Welcome to the Resilient Mind podcast. In this episode, you will be listening to 2025, your year of positive transformation with Tony Robbins. Get access to the Resilient Mind Journal by clicking the link in the show notes. Enjoy.
I have a philosophy. I teach everybody on all my teams. I have 105 companies now. It's mind-boggling in all these radically different industries. We're now doing almost $7 billion in business. I have no business background, but it's a certain core philosophy that allows you to grow anything. But it starts with the people themselves. And my whole thing is one choice is no choice. Two choices to do them, but there's always three choices. Like you said, I may not like the choice, but it's there. But more importantly, I think it's getting people to see that
What they thought was possible, impossible is possible. The more you can give people an experience, like, talks cheap. But I've done enough things in my life with enough people at this stage. I've got a track record where it's like, I said it's going to happen. Most people say he's probably true. It's probably likely he's going to pull it off.
Maybe I should jump on board, but the mindset has to be destroy any limitation and move forward, move forward, move forward. There is a way, move forward. And I think if you watch this, it's like taking off on a plane from, you know, I'm in Texas right now. If I flew from Dallas here to go to Hawaii, you're, of course, about 90% of the time. I'm a pilot. I would if every time I'm, of course,
Of course, oh, I should freak out. Oh my God, I'm off course again. But you just tack back and forth and you land exactly where you want to be. Three, four, 5,000 miles away. And I think that's how we have to navigate. But most of us, and especially during these COVID times, most of us have been conditioned not to take a risk. People ask me all the time, what does it take to be happy?
And I always tell them, it's really simple. One word, progress. Progress equals happiness. If you keep growing, you're gonna feel alive. And if you keep growing, you're gonna have more to give. And when you're growing and giving is when life is magnificent. It doesn't matter how many statues, Oscars, they give you or Emmys or how much money you have in the bank. We've all seen people have all those things and I get the phone call because they're depressed or somebody commits suicide in that area.
So it's really an inner game. And I think that's what's missing for us today. Everybody's focusing on the outside world and how there's a lot of things in the outside world, you'll never be able to control. You can influence, but you can't control it. This, your mind, your emotions, your body, you have 100% control over what you do with these things. And that's where the game is won. You win the inner game, then you win the outer game. But a lot of people spent their life trying to win the outer game, they won and they're miserable.
So to me, success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure. And so many people are focused on success, though, which to me is like, there's nothing wrong with it, but it's like success is getting what you want. Fulfillment is living what you're made for, you know, and it's like fulfillment and success. They're not even the same universe. There's nothing wrong with going for success, but you really got to figure out what you're made for. And nobody knows in the beginning.
So you start where you are and you do what's in front of you, do what's next, then you keep growing until you start to discover, hey, this is my real passion. This is my real hunger and drive and it can change. People go for five, six, seven years and then they usually question their business, their career, their body, their relationships.
And then one of two things happens. They change direction and feel renewed. Or they go, no, I got a great deal here. What the hell's wrong with me? And they recommit and they get stronger. But that's life. And if you don't grow, I don't give damn how much you got going for you. You're going to be miserable. Well, if you're a student of history, there is a cycle of history that is plain as day. Good times create weak people.
Weak people, great bad times. Bad times, great strong people. Strong people, great, great times. This is the cycle of history, thousand years of Roman history. There's a great book I recommend anyone read it in 1997. It's not a beautiful read, but you need to understand it. It's called The Fourth Turning.
Or you could read the book Generations, but it's about 700 pages, 800 pages. You know, Bill Clinton gave me that book and that's where I started. And it explains how our thinking, our process is so affected by the way we're raised generationally, the experiences we go through. So let me give you an example of why we're having challenges today and why I'm more than hopeful. Let's say you were born in 1910. Now, think of it this way first.
Remember I talked about pattern recognition, pattern utilization, pattern creation. What gave humanity its greatest jump in its capacity was pattern recognition around seasons. Up until that time, we were hunter-gatherers barely able to survive at all, depending on what was happening in the environment. We were dependent on the outside world.
But once we understood the seasons that planting in the springtime and had taken care of through the summer, boy, in the fall, you can reap. And then there's going to be winter and you've got to hang on to this stuff so you can survive. Once we recognize that pattern, humanity transformed. Communities were created, eventually cities and countries and states, right? So think of it this way. There's also a pattern of your history as a human.
Zero to 21, 19 to 2021 is a springtime where everything's easy. It's easy to grow. Growth happens. You don't have to do squat. Your body grows, life grows. And some of us had more protected childhoods. Some of us had no protection. We had to step up and take care of things when we're seven or eight years old. But regardless, overall, it's a time in which people look out for you, your taught things, you consume what you're taught.
But once you come 19, 20, 21, roughly, and sometimes it's 16 for some people, 25 for others, but you get the picture, you enter a new season of life. You go to the summertime where you start testing and go, well, this is what I was taught, but do I really believe this shit? You know, this is what people say, but now I'm in a relationship, you know? And so all of this, this next 20 years is an explosive growth period if you work at it from 21 to 41.
From 42 to 62 is a reaping time if you planted really in the spring and you pushed hard through the summer, you're gonna reap. Now, if you didn't plant in the springtime, you're gonna weep in the season. You're gonna be like, I don't have any money, I don't have any time, I don't have to do, where am I going?
But that's a season of power. That's when you really start to be able to lead companies, businesses, environments, and so forth. And again, some people get there earlier, some later. But overall, generalizationally, that's it. And then 63 to 83 is winter. And that winter time is a little different for somebody, right? Now, that time is maybe it's time I'm an elder in the community. Now it's time for me to mentor, to communicate. And if you're lucky, it goes 83 to, say, 103.
or the oldest living humans about 119 if you were lucky enough to do that. Maybe you get an extended period of time where you enter the next springtime. So there are seasons that you got to understand because if you plant in the winter, I don't care how hard you work, you get no reward. If you bought a house, sounds wonderful, in 2007, normally great, 2007, probably not so great. You're probably just starting to do okay in the last three or four years, right? So there's a timing to things. There's a timing in your life.
There's also timing in history. So imagine you're born in 1910. When would you come of age, 19 years old, 1929? What did you grew up with? World War I ended during that time. The whole world celebrated and the roaring 20s began and you're in your teens, cars, radios, parties. You can't wait to turn 19, 2021, right? And what happens? For that generation right at that stage of life,
The whole game, the wolves pull out from it and people are jumping out of buildings. The economy goes to the floor. We got the best ball. But he didn't have that. Because what happened when they were 29? 1939. World War II. And you and I are too young to know it. But those around know that it looked like we were going to lose. Hitler was storming across Europe. It looked like life as we know it was over. And these people went overseas and became heroes.
They face such unbelievable. They were, they were thought as flappers. They thought as weak. They were a lot like a lot of the generation that you see today. You know, the, you know, Z generation, not so much because they're just coming up, right? But the millennial generation, my older people, I see him as weak. You know, there's snowflakes or this and they're that, but they have technology. They have insights. And when the outside world is demanding enough, not yet because they're still fearful.
They will grow, and that's when things change, and so the season occurs. So think about the difference between the 30s and the 40s versus the 50s versus the 60s as we came after 63 into an American summer is a different mindset versus the 80s to the 2000s and 2000s. So we're right now halfway through winter.
Or in another winter, it starts financially. Now it's gone to health, but we're far from it. It's going to be war. And it might be cyber war, it might be full on war, but there's zero question that China and the US are in a collision course that's going to shape the direction of humanity.
And so the people that right now are alive today are going to have to grow in that environment. I really think we're at a season where there's going to be a whole new level of growth. And what I just want to do is be one of them, any sources that can give people perspective because here's the problem. A year ago, people thought we were coming out of vaccines now and we're coming out of COVID and it's going to be all over now and people are excited. But now after going through two years of this,
There's a lot of people now that no longer have a compelling future. People talking about news resolutions, most people don't even have one.
because it's like they never fall through anyway, right? But at least they had something to look forward to. They're starting to get into learned helplessness. Learn helplessness is when something is so bad over and over again, you start thinking the problems permanent. No problem is permanent. Or you start thinking the problems pervasive because I haven't handled my finances and my whole world's over because my relationships bad, my whole world's over. Your life is bigger than that. Or all this is happening because there's something wrong with me. When you get to that point, you stop trying.
And so my goal right now is to shake that up for people. People need a new perspective and you can't do it by just sitting and thinking, you've got to move your body. You've got to change your energy and your focus because low level of energy. I don't think I'm going to have a game with how smart you are. You're not going to use all your ability. But if I get you into a higher state of being mentally, emotionally, physically, then all of a sudden you start remembering who you are and you start coming up with answers that you never even thought were possible before.
We all define ourselves in certain ways. And most of us defined ourselves years ago, and we haven't done an update. And now you're in an environment where you're constantly told how bad it is, how terrible it is, so that stimulates the old part of the human brain. The fight or flight mechanism, the part of your brain that's always looking for what's wrong, so you can hide from it, or you can fight it, or you can freeze and hope it doesn't notice, or you can run from it.
And so that part of our brain is never going to make you happy. It's an important part. There's no saber to tiger for us to run from anymore or fight, right? Not for most people. But now we get that about, what are people saying about me online? Or, you know, or do I have enough money in a country that even if you have very little money in America, even if you're in quote unquote a poor environment, you know, I support I provide a hundred million meals a year. And I'm almost a billion meals now. I mean, eight hundred and twenty five million meals to give you an idea in the last seven years.
So I'm into helping everyone I possibly can, but you got to help them here and here too. You know, so I use the food as the excuse to get into here and here and start showing people it's possible. And I think we're in a place right now where a lot of people are in this learned helplessness and they don't realize, you know, if as an identity, if identity is how you've identified yourself.
And you see yourself as a procrastinator. Why? Because you procrastinate so many pints and disappointed. You don't want to be disappointed. So now you're procrastinator, you're no longer disappointed. You feel certain you'll never have your goals, but you feel certain. That's what most people do in their life. But if you set, let's say a thermostat in this room at 78 degrees and the temperature drops far enough.
Something's going to happen because the computer's going to go, hey, hey, hey, hey, you're a 78 degreeer. What are you doing here at 68? And the heaters kick on and suddenly you get this drive. I'm sure your listeners, your viewers have had this experience many times in life. We're finding it's not another day and I'm changing this relationship. I'm losing this weight. I'm going to finally do something. And then you push, push, push. Now some people push, push, push and they go beyond their comfort zone, beyond what they expect, not their goals.
It's what they're used to. It's their comfort zone. And let's say that 68 degrees is where they're used to financially. It's not what they want or their relationship or spiritually or physically. And they grow to 88, 98, 99 degrees, suddenly the brain goes, hey, hey, what are you doing here?
You're not a 99 degree, and then all of a sudden the heaters stop and you lose your drive. And if that's not about the air conditioners kick on and you start to sabotage and you go, what happened in my life? So identity is the number one thing I work to change with people to expand it, not to get rid of it, but expand your own sense of who you really are and what you're capable of. And people think they're going to get identity by, people say to me, I have no self esteem, I hate that word.
So overused and abused. I don't want myself esteemed because when I was growing up, my parents said these terrible things and those terrible things. And I said, isn't it convenient? You only remember those things. They said a million things, but suddenly he was holding on those. But let's get real. Someone can tell you your whole life, your piece of crap. And you can say screw you, read between the lines and make your life work. Someone tell you your whole life, you're beautiful, you're intelligent, you're the smartest person in the world, and you don't believe it.
Because self-esteem doesn't come from what people say about you. Self-esteem is earned within you yourself. It's a steam for yourself, which only comes by doing things that are incredibly difficult, and then your brain goes, this is who I am. The reason I've done firewalks for years, I used to do skydiving, but it's hard to get 30,000 people in the middle of the air above New York in the middle of the night. But the reason I did these metaphors
was because when someone does something, they once thought was difficult or impossible. And they get the other side, and the brain goes, if I get myself to do this, what else can I get myself to do? It changes their identity. When your identity expands, your whole world expands. It's like, that's what we need today. We need to re-engineer ourselves. If you've ever seen one of these Baja races, 1,000 miles in the desert, or there's a million different races that if you took a normal car, you'd be out of it and probably die in the first day or so.
But what they've done is re-engineer the shock of sort is the size of the tires, the engine system. And we need to re-engine ourselves for winter. We need to re-engine ourselves so that we can thrive, not just survive during this time. And that's what I'm seeing people do in their life and their businesses. I mean, it's been really, I know it sounds crazy, but it's been one of the more beautiful times. I hate
The fear that's been generated in so many people on dually. I mean, this CDC themselves, I wrote this in my book, there's a section in my health book, and I quote directly from the CDC. What's the number one risk factor other than age? 80% of people die of COVID, 79.8% are overweight, no beasts, extremely overweight, something you can easily do something about. Nobody talks about. And number two is fear.
Because the anxiety makes people change their breath. They can't fully oxygenate. So it's like, there's a lot within our control if we just wake up. But the beautiful part of COVID is a lot of people waking up to what's possible, seeing where it is, seeing how they could change their entire business. Because when things happen and they're going to be unjust things, it doesn't matter the color of your skin. It doesn't matter your age. It doesn't matter what country you're from. Injustice is everywhere. It's going to happen to all of us at various times, right?
Or it may not just be injustice just like, wow, you got cancer. I mean, it's like, what do I do to deserve this? It isn't like that. It's not something you earn by brownie points. It's like, OK, what am I going to do with what life has brought me? And my greatest growth that's helped me help so many other people is because someone tells me I got a tumor in my brain, and I'm going to die. And I'm like, I don't accept that. I got a tongue rotator cuff, and you're going to have to go through six months of rehab. I'm not going to accept that. There's got to be another way.
And the things you can't control, you learn how to accept and learn from. And so I think COVID has offered that opportunity. I'm reaching more people because of it. I'm touching more lives. I'm having an impact. My wife and I have tried to have a child for quite many years. I have five grandkids and I have four kids and now five. But I have a nine-month-old now. I have a 48-year-old daughter and a nine-month-old daughter. Give me that.
I think as early on, I realized, you know, one of the things you have to understand about life is everything changes and everything ends. And that kind of sounds heavy on the front end, but it's a truth.
If everything changes and everything ends, number one, it should make you appreciate what you have right now. And then my view is what's next is always better. If I make it so, it's my job to make it so. And so I think, you know, for me, I look at it and say, you know, when you said genius is a young man's game, I think it's total bullshit. I think passion is the genesis of genius.
If you've got enough passion, you're gonna find answers nobody else does, but most people run out of fuel, meaning they get tired, they get exhausted, they get burnt out, they get the law familiarity, they're around something so much, they take it a little bit for granted. And I've managed to see something in myself that I found in every great leader that I've ever respected, and that is,
I value intelligence immensely, but I know really smart people can't fight their way out of a paper bag pragmatically, right? I'm sure you do too. What I see is the one common nominated people that are successful over a lifetime is the sustained hunger. Hunger!
is the number one factor. When I see something, I don't give up age, they aren't good with the background is if they're hungry to improve to change to make something happen. I mean, if you look at Richard Branson, he's as hungry today in his late sixties as he was at 16 years old and at crypt starting virgin.
You know, look at my buddy Mark Benioff, you know, he's like, he's, I don't think in his early 50s right now. Mark is more hungry today than when I knew him 12, 14, 15 years ago when he was first coming up with ideas. I'm gonna, you know, he went to one of my seminars over and over again, the UPW, you know, which one.
He went there like four or five times and he was sitting in the front row. He's a tall guy. He introduced himself and said, you've convinced me. I'm going to leave this company I work for as an employee here and I'm going to go start this new company called salesforce.com. Wow. Tony, we're going to do $100 million in business. We're going to change business. Now you're doing whatever, $30 billion right now. But it's because he hasn't lost the hunger. I think the law of familiarity is what destroys a relationship.
You get around somebody enough, you love them, but you don't have the same passion, the same aliveness. And I'm just not willing to settle for a life without passion and aliveness. It's just like there's so much to learn, there's so much to grow, there's so much to give, and I'm wired to grow and give. And I think anybody gets wired to grow and give, it's gonna have a really fulfilling life. It doesn't matter what you choose to do, you're gonna be alive, because you're gonna make progress. And because you made progress, you have something to give. And we all, like some people think they just wanna get,
But you get, get, get, get, and it's pretty damn boring and it doesn't really expand your sense of identity of who you are. But if you're constantly growing and then taking what you learn, you're so excited about it, you share with other people and their life gets better. Whether that be software you make or dresses you design or, you know, something you do in health space that really gets people to enjoy their food while they're eating well. If you have those passions and you keep growing, there's no limit. It doesn't matter what happens in the short term with a pandemic,
or with a drop in the economy or whatever the case may be. These are all temporary when you realize life has lived in decades, not in days. Well, first, people get vested in their trauma. People get vested in their pain. If you want to know the largest drug on the planet, it's not cocaine. It's not heroin. It's not pot. It's not some prescription drug. The biggest drug on the planet is problems.
Because everyone has a deep fear. Everyone. And the deepest fears we have are two. One is that we're not enough. We're not smart enough, young enough, rich enough, pretty enough, funny enough, something enough.
And if we're not enough, it dinks the deepest fear we have, which is we won't be loved. And love is the oxygen of the soul. So, you know, a baby is, if they're not physically kinesthetically loved, they develop what's called failure to thrive syndrome. That's how desperate our nervous system is for love. So human beings, when they think, oh my God, if I fail at this, it'll look like I'm not enough and I won't be worthy of love. They tend to come up with a reason why that's either not their fault
It's something that was done to me. I've got ADHD. I was born with it. I was raped. I was whatever. And they might even tell the truth. Some of me have really raped. It's a horrible situation. But other people are raped and they've gotten through it and they're on the other side of it. This person hasn't because it becomes their reason for not being where they want to be in their life.
And so the bottom line is a mother can lose her daughter or son through a drunk driver and spend the rest of their life in pain. And another one creates mad mothers against drunk drivers and does something about it and feels a sense of freedom and a sense of serving that child and a sense of higher purpose in what they're doing. So it's not the problem. It's not the trauma. It's finding what they value more than their problem.
And everyone has a place where there's something they have value more than their trauma. Some people gather trauma because they realize I've been so traumatized loss of this child that my other child feels completely unloved and they realize I'm losing that love. I'm losing that child. If I don't get my shit together, right? They need a higher level of what's called leverage. Leverage is what makes change a must, not a shit.
As long as it's assured you'll have your story and your story could be a true story and you'll tell your story and share your story with yourself or other people or both and you stay stuck. But trauma is, you know, it is not, it's a bruise. It's not a tattoo, right? Any bruise can be healed, but not unless you're vested in healing it. And what a lot of people do, I remember when I was diagnosed with a tumor in my brain,
I've seen this happen so much that I didn't tell anyone I didn't tell my spouse at the time the first day I was trying to process it because I didn't want people start treating me differently. And so the only person who knew for the first day or two was my assistant because she had talked to the doctor.
So before I'd even be able to tell my spouse at the time, all of a sudden, you know, everyone treated me like I was indestructible. I taught people to do that. It's like, because I want to help everybody. So there was no, no, it's like I'll do whatever it takes, right? So it was, it was inhuman at the time. And suddenly my assistant started saying, you know, we shouldn't book that right now. And we shouldn't do this right now. And I started getting love and attention and connection for having this problem. And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm not, I'm not going to go down that slippery slope.
But that takes a really conscious mind to do it. And lucky for me, I've had a chance to deal with millions of people, so I see these patterns all the time. But most people, their problem is their drug. It's the drug against the fear that I'm not enough and I won't be loved. Even if they go, no, it's me, I'm so messed up. What you're really saying is reassure me, love me. They're wanting that connection through their problem.
So you got to decide there's something you value more than your problem. When you decide that, you can make it happen. But most people aren't going to do that unless they get an environment where they see that happening. What are you looking for? Do you have to first understand the story that they're telling themselves to help them unwind that? When you're trying to dig into that, what are you looking for to leverage, to narrow the walls, to get them moving in a direction?
I'm listening for something that they value more than their pain, or I'm trying to dig to find where that is. But I first try to figure out, like, if you think of, we all have a life story, right? Some people's life is a warning, some people's life is an example. If your life's a warning, it still can become an example if you're alive, right? You have that choice, that's the greatest story of all time, the comeback story, right? So what I'm looking for is what's their story, and the story is driven by number one, what's their desire? If you go to a movie, read a book,
In the first few minutes, the main character you'll discover with their desire. Is it to merge with God? Is it to find a great relationship and have children? Is it to free themselves from being enslaved? Whatever it is, there is a driving desire. And then there's always, as soon as you have a desire, there's a problem. Because otherwise you'd have your desire.
And the problem usually is character piece is missing within yourself. You're being selfish, you're not giving enough, you're not creative enough, you're not trusting enough, something enough. And then as you go through the story of a person's life, what happens is they come up with a plan and there's always, you know, the phrase, you know, if you want to make God laugh, tell her your plans, right? You know, so it's like the plan doesn't work. You end up having battles and the battles invariably are
with external enemies, with intimate enemies, like who can hurt you more, the person you don't know, or the person you love who seems to have betrayed you. And then there's the internal enemy, the conflicts within yourself. And as you fight through those battles, if you continue to grow, you come to a point where you have insights. You see what the real truth is. It isn't somebody else. It's me. This is what needs to shift. And if you see that and act on it, kind of jump through the opening, so to speak,
then life's never the same again or life is happily ever after, as it says in every story, right? Because you've made a shift in the core values and beliefs and emotions that are driving your life. So I look at it that way. I'm looking to see what's their story. And you want to change your life, change your story. Are they playing the position of the pawn? Are they the position of the king? Are they court gesture? Right? Are they the martyr? You know, what, what is the role they're playing?
What's the story they're telling himself? And then I dig for something they value more. So for example, the woman that was going to take her life and already given up all her stuff, in a few seconds of talking with her, she mentioned something about her father who just died.
And so I asked her a little bit about her father. Both her father and mother had just died. She'd gone through sexual abuse and her brothers and sisters didn't want to talk about it. And as a result, they were estranged from her. And so she felt she had no friends, no anything suffering financially and in a lot of physical pain. So all these things happening once, people say, guess what?
dying would be easier than living, which is not true. But if you believe it, you try to take your life. So as I dug in about her father, he grew up in the Depression, and he was extraordinary. And I could just see the respect and love for her father. So as I had her tell me stories, and I said, well, how did he do that during that time when you had no money and people were jumping out of buildings and
And I go deeper and deeper and just like, well, he just valued this. And he learned from his father. And you know, he never forgot these certain core lessons. And I said, oh, I said, that's interesting. And I said, so, and what core lessons did you get from your father? And gradually, I started find where the resources were, why is she not going to kill herself?
Why? What's the leverage that I can use to get her to shift? And then you can watch this emotional transformation happen over about 45 minutes until it was so unbelievably emotional and complete at the end is like, no, I'm never going to take my life. I can't take my life. I'm not taking my life. And she starts to rebuild things. So what moves her is, I can't let my father down.
Either that is the worst time, I can't let my father down. That's what I took her to. And then building a compelling future, what she can build, what she can do, what she does have the ability to make happen, what she has broken through, tapping into the resources she deleted inside of herself and reactivating them so she feels alive again inside herself. Although all the other things you described are the structural, intellectual impact of what actually happens, but that's not what changes somebody. It all comes from emotion.
We are emotional creatures. We all study like you're talking about it using your brain. You're such a smart person. I love you dearly. And you analyze it all. But your effing brain isn't going to do shit. What's going to do it is enough emotion. What? Motion is the power. Emotions, what starts wars? It's what ends wars. Emotions, what gets you married. Emotions where kids come from. Divorces, where emotion comes from. Everything that you can think of of a major change in humanity from the most extreme of war to the most gentle of love.
all come from human emotion. So it's the mix of emotion. It's like knowing what you want and having the right fuel to get there. And if the fuel has no combustion, you're just bored. You're not going anywhere. If the fuel is total trauma and I'm overwhelmed, you just blow up and go nowhere. There's that delicate balance. And I've learned over the years how to help people find that balance. Where the real impact is, is when there's enough emotion that gets you to apply the things that you understand intellectually.
Or find the answer that you didn't even have the answers. You found the answers intellectually because the emotion drove you. So it's really studying what creates that emotion that makes the difference in anybody's life. That's where everything begins and ends with emotion. And yet our society is all about up here. In Chinese medicine, it's all about the heart. That's considered the center. In America, we think it's the brain.
Now, you know, when you first are born, you know, your heart starts beating. That's how we know you're alive. And there is no brain yet. And this literally is the initial sense of intelligence. That's why, you know, for thousands of years, even poets have talked about the power of the heart. Well, the heart has tremendous power and there's a biochemical connection between the brain and the heart that I know you know about. And learning how to use that is where you create more lasting change. When I was understanding it all, I was good. When I learned how to move people, I got great at what I was doing.
And so I use emotion with precision. It's more like a laser. It's not a pump up. You know, people see a seminar with me and they see 10,000 people or 20,000 people in the stadium jumping. It's you all know it's not about jumping. It's using the scientifically to shift the biochemistry in that room.
You know, the study they did at Stanford, they followed me for three years, and they put this $85,000 vice on me that measures everything, heart rate variability, everything you imagine. And then every hour they came and took my saliva and some blood to see how my biochemistry was changing. It was so radical that they found out I jumped a thousand times in an average day on stage, a thousand times, and I weighed 285 pounds. So every time you come down, it's four times the body weight when you hit.
So imagine a million pounds times a thousand jumps, you know, million pounds of pressure, basically going to my body in just one day. My lactic acid, if you're speaking with somebody and you're running and there's a point you can't talk anymore, because your lactic acid at four, well, I'm at 18, I'm still speaking. But the most crazy thing that they discovered was that they started measuring my audience as well. And it's wild. It looks, I know you know about mirror neurons, right? You can watch somebody and then you start to experience in your body what they're doing. Well,
I take an audience all over the world, including people that are home in their houses, right? Now that we do these things digitally, we'll have 25,000 people in an event. We might have 10,000 people in front of me and other 15,000 at home in 100 countries. And they went out and they did the same tests on them. And they literally mirror my biochemistry. And there's something that they found in studying, guys like Tom Brady, and they studied the Stanley Cup champions at Tampa Bay, lightning, and so forth.
is when they get to a stressful point, they call it the championship biochemistry. There's a place where your testosterone surges. So you have this incredible drive, right? And also makes you retain whatever you're thinking about. You go with a testosterone, you remember it, right? Because it creates a biochemical shift. But also cortisol, which is the stress hormone drops through the root floor. That's why Tom Brady can have a minute left and do these unbelievable type of comebacks. He is in his zone. Well, that's where I am. And I take people biochemically
into the zone and then I take them out deliberately to produce a little more fear, break it out. I'm building muscles with them and you literally see it looks like music to what's going on there. And every single person that they tested goes to this biochemical change. So a year later, they didn't just have the leverage. Oh, I'm doing this for my mom or new values and new beliefs. They had the biochemistry that's wired into them that gives them strength under stress.
And that's why they're doing well a year later when Stanford follow up there. I couldn't believe it. How could 11 months later have this continue to improve? Well, with new beliefs and new values, you're improving your life, but also because it was wired with so much emotion, you've had a biochemical shift as well. And so the combination is answers your original questions. I said, you can't separate the mind and the body. I do both. When somebody just pumps people up and copies what I do in terms of the surface, they don't know what they're doing on the deep part.
And some people do the part, but they don't quite frankly get everybody because they don't produce the emotional change. So people leave intellectually understanding why they're messed up and they can explain it to you, but nothing changes. It's the combination of those that produces real lasting transformation. Thank you for tuning in. Continue strengthening your mind by listening to our other episodes.