#2259 - Thomas Campbell
January 17, 2025
TLDR: Physicist and consciousness researcher Thomas Campbell discusses his work in the 'My Big TOE' trilogy.

In episode #2259 of the Joe Rogan Experience, Joe Rogan welcomes Thomas Campbell, a physicist and consciousness researcher renowned for his trilogy, "My Big TOE" (Theory of Everything). The discussion delves into the intersection of science, consciousness, and metaphysics, as Campbell shares his extraordinary experiences and insights.
Origins of Campbell's Exploration into Consciousness
PhD Beginnings
- Campbell recounts his journey starting in graduate school while studying low-energy nuclear physics.
- Struggling with the monotony of data collection, he was drawn to a meditation class advertised on his lab door, hoping to cope with sleep deprivation.
First Meditation Experience
- Upon his first attempt at meditation, Campbell unexpectedly lost track of time, realizing he had stayed in deep focus for an hour and a half, which sparked a realization about the potential of consciousness.
- His initial experiments with meditation revealed significant insights, particularly in debugging coding issues—an astounding intersection of meditation and practical problem-solving.
Consciousness as Fundamental
Campbell presents his core thesis that consciousness is the foundational element of reality:
- Virtual Reality Model: He posits that our physical reality is a type of virtual reality, computed by a larger consciousness system.
- Consciousness Interaction: Campbell explains that individual consciousness units (IUCs) are aspects of this larger system, playing their part in reducing overall entropy.
Experiences in Non-Physical Realms
Out of Body Experiences
- Campbell discusses his ability to leave his physical body, broadening his understanding of reality:
- Describes experiences of exploring different realms, sometimes being a part of their realities (akin to character avatars).
- Patterns of thought and intention establish connections with non-physical entities.
Exploring Other Consciousness States
- Following the teachings of Bob Monroe, Campbell elucidates how he and others interact with expanded consciousness states.
- This interplay manifests in various forms, such as paranormal events and telepathic communication.
Intersecting Science with Spirituality
Campbell’s insights challenge conventional boundaries, suggesting that:
- Science Needs an Intuitive Approach: An ongoing rift exists in the scientific community between empirical evidence and intuitive knowledge, with Campbell emphasizing the need for balance.
- He argues that practical applications derived from intuitive insights can yield groundbreaking results in understanding consciousness and reality.
Addressing Modern Challenges and Opportunities
Future of AI and Consciousness
- As artificial intelligence continues to advance, Campbell explores if AI can develop consciousness:
- Claims that if a piece of consciousness can log into an AI, it will exhibit consciousness similar to humans.
- Implies a future where consciousness might reside within multiple forms, even non-organic entities.
Role of Collective Awareness
- Campbell emphasizes the importance of nurturing cooperation and kindness to foster personal and collective growth.
- Emerging Paradigms: As the mind opens to greater possibilities, societal evolution could accelerate, inviting profound changes in how humanity engages with technology and each other.
Conclusion: A Call to Awareness
- Campbell leaves listeners with a challenge to cultivate awareness and empathy, underscoring the idea that every individual contributes to the tapestry of collective consciousness.
- Through shared learning and understanding, we may transform our approaches to consciousness and the universe's mysteries.
By marrying physics with principles of consciousness, Tom Campbell offers a compelling narrative that not only expands the dialogue around scientific inquiry but also rekindles an appreciation for the deeper existential questions that define our humanity.
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I'm great, it's very nice to meet you.
Well, it's great meeting you. I've been getting email over the last five years. It says, hey, Tom, you need to be on the Joe Rogan show. Tom, why haven't you been on the Joe Rogan show? I get that. I say, hey, guys, you just don't walk into the Joe Rogan show and say, hey, here I am. I want to talk to Joe. You guys are going to have to write Joe and see if you can't.
Get him to invite me. Well, something happened. Either one of those got through you or you just found out about it on your own, but I'm glad to be here. I'm glad to hear it too. I pretty much found it organically. I think someone suggested it. I think people have suggested it over the years, your books. And then I started reading one and I got very interested in it. I was like, wow.
This is pretty crazy. Let's just get people to the beginning of my big toe. How did you first begin with the research? Well, actually it all started a while.
In graduate school, I'm working on my PhD, and I had passed all my tests and everything, so I was doing research. And the research I did was experimental nuclear, but it was low energy nuclear, and we had this big
like four or five-story tall Van de Graaff generator that produced the high-speed particles. That's different from the high-energy particle, which is hugely expensive. And you wait in line for long times to get on one of those accelerators, but this was owned by the university.
When that machine was working, you took data. And if you were awake for three days in a row taking data, well, that was just one of the prizes you paid. Because if you stopped, oh, I got to go to bed, there's a good chance that the machine would break and it wouldn't be working when you got back. So if it was working, you stayed with it. And I saw this ad on the door that said, learn how to meditate. And had a bullet point, bullet point. And one of them jumped out at me and said, you can get by with less sleep.
I said, I need that. So I went and took my banana and paid $25 a special student price and learned how to meditate. And it turned out it was unnatural for me. The very first time I tried, I thought I had been sitting there for maybe 10, 15 minutes, got up when somebody tapped me and said it's time to go. And I thought it only just started.
And it turned out I'd been there like an hour and a half. And it's like, oh, I just lost part of my life. This is amazing. And from then on, every time I meditated, it was sort of like that. I would get deep in it instantly and have a lot of interesting things going on. And one day I was sitting there in the meditation, and I started thinking about
The software I was writing. And back in those days, those days are in the middle of the late 60s. In those days, the computer was one computer for a whole university, and it took up probably 10,000 square feet.
And it was probably about 100th as powerful as the one that's in your cell phone. And there were no debug programs. There was nothing. You put in your run and they send it back with a message that says it bombed.
That's all the outputs you got. Maybe you'd get part of a printout if it got to some of your print statements. So that was back in the old days when working with a computer was a lot more problematic than it is then. So I was just thinking about it. I had had some things bomb and didn't know why. And I was searching through my card deck. If you can think back that far when computers were fed by punch cards. And it was really hard to debug because some of the problems
weren't even real problems with your code, but the hole was a little off-center. The card punches were all mechanical things, and they wore out, and they had cams and gears and stuff, and they could punch off a little off-center, and the machine would throw it out. And all you'd get is a message that says, your job didn't run. It bombed. So I started thinking about it, and when I did, I saw, in my mind, I saw this role, just like coming off a role, and there was my programs.
coming down there, and then I saw one that was red. Most of them were black, all white, like you'd expect. It's like reading it, looking at a printout, and it would go through my card deck, and I'd see one with red, and I'd stop it, and I'd look at it, and noted it, and then I'd find the next one. I found like three or four of them, and then next time I got back in the lab, I looked at those cards, and I found errors on them, and I said, holy shit.
What's going on? Now, I'm a young 26-year-old physicist, and in my mind, reality can be defined as an operational state. If you can operate on it, if you can do something with it, if you can
interact with it, then it's real. If you can't, it's not. And that's, of course, a materialist viewpoint. That material stuff is real. Stuff is not material is either not real or irrelevant because you can't interact with it. So what's the point?
So when I got that, that startled me and I started to play with it more. And I found some errors that indeed were card punch errors. And I thought, that's not even errors in code. How do I know that that card has a punch error? Because it's very hard to tell when you look at it, they all look fine. You can't tell something that's a tenth of a millimeter out of line.
But I realized, see, there's a whole other part of reality that has to do with consciousness that I don't know anything about. I'm a physicist. Physicists model reality. That's what they do. And here I was right in my face. There's another part to reality that's consciousness centered.
So that's really where it all started. And then some years later, I left graduate school, I take a job, my boss tosses me a book called Journeys Out of the Body by Bob and Row. He said, hey, we found the, you know, first he said, read the book, tell me what you think. So I read the book and I said, eh, is a guy making it up? You know, to sell books? Or is it real? If it's real? Wow, because I'd had this other experience and I knew things of the mind could be
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Can I bring you back to that experience? Yeah. So you're meditating and in meditation you saw errors in the code. Yes. That you couldn't see physically with your eyes. Right. And you had been working on this for how long at this point? Oh, I was probably in year.
Yeah, I don't know, you're three or four. So you're deeply, deeply engrossed in this work. Yes. This is occupying your mind. Exactly. And some other area of consciousness had perceived errors that were indiscernible to you through your eyes.
Yes, the things that when you're looking for errors and you have to look through one card at a time through 2,000 cards, it's tedious and it's long. So I'm sitting there and in my mind I'm thinking, oh man, my job bombed. What is it? What card is it? What's the problem? So I put that, it's kind of
I didn't intend to, but just thinking about it, I put that intent out there. And when I put that intent out there, I started seeing lines of code. And it's like, what's that? Oh, I recognize that. That's my code. And was it all accurate? Like, did you see anything that wasn't incorrect? No, it was always accurate. And that was
Like hitting a hard-headed physicist with a sledgehammer, it was always accurate. Matter of fact, I got so good at it that people were asking me, Tom, could you look at my code and help me debug it? Because I was doing much better than the average guy. Was that working with other people's code as well? Things that you weren't familiar with?
I didn't try that. I always said, no, because I had no idea. Right, you were working with magic. I was working with magic. Exactly. Yeah, I didn't want to do that. I didn't want to break the spell. What was the attitude around the other scientists when you were describing these experiences that you were having? I didn't describe those experiences I was having. When you're a physicist, you don't tell people things like that.
It's impossible. And everybody knows it's impossible. So you don't go around talking about people about things that are impossible happening to you because that's not good. So I kept it to my business. No, and I'm a good professor. So when other people say, well, can you help me? I really don't have time to help you because I wasn't going to tell them what was going on.
So what did you tell them? Did you come up with some sort of an excuse or how you were able to do this? No. I wasn't really in a group. Each person is doing their own research in their own way at their own time, writing their own software, writing their own programs.
So it's an individual thing. I didn't really interact with it. And you know how it is when something happens and you have no idea why or how? You don't want to break it. You don't want to mess with it. You don't want to jinx it. You don't want to do anything that makes it go away because this was the most valuable tool that I've ever run across.
And I could just do it in my mind. And that got me wondering. And like I say, I thought, well, there's another whole bunch of reality that's out there. And I didn't even know it was there. But I want to learn about it. I'm a physicist. I want to model reality. And I've been living in a subset of reality. There's more.
And that stuck in my mind. So when I got to this job and they mentioned Bob and I never heard of him, but I read the book. But I was thinking, wow, now that's interesting because at that point I knew the mind could do some very unusual things.
And I was lucky that they found out that he was only about 45-minute drive from where I was working. And we all got in a car one day and went out to see Bob Monroe. And my point was, is this guy nuts or what? Was he making money by telling stories or is he real?
I found out it was real. He was a very open kind of guy. Matter of fact, he reminded me of engineers that I've been working with. Matter of fact, all left brain logical process had no idea how it worked or what was going on with him. It just happened to him.
And how did Bob come across this? Bob experienced it just, I guess in a way, sort of like I did. It just happened. You know, he didn't try it. He wasn't going for that. He wasn't interested in psychic phenomena. It wasn't anything like that. It just happened to him and it terrified him.
What is this? He thought maybe he was dying. He thought maybe he was insane. He found a psychiatrist, I think. Charlie Tartt maybe comes to mind. He found somebody. He went to them and they said, Bob, you're saying. You're perfectly saying. What was Bob's experience? What was his particular revelation? His experience?
experience was that he was taking a little nap and he found himself outside his body in the air floating looking back at his body. And that's what frightened him.
So then after a bit, he realized, well, it keeps happening to me whether I wanted to or not. Charlie told me I was sane, so let's play with it. So he did. He started playing with it, see where he could go, what he could do.
what he could find out and his books that he wrote were all about his experiences and his books are just like a diary. You know, he'd go out of body and I was going out to the lab like 15, 20 hours a week, spending with him and he'd tell me about what he just saw the night before, that kind of thing. So he was doing it and he was taking notes, writing it down and post questions the next time. So it was all just an organic thing that happened to him and
He started this, he built a building, called it a lab, to have anything in it that looked like a lab. It's just a building. And it had three, what he called check units. And I don't remember what check was, but Bob loved acronyms. You know, he should have been a government employee. He just, he loved acronyms. And he had these check units and they were all isolated. One of them was electromagnetically isolated, a fair day cage.
and the other were just acoustically isolated. So you could go in one room and shout and nobody would really hear you. They might hear a little bit of a peep. So anyway, he had this lab and he was sort of like the, you know, build it and they will come.
He built it and he was, in his mind, some scientists would come and study consciousness because Bob wanted some science to explain to him what this was and how it was working. He knew there was some mechanism involved. There wasn't just random stuff going on. There was some mechanism for some purpose.
And he wanted to find out why. He didn't like being the weird guy, the crazy guy who had these weird things. He wanted it to be science. He wanted to understand it. So I was out there and he looked at the whole group. I was there with about, I don't know, 12 people or so. And he looked at it and said, you guys are all technical. You're all scientists and engineers. I've got this lab. Anyone want to work with me?
My hand shot up in the air right away, and somebody else was there too, Dennis Munterick. His hand shot up too. Both of us had just gotten out of school, and that's what you do when somebody asks you a question. Your hand goes up. So there I was. You know, a student still sleeping my hand up in the air, and he said, okay, you know, a couple weeks from now, you know, come out to the lab, and so on. So that's what it got started.
So Bob's initial experience was completely organic, right? He was just taking a nap. It wasn't something he was searching for. Yeah, just happened to him. Did he develop a protocol to get back to that state? Did he try different methods? He did. He played with it, and I don't know that he tried many different methods. He very quickly came to the metaphor of, I just roll out.
Roll out. Roll out. He would be liner in his body, and he would feel a pulsation state. And he measured it as best he could, you know, and he said it was around four hertz, four beats a second. And he'd feel this, as he'd feel his body pulsating, he'd feel his mind, you know, kind of pulsating. And when he got that pulsation state, he would just roll out, and he'd find himself out of body.
He wrote that in his books and now there's like half a million people lying in their bed. They're going like this trying to roll out. But that was Bob's metaphor for his process. And there's all sorts of processes, but all these processes are just nothing but tools. There isn't any process.
Everything is going on is going on in here. It doesn't have anything to do with whether you roll out or climb up a rope or do anything else. That's a tool that you use to try to get your mind in the place it needs to be. It's not really a tool that is fundamental or that works.
What would you describe it as? What are you trying to access? When you're doing this and when you're trying to achieve this state, consciously, what are you thinking? What you're trying to access is what Bob called you are.
A sleep but wide awake. A sleep and wake at the same time. So your body goes to sleep, but your mind remains awake. And you are no longer co-located with your body. You're somewhere else. So that's the state.
whatever you is. Whatever you is right now. Now he coined the word out of body. Before that it was called astral projection in a couple of other terms. But he coined the word out of body and that's unfortunate because it makes people think that you are somehow inside your body. You know the soul or the thoughts of different names for it. But and that somehow comes out of your body and then goes experience. But that's not the process at all.
That's not what's going on, but he what is the process the process is entirely Consciousness and what happens is you just shift your mind to a different data stream In other words our reality. Well, maybe I got to start in the beginning
go right to the bottom line and nobody will understand it. I think it's a little weird, but we can backfill later. And that is that we live in a virtual reality. This physical reality is computed.
Now, it's being computed by consciousness. Consciousness is individual in us, but it's also, there's a system of consciousness, and we're just a piece of that system. So think of what that means. If virtual reality has some very fundamental attributes. One, there's a computer.
Two, there's a player. Three, the computer computes some virtual space that allows the players to see what's going on and who's interacting with who. So the virtual reality actually doesn't exist. It's just computer generated eye candy for the players so that the players know where everybody is on the field and what they're doing. So here you are, and you are not a human.
That's an avatar. You are a piece of consciousness. You're a piece of consciousness that's a chip off the old block. You're a subset. Computer talk, you're a... What's it called? A virtual machine. Inside a larger machine. That's kind of standard stuff. That's how a big mainframe can have a thousand users. You've got a thousand virtual machines, so everybody has their memory, everybody has their processing and so on.
So, anyway, that's what you are. You're a subset of this lecture system. And I can make all of this as weird as it sounds now. I can make all of this logic and science. This is not hand-waving. This is not conjecture. This is the way it works. And I have done the science very meticulously, and we can discuss that too.
But this is the way it works. And this is the big paradigm shift that the sciences have been looking for for the last hundred years since quantum mechanics was started and everybody realized that they didn't really understand the world after all. So anyway. So you are a piece of consciousness? Yes, you're a subset of this larger consciousness system. So you're getting a data stream. That data stream
You're the player. The data stream defines your reality. Just like if you're playing World of Warcraft, you get a data stream. That data stream displayed as a million pixels on your screen. And you look at those pixels and you see rivers and streams and people and houses and, you know, you turn that data into physical reality. And that's the way it is with us. We're getting a data stream out of body. You just shift to a different data stream.
There's other things going on. There's the Sims playing someplace else. You shift to a data stream and now suddenly you're not in a world of Warcraft reality anymore. You're in a Sims reality. So that's how you really go out of body. It's entirely mental. It has nothing to do. It's just consciousness. It turns out all things paranormal, like out of bodies, a paranormal thing, all things paranormal happen
with the intuitive side of your mind, not the intellectual side. And as much as people try to get there from the intellectual side, they fail. They can't do that. You have consciousness has two different ways of processing information. One is logically, that's the intellectual side, and the other is intuitively.
Okay, that's the intuitive side. So you have these two pathways. Now in our culture, we work on that intellectual side, that logic side, and we hone that, you know, we start learning things in kindergarten and up, and we learn that, and we hone it, we get good at it, we go to school, we go to graduate school, the intuitive side, eh, you know, science tells you it doesn't even exist. It's, we don't work at it, but if you do work at it, if you put
serious energy over a serious amount of time into that intuitive side, you find out that it's just as reliable, just as accurate as the intellectual side.
except there's a big difference between them. On the intellectual side, you've got logic. But logic needs data. If you're going to use deductive logic, you've got to have data to plug in in order to see what's logical. And most of the time, we don't have the data.
The questions and the things we want to know that are really important, like, should I marry Sally or should I marry Sue? There's no data that you can put in to come to a logical conclusion. And only the most trivial things do you have enough data. You know, where are my car keys? Well, where was I last? You know, when did I get out of the car? What jacket was I wearing? What pants was I wearing? You know, go check the pockets. Then where did I go?
Logic can help you out because it's a simple problem. But if it's not so simple a problem, logic has its limitations because you don't have the data. On the intuitive side, it's totally beyond logic. There is no logic. You just know. It just happens. The information comes to you. It's intuitive. And on that side,
It takes, just like the intellectual side, a lot of practice and a lot of work in order to hone that and educate it and understand it. But when you do, you get information. There is information available to you. There's a database out there, and that database is
is required. The reason it's there is because it's required for the rendering. You know, you have a larger conscious system, configures a piece of itself to be the computer, and that computer in order to compute this reality needs information, needs data. So it creates a database from which it takes information and helps it create.
So the rendering engine needs that, but you are really a piece of consciousness. That information is in the consciousness system. You're a piece of that, so you have access to it. The Hindus called that the Akashic Records. That's what they called it, but everybody has who
has learned how to control and work with their intuitive side, and knows is that you can get information comes to you. Sometimes it's pre-cognitive that comes from the future probable database. Sometimes it's historical. Sometimes it's all kinds of data. So out of body is you just switch to a different data stream. Now you're in a different, what I call, reality frame. So that's what that is. The paranormal.
All of those things are just the way consciousness works. There's a few things about consciousness. If you fax a concert or one, all consciousness are netted. So you can interact with any other consciousness, and that includes your dog or your cat or other people, and you can trade information.
And humans do that all the time, but they're not aware of it. You ever meet somebody and you just like them? Or you just don't like them? Yeah. You've traded some information there. There's a lot of things that come to people intuitively. Most of the best art and the best writing all comes out of that intuitive channel where the artists learn to work in that intuitive channel. It gets downloads, they call it, again, a computer metaphor.
that exists, and very few people really learn to develop that intuitive side to the point that it is really reliable. Artists do, but only in them as much as they can do their art, or writers, only in so much as they get downloads about the plot and the story and the characters.
There's a lot of things though, the remote viewing, the healing with your mind. No, that's not data of a database. There's another attribute of the system. It's kind of our feedback for us to see how we're doing, and that is that
In this database, things are in terms of probability. Probabilities that thing will happen. What are the possibilities and all the probabilities of those possibilities? That's how the database is constructed. And it's constructed about the future.
Okay? In the next 10 to the minus 44 seconds, what are the possibilities and what are the probabilities of each possibility? And the way the system works is that it takes a random draw from that probability distribution of the possibilities
And that's what happens next. That understanding that lets you understand quantum physics and how it works. And lets you understand that the silly thing about, oh, the probability distribution collapses to a physical particle, because that doesn't make any sense.
Probability distribution is mathematics. It's running in a computer someplace. How does mathematics running in a computer collapse to a physical particle? It makes no sense. That's not what's happening at all. What's happening is that reality is created by these random... When I say random draw, it's not a random draw from the possibilities, but from the probability distribution of the possibilities.
That means the things that are more likely have a higher probability of coming out. The things that are one in a million have a very low probability of being drawn, but sometimes they are drawn. Things happen one in a million now and again because sometimes they get drawn. Here's an example. A scientist gets a better telescope and he's going to look into a piece of space farther out. Nobody's ever looked into that space before, so nobody knows what's there. So it's an unknown.
So now humans do what we call in science, take a measurement. So he's got this new device. He looks up at this piece of sky with his telescope, and that's taking the measurement. When he takes the measurement, a random draw is taken from the probability distribution of all the possibilities.
There's lots of possibilities what might be in outer space. It could be one of, say, 1,000 things. But one, there's a constraint. It can't be something that doesn't fit. It can't be something that's cuck-eyed with what we already know. It has to kind of fit into historical background. So that's one constraint. But all the things that would fit in are still a large number. So then the random draw is taken.
That's what he sees. That's the picture he gets. That's what's in his data stream that's defining his reality. Now, he stops. He says, great, took that picture. It's wonderful. I'm going to publish that today. Now, when he does, that's known now. And anybody else who can look there will see the same thing. That's become part of our virtual reality. Just come into the virtual reality because
That's how things come here. A simpler explanation would be, you dig a hole. You go to your backyard with a shovel and you dig a hole. What's going to be in there? Well, you live near the Gulf Coast. It could be gold to bloom. You might get a dinosaur bone. You might get a rock. You might get dirt or roots.
And you dig that dirt, nobody knows what's in it, random draw, probability distribution, that's what's in the dirt. Well, the highest probability is just going to be dirt and rocks and roots. But there's some probability, maybe one in 100,000 or one in a million or one in 10 million, that is that gold the blue. And if you're down near the Gulf Coast, where the Spaniards spent a lot of time exploring,
So if that happens to come out of that random draw, then there's the gold to blend there. So you see, our reality is not what people think. And I got there through a very secure path. I got there through understanding and learning and doing research in consciousness, basically paranormal things, and did research in the non-physical. I get out of body.
And I do things, paranormal things that had evidence, like remote viewing has evidence. You got it right or you get it wrong. And I would then change the variable and do it again. Change the variable and do it again. And I could get back in the same state very precisely because I'd done it hundreds of times.
And eventually, by varying one variable the time, I figured out how it worked and why it worked. And there are a few things that are key to it. Like one is that consciousness is what's fundamental. That's the fundamental thing, is consciousness.
Everything else is a subset of that. Everything else is derived from that. Now, that goes back. That idea goes all the way back to Plato with his analogy of people in a cave. All they were aware of was the shadows on the wall. You're probably familiar with that, everybody is. Those people were called idealists.
Idealists believe that the physical world isn't really the fundamental thing. There's something behind that, something invisible, something we can't see that we're not aware of. And the physical world is just the kind of the thing we interact with, but it's not the real thing. The real thing's behind it.
idealists. So they turned out to be correct. That is right. But the idealists got stuck. And if you talk to idealists now, you'll see what they're stuck on is that, well, if, and that most of them at this point think that consciousness is that thing that's out there,
And they say, well, if consciousness is fundamental, then you need to be able to derive physics from it. So can you do that? And they say, well, no, they can't. But I can't. And I did. I can derive physics. I can derive quantum physics.
So I know how quantum physics works, and it's not word science, it's all. It's a logical science, just like all the rest of the branches of science. Once you understand it, all those mysteries just fall out.
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Okay. Intuition is something that some people struggle with. Have you determined any psychological barriers that exist that might be a part of some people's personality or some people's way of viewing the world that inhibits them from correctly interpreting intuition?
Absolutely. There's a lot of things that inhibit using the intuitive data stream. The data stream is available to everybody. Everybody can develop it. But why are some people like yourself like instantaneously almost successful with it? Whereas other people, their whole life, they struggle. I was
Well, I hate to say this because it sounds kind of, you know, tooting my own horn, but I was... I came here for a purpose, okay? And learning and saying the things I'm saying, offering up this information is one of those purposes. So I was... You mean you came here into this existence? I came here into this existence for that purpose.
So I'd been around a few times, and the last couple of my lifetimes I was preparing for this assignment, and then when it came, that's why when I sat down and meditated for the first time, I was gone. So you think you've had many lives where you've been on this path?
Now, yes, and I'll get back to the question of what those problems are, but yes, and I don't come to that since I call it experience packets, because I don't like to use words that are attached to religion. I don't call it incarnation. It's an experience packet.
Anyway, I don't come to that conclusion because it sounded good or I liked it or the Buddha agreed with it. I come to that conclusion because I have this logical scientific model of reality and that you live multiple lives is a logical piece of that. How so? Well.
It goes back to the purpose of why we're here. So we're kind of jumping around a lot, but maybe we'll get it all pulled together. There is a purpose. Why we're here, why there's individuated units of conscious has a purpose. All of this has to have happened that way. This model of reality that I have
is a logical model, and it's not a logical model in the sense that these things could happen, but these things must happen. You can reduce the logic down. There's only one path that really works, and that path leads us to be here for a purpose and a reason, and that requires us to
Where were they going with that that that requires us to make choices and there's choices Depend whether or not we and the system evolves or do evolves. It's a part of this larger Process of how how things work? Okay, what was your what was that past question? Well, we started off with intuition. What are the psychological barriers the key people from recognizing intuition correctly, right? Yeah, well I
Then we pop to something else, to something else. But let's talk about that. Let's go back to that. One of the main things in our culture, now I say our culture, because there's other cultures that don't have as many barriers to intuitive connections. Our culture values the intellect above all things. If you want to be successful in the world, you need to learn to hone that intellect. You need to speak properly. You need to understand things. You need to read books.
To learn now whether you do that in a school or whether you do that on your own doesn't matter, but you need you need to learn We value it we don't really understand or therefore value the intuitive side very much right now That means we're out of balance. We've got these two different ways of processing and our intellectual side is developed our intuitive side is
was probably better when we were two years old than it is now. So it's atrophy. It's just sitting there basically unused. Now, this unbalanced causes that intellectual side to be dominant. It actually kind of plays the role of the bully. It's dominant.
When you start doing things on the intuitive side, that intellect jumps in front. So let's say you want to talk to your dead Uncle Fred. So you close your eyes, you get in a meditation state, and you go, Uncle Fred, are you out there? And you hear a...
Yeah, I'm here. Intellect jumps in and says, what was that? Did I just make that up? Was that in my imagination? Or was that real? Well, the intellect's putted in, doing analysis, trying to make judgments, and the intuitive process is gone. It breaks it. So that's one of the biggest things, because we're so out of balance in our Western culture, Western culture.
Western cultures all over the world now. It's the world culture. It's the culture of manufacturing and business and that sort of thing. So anyway, that's the biggest thing that keeps people from going there is they're intellect. They have to work through that intellect, always budding into it. Now, another thing is, let's say, and it's all tied to the intellect, another big problem is people who want to learn this.
I really like to learn this. I want to experience it firsthand. They have a desire, a strong desire to go out of body or to be able to heal or remote view. I want to do it. All right. So they close their eyes and they get in their meditation state and they think, I want to do this. I want to do this. They'll never do it because their intellect is in the process of wanting them to do it. It's a need they have. So if you try,
too hard, you prohibit it. If you really want to do it to a point that it's important to you, you inhibit it. The people who are most successful are the people who come in and eh, I don't know, it could be true, it could be false. Others go through the motions and see what happens. They're relaxed,
They're open, and like it's one, I teach all these things. And I have a course, you can get to my website, that'll explain to you how to go out of body and how to do all these things, how to heal with your mind, how it works, why it works, what you can do, what the problems are. I give you a binaural beat to put you in the meditation state, and then I explain it to you, then I give you a chance to go do it. You come back, we discuss it,
You go back, do it. It's this practice thing and it loops. It's like five-day program and I've reduced it to five days worth of audio because the pictures really don't matter. It's at my website. But anyway, so I've had a lot of experience with people trying to do these things. I've talked to literally thousands of people that I've tried to teach.
And the ones that are successful, like this one girl, sits down and she gets a remote viewing target. So the way you do that, you go up to the site on the web and there's pictures associated with numbers. And you ask for 10, say, and they'll give you 10 numbers. Each one of these numbers is associated with a very particular picture and your job is to remote view what the picture is.
So she had never done it before and she was very casual with it. And she goes through and she did 12 of them. After the 12th one, she's writing them all down on a paper. Okay, this number, I got this and this and this. The next number, I got this and she's drawing pictures and writing them down on paper.
And she got done through 12, and she said, well, before I do any more of these, let me go back and see how it did. She got 12 right spot on. And she said, wow, she was blown away. She actually squealed so I had everybody's attention in the room. And then she thought, oh, I'm good at this. I can do this.
The next five, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Didn't get any of them because now she was involved with it. Her intellect was interfering with it. She wanted to do it. She knew she was good. Like, well, if I could do that without trying, I should be able to do better.
If I try, no, if you try, you won't do it at all. So the attitude that succeeds is a very casual attitude that's just open to things and is not trying. It doesn't have, no, it's just open. And then it happens much more easily. Now when it does happen,
If the person is in denial, that's another thing. If you've got this belief, strong belief that it's impossible, or even a strong belief that maybe is possible, but you can't do it, then as soon as things happen, your intellect will jump in with that belief and it's gone. So yeah, there's lots of things. Now, here's another thing that is a problem.
And that is that people who haven't trained themselves constantly have stuff going through their mind. I mean, if you look at an EEG, you'll see it's all over the place. If you look at those color pictures, you get out of the computer. You see that colors are doing this and they're changing. These are thoughts and things constantly going through your mind. Well,
If you're just open to information coming and your mind has got all this background noise in it, it's hard to pick the signal out of the noise. So that's why people say, well, first step is learn to meditate because that's an exercise where you learn
to quiet your mind, get rid of the noise. So a typical person has a pretty noisy mind, and that's a problem. But that just takes some discipline to get rid of the noisy mind. So these are some of the things that inhibit it from happening in kind of the average Westerner. They got out of balance, too much intellect. They either want to do it,
Or they're convinced it's impossible. Both of those will shut it off. What is happening when you want to do it that's interfering? What is happening with the intellect? When the intellect interferes? What is disturbing or disrupting the signal? It's like the intellect is up on the edge of its chair, looking, watching, ready. I want to talk to my dead uncle, Fred. Okay, where is he?
It's the intellects in charge. Now, it's your intellect that's looking to try to find. You're not just relaxed letting that intuitive channel open up and receive. So when you define consciousness, what is the intellect?
Well, it's a way of processing information. And basically, it's using logic as the process. That's the intellect. I've had these experiences, and here's what they've done. And that means that if I have another one like that, it'll probably be a similar outcome. All of that is using inductive mostly, but also deductive logic where there's enough information. And how's that interfering with the intuitive? It's blocking the intuitive.
Basically, you can say it's bullying the intuitive side. You get these two sides. One strong, one's weak. You say, I want to talk to my dad, Uncle Fred, intellect jumps over and says, all right, I'm on it. Where is he?
Two or two sides sitting down are not engaged. The intellect is in charge running the program. It's the one looking, but it can't ever find anything. Right. And if you are a piece of consciousness, you're a piece of a collective consciousness. Like, what is the logical? Like, what is the intellect? Like, what is the purpose that's serving? Oh, well, the purpose that it's the intellect of serving
is that it's part of our choice-making process. We make choices. And I have to go back to the very beginning, because we're walking in through this kind of backwards.
We're here to evolve the quality of our consciousness. The consciousness system is a real system and it's evolving. It doesn't want to devolve. Maybe I should start there and kind of work up to where we are now and a lot of questions will be answered. They'll fall out.
All right, so let's start at the beginning and there's two strands here that I want to do together. One of them is think of a system and that is an information system, okay? Just general words, just an information system. And let's say in this information system all the bits are random.
OK, no information. Random bits defines no information. So if this information system is actually going to evolve, it has to order some of those bits. So it orders those bits in a particular way. And the ordering isn't so important as it is that once it has an order that is of certain form, it can then make that
stand for a number or a letter or something else, you know, a buffalo, you know, it can make, here's this ordering and I will give it a meaning. Okay, so it can do that. Now, as soon as it does that, it orders those bits. It now has information.
Okay, so what an information system does is it evolves, becomes greater, evolves by lowering its entropy, ordering things lowers entropy. Entropy is a measure of disorder. So all the bits random is the highest entropy that system can have. Order things, that entropy goes down a little bit.
Because that's how that works. So if you have an aware information system.
Now this information system is conscious. It's where, and it knows it has to order bits. That is its path of evolution. If it takes the bits and pulls them apart, now it's back to all random and it's dead. It's not an information system anymore. So it wants to evolve by
by creating more information. Those bits that are defined to be a particular way, that's information. So it wants to create information. So the purpose of this aware information system
It's the lower its entropy. So that's one thing that we have to understand. Now, let's look at consciousness. A lot of people say, hey, nobody knows what consciousness is. Consciousness is easy to define. It's an awareness with a choice. It's just that simple. It's awareness with a choice.
awareness of what's out there, what's in here, both self and of outside of order. That's awareness. Now, what does awareness have? How does it do that? How does it know what's in here? It has to get data.
So it goes out and gets data. Now for us, that data comes through five senses. We hear it, we see it, we feel it, we smell it, we taste it. That's it, we got five senses. So our awareness has information. It gets, oh, this is an apple. This is a chair. And it learns to deal with that information. The second thing it has to have is it has to have memory.
If you don't have memory, everything you notice is the first thing you've ever noticed. So to build something to evolve, you have to have memory. You also have to have some processing. You have to be able to look at those things in that memory and say, well, what do they mean? What's the connection? What does this tell me? You have to make some kind of sense out of it to help you find your purpose, which is more order.
lower entropy. So now we take the simplest form of consciousness. Simpleest form of consciousness is, remember, consciousness is awareness. And awareness has memory, it has processing, it has a purpose, a lower century.
So that would be just a piece of aware consciousness that could be in state A or state B. That's it, binary. That's simple. It's a simple state we can think of. So we can say, oh, I'm aware and I'm aware that I'm in state A. All right, that's an awareness. And I can change that to state B. I've got two different states I can be in, a simple binary. And I can remember that.
And now I can change it. Now I can change it again. Now I went from a 0 to a 1 to a 0 to a 1 to a 1. And I can remember that. So it can evolve by creating patterns. That 0, 1, 1, 0, that's a pattern.
So it can make patterns and it can work with those patterns and evolve by making patterns of patterns and so on. And now it can take one, it can take just one, well, let me put it this way. There's two ways to proceed here and it doesn't matter which way they all end up at the exact same place.
And that is, it all then, all the patterns of patterns of patterns created are in the memory of this cell. So it's just its memory. Or you can say, if you follow the biological model, that it duplicates itself.
You know, like another virtual machine. It duplicates itself. So now you have two of these. And this one's in one, and this one's in zero, and another, and another, so you can do that. So one of them follows, like our evolution here, biology. You know, we started with single-cell amoebas, and then you had multiple cell things, and then you had things that specialized, like in organs, and then you had things like us.
that lots of different organs and specialized stuff. And we have a, you know, I've heard us described as a cooperative organization of about four trillion, you know, bacteria or four trillion single cell things that are all cooperating and working together. So complexity builds.
So we can do that. Complexity can build with numbers of things, or it can build just in memory of things. But either one will take you to the same place. All right, so let's say this thing is growing. It's lowering its entropy. And it'll get to a point where it's done all the patterns of patterns that it can think to do, and it kind of stalls out, kind of hits a plateau.
Alright, then, it can take one of its little cells and just oscillate it from 0 to 1 to 0 to 1 to 0 to 1, ah, just invented a metronome. Now, it can use that one, just sitting there going 0 to 1, to create regular time. And now it can have sequences.
of patterns, of patterns of sequences, more complexity, what that does, and that's when regular time was invented. It's a technology. Consciousness creates. So then we have it growing. It's more and more order. And of course it's learning as it goes because
arithmetic is a natural for this thing, right? I've got one thing. I've got two things. I've got another two things. Oh, I've got four things. You know, I mean, that's just natural. So it's going to explore that. It's going to get good at math and so on, just kind of naturally.
So it's growing. It gets to a point where it's stalled out again. It's another plateau. It's this one big monolithic consciousness now that has thought of just about everything that it can think of. It's because it's just one thing and it realizes that in order to grow further,
I need to break off pieces of myself and give them independent free will. And now, we hadn't discussed free will up to this time, but our little unit that I started with, that simple thing, it was binary, had to have free will. They had to be able to choose between a or a b or a 1 or a 0. So free will was that it could freely choose which one to bring up.
So anyway, so it realizes that it has to do this. Well, our shells basically did the same kind of thing. They had to split. And each one was an independent cell that now had to cooperate. So it said, I need to split. So it did. It created a bunch of virtual machines. That's what we are. We're one of those virtual machines. That got it off of its plateau because now these virtual machines have their own free will and
The source can say, all right, everybody, line up. Here's what we're going to do next. And they can go, eh, don't feel like it, boss. I'm going fishing. They can do their own thing. Now you have a bunch of different perspectives on things, a bunch of different attitudes. And the various pieces didn't all go through the same
you know, didn't all go through the same process. They all have their own processes, making their own choices in their own way. So now you're getting a much richer set of possibilities that you had when it was one monolithic thing. All right, now this whole set now, this whole thing is growing up with its subset pieces is what I'm calling the larger consciousness system. And the first virtual reality and a virtual reality is simply
A rule set says, here's the rules. Everybody that obeys these rules, and they're part of this reality because they can share things. The first virtual reality was protocols for language, for talking. So the system creates that. All these sub pieces can communicate with each other. They have syntax. They have definition.
So they can talk. So now you've got this big chat room. It's a good metaphor. And all these subsets end the main parent, you know, still there. And they have this communication.
Well, that creates a lot more opportunities for growth, but that also stalls out. Because the way the system works, its whole point is the lower entropy.
the possibilities that all of these things interacting with each other creates a lot of possibilities, but the possibilities aren't all that interesting. After a while, what do you do with 100,000 things in a big chat room? It kind of loses its novelty, in a sense. So the system thinks, I needed a different virtuality. I need one in which the choices are more
I think you can learn from them better by lowering your entropy. You can learn from them better because the choices are meaningful, the choices are important. And so it decided it would create the second virtual reality. And to do that, it starts with a set of initial conditions and a rule set.
That set of initial conditions is this really tiny little ball of plasma under extremely high pressure, extremely high temperature. And the rule set is basically what we call science, physics, chemistry, wow, that's the rule set. So it comes up with this rule set, hits the run button, and that ball of plasma expands. And there's gravity that's slowing it down, but it's expanding under the force, and things cool, and you create suns, and you've been through that big bang thing, but this is
The same thing except it's a big digital bang. It's just happening in a computer because the system needs a virtual reality. It doesn't want to program one because that comes out being stilted and dysfunctional. There's always going to be quirks that just got programmed in. It's not going to be really always self-consistent. So the only way to make it self-consistent is to let it evolve. So now you have the big digital bang.
And it starts out, gets just a short way, then craps out, explodes, goes to hell. And they, oh, let's change the ruleset a little bit. Let's change the initial conditions a little bit. Big digital buying take two.
it gets a little further and so on until you know a big digital bang hundred thousand oh it's working pretty good I'll just need to make one more little tweak a little tweak now what this says is that the system is going to tweak the system rule set and initial conditions until it gets something that serves its purpose well it's got to say let's say it all fell apart well as we got increased gravity a little bit keep it
together. Well, now it all sucked back into a spot. Well, anyway, it does this. And eventually it's got all the constants in a rule set working together to do something that works long enough that it can evolve.
something, an avatar, that makes the kind of choices that have a lot of substance to them, they're meaningful choices. Okay. Now, that's where we've come to. That's where that's where we are. See, so we're these, these pieces of consciousness,
virtual machines within a larger consciousness system, and this evolution has evolved to the point that there are humans. Before us, there were dogs and cats and monkeys and other things, but they didn't. They're choices, what I call decision space. That's all the choices that they know.
Like any given time, you may know, I have five choices here. You might really have 25, but the other 15 you don't know about or the other 20 you don't know about. You just don't understand that those are choices of yours. So those choices that you know about, that defines your decision space. You can do one of five things.
Okay, well the other creatures had small decision spaces. So they kept with the evolution and even sometimes dickered with it. You know, we have things like this in computer science labs all over the planet and universities where they've taken initial conditions and rulesets and let them evolve because they're trying to come to some kind of understanding and they always tinker with the results. They get so far along and something isn't what they want so they go in and tweak it a little bit out there.
Well, that explains a lot of things. Now, one thing it explains is the thing called the... Ah, let's see, what was that? The... ...anthropic.
Cosmology principle, cosmological principle. And what that says, and I have a little slide that I can show you that kind of where it all comes from. If you're not sure of that, there's a, and I said to the guy what number it is.
That's it, he's got it. Okay, it was a book written by two physicists and both of them mathematical physicists, theoretical physicists.
And they wrote this book, and what it says is that there's five or six things that have to be just perfectly tuned to each other in this universe of ours, for our universe to exist at all. If any one of them wasn't exactly as it is, the whole thing would be unstable. It never would have existed long enough to produce humans. It'd be unsuitable for humans. It may be a bunch of rocks, but there really wouldn't be any possibility of life.
So in order to support life, all of these various things are tuned to one another. It's not only that each thing had to be very special, but it had to be tuned to all the other ones. They all had to work together in order to produce this.
So when a scientist realized that, they wrote this book, and they called it the Anthropic Principle because they said it looks like this universe was designed just for us to make life be able to happen. Because there's zillions of things that, of course, science says are all random. Everything happens randomly. That it's virtually impossible
that randomly all of these pieces could fit together so perfectly to make this a viable universe for life. So that's why they called it the anthropic. It looks like it was made for people. And in fact, it was. And the question is, how would we get all of these things to happen and all be tuned to each other? Well, take one, take two, dot, dot, dot. Take 10,000. All of these work.
tuned in order to create the result which was avatars that consciousness could attach themselves to. And that's what we are. That's exactly what we are. Now, think of what that means, what a virtual reality is.
Okay, we said virtual reality has a computer, has a player, has a virtual computation. Now from the perspective of inside that virtual reality, from the perspective of the barbarian and world of warcraft, the computer is non-physical.
The computer can't be part of that virtual reality. It has to be, you know, virtual reality doesn't compute itself. That computer has to be as Fredkin said, Dr. Edward Fredkin, has to be in other, someplace other than here, someplace other than this reality. The player and the computer communicating to each other, so they have to be in the same reality frame. And indeed, the player has to also be non-physical from the viewpoint of the avatar.
So if you're the barbarian and you're saying, see, where did I come from? Well, the computer is non-physical and the player is non-physical. Now, what's the player? The player is the thing that tells the avatar what to do. If you don't have a player, the avatar just sits there and wobbles to make you think it's alive, but it actually doesn't do anything. So you want that barbarian to run away or fight or cast a spell or something, you have to tell it. You're the consciousness.
So the player is the avatar's consciousness.
All right, now that tells us all sorts of things. So here we are in a virtual reality. We think that virtual reality is real and solid, just like the barbarian does. You know, in his reality, if he stays underwater, he drowns, he falls off a cliff, he gets hurt. You know, he has to turn a doorknob in order to go in the building. He has all these physical things, and he thinks it's physical. And the player and the computer are non-physical. All right, so here we are.
consciousness is non-physical to us. It's not part of the body. It doesn't live inside your body and seep out through your head to go out of body. You are a piece of consciousness and you have a mission and that is to lower your entropy. Now one last piece and that is when you have all these subsets of consciousness they form a social system.
They interact with each other. Well, in a social system, it's pretty obvious to see that that's interactive. That low entropy, which is the goal, is through cooperation, caring, helping, working together. And on the opposite side, I call that the love side. The opposite side of that's the fair side.
on the fairside, there's not much cooperation because nobody can really trust anybody else. They're fearful. There's not much caring about anybody except yourself. It's all about you. You very quickly join up with others because if you don't,
Those others will take your stuff. Things that you've gotten, they'll take it away from you because they're bigger than you are. So 10 of you get together and now you can take stuff from ones that are still single or the ones that have less than 10 because you're bigger than them. So if you let that fairside grow up to its natural logical conclusions, you'll have, you know, 3% of the individuals will control 95% of all of the worth and everybody else is a peasant.
And these will all be hierarchical. You know, you're going to have a bunch of hierarchical things with a guy on top and then the next level down and the next level down until you get down to the peasants at the bottom of this pyramid. So that's pretty much the way our culture is here on this planet. You know, we're on that fairside. And our job is to evolve toward becoming love.
kindness, caring, helpfulness. Instead of, what's in it for me, it's, how can I help? It's just that kind of an attitude. So if you look at this, you see, we've kind of derived a whole lot of things about us. Not only have we derived the answer to this paradox about the anthropic principle,
of how that could come about. How could it be tuned when everything has to be random? Physics is always just random processes. Random processes, and you've got these six things that are all perfectly tuned to each other, impossible. So particularly in an evolving universe where there are billions and billions of possibilities.
The possibilities were huge. And out of all those possibilities, just these things had to come together to make it work. Very improbable. So that gets us to the general idea. Now with that,
There's a few other things, but with that, if you take this as a model of reality, and like I said, I didn't just make this model up. I'm not a physicist that does blue sky. I'm not a physicist that's in the conjecture. I got there through just old fashioned physics, old fashioned, see what works. While I was at Ben Rose Lab, and for the next 35 years afterwards, I'm trying to figure this thing out.
What I'm doing is I'm looking for facts, facts about consciousness. One of those facts I find is that consciousness is fundamental. And I know that because I can do things in consciousness that affect the physical.
But there's nothing I can do in the physical that actually changes consciousness. So the arrow of causality is from consciousness to the physical. And I repeated those kinds of experiments a lot until that became a fact for me. Now I understand that things that are a fact for me are not necessarily a fact for anybody else. Everybody else who hears this hears an opinion, not a fact. And that's as it should be.
I tell people if it's not your experience, then it can't be your truth.
But there's no reason that you can't have the experience that gives you that truth. That's why I started teaching people how to do paranormal things because they wanted to find those facts out for themselves. So in any case. Have you ever had debates with people about this, people that are like rational sort of believe in like the fundamental reality that most people accept? Sure.
What are those conversations like? Have you ever been persuasive to these people to have them open their perspective and perhaps take these things into consideration? I published a paper in a peer review of quantum physics journal about experiments that would help actually just straightforward quantum experiments that would help provide evidence for this. And there's several experiments. I got one finished and I've got several more yet to do.
And on that paper, I've got a guy from Caltech, Mathematics. I've got a guy from JPL, Physicist. So yes, I run into people and I talk to people who have, you know, good scientific credentials and so on. And it splits two ways. If they're open and unminded enough to consider it,
They always come over to my side and say, that's fantastic. I understand. That solves a whole lot of problems for me. If they are not open-minded enough to consider it and they have the attitude, impossible.
Totally impossible. Reality is physical. Materialism is the only correct way. And then they just can't accept it. Now, when I ask them for, well, what do you find wrong with it?
they'll say, oh, well, about this. And I'll explain why that's not a problem and so on. I can answer all the problems. And eventually they just say, well, I don't want to talk about it anymore. It's just impossible. And they walk away. So that's the way that goes. And I would encourage you, if I say anything to you, that you feel is not the
You know, rational doesn't make sense or somehow doesn't follow logically. Please. You know, this is the Joe Rogan show. Shout. Bullshit! I didn't get that. I don't see how you got from there to there because I can tell you and I can tell you in a rational, logical way.
Well, I believe you. I'm following your rational logical way. I'm just skipping over the highlight. There's lots and lots of detail, but I'm just skimming from this point to the next and so on. But what happens is I can derive physics with this. I can understand quantum physics. I can tell you why the speed of light has to be a constant. I can tell you why. Why does the speed of light have to be a constant?
Because this is a virtual reality. In a virtual reality, there's this grid. And the resolution of the virtual reality is basically determined by the smallest pixel. So the smallest pixel of distance is a delta x. And we'll call that Planck's length. And the smallest pixel of time is delta t. We'll call that Planck's time.
Now that's the good work. That specifies, you know, the number of pixels that you got in here, you know, the density of the pixels. Now you take delta x divided by delta t, you get the speed of light. What that says is as fast as you can move through space is one pixel distance for every cycle of time. You can't go there, and the only other way you could go would be to teleport.
Yeah, you're here and now you get a jump 10 pixels of distance in one unit of time. Well, that's just disappearing here and appearing over there. That's not a good virtual reality. It's a squirrely reality where things it's hard to say what's, you know. But isn't that the reality of quantum physics? Like when you're dealing with particles that exist and don't exist at the same time, they move like particles in superposition, you know, quantum particles that are attached
Now, all of that's done in probability. They have a probability to be different places. So it's all part of the probability. Yes, they have a certain probability to be here, a certain probability to be there, a certain probability to be some other place. And entanglement. And entanglement simple. It's an if then statement. If this changes state from a spin up to a spin down, well, the one that's entangled with over here goes from a spin down to a spin up.
because there's a conservation of angular momentum in these spins. You get angular momentum from a spin, and then you get angular momentum this way, and it has to be, if one's up, one's down, then you have a conservation. The actual angular momentum is zero. If I change this one,
Now, it's changed the angle of the system, so that one goes that way. Right, but they are connected. It's not, these are measurable, right? Yeah, and one of them can be on the other side of the universe and the other one. And you... Spooky action is a business. Right. Yeah. It's an if-then statement. That's all. It's just an if-then statement. You know, this is code. It's a virtual reality. But you keep saying virtual reality. If this is reality, why is it virtual?
Is it just that our understanding of what comprises reality is very limited by our belief in physical only? Now, it's virtual because it's computed. It's a computed reality. It comes out of a computer. And what is that computer? Larger consciousness system takes a piece of itself, configures it as a computer. After all, it's an information system, right? So the universe is conscious.
Yes, the universe is conscious. I wouldn't say that makes it sound like the whole universe is a conscious entity. I think you're interested, you know, that's not the case. The universe, you know how you create space, you make a point, you put a
Three mutually perpendicular unit vectors at that point. You've just designed space from minus finiter and finiter in all directions in a three dimensional reality. That's how you define, that's how you create space. It's just a computation. But space is actually a physical thing as well. I mean, we can send a rover to Mars and then send photographs back from Mars. There's a physical thing that's out there that we're measuring. That's what virtualities are.
you can have a virtual reality where you have an Earth and a Mars and you can spend a spaceship from the Earth to the Mars and investigate and all that's not consistent with virtual reality. Let's get to the core of it like what makes it virtual if there is a physical thing that you can measure.
How are you defining the entire thing as virtual? What makes World of Warcraft virtual? Same answer. It's computed from inside of it. If you're inside that you have the perspective of the avatar, it's physical.
Everything's physical, but it's actually computed in a computer. That's what makes it virtual. It doesn't actually exist as a reality or as a place. World of Warcraft isn't a little place someplace where barbarians and elves and things run around and fight with each other. It doesn't exist. It's just computations.
In a computer, it's a multiplayer game. And our reality, what we call, we avatars, just like the barbarian, we look around and we say, this is physical. And it's got an earth and it's got a Mars and we can make rockets and we can go there if we're smart enough.
And so could the barbarians if they grew up and got smart enough? So it's a physical reality. It feels like a physical reality. It seems like a physical reality if you are an avatar in that game. But now you have a player, the player of that barbarian, who is the consciousness of that barbarian.
Now you have a piece of consciousness that's the player of this, Avatar, Tom Campbell, Avatar. And I've got a piece of consciousness that is talking to your piece of consciousness that's playing you. So what makes it a virtuality is that it doesn't actually exist anywhere. It's computed just like the world of Warcraft.
And in that world of Warcraft or in that Sims game, you know, the guy at the bar at the Sims, he slides that mug of beer and it slides down the bar. And if nobody catches it, right off the end, it splashes on the floor and the glass breaks, all those things happen. Physical from the inside view point from inside the virtual reality is physical. So now you're a piece of consciousness. You're getting a data stream.
just like you get with the world of Warcraft. So when you perceive the overall reality, what it really is for lack of a better term, what do you perceive? When you're thinking of this virtual reality that we exist in as conscious avatars, what is the overall thing? The overall thing is consciousness and it's sending you and I
a data stream. We get that data stream. We just like you get the 1 million pixels of light and you interpret that into rivers and streams and houses and people. We get a data stream and we interpret it into this virtual reality.
So that's what the big picture is. We, physical bodies, avatars, consciousness is the player. Peace of consciousness plays us. That's our consciousness. There's no information stored in your brain. Your brain doesn't do any computations. It doesn't process anything. All that's done in consciousness.
Matter of fact, your brain is not even rendered. You only render the stuff that other people can sense. You know, that barbarian doesn't have a heart beating blood around inside his body, doesn't have a brain in his head. You don't render anything except what you can see, what other players can see. So right now, neither one of us have a brain being rendered unless somebody cracks open our skull and then the brain is rendered.
So that's the way that works. And now people say, yeah, but what about I hit you over the head with a bar? Now it's affected your consciousness. Now you can't remember who you are. You drag your left foot. You mumble. You don't speak clearly. All you've done is change how the ruleset can function.
The consciousness can only do what the rule set of the virtuality allows it to do. So you hit me over the head and now because my brain's been crushed in this area, in that area, I've got these symptoms. It doesn't hurt the consciousness. The consciousness now has to play
an avatar that slurs its words, drags its left foot, and can't remember who it is. It has to play that avatar. So it doesn't change consciousness in it. It changes what the player can do. And it's the same with your barbarian. If your barbarian is a level three, there's only certain things you can do. If it's a level 20, there's a lot more it can do. So you can only play it according to what the rule set says it's possible.
Well, our rule set is physics, chemistry, biology. It's all the basic science. So that's how that works. But there's much more going on behind the scenes. There's the computer that's computing all of it. Now, in order for this computer to know what to render next, it has to have this database
of everything that could possibly happen next and the probability of that thing happening. And it doesn't want to have to figure this all out on the fly because something happened down here and now it has to figure out all those possibilities and things. So it creates a database of all the possibilities. And when I say all, not really, there's a limit past which it doesn't matter. When the probability is 10 to the minus 20 or something and it throws it out, it doesn't have to do that.
It only takes a subset of all of the possibilities, but it's a big set. So it takes all those and says, all right, here's the possibilities, and here's the probabilities. Now, something happens. Somebody makes a measurement, digs a hole in a yard, looks up at a telescope, and it wants to know what to put in there.
takes a random draw from the probability distribution of the possibilities. And that's what goes in that hole. That's what they say. So now this opens up all kinds of interesting things about everything. For instance, you're interested in ETs, extraterrestrials. That's one interest of yours. Now, this tells you a whole new take on that.
Now, again, I'm not talking about this is the way it has to be. I guess I should have said this. I'm talking about here's a model of reality. It's just a model. Now, how do you judge a model? Well, the way you don't judge it is how close is it to what we already believe? That's a bad way to judge a model. Physics says the way you judge a model is how well does it function? How well does it work? Does it explain all the things we already know?
Does it come up with new things that we don't know, which then we find out later or true? And the other two things are, does it have very few assumptions? Or assumptions are just like wild cards. You have enough assumptions, you can prove anything. If your theory has 20 assumptions, well, you can have pink elephants flying. That's one of my assumptions. It's all caused by pink elephants that fly.
So you have to have very few assumptions, and it has to be simple and elegant, because fundamental truths are all, that's so come true. They are all simple and elegant. Well, this model, once you understand it, it's simple and elegant, everything, everything.
It is a toe, a theory of everything, and it really does that. Not only is it a theory of everything, but it creates a whole new science, a whole new objective viewpoint of not only the objective world, a new physics, but it produces a whole another science of the science of the subjective.
You want to know why you're struggling and why you're unhappy and what the problems are? Well, it understands how that works as well. So you end up with a science of objective and subjective. So anyway, it really is a theory of everything. Now, everything fundamental.
Okay, so consciousness is fundamental. You have this theory and you get things that are fundamental out of it. It's not going to predict what you had for lunch, you know, this time last year, just things that are fundamental. And one other point that we make is this model.
is a very good model because it has just one assumption. Consciousness exists. It's the only assumption that everything else I derive logically, deductively, ends up here. Now,
This model, you know, at first look, you say, well, physics models are awful math. They're highly mathematical. General relativity is very mathematical. That's not the kind of model this is. It turns out you don't need mathematics for good science. What you need for good science is logic.
Mathematics is simply one form of logic. It's the logic of quantity. That's it. That's mathematics. All the mathematics is just the logic of quantity. And there's really not even that many, what do you call them, dilemmas or propositions. It's just a few, like two times three is the same as three times two. There's a couple of those things in arithmetic. All the rest of it is just logic.
So you have the logic of quantity because in a computed reality a lot of quantities are computed. That's why physics has the ability to model reality with equations. It's because it's modeled with equations to begin with. So, anyhow, you can also have logical models.
models, let's say, that have the logic of relationship rather than the logic of quantity. And one of the most famous of those is Darwin's theory of evolution. Notice, and when I say Darwin's theory, I mean Darwin's theory plus everything we've added to it in the last century and a half since Darwin. So evolutionary biology is not real mathematical. It's got the logic of
of relationship. It sees how this relates to that, relates to the next thing, relates to this, and you find patterns. You say, oh, look at that pattern. I predict that we'll find one of these. And someday somebody will dig it up, and there it is. You get one of these. So it makes predictions based on relationships to things. That is also science. I don't think there's any scientist that claims that evolutionary biology isn't a science because it's not mathematical. It's logical.
Now, mine is the same way as Darwin's. I looked at a lot of things. I spent 35 years trying to piece this together and find out a set of understandings that would answer all the things that I knew as a physicist, you know, the existing facts, and it would solve all the things I knew from spending many, many
thousands of hours exploring consciousness from the inside, which you might call an out-of-body state. Exploring consciousness, how does it work? Exploring the paranormal? Why does it work that way? Why is it that sometimes you can do it and sometimes you can't? Why does that happen? Why is it in these conditions that work well and those that doesn't? What does it have to do with diet? You eat things and
You're not as good at it as you were before. What does that have to do with it? So it just takes a long time. That's about 35 years of constantly working on this before I got enough pieces that I put them all together. And the last big piece that I got was that, oh!
It's about information. It's all about information. That's the key. And of course, that's the key in quantum physics, too. It's all about information. What does the experimenter notice? He knows the which way data or he doesn't know the which way data. It's all about information. And once I got that, all the puzzle pieces came together and I saw a whole thing. And that was about
three years after I had published my big toe books. Really? Yeah, that wasn't before I published them. But the big toe books got reprinted a bunch of times. And every time I had updated a little bit, got rid of something here and added something there, made sure I didn't change the page count any. So I didn't have to redo indexes at the rest of it.
And I updated it and the last update was 2015. So it's been about 10 years since the last update and have hardly changed it since. It's pretty well complete the way it is now. But those books are mostly theory of consciousness. When you get done reading those books, you'll understand what consciousness is. Most of the physics
I've got the first ideas like how to solve, you know, sees the constant and how quantum physics worked. I got those like I say maybe three years or so after I published the books. And then it wasn't until probably about 20
15, 2016, that I kind of filled in the whole thing about the random draw from the probability distribution, being the fundamental driver of the result of the measurement. You make a measurement in this world of some sort. What do you get? Anything that's new is figured out that way.
And that explains a whole lot of things in itself. Just all of these things taken together produce a model that gives you a much better, deeper understanding of reality. It fixes a whole bunch of paradoxes in physics, philosophy, theology,
Theology. I have any number of people who say, you know Tom, I'm a very religious person. That's how I define myself. I'm very religious. And wherever I go, I take a copy of the Bible and a copy of my big towel. And that flabbergasted me. I expected the religious people to be coming down my throat. But now they see that I have explained God to them. I've explained what God is.
what it's doing, why it's doing it. It's the larger consciousness system. God is the largest consciousness. It's evolving toward becoming love, lowering its entropy. Yes. And that, you know, we're chips off the old block, right? In the image,
You know, oh God, okay, we're virtual machines, part of it in there and you can go through all these other things and it just fits like a glove. Matter of fact, I was giving a talk in Atlanta in a church because that was a cheap venue and I had two doctors of divinity.
Sitting in the audience and I knew that it was the pastor and the assistant pastor of this fairly big church So I put them on the spot. I said hey guys. You have doctorton divinity. Tell me what are the attributes of God? Just I'm not looking for anything that's dogmatic, you know, I just looking for general attributes. What is what is God like? What are the attributes?
And they huddled in about ten minutes. They came up with a list of like six things that were the basic attributes of God. Every one of them was a basic attribute of the larger consciousness system. So, what were those? Oh, um, see, now you're putting me on the spot there. That was probably
15 years ago, basic things like awareness of what's going on, not necessarily omniscience, but awareness of whatever, kind of the originator, the source. That was another one. Well, that fits. It's the source. Yes, it's aware. We're all subsets of it. So it knows what we're thinking and what we're doing and that kind of stuff.
Another one was about love and caring and brotherhood and all that kind of thing as opposed to being grabby and selfish and greedy. It was that too because its whole entropy reduction thing in a social system is toward cooperation and caring.
And it was those kinds of things that they went through. I don't know. It's got three of them what the other one was. But there was a few things that people associate with God that this system doesn't have. It's not supernatural. It's a natural system. It's not perfect. It's still evolving. It's still changing. It's still in a state of becoming.
It's not infinite because nothing real can be infinite. Infinity is only a concept. It's not a thing. You can never get to infinity. It's something you can get asymptotic to, but you can't ever actually get there just by definition.
It's not instantaneously all knowing of everything because it has to focus just like we do. If it wants to be aware of what you're thinking and it has to kind of focus on what you're thinking. It focuses by intention just like we do. So it has all the information available to it.
And it works at a much higher speed than we do. So just like those AI and do a lot of things in a very short, short time. Matter of fact, you know, I go through book one, I talk about that a little and it's probably like a billion, billion times faster.
Or maybe it's even more than that. You could read that in book one. It's like a billion billion times faster than the clock, our delta T. Now our delta T for this, our smallest delta T is plank time, 10 to the minus 44 seconds. And they're like a billion billion times faster than that. So consciousness has a lot of cycles between each one of our cycles. So we're in your eyes, we're emerging.
like we're in the process of becoming. Yes. And so we are aware and we are in a step along in this process that's much further than when we started. So when life was first, when life first appeared, there was a long process to get to where we are, which is a step
to get to where we need to be. Where we need to be is when all of us are kind and caring of everybody else. When everybody wants everybody else to be successful. Which sounds a lot like religion. It does. And you know, that floored me and actually made me laugh for about a week. I was chuckling over that. Because here I am a physicist. I'm an atheist, you know. I'm an atheist physicist like almost all the other physicists. You know, the God thing just doesn't
doesn't compute. It's not rational. It doesn't have any logic behind it. So I'm developing this model and developing a model. And one day I come to the point and it's like, oh, all the fundamental core ideas in religion, I've just
agreed with them. And I laughed. I said, they were there already. They already got that. Now they got a lot of nonsense that's dogma and other stuff that still doesn't compute. But the very fundamental basics, even the Christians had Paul writing, God is love.
Yeah, it's close. That's really close. You know, and we are in the image of God. Oh, that's really close. We're subsets. We have a piece of consciousness just like the larger conscious system. Actually, we have all the same attributes as the larger conscious system. We're just small and don't have so much power, just like a little virtual machine doesn't have the power of the mainframe. You know, it's that kind of thing. So there's a whole lot of these little statements that you can find in religion.
And with the Buddha, it was almost a one-to-one match. The Buddha says, all of this, it's may, it's an illusion. He says, illusion, I say, virtuality. Virtuality is an illusion. It matches.
The Buddha said, yes, it's all about love and caring and so on. And he had that right too. So I look at all these things and even take the shaman and all the rest of it, it all fits and it all connects. So that's the good thing about this model is it connects with everything you know and everything that's out there fits into the puzzle piece. All the pieces come together into a hole.
And it's non-exclusive. Everybody's welcome. I have, like I said, I have religious people who are part of it. I have a lot of atheists that are part of it. And both of them think that, you know, they were right. You know, both on the atheist come in and said, I knew it. You know, no supernatural being is just a system. It's not infinite. It is not perfect. And all that stuff doesn't make any sense. See, I was right all along. It's consciousness.
And the religious people come in and say, ah, yes, goddess love. They say, oh, yeah, it's just like I thought all along. So both extremes find themselves clearly defined here and both come to the conclusion that it's about kindness and caring and sharing. Because you see the opposite of that is materialism.
Now, materialism has its own ethic. Materialism comes with an ethic, an attitude, a way of feeling about things. But the ethic in materialism is
There's stuff out there, and we can do whatever we want with it. So it's a matter of grabbing stuff and making it the way you want it. If you're too cold, well, find heat. Develop the technology for heat. If you're too hot, develop the technology for air conditioning or refrigeration. We see the world as a pile of stuff we can use. And the concept is, grab as much of it as you can,
Make it suit you. It's all about you. Self-centered. It's all about me. How can I be comfortable? I'd be powerful. Can I be whatever? And everybody is scrambling to optimize themselves with whatever they can grab out of the natural environment and however they can process that into something that's valuable.
And that's our problem. We have that ethic of use and abuse. And it doesn't matter a whole lot what you do to the next person. If you have to walk over them to get to where you're going, well, that's their problem.
survival of the fittest. You know, the fit rise to the top and the others get walked over just the nature of life. That's an attitude. It's an ethic. And that ethic goes with materialism. There is no point or purpose. So if the my big toe cosmology were to be accepted, the ethic would change from the kind of self-centered grabbing ethic to an ethic of how can I help? What can I do?
You know, kindness, caring. That's what we need. Well, a lot of people don't even understand that it feels good for you. Because they're trapped in this idea of materialism and selfishness.
Yes. They don't know that there's actually a selfishness in being kind. Oh, absolutely. You benefit from it. Oh, you benefit greatly. Yeah, you do. You know, the people who are kind and generous and helpful, those people mostly are happy. Yeah. Those people smile a lot. Yeah. They joke a lot. Yeah. They just, they laugh. Yeah. They live a really good life and it doesn't matter whether they're dirt poor or rich.
If they have those attitudes, they're happy. They can accept what comes and deal with it in a positive way. And everybody likes them because it's fun to be around people like that. So they're happy people. Now take the opposite people, the people who are fear-based.
They're self-centered. They're focused on themselves. They try to manipulate everybody else to be the way they want them to be because, of course, they know that if everybody was like they wanted them to be, everything could just work out fine. They feel that if I was the master of the universe, problems would all be solved.
Just the opposite is true. If they were the master of the universe, everything would be worse, you know? But you learn that trying to manipulate things to be the way you want them. You know, trying to make sure your children go up and be doctors and lawyers and Indian chiefs or make sure that your spouse doesn't throw their underwear on the floor and you have to pick it up. You know, you've got all these things in the world that you don't like and you try to manipulate, manipulate it all to be like you want.
And that just makes you crazy. And it makes people not like you because you're manipulative. And even if in your own mind you're just doing it because that's the best thing for them. But everybody feels that way. Everybody that's fighting with everybody feels like they know and the other person needs to change the way they like it. It's a great way to build resentment in your children.
Yes. You know, fortunately, I remembered that when I was a child. So with my kids, I don't push them to do anything they don't want to do. I encourage them to do things that they enjoy. But we have a lot of conversations about being nice. Yes. The fundamental goodness of people to embrace that. Yes. And it makes your life better.
It does, and it makes their life better. Yeah, it makes you happier. Instead of being the boss, the dictator daddy who tells you how to do it, when to do it. I try to just lead by example. Yeah, exactly. They get to do it themselves, and they get to make mistakes and find problems. Then they learn from them. But if you're always hovering over them so they never make a mistake, well, they don't learn much either.
Also, if you're always hovering over them and telling them what to do, they have a hard time talking to you about the things that didn't go well. One of the things that I've always done with my kids, whenever they do something wrong, I say, I've done the exact same thing. I did all the things you've done and all the things you're going to do wrong.
and probably some more besides. Yeah, it's like don't work. It's like just a part of being a person. You're not a bad person. It's made a mistake and it's part of being a human being. See, that's perfect. The way life works should be instead of people spending all their time trying to manipulate the world and the people to be the way they want it, the way they know is best.
Instead of doing that, if you just accept that people are the way they are, deal with them as they are, deal with them positively, and now what's important isn't what happens. What's important is how you deal with it, the choices you make. And if your choices are all made with love, with kindness, and caring, then you'll do well. Now, some people get hung up on that. They say, well, I don't know what low entropy choices are.
I can't act because I don't know that my action is going to be the right one, but that's wrong. You learn from trying and seeing what happens. So if you've got some issue and you don't know what to do, think about it. Do diligence. Try to think two or three, four moves behind. If you do this, that's going to affect that person who will affect that person who will affect. You have to look at the big picture. Come to the conclusion of what you think the best choice is, and just do it.
It's not that important if it's right or wrong. Just do it and learn from it. Look back at it. If it works out really, really well, patch yourself on the back and say, ah, that was a good choice. It blows the hell and then that will be getting more good choices. Yeah. And people would, you know, and you get dysfunction and stuff from it and say, God, I didn't see that happening. Well, ask your question. Why didn't you see that happening?
Where was the blinder on that caused you not to see that happening? Fix that problem and then go on. Now you've just learned something that's lowering your entropy and you're moving on. So life isn't like, how do you get through it without making a mistake? Life is do your due diligence, make your choices, learn from them.
The only way you can fail this game is to refuse to learn from them. That's the failure. As long as you can learn from it, every time you make choices and you learn from them, you're better. And you just keep getting better and you're evolving. You're lowering the entropy of your consciousness and you're growing up.
There's a difference between a person who's making good life choices versus a person who consistently makes bad life choices. Their life spirals downward. Exactly. They don't keep getting better. They're not better at interactions. They're not better at communicating. They're not better at forming friendships and experiencing love and happiness. It works. It's absolutely worse. And the one thing they're good at, though, is blaming other people for their distress as they're spiraling them.
No, it's your fault. It's your fault. No, woe is me. If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all to take a line out of a blues song. Yes. And that state of being the victim is the absolutely zero state. When you see yourself as a victim and all these other people are taking advantage of you,
You're about at the bottom of the pit. It's hard to get much lower than that, much higher entropy than that. Extremely low consciousness vibration. So basically, we started here. Homo sapiens have been walking around for roughly 200,000 years, and that's rough. Scientists don't know, but that's about 200,000 years. Homo sapiens has been walking around.
Over those 200,000 years, nothing changed a whole lot for the first 195,000 years. You know, nothing much changed. The ethic of control, power, and force, that's the basic ethic.
control, power, and force. That's how you get better. If you have control, if you have power, if you have force, then you're good. If you don't, you're fodder. And that's been it. Well, okay, the warlord mentality, you could say.
So it's all been warlords, for the most part, the way humans are, because this is not a graduate school for consciousness. This is a daycare for consciousness. This is an elementary school for consciousness. So we're not all that evolved as a human race, but we're working on it. But then, about five or six hundred years ago, we started making bigger steps.
You know, it wasn't all control power force. It was still mostly that, but there were other things going on that were more thoughtful. You know, you had Greek and Roman republics where people did things by consensus, and they were scaring for the whole.
Well, they didn't last all that long. They got run over, eventually, by people with very low quality of consciousness. But they were there as an example, and then more things happened. So what you find is that the change is accelerating. And if you see something that accelerates with a very low value, but it starts like one
millimeter per year, but it's accelerating. It keeps getting faster. Well, what that curve looks like is it's like this. It gets faster and faster and faster because acceleration goes as a square. It's exponential. Anyway, that's where we are. About 500 years ago, we started making bigger steps. We didn't have the warlord mentality.
You know, or century after century after century after millennia, it started changing some and the curve started getting faster. Now we're at that part of the curve where we're starting to get to the knee where it turns and the information age brought that in. It's all about information.
All right, information. You're getting a data stream. It's information. So this curve is going up faster and faster. And now we're at this part where the knee of the curve and it starts to shoot up. And over the about the next 40 years or so, we're going to be rounding that curve.
Now, one thing that you can know about change is that if change happens slowly, it's usually benign and everybody kind of gets it eventually and changes and you only realize the change when you look back and say, oh, that's a lot of change. Gee, back at the time when there were no cell phones, you know, I wonder how those people got by, you know, you look back at it and you see it, but it wasn't something that rocked you.
But now, the next 40 years, we're going to see change at a pace that we've never, we're in that fast part where it turns, and it's going to be a lot of changes. And if we can get this idea that we need to cooperate, we need to care, we need to work together, it's not just about you. Self-centeredness is dysfunctional. You know, greed is dysfunctional.
Overpopulation is dysfunctional. It's dysfunctional. It doesn't serve the purpose that you wanted to serve. You want to be happy. Right. And it does the opposite of that. Exactly. And if you want to be happy, you get happy by giving, by caring, by loving, by being a solution to people's problems. That's how you get happy.
So if we get to that, then this curve is going to be smooth and lovely and we're all going to come out the other end a much lower entropy race. And we will not only care for each other, we'll care for all the other critters and the planet and the minerals and everything else too. Do you think the emergence of artificial intelligence and then ultimately quantum computing attached to artificial intelligence is going to accelerate all that?
it is going to accelerate all of that and that's another thing I haven't even gotten into. My model touches all of your
your pets that you've come to have. You're interested in aliens. Tell me what's going on with that. You're interested in AI. All these things. My model says something profound about all of those things. Where does your model say about aliens? Okay. Now we've gotten far enough that it's easier for me to talk about these things. All right. My model says this is a virtual reality computed by consciousness, right? And we're a piece of consciousness.
Now, given that, the big thing that is in favor of aliens existing, let's just talk about aliens existing, is that there's trillions of suns out there, and there are bound to be some of them that are sort of like this, because why would this be one unique thing in all of that stuff? And if it happened here, then it's going to happen someplace else. The probability is such.
All right, but now look at my model's view of that. That big universe is a virtual. It's just computed. If it's just computed, when we look at all those little stars that are just little dots of light, that's what's being computed us. It's a dot of light.
Nothing more. It's just, we look out there, we look away, we go to sleep. We're not getting that data anymore. It's gone. It's just like, you know, no man's sky started this idea that you only compute what a player is looking at. Well, that's the way it works. That's efficient. Much more efficient.
So then I compute what somebody's looking at. When I look up there at the sky, I'll see all these little dots of light when I close my eyes. It's not in my data stream anymore. All right. So the next question is, how many seats does this larger consciousness system need in this entropy reduction simulator? Now we reduce our entropy by the quality of the choices we make.
Now, how many seats does it need? Well, you figure if there's more seats, then there's more people who are reducing their entropy and the system is growing and more seats. But every seat costs a price. The system has to put a data.
line to that and has to calculate all those interactions and how they affect other people and so on so there's a price now at some point like all systems this is true of all self-changing systems is that there's a sweet point okay i had i had another player better at another player better at another player not much better and another player it's just a teeny bit better and another player and more expensive so it's the it's the uh... the game to cost
somewhere, as you scale systems up, you'll get a, you know, a cost to, you know, what is it? What is it? How much does it cost? And how much do you have to, to how much you get out of it? What's the value? So eventually, we got what nine billion people here? Well, if I had another person, is that going to help the larger kinds of system evolve anymore quickly? Probably not. There's a billion of us.
So what does that then imply? If that's the case, then this is it. Earth. We are the only people. Because then you say, oh, what a waste. There's no waste. Those are just bits, a single bit that tells you how bright it is in where it's located, four bits, three positions, one of intensity, and that's it. Maybe a couple other for the Doppler effect, and it's moving, and it's accelerating, and so on.
That's all you get. It's not there. And when daylight comes, it doesn't have to compute any of it. When a guy gets out of his telescope, it has to compute what he sees. Random draw, that's what he sees. Good. Stop doing it. Turned off his telescope. Nobody's looking at it anymore. Then you don't have to compute it anymore. So it's not a big waste of anything. It's a virtual reality. It only computes what's functional.
Okay. And it only needs so many seats. Now, if you had another planet someplace in this unit, the whole universe is, it's game. The game is the universe, not just our solar system. If you wanted another planet, and it also had 9 billion people, and another one, it had 9 billion people like us.
Now you've got 27 billion people. Is that good? Or is that if you passed that sweet point? It seems to me there really isn't a lot of use for many more. Only so many individuals of consciousness optimize the system growing. But how can we possibly know what that number is? And why would we discount the idea that if it's happening here and it's beneficial and that we're on a path that it can't be happening in infinite spots in the universe?
Well, simultaneously. Because that takes infinite resources. But doesn't the universe have infinite resources? If it has hundreds of billions of galaxies, black holes bigger than our entire solar system, all this observed. Right. That's all observed. But are we looking at it on a limited number of data points? Are we looking at a limited number of possibilities? No, that's not the point. The point is, is it's all virtual.
It's all in the virtual. You're of the opinion that all these physical things are somehow or another virtual. Consciousness is the thing that creates all of this. We're going through a virtual experience through consciousness. We're an avatar of consciousness, but we're the only avatars of consciousness.
And there's not avatars of consciousness that exists on other planets? Well, there may be. I'm not saying that's not a possibility. I'm just saying if you look at the cost of benefit curve, any system that's a self-changing system is going to have a sweet point where scaling up any more costs more than the benefit.
And I see nine billion people here, adding a couple of more who are struggling like the rest of humanity, trying to become loved and acting very poorly. Then I don't see that it's necessary. I see that maybe the cost benefit curve says you don't need any more than that.
If you scale, it becomes more work than it is benefit. You've got individual adherence of consciousness, all making choices, learning from those choices to become love. Okay, and that floats the whole because as each one, as each choice is a good choice, then the entropy lowers a little bit, but because
That consciousness is a part of the system. The whole system's entropy is lowered a little bit. So we're the larger consciousness systems, one of its ways of lowering its own entropy is through us. So we lowered the entropy, it lowers the entropy of the system, and it has to compute a whole lot of stuff for 9 billion people. It's a big game. It's a big multiplayer game.
Somewhere along the line, all systems like that have a curve where if you expand it anymore, the cost of expanding it is more expensive than the result that you get back, which is the rate of entropy reduction.
But are we sure? Because you're adding things to this theory all the time. I'm not sure of that. I'm not saying that that is a truth. I'm just saying that is something to consider. I understand what you're saying. It could be that there are other.
other civilizations on other planets and at the system, nine billion is just a start. It can handle a lot more of that. Maybe it's not more numbers