Good morning everyone. This morning we are in 2 Samuel chapter 15. You might recall that Absalom just came back to Jerusalem and he prostrated himself on his face to the ground before the king and the king kissed Absalom. However, the king did not really want to be in the presence of Absalom and
Although there was a brief, what appeared to be the beginning of a restoration, it really was false because now we're going to see in this chapter Absalom's conspiracy. You know, kings would raise up sons to be the king, the next king of Israel. And a lot of these sons are
trying to usurp or say that, you know what, I'm going to be the one that's going to be King and David's place as he's getting older and they're beginning to take matters in their own hands. This will be the most memorable one, but there'll be more in the future. But ultimately it's going to be through Bathsheba that a son is going to be King and that's going to be Solomon. But
Absalom's trying to become king here. Now it happens afterward that Absalom prepared for himself a chariot and horses and fifty men as runners before him. And Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way to the gate. And when any man had a case to come to the king for judgment Absalom would call to him and say from what city are you?
And he would say, your servant is from one of the tribes of Israel. Then Absalom would say to him, see your words are good and right, but no man listens to you on the part of the king. Then Absalom would say, oh, that one would appoint me judge in the land. Then every man who has any case or judgment could come to me and I would justify him. And when a man came near to prostrate himself before him, he would send forth his hand and take hold of him and kiss him.
In this manner, Absalom dealt with all Israel who came to the king for judgment. So Absalom stole away the hearts of the men's of Israel. So apparently there were cases that needed to be heard for whatever reason David wasn't hearing them or Absalom's
getting to these people as they're approaching the king and saying, let me handle it. And he's providing quick justice. And, you know, it's interesting because he was a very talented man, a very handsome man. And he could fool people, you know, with his talent and with his handsomeness, he could fool people.
but really his heart was wicked. But people wouldn't always see it. So there's beginning to flock to him as he's providing justice in the stately figure that he is, Absalom. Now it happened at the end of 40 years. Now that is likely a scribal area error. You'll see probably a note in your Bible that probably should be four years.
Now it happened at the end of four years that Absalom said to the king, please let me go and pay my vow, which I have vowed to Yahweh in Hebron. For your servant vow to vow, while I was living in Akashur in Aram saying, if Yahweh shall indeed bring me back to Jerusalem, then I will serve Yahweh. Very interesting, you know, Absalom's trying to make it sound like he wants to do something to honor God because he made a commitment to God.
and ultimately what he's trying to do is usurp King David. And the king said to him, go in peace, so you rose and went to Hebron, then Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel saying, as soon as you hear the sound of the trumpet, then you shall say Absalom is king in Hebron.
Now 200 men went with Absalom from Jerusalem, who were invited and went innocently and they did not know anything. And Absalom sent for Hethopo, the Gilenite, David's counselor from the city of Gailo, while he was offering the sacrifice and the conspiracy was strong for the people increased continually with Absalom. What a horrible thing, you know. Everyone's turning their back on David.
Not everyone, but many. Absalom, a bunch of these followers. And then one of David's own counselors. Now, this counselor was a grandpa to Bathsheba. You know, and possibly with what David did with Bathsheba and having her husband killed, maybe he had it against David. But it's sad to see some in their own house.
In his own house, in his own family, David has people turning against him. It had to be really hard to know who to trust in that day. And I think that can be a challenge today too. You know, man ultimately is not very trustworthy.
And sadly, some might love you today, but not love you tomorrow. That's just the way that's just the way of the world. That's just the way of man. And it had to be hard to be king to know who to trust in that day. Ultimately, what's really interesting in this chapter is that, you know, sometimes David would
Be strong, be courageous, defeat enemies, even kill his enemies. But there were other times that David left things in the hands of God.
You know, there's, I think, a lesson there. I think we need Holy Spirit discernment and counsel to know when sometimes God wants us to fight a battle, and it might not be military, but it's something that maybe God wants us to stand up, rise against, speak up. And other times, you know, when someone may be against you, it may be that God wants you just to be quiet.
And God wants you just to trust Him and let God fight your battle for you. You don't have to defend yourself. Just be a man of God, be a woman of God, and let God do what He's going to do. And that's the route that David takes here with Absalom. He doesn't fight back. He just trusts God that God's going to do what God will. So let's take it in.
Then an informant came to David saying, the hearts of the men of Israel have followed Absalom. So David said to all his servants who are with him at Jerusalem, arise and let us flee. For otherwise, there will be no escape for us from Absalom. Go and haste lest he overtake us hastily and drive calamity on us and strike the city with the edge of the sword. So he's trying to keep a battle away from Jerusalem. Very interesting, not not really like David in other cases. I mean, sometimes
You know, when it came to Saul, he didn't take matters into his own hands when he could have took Saul's life. He didn't, but here David's going to flee the city. But listen to how God is woven into this as we continue. Then the king's servant said to the king, behold, your servants are ready to do whatever my Lord, the king chooses. So he did have some loyal followers here.
So the king went out and all his house hold with him, but the king left ten concubines to keep the house. And the king went out and all the people with him and they stopped at the last house. This is like going out of the city of David, out of Jerusalem, the last house out of town. Now all his servants passed on beside him, all the charathites, all the palathites, all the gitites, 600 men who had come
with him from gaff passed on before the king. Then the king said to tie the get tight. While will you also go with us return and remain with the king for you are a foreigner and also an exile returned to your own place. You came only yesterday and and shall I today make you wander with us going about where while I go where I go. So he's trying to say not everyone needs to follow him. Some can return to Jerusalem or return to their homes return and cause
Your brothers to return loving kindness and truth be with you.
But a tie answered the king and said, as surely lives and as my Lord, the king lives, surely whatever my Lord, the king may be, whether for death or for life, there also your servant will be. What an incredible thing. You know, David's got a, you know, people turning against him, but people who also are showing great loyalty and what a blessing. I'm sure they are to him. So David said to a tie, go and pass over. So a tie to get tight, passed over with all.
His men and all the little ones were with them. While all the country was weeping with a loud voice, all the people passed over, the king all passed over the brook of Kidron and
all the people passed over toward the way of the wilderness. So they're just leaving the city that Kidron Valley is just right outside the city and they just crossed that over and Jesus crossed over that many a times. The Garden of Gethsemane was right there. The Mount of Olives as we'll see is just on the other side of the Kidron Valley. Now behold, Zadak also came and all the Levites with him carrying the ark of the covenant of God and they set down the ark of God and Abiathar
came up until all the people had finished passing from the city. Then the king said to Zadak, return the ark of God to the city. See, he didn't ask them to do this. Listen to what David said here. Excuse me, what David says here. If I find favor in the side of Yahweh, then he will cause me to return
Show me both it and his habitation so he's saying don't bring the arc and he's just gonna trust the arc He's gonna trust his life to God and he's trusting that if it be God's will and if God gives him favor He'll be back But if he should say thus I have no delight in you behold here I am let him do to me as seems good in his sight and David's also saying you know what if somehow and
This is all happening because of me or because of what I've done wrong and God doesn't want me to be king and then so be it. You know what? I'm just going to trust my life into the hands of God. The king said also to Zadok the priest, are you not a seer? Return to the city in peace and your two sons with you, your son Ehemes and Jonathan, the sons of Abiatar. See, I am going to wait at the forage of the wilderness until the word comes from you to inform me.
So Zadak and Aviatar returned the Ark of God to Jerusalem and remain there. So they had to be a little bit afraid, I guess, of Absalom, but David's wanting people to stay back and serve Absalom and to know what's going on in the city and ultimately to give him words. So the priests go back with the Ark.
But David went up the ascent of the Mount of Isles. Again, this is just right on the other side of the temple area. There's no temple there, not in David's day, but where the temple would be. And what does he want? And his head was covered and he was walking barefoot. David's really departing Jerusalem in humility.
And all the people who were with him, each covered his head and went up weeping as they went. I mean, think about this, this great military leader and the great victories David has. And now he's walking barefoot up a hill, weeping with people, weeping with him. Very interesting response to the Absalom conspiracy. Now David informed them saying, Aethalpal is among the conspirators with Absalom.
And David said, oh Yahweh, I pray, make the counsel of aethopo foolishness. And what a great thing. David is believing that this one who turned on him, who was his counselor, and I was going to give counsel to Absalom, he's saying, make it foolishness, God. God fight my battles for me. I love it. Then it happened that as David was coming to the summit where he used to worship God,
That's a good thing to be said about David. He used to worship God at the summit of the Mount of Olives.
that behold who shy the arkite met him with his coat torn and dust on his head sign of repentance and david said to him if you pass over with me then you will be a burden to me but if you return to the city and say to absolom i will be your servant okay as i've been your father's servant in times past so i will now be your servant then you can thwart the counsel of adathopo for me so
David is sending back this Hushai and he's telling Hushai to pledge loyalty to Absalom. So we got a conspiracy going back to the conspirators camp of Absalom's camp. Now, you know, I guess, you know, in war, you know, this is like spy, spy stuff, right? They're sending people back in so they can know what's going on.
are not zadak and abiatar the priest with you there. So it shall be that wherever you hear from the king's house, you shall inform zadak and abiatar the priest. Those are the two he sent back with the ark. So he's got some people back in Jerusalem. He's hoping he can, you know, get word of what's happening with Absalom, the city, and ultimately, you know, when David might be able to return. Behold, their two sons are with them. They're Ehemas and zadak son and Jonathan.
Abiatar son and by their hand, you shall send me everything that you hear. So who shy David's friend came into the city and Absalom came into Jerusalem. Well, what a good friend. Again, these people are risking their lives and
going back and trying to, you know, essentially be spies for David. Very interesting response by David. And I guess what I want us to reflect on is there are times in life when you might need to fight, you may need to defend yourself, you may need to, um, you may need to take a stand. And then there are other times in life when
People turn against you like what's happening here that you just trust God and let go and let God and let God fight your battle. And, you know, we're going to need the discernment in life's circumstances when we need to rise up and fight and be strong. And when being strong means just running yourself to God and trusting Him
to fight your battles as the Bible says vengeance is mine declares the Lord. So there's definitely a place for just allowing God to fight for you. So may we in our lives in the right times in the right seasons take the right approach and may God give us the wisdom to know which one to take. David's a good example of that here. God bless you all.