voyager. It's not actually. It's more a back to the future, but it's back to the future time loops because then they keep going and they're a bit freaked out because the reason why they're freaked out is because they see the same red-headed woman pushing the baby the same way. Now you can go, look,
You know, a woman's moving around town. That makes maybe she's pushing it. People do that. So they leave though. They leave and they drive. They drive for another 15, 20 minutes. You know exactly what happens. They pull into town. Now I should note, by the way, the reason why they don't believe that it's the same town initially is because they noticed the clock tower was 130, then it's one o'clock.
at the next point. Yeah, there's a television show that explores this idea where they come to this quaint little town and they keep driving out of the town and they come past the sign that welcomes you to the entrance of the town again. Yeah. And this happens time and time again. Time again. That's exactly what happens because they keep driving. They come to another town. They come to this other town. It's all the same. They're extremely upset. They're distressed. They're disturbed. They're horrified by what's going on because not only did they see the same woman pushing pushing the same pram. Same clock, except this time the clock tower is one o'clock.
And the next time it's 12.30, it's like they're going back in time, this weird time loop as they're going through. And they keep on driving until eventually they're so exasperated that Larry puts his foot down and just takes off. And it's like just roaring as fast as he can along until all of a sudden everything changes. Like this is weird sense of everything changing. They don't really see it, but it's like they return to this normal time. It's like a silence and then they're back on the interstate.
They're never able to find it. It's a very classic in the sense of a time slip that they're never able to find that town again, not that they would want to, but it stands out as a very unusual type of time slip because of the current nature of it, but also that the time was going backwards in that clock. But you would expect them to find the town again. It's not like it was just vanish. They didn't find it. So that would suggest it's not a time slip, it's some kind of alternate dimension.
Maybe an alternate reality? And I wonder, though, because there are these reports of these telluric currents, these lay lines of people experiencing time slips. So I'm wondering, did they somehow run into a weird telluric current? And I can't find it again because
for whatever reason, there had to be a set of circumstances to cause that event to take place, whether it was the weather, it was raining somewhere, altering that sigil, altering that petroglyph, which caused it to move a little bit. Maybe that explains why so many people that have time slips are never able to find those locations ever again, because it's like it has to be a specific set of circumstances taking place for this phenomenon to take place. Look, I don't know. There's a whole bunch of other stories in here as well. One thing that came up, and I don't know if it was Vaughn himself who had this experience, but he talks about how
when he was 12 years old, he had gone to this berry picking place. It's like it was the kids at school holidays or something. And the way for parents to kind of like entertain their kids is they're all climb aboard this bus and they go to this berry picking place on the outskirts of town. And he says, look, it doesn't sound like a lot of fun, but it was like, but just, you know, run and play all day and eat a bunch of strawberries or berries and have a great day. But in this one particular occasion, he had this horrible feeling, like this horrible awful feeling loading.
Well, he's like, well, maybe, but it actually, he's like, I've got to get out of here. And I start thinking about these negative currents, right? These, these black spirals, because he goes and asks someone, I think that the, the bus driver, if they can take him home and they're like, no, sorry, we've got to wait, you know, till the end of the day. So he's 12. So he's not entirely short to do. So I've got to get out of here. I've got to get home. So he wanders out and he finds this railroad. Right. And it's funny because railroads roads for whatever reasons seem to parallel to lyric currents or to, and whether that's just because we've done that.
Like naturally somehow humans just without recognizing it. We build it on. I don't know why that happens, but he finds this railroad and he starts wandering along this railroad and next second he's like out. He's out and he comes to and there's this railroad and there's this house and he just somehow like knows that that's his house and he wanders into the house and he's so sick and he's gripping his stomach.
He had appendicitis, right? And he wanders upstairs. So like he actually had appendicitis. He had a problem and his mother comes home and they rush him to the hospital and he's fine. Like everything's okay. But he's like, that's really, he didn't really think about it until afterwards. He's like, how the hell did I get home?
How did I get home? And he starts to justify. And he even points out, he's like, oh, I'm skeptical about these things. But he points out that he's like, yeah, but I kind of had this strange, I remember squinting up at the sky and the sun beating down and feeling hot, but I don't really remember anything else till years later, years and years and years later. And he has another time sleeping in his backyard and I can't remember exactly what happens there. But it's years later. He's like, hang on a second.
There's no railroad outside that house. Like that childhood, childhood home I lived in. There's no railroad at the front. Like, how is it that I came out of this railroad in this house? So hang on and say, he looks at Ron's outside looks. He's at this new house. He's living in the, it's his house in the future. But somehow, even though he ran into that as a kid, that's his house in the future that he's living in.
So he's like, did I somehow, yeah, like in this state experience, a time zipper or like that, like, and, but he's like the idea that your life is laid out for you in some kind of destiny. Yeah. He just jumped ahead on the record. Yeah. But then he still came back. So it was like, it's somehow looked after him, like it got him to his house. It seemingly, and then I immediately without, because there's no link between these two books and just that I happened to read it. I'm like, did he jump into some weird lay line or telluric current that teleported him to his home?
And because time is all at once. There's those cliche sayings. Time is always the future, the present, the past. It's all one thing. It's all together. It's like, is that what happened? He got pulled into one of those lines. He could sit and teleported him home. Reminds me of that story. Space and time. I covered a while ago of that English guy who, for a school project, it was you had to paint whatever makes you happy.
And he painted this beautiful house with the garden outside and the fence and the color of the roof was very specific. And remember, he, he put a, I think it was a moron Jaguar in the driveway because he was like, I always wanted a Jaguar. But when he grew up, this was decades later.
He ended up buying this little country home and he ended up buying a Jaguar. And then he'd forgotten about the picture and then later he had found it. His mum had saved it and it fell out of some old documents and he found this picture. And it was precisely the house he was living in. It was the exact same details, same color of car, the same details in the garden. It was the same house. Well, this also fits in with things like, I don't know. So the question is how could you know that unless your life was laid out? Well, this is the concept of
Was it Nietzsche? Was it like eternal recurrence? Have you heard of eternal recurrence? No. So eternal recurrence is this concept that it's like Anthony Pickers touched on it, that we live groundhog lives. So you live the same life over and over and over and over again. So it's like a form of reincarnation, but it's always the same ego, the same circumstance.
And it's like you've got to kind of adjust your life every single, because every decision you make, right, you make like one small little decision and it slightly alters your life each time. And it's until you can perfect your life. It's like some weird training for the next. So it's just an interesting concept. But I'm like, when you hear stories like that, so like Deja Vu and, you know, that weird sense of knowing someone or knowing what's going to occur or premonitions, all that kind of stuff, it's just simply because of eternal recurrence.
which is a fascinating concept, but that's for another show. So that means that you're the main character of everything. Like, how does everyone else's worlds work with yours in that scenario? Well, in that scenario, you're not real. Right. You're like a simulated character.
You know, so I don't know. Like as I said, that's for my the whole point of that eternal recurrence thing also was like it was a what was it? It's called like a what's the term for it? It was like a philosophical kind of thought that you supposed to see. Yeah, it's like a thought experiment. Yeah, that's what I'm looking for.
So I'll link to all those books in the show at somesteriousuniverse.org. And of course, I'll link to Brent's article, which I didn't go into to credit detail, but he describes some weird crop circles and UFO activity that's connected with that kind of stuff. And there's also this great little documentary. It's quite old, but it's called Skyways and Landmarks Revisited. And it actually highlights some of the research by Phillip Hesselton, Jimmy Goddard and Paul Baines, looking into lay lines and how they're connected with flying sources as well. So that's something that kind of, you know,
That was fascinating. Check it out. Yeah, I like to get a sear in to check my house for lay line. Oh, I'm sure there's like a multitude of them running through my place. There's a chair that I always stubbed my toe on. I bet there's a lay line. It's like a circle running straight through the chair. Yeah. Yeah. It's just cursed. Yep.
Like, when you die, you're just going to, like, people living in the house in 50 years from now will just see you, like, this form of Ben stubbing stuff in the middle like eight times. It's because the legs go down, like, straight, and then they flare out at the bottom. So you think that the chair's going down like that, but it's like...
It eats your toes up. I hate it. That will happen eternally, Ben. Lots more coming up on this show. If you head to mysteriousuniverse.org, sign up for plus and you'll get access to the extensions we do on every single one of these shows on Friday. And of course, we do exclusive shows on Tuesday as well. Sign up today and you'll get more than double the content. And of course, our sale is still going for another couple of days. Oh, no, even a couple of days. It's one more day.
So Matt, in fact, it may even be over by the time that people will see this. What our developer does, if you can close it on time. The sale may still be about... Close it now, quick! $99 at the moment will get you everything, our MU Max Plus plan, which will give you access to our entire back catalogue as well. We can download all the shows we've been doing for 17 plus years. Plus members also get a totally ad-free version of the show, higher quality MP3s.
Everything is there on Plus. Check it out, mysteriousuniverse.org. Plus, it's all at the site at mysteriousuniverse.org. And speaking of, I do have some knee-death experiences coming up, but I wanted to talk- Oh, Bibu! Yeah, Bibu is dropped a banger. This is the Garabundal prophecies and their connection to the end of the Kali Yuga. He just released this yesterday. And this is a fascinating story about these four children.
from this tiny village in Spain in the 1960s. It was only 300 people in the village. These four kids started to go into these ecstatic trances for hours. And when they came out of them, they'd describe to their teachers and to their parents and to other people that knew them what they were seeing. And they all described the same thing. They were seeing an angel.
but it wasn't like a traditional angel. It looked like a nine-year-old boy, a diminutive little man who looked strong, they said. Beebe's done a lot of research on this, but interestingly connected it to the end of the Kali Yuga, which is March 21st, for those of you who don't know. Look forward to that. I realized that that date is Friday.
So we can do an end of Kali Yuga special. I don't know if we'll do it live, but we will do an end of Kali Yuga special. You know, we'll get all the drinks and we'll, you know, celebrate the end of the world. I'll get some party supplies. We'll decorate. We'll decorate. We're definitely going to decorate for the end of the world. We'll dress up as Carly. Yep, great. Well, you can dress up as Carly.
But it's all a mysterious universe.org forward slash plus check it out. That's a wrap for your favorite show. Make sure you sign up. And if you're on plus stick around for the great stuff after the break for everyone else will catch you next week.
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