
#2020 - Python Cowboy


August 11, 2023

TLDR: Mike "Python Cowboy" Kimmel is a licensed trapper and hunter of invasive species, including contracted python hunters. He owns Martin County Trapping and Wildlife Rescue.

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  • The impact of pythons and interbred panthers on native wildlife in the Everglades and the need to accurately determine their population.The presence of pythons and interbred panthers in the Everglades has led to a decline in native wildlife and increased panther attacks on pets and livestock, emphasizing the importance of accurately determining and addressing the population of invasive species.

    The population of pythons in the Everglades is uncertain, but their impact on native wildlife is undeniable. While estimates vary from 100,000 to 3,000,000 pythons, the actual number remains unknown. The decline of native wildlife and the increasing number of panther attacks on pets and livestock suggest the presence of a larger panther population as well. The Florida Panthers, originally a distinct species, have been interbred with Texas cougars, resulting in bigger and more aggressive panthers. This decision by the state government has had unintended consequences. The conversation highlights the urgent need to accurately determine the population of invasive species like pythons and address the challenges posed by their presence in the Everglades.

  • The dangers of toads as a control method and the risks of using toad toxins to get high.Using toad toxins to get high can be extremely dangerous, causing harmful symptoms such as muscle weakness, increased heart rate, and vomiting. Dogs are particularly vulnerable to the risks associated with cane toads.

    Certain species of toads, particularly the cane toad, have become a big problem as they were brought in to control insects in fields but ended up eating everything but the insects. These toads are venomous and produce toxins, which some people try to use to get high. However, this can be extremely dangerous and can cause muscle weakness, increased heart rate, and vomiting. Dogs are especially at risk if they come into contact with cane toads. Furthermore, the conversation touches upon the use of synthetic and natural versions of DMT, a potent psychedelic, with the natural version providing a different and potentially less intense experience. Finally, the conversation highlights the unusual and often reckless behaviors people engage in to get high, including licking cane toads or smoking their toxins.

  • The Python Cowboy's Close Call with a Dangerous PythonHandling large and powerful reptiles like pythons can be extremely risky and potentially life-threatening.

    The Python Cowboy had a dangerous encounter with a large Python in the swamp. He found the snake, but couldn't see its head buried in vegetation. In his attempt to capture it, he grabbed onto its tail, knowing that the snake could easily overpower him. To get the snake to strike at him, he wanted to see its head and grab it. However, the snake unexpectedly struck him on the arm, puncturing deep and hitting an artery. Despite being bitten, he managed to grab the snake's head and push it off, avoiding a potentially deadly situation. This highlights the risks involved in handling large and powerful reptiles like pythons.

  • The Python Cowboy's Remarkable Composure in a Life-Threatening SituationKnowledge, composure, and understanding can help overcome extreme challenges, even in the face of life-threatening situations.

    The Python Cowboy's ability to stay calm and composed in a life-threatening situation is commendable. Despite being bitten by a large snake and covered in blood, he managed to control his heart rate and bleeding, ultimately ensuring his survival. His expertise and experience with snakes allowed him to handle the situation with confidence and avoid panicking. Additionally, the conversation highlights the misconceptions and overblown fears associated with snakes. The Python Cowboy emphasizes that snakes are not as dangerous or crazy as they are often portrayed to be, and that their behavior can be understood and managed. Overall, the key takeaway is that knowledge, composure, and understanding can help overcome extreme challenges.

  • Deliberate Conspiracy and the Threat of Invasive SpeciesThe deliberate release of invasive species like pythons in the everglades for profit may be a result of reptile breeders establishing breeding populations, potentially leading to further environmental damage.

    There is a possibility of a deliberate conspiracy to release invasive species like pythons in the everglades for profit and to avoid importing them. The Python Cowboy believes that reptile breeders may have intentionally released these species to establish breeding populations, making it easier to collect them in the wild and sell them without the need for importation. This theory is supported by the Python Cowboy's observation of certain individuals in the reptile trade defending the presence of these invasive species and the existence of sting operations that caught people illegally dumping reptiles. The conversation also highlights the importance of implementing proper regulations for owning and breeding these animals to prevent irresponsible pet ownership and the potential for the release of more invasive species in the future.

  • Balancing conservation and public enjoyment in managing invasive species in the Everglades.Effective management is crucial in mitigating the impact of invasive species in the Everglades, but restrictions and limited access hinder public efforts to hunt and remove these species.

    Management is essential when it comes to dealing with invasive species like pythons and iguanas in the Everglades. While eradicating these species may not be feasible, it's crucial to ensure effective management to mitigate their impact on the ecosystem. The state's restrictions and limited access hinder the general public's ability to hunt and remove these invasive animals. Additionally, the regulations in the national park, which prohibit the removal of invasive species, limit the efforts to control their population. The conversation also highlights the historical displacement of Gladesmen and the questionable motivations behind the creation of the national park. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of preserving and managing the Everglades in a way that balances conservation and public enjoyment.

  • Water Quality Issues in the Everglades: Pollution, Mismanagement, and Ecosystem DestructionThe Everglades' water quality problems, caused by pollution and mismanagement, have led to stagnant water, blue-green algae blooms, and ecosystem destruction, highlighting the consequences of human intervention in natural systems.

    The water quality issues in the Everglades are causing significant damage to the ecosystem. The main sources of these issues are pollution and agricultural practices, combined with the mismanagement of water flow. The South Florida Water Management, through a series of levees and locks, controls the water, but their management practices have disrupted the natural flow of water, leading to stagnant water, blue-green algae blooms, and ecosystem destruction. The attempts to manipulate the water flow have created unintended consequences, such as the invasive Melaleuca tree sucking up water. Finding a solution that satisfies all parties involved and addresses the pollutants in the water remains a challenge, and the consequences of human intervention in natural ecosystems can be severe.

  • Managing feral cats and pythons: Finding a balance between conservation and responsible hunting.Responsible hunting, education, and conservation efforts are necessary to address the threats posed by feral cats and pythons to ecosystems.

    Feral cats pose a significant threat to ecosystems, as they have decimated ground nesting birds and driven several species to extinction. The conversation also highlights the efforts to mitigate the python population in Florida, with suggestions such as opening it up to the public to hunt and putting a bounty on pythons. However, the conversation emphasizes the need for proper education and access to ensure responsible and effective python removal. The Python Cowboy shares his success in using dogs to locate pythons, demonstrating the effectiveness of this method in finding nests and underground pythons. The key takeaway is that a delicate balance is required to address the python problem, with a focus on responsible hunting practices and conservation efforts.

  • The Python Cowboy and his skilled dogs combat the python problem in the Everglades ecosystem.The Python Cowboy and his dogs play a crucial role in controlling invasive pythons and preserving the fragile wildlife in the Everglades.

    The Python Cowboy's dogs have a natural ability to find pythons, although they require some training as well. Not all dogs have this talent, as most dogs instinctively want to stay away from snakes. However, a few of the Python Cowboy's dogs, like Otto, are incredibly skilled at finding snakes. These dogs are constantly with the Python Cowboy, assisting him in his efforts to control invasive species. When it comes to dealing with python eggs, the Python Cowboy freezes and preserves them, often donating or selling them for educational purposes. It is essential to address the python problem as they pose a threat to the wildlife in the Everglades, having wiped out a significant portion of small fur-bearing animals. The Python Cowboy prefers that pythons eat alligators rather than other species, but their presence still negatively impacts the ecosystem. Furthermore, the high mercury levels in the water are another concern in the area.

  • Iguana Hunting and Consuming: A Growing Trend in FloridaHunting and eating iguanas in Florida are becoming popular activities, with YouTubers showcasing their experiences. However, it is essential to follow legal guidelines and obtain proper permits for shooting iguanas.

    People in Florida are hunting and eating iguanas as a way to control the invasive species population. Although not a common practice among the general population, there is a growing interest in cooking and consuming iguanas, especially among YouTubers. The taste is described as similar to a dark meat frog leg, which is also considered delicious. Hunting iguanas can be a fun activity, with guided hunts often resulting in shooting at around 100 iguanas in a day. However, it's important to note that shooting iguanas is only allowed in public areas and requires proper permits and licenses. Additionally, the conversation highlights the remarkable skills of a dog trained to catch reptiles and snakes.

  • The Python Cowboy: Battling Invasive SpeciesThe presence of invasive species poses serious threats to native wildlife and infrastructure, requiring professional intervention to protect the ecosystem and human-built structures.

    Invasive species, like pythons and iguanas, have significant impacts on native wildlife and infrastructure. The Python Cowboy, who hunts and removes these species, highlights the large number of iguanas that can infest an area, with some reaching sizes as big as six and a half feet. He emphasizes the need for professional intervention due to potential dangers associated with controlling invasive populations. These invasive species not only threaten native wildlife, such as the gopher tortoise and burrowing owls, but also cause costly damage to infrastructure, including housing foundations and roadways. It is crucial to address the issue of invasive species to protect both the ecosystem and human-built structures.

  • The Risks and Concerns of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes: Questioning Trust and Prioritizing TransparencyIt is crucial to engage in critical evaluation and discussion when making decisions that can impact the public, especially when it comes to potentially risky interventions like genetically modified mosquitoes. Trust in decision-makers should be carefully considered, with a focus on education and transparency.

    There are significant concerns regarding the release of genetically modified mosquitoes. The Python Cowboy highlights the potential risks associated with these mosquitoes, such as the potential spread of diseases like malaria. Joe Rogan expresses his deep concern about human beings making decisions that can have a wide-reaching impact on the entire population. They both question the level of trust that should be placed in those responsible for such decisions, considering past failures and mistakes. Florida is highlighted as a unique and fitting location for the occurrence of such invasive species issues due to its climate and history. This conversation serves as a reminder to critically evaluate and discuss decisions that can affect the public and prioritize education and transparency.

  • Uncovering the Dark Secrets of the EvergladesExploring the Everglades unveils a hidden world of crime and danger, emphasizing the necessity of caution and the urgency to address criminal activities within this remote ecosystem.

    The Everglades can be a dangerous place with hidden mysteries and criminal activities. While exploring the Everglades to hunt pythons, the Python Cowboy has encountered disturbing scenes including satanic rituals, murders, and gang initiations. The conversation reveals that the Everglades serve as a hiding place for various crimes and illegal activities due to its remote and inaccessible nature. Additionally, the presence of a mysterious doll that reappears in different locations raises questions about the supernatural and unexplained phenomena. This conversation highlights the need for caution and vigilance when venturing into the Everglades, as well as the importance of addressing criminal activities that occur in this unique and vast ecosystem.

  • Unsettling events, satanic rituals, and occult history unfold at the Aerojet facility, unveiling a potential link to demons and the terrifying consequences of real occult practices.The presence of satanic rituals and claims of demon summoning at the Aerojet facility highlight the eerie reality of the occult and raise unsettling questions about its potential existence.

    There were unsettling and potentially sinister events occurring at the Aerojet facility. The presence of satanic rituals and strange happenings, such as red spray paint and a child's gown with a dark red stain, added to the creepy atmosphere. While the Python Cowboy and his team encountered disturbing sights, they also encountered a stranger who turned out to be a fan of the Python Cowboy's Instagram. Furthermore, they learned about the occult history surrounding the facility, including a founder who was a public Satanist and claims of conjuring a demon from hell. This conversation emphasizes the potential existence of demons and the terrifying implications if occult rituals and summonings were proven to be real.

  • Unveiling the Dark and Terrifying Aspects of the WorldThe world holds hidden dark secrets, where indigenous people face threats and isolated environments can become lethal for those unfamiliar with them.

    There are dark and terrifying aspects of the world that we may not fully comprehend or even want to acknowledge. The discussion highlights the existence of religious sacrifices and violence in remote places like the Amazon, where indigenous people have been subjected to attacks by loggers and miners. These encounters, driven by fear and a desire to protect their way of life, have resulted in brutal killings. It also emphasizes the vastness and danger of isolated environments like the Everglades or the Louisiana Bayou, where individuals who are unfamiliar with the area can easily become prey. Ultimately, this conversation serves as a reminder that there are still mysteries and dangers lurking in the world, even in seemingly familiar places.

  • The Battle for Airboat Access in the Everglades: Protecting Heritage and EcosystemsThe ongoing struggle between Gladesmen and the federal government over airboat use in the Everglades emphasizes the need to balance preservation and cultural significance while considering the actual impact on the ecosystem.

    The Everglades and its culture are deeply rooted in history and preservation. The Gladesmen have transitioned from being outlaws to becoming protectors of the land and its unique ecosystem. However, there is a constant struggle between the Gladesmen and the federal government over the use of airboats in the Everglades. The Gladesmen argue that the airboats do not harm the ecosystem and are an essential part of their way of life. Unfortunately, the voices of the Gladesmen often go unheard in debates and meetings, while those who oppose them lack understanding of the actual impact. This ongoing battle for access and preservation highlights the importance of protecting and preserving the Everglades and its rich heritage.

  • Addressing Florida's Python Problem and Protecting the EvergladesManaging the python population in Florida's Everglades is essential to prevent further declines in wildlife and protect the delicate ecosystem. Innovative techniques like reflective cameras and trained dogs are being used to control the python population.

    The rapid development and population growth in Florida have led to the decimation of the Everglades and a surge in the python population. Over the past few decades, the wildlife population has significantly declined, and the prevalence of roadkill is evidence of this disturbing trend. The python problem has largely gone unnoticed by the general public due to their nocturnal nature and exceptional ability to hide. However, efforts are being made to manage the python population through innovative techniques such as using reflective cameras on drones and specially trained dogs. While complete eradication may be impossible, it is crucial to implement effective management strategies to control the python population and protect the delicate ecosystem of the Everglades.

  • Addressing the Python Crisis in the Everglades: The Role of Trained Dog Handlers and Public Support.To effectively combat the python crisis in the Everglades, it is crucial to involve trained dog handlers and engage the general public in supporting initiatives like the Python Cowboy's nonprofit, Veterans for Conservation.

    In order to effectively address the python crisis in the Everglades, it is necessary to have a dedicated team of trained dog handlers and dogs. Currently, the Python Cowboy and his team are making progress in the areas they are focusing on, but it is just a small percentage of the Everglades. In order to truly make a difference, the general public needs to get involved and support initiatives such as the Python Cowboy's nonprofit, Veterans for Conservation. This nonprofit aims to expand the dog team and involve combat veterans in the battle against pythons, providing them with a new purpose. Those interested in helping can contact Python Cowboy Hunts via email or visit the Python Cowboy website to purchase leather products, with the proceeds going towards python removal and wildlife rescue.

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