January 27, 2025
TLDR: After recovering from wildfires, Tana Mongeau and Brooke Schofield discuss topics like evacuations, canceling a Tarte trip, and recent updates in David Dobrik's career.

In the latest episode of the Cancelled podcast, hosts Tana Mongeau and Brooke Schofield made a triumphant return after a brief hiatus due to wildfires that swept through their area. Amidst discussions on evacuations and recent events, Tana revealed her reasons for declining the Tarte trip, providing listeners with an engaging and insightful experience.
Key Themes and Discussions
1. The Impact of Wildfires
Evacuations and Safety Concerns: The episode opened with the hosts expressing their gratitude for being back, though they discussed the unsettling experience of being in evacuation zones due to the wildfires. Tana shared how she had to evacuate multiple times and the emotions that came with watching the fires edge closer to her home.
Air Quality Issues: Both hosts noted the severe air quality during the fires and how it affected their everyday lives. They humorously contrasted their struggles with their dependence on social media and technology, mentioning how TikTok’s potential ban sparked further discussions around their habits.
2. Tana’s Decision on the Tarte Trip
Emotional Conflict: Tana's reason for declining the Tarte trip stemmed from a deep emotional conflict amidst the chaos around her due to the wildfires. She explained her hesitance to attend a lavish PR event when her community was facing such devastating realities.
Doubts About the Trip: Tana voiced concerns about the nature of influencer PR trips, particularly how they can create a surreal disconnect between influencers and real-world events. She questioned the appropriateness of enjoying a vacation while disaster loomed in their hometown.
Social Pressure: The hosts discussed the social pressures influencers might face regarding attendance at such trips, and how Tana felt misunderstood by those who advocated for participating regardless of personal circumstances.
3. Community and Support
- Unearthing Community Spirit: Amid the chaos, Tana reflected on how the crisis brought her community together. She noted how communities can rally around each other in times of disaster, providing support, donations, and a sense of belonging.
- Celebrities and Influencers: Acknowledging the role of influencers in raising awareness during the fires, Tana shared her admiration for those giving back, contrasting this with the criticisms other influencers received for posting personal content amid the devastation.
4. The Larger Social Media and Influencer Landscape
- Revisiting TikTok: The hosts briefly discussed TikTok’s influence on their lives and business decisions prior to its recent ban. Tana reflected on the addictive nature of TikTok and its impact on her creativity and productivity during her hiatus from the platform.
- Pressure to Perform: They delved into the complexities of being an influencer, the constant need to engage with followers, and maintain relevance in a highly competitive space while experiencing personal turmoil.
Takeaways for Listeners
- Prioritizing Mental Health: Tana highlighted the importance of prioritizing mental health and personal circumstances over social expectations, a particularly poignant message for aspiring influencers.
- Genuine Community Support: The episode served as a reminder of the strength found in community support during times of crisis. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on how they can contribute positively to their communities.
- Authenticity Over Fame: The discussion around Tana’s trip decision emphasized the value of authenticity and staying true to one’s emotions and values, even when external pressures push in different directions.
Tana Mongeau and Brooke Schofield's reconvening on the Cancelled podcast brought a fresh, reflective perspective on recent events that had rattled the Los Angeles community. By sharing personal experiences intertwined with broader social critiques, the duo rekindled conversations around accountability, authenticity, and the nuances of influencer culture. Episode 108 not only addressed the timely issue of the wildfires but also served as a powerful testament to the importance of mental health, community, and staying true to oneself.
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Hello and welcome back to the cancelled podcast. We're so back. We're so back chat. We're so back. We're back in my living room back. And I've never been like happier. I've never been happier ever than right now. Ever? No, I've been happier. But like I'm really happy right now. What could you have right now that would make you happier?
a beach, maybe. Oh, but like right now in this various, no, but like dead ass like I'm so, so, so happy to be back. I'm really excited to be back too. It was only like three weeks, right? It felt like longer for some reason though, because we were sitting last like here the last time we spoke. Yeah, it feels like the last time we podcasted was like six months ago. And sometimes like the break is very needed like mental health and just whatever. But other times like I felt I feel so repressed. I feel like I haven't had a voice. I have so much to say.
And just like so many things have happened since that happened so that it feels like it's been six months. That's probably why. It's like because we were supposed to film originally on what January 16th or something like that. And then the fires happened. Well, isn't it the 16th now? Oh, the 20th.
No, so I don't eat. Okay, I'm just making shit up. Maybe like the 9th of the 10th. Yeah, because I was leaving. I was supposed to leave for Tarte on the 11th. Yeah, and we are supposed to film. It's today literally feels like January 2nd to me like just due to the fires and everything like yeah, we're gonna need to do over we hit the new year We were all excited and then like our whole town caught flame
Yeah, I was in such a like ready for 2025 headspace and then like major, major setbacks, obviously. And like, yeah, who am I to say that? You know what I mean? Like, I know everything worked out fine for me, but it's been crazy. I mean, I don't even know where to like start.
I don't either. I mean, I guess with the fires, obviously so fucking horrible and dark and devastating. Same thing. I feel so lucky that we weren't really in that much of a danger zone. You've been in evacuation zone for like a while now. I just got back from Vegas. I had to evacuate three separate times. And then after packing up my ship, bringing it home, packing up my ship, bringing it home, I was like, I just got to go. I can't.
And breathing the air is crazy. I say this as I hit the vape, so maybe it's just the vape, but I really haven't been able to breathe lately. And flying over LA, did you notice? It is the thickest layer of dark gray smoke over all of LA. I was like, oh my God. I know. People are saying this is how it always goes where it's not until years down the line that we find out how many people are going to be truly affected. I just can't afford asbestos.
No, you need to get an air-pure fire, but they're so hard to come by. I saw a bunch of Costco yesterday. That was a whole thing. I had to get a Costco membership. Wait, why? Because TikTok got banned. I thought I was going to have to enter adulthood. So I literally was at Costco when they unbanned. I was like, I don't even need this anymore. I thought you were going to say that you bought everything on TikTok shop prior, so you had to go get a Costco membership. No, but I was like, you know what? I guess it's time. I'm going to be an adult. I deleted TikTok off my phone, which big mistake, by the way, because
Hello, and now I'm the only one who doesn't have tiktok. Oh, you still don't have it. No. Oh, you're thriving though. I will say even just like I got really sad about it I feel like all the way up until it actually got banned I was very much like yes This is gonna be so good for everyone's mental health and then I started thinking about all the good I'm like I got so sad and like that I couldn't even delete it off my phone I was like I'm not accepting this but the eight hours without tiktok was so
To me, it was like, I knew it would be good for me. It was kind of like one of those things where it's like, oh, well, if I don't have snacks in my house, like I won't eat. Yes. But then you're miserable. You know what I mean? That's how I felt. I was like, oh, this is going to be so good for my mental. But then all day long, I'm just trying to open it, trying to open it, trying to open it. So then I was like, you know what? Let me just take this off my phone. I deleted it and I kid you not 45 seconds later. I started seeing Instagram stories. TikTok is back. Well, you're probably my heart's back from like the dopamine hit.
Yeah, well, I just like I think also like I mean reels is just like a whole different animal and I don't even know if we should give reels the attention I Opened up reels like it is so scary. It's so dark. It's apocalyptic I'll tell you why I hate rules is because it's only showing me fitness content Wait, that's crazy. Mine is wow. It's so telling like who we are as people cuz mine is like all furries
Well, it's because like I do like on some level I like I you know I recently started like really working out again So I was like I was interested in that content for a second But I'm like if it's the only content I can see I don't want to engage with this content, but then I realized Everyone on Instagram reels can see what you like
Oh yeah, I almost got caught up in my hour on there. I saw this like really really funny But like definitely like kind of fucked up video my fav and I went to go like it and unlike it so quick I was like oh my god. Thank god I just caught myself But I saw liked by at least a hundred of my friends. I'm like oh these people are all gonna get themselves caught up no no in 2025 you're not getting caught up like Honestly like sorry about that seriously no, that's like we'll talk about that one on the cancel the words cuz that was that was funny not funny
It was nothing was fine. It doesn't matter, but I'm I'm not now I'm a little bit more hyped to reals Maybe because I've been with out tick-tock for a couple days. So I'm like if I see one funny thing I'm like I get what is it called like feeder content? Like what like I don't know what you're I don't know what that means
Like people who are like very much over weight, but like, like, like sexualizing it. Like, ooh, and like jiggling, and like, like, I'm gonna sit on- There's a market for that. My- Every single thing on my reels is like, b***ering teasers. Like, every single thing.
It is scary. I keep getting this girl who makes cooking videos, but she'll open the fridge and purposefully do a little jump and her tits will hit her face. It's the jumping. It's all the recoil. Like imagine right now, I was like, hello.
But men are just dumb. Yeah, that is true men are just dumb though like I get it and get your bag But like I've yet to make my reels an algorithm that feels safe at all so many furries like at the very first video I opened my reels up to like after tick tock up deleted I was like, okay Let me give this a chance it was this guy in a full furry costume getting on top of another person on all fours in a furry costume and starting them like a car
And then like driving away, like the person on all fours ran away. Yeah, bring back TikTok. And I was like, and all the comments are so like, dare I say like the Reels audience is just like dumber. So bad. It's so funny. Cause like you can see like a video that's like complete rage bait. It'll be like in the comments will still it's like everybody wants to be the person who's like, this isn't real. This is AI. And it's like.
No shit, it's a fish walking down three jokes like I would see like a funny reel and then open up all the comments and it's like everyone's like missing that it's funny and it was making me so mad like someone made such a funny TikTok about them like learning Mandarin to like whatever and then all the comments were like this
is actually Japanese and I'm like you're missing the bit like it's just like it's so like I don't people are just so like I know I feel really discouraging honestly finding that out because I like to think that everybody like TikTok for me was like very exciting when I found out like oh my god look at all these funny people that I didn't know existed like people are so funny and it made me have like this new sense of hope for our world
And then immediately I got shot right back to the ground when I found out that they are only on TikTok and I can't find them anywhere else. No, they're not on reals at all and it's so crazy. The TikTok ban was just crazy. It made me even realize like I've been putting too many eggs in that basket. I guess I rely on TikTok very heavily for my business and like money to like remain relevant in order to continue to push all of the other avenues, but it's like
I can't even imagine all of the people whose soul thing is TikTok, how they felt. People were coming at Alex Earl for crying and I'm like, you would cry too. If you lost your nump, the biggest money maker that you had. I am the thing that,
Like I'm just imagining like at the peak of YouTube when I was doing that if like YouTube was gone. Like I would like be like I'm not attached to TikTok in that way because it's not like what started everything for me but like I can't imagine. And then just like the Michaela J. Makeups of the world. Like where was she gonna go? Reels. New York.
You know I don't know I Do feel lucky in that way that we were like a lot of influencers like literally like their number one and only platform is Tick-tock like if we didn't have canceled I feel like I would that would have been like really Much scarier. I guess that's true for a lot of people
I guess that's true, but still I just like I don't even know it made me really just want to get back on my YouTube grind like it just made me realize like I got scared because I'm like oh shit now It's like everyone's gonna do it at once and like no one's gonna care
No, I think, well, I think we're all good now, but it just, it was really, really wild. I don't know. I just was like, even in the eight hours though, like I watched a show in full, no subway surfer on the side. You know, I put some clothes, Dexter original sin. There's it for the Dexter lovers out there. Dexter's my favorite show of all time. And there's a new season that's like from the very beginning, like you learn about his early childhood and it's so good. I love when people do that or when like movies have like prequels.
And they just cast it so well. Like I don't know the guy's name, but Michael C. Hall plays Dexter and they literally found like an identical younger version of him and he's just stabbing and slaying and it's so good. I love Dexter. Maybe that's a habit you can keep.
Yeah, I put some clothes in the hamper. You know what I mean? I made a meal like it just it already I felt like such a different person and I'm kind of like For the positive side sad cuz like now I'm not gonna quit tiktok and that I let it let us have it like Gone for at least a week like if I could accomplish like here's the thing it was gone for 12 hours I did like four things on my list that I've been wanting to do all year Okay, so how much could I have accomplished in a whole week?
No, it's insane. It really is insane. But it's like, what is it, do you think? Like, they can't lose us. Like, they want our data? I don't know. I started thinking about, like, literally packaging up my data myself and sending it over just proof of rain. Yeah, it's just like, who gives a fuck. But then again, it's like my butt holes on the internet. So it's like, obviously, I don't care about, like, my data. Yeah, but, like, you know, I guess I don't really maybe I don't understand what data means because it's like, you know, I'm dead serious because I'm like, what do I care if they know what I'm searching on the internet?
Yeah, I don't know. Like, oh no, I'm on the Amazon again. Like, yeah, I'm realizing I have no secrets. Even that trend where everyone was like trying to think of a secret. Can we talk about that? Yes, I literally realized I have nothing to say though. Like, I have no... All my secrets are like, so life-damaging for other people. Or like, I guess myself, but like, nothing like... Yeah, I did like a stupid one, but I...
I was like surprised to find out how many people were surprised that like certain influencers were lying about the things that they're doing. I'm like, did you genuinely think that they were like waking up in their bed doing this? Their camera was already set up. Yeah. And like no shit Meredith Duxbury wiped those pumps off. You people are sheep. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry.
But yeah, it is that way where it's like, people will be like, I actually didn't work out six times a day. And it's like, the BBL Fitness influencers all have a special spot in hell, though. You are diabolical people for that. That is to make people try to attain your literal fat graft. But that's not a problem that chestnut. That's not a problem we're just discovering right now. That just is a problem. That's a little problem today.
That is true. It's just like, and these bitches really coming like you couldn't waterboard that out of me. If I was a fitness influencer and I had a BBL, you couldn't waterboard that out of me. The doctor could come out with a before and after and I would be like, AI. You are lying. Crazy. The ice cube girl had me shook. I'm like, what do you mean, girl?
Oh yeah, she has all the cool ice cubes and she doesn't even like ice. What do you mean? I didn't have any good ones, but I do have some friends that I'm like, come on, say something. Everyone is like, tell Mikayla. She had the opportunity to do the funniest thing in the world. But you know why she was onto something? Because you know what's not gone? TikTok. Yeah, but it's like, we all know it's a wispy just. That's the only one where it's like, everyone knows you lied, so you might as well. I think her being in on the joke would make me like, see her in a whole new light.
like taking that to the grave as if it's like a murder is like come on tell us it was a wispy 305 and fucking get your get an rdell deal girl like you know it was so funny I still think I am so passionate about that you know how far we got off from our topic of the fires
should we go back? Well, I only am thinking about it because like we really talked about it for two seconds and now we're on the Ardo wispy. I do have a lot to say it was so scary. I think even like with Maui, like a lot of people from Maui will always tell me like how the fires and like you can picture it and you can have empathy for them. But until it's your home on the line, like it's such a different feeling, especially to like
I love LA so much. Like the Hollywood fire is especially like it was just it's so sad to see a place that you love so much burn to the ground. Yeah, it's the same thing is true for like grief or anything. It's like when it's happening to you, it's just like it's so much more real. So it was very like I've never experienced something like that in my life and obviously like
It's just terrifying too because it's like, if we want to think if it's like, oh, we saw it happen and it was over, but it just was so ongoing and it kept starting. Like we're popping up everywhere. I'm like, I can see both fires. So palisades is that way and eating fires that way. These panoramic windows are not good for that. It was so like, oh my God, I was just so anxious for days. Cause it's like, I can see them burning in both directions and then, you know, run in caught fire. It literally all have to like, I'll send Oscar videos. Actually we turned around in our backyard was on fire. Like.
It just is like, it was scary because now, obviously, people are setting the fire. So it's like at any point, it's like the amount of like building a fire crazy. Like the one in Studio City was confirmed. There's like five fires now that are on fire today. Yeah, it's just it is so wild. The amount of fires that are arson, like it's people are just.
sick and twisted. It makes you wonder like, I mean, people are saying that the Palisades one was arson to start. So like, I don't know if people just like knew the winds were going to be crazy, so they took advantage of it. I mean, I guess it's like, I just, it's so wild how fast it can move. Like the Hollywood one was so crazy. I like, so the fire originally was just in the Palisades and I'm in the valley.
So I am like, and my house is very much on the edge still, like on the map, it is still on the edge. So when it started coming over towards my house, obviously that was like the scariest moment. I've never cried that hard in my life. And like, whatever. But the very first evacuation, I like my power was out and I was like, okay, I'm gonna go get a hotel in Hollywood. So I take all of my most valuable things.
out of my house and into the Lowe's Hotel in Hollywood and at that time too on the maps like that was the safest possible place in Los Angeles County for my fucking stuff to be so I take everything I care about the literal fucking most to the Lowe's Hotel and then I wake up and I'm like
Just walking around Hollywood Boulevard, it's like so creepy. Everything, it just doesn't feel real. It feels like an apocalypse movie. It's so scary. And eventually I decide to go over to my house and start continuing to evacuate my stuff to Hollywood. And I'm at my house and I'm packing up stuff. And then you call me and you're like, I'm evacuating my house. Hollywood Boulevard is going to be on fire in 30 minutes. I'm in the valley or everything I care about's in hall.
On Hollywood Boulevard. You guys, I'm not kidding. I'm sitting here. I turn around my backyard is a flame. And then on the news, they're saying Hollywood Boulevard is going to be engulfed in flames in one hour. OK, so imagine the terror. I text Tana. I'm like, we are not shooting canceled tomorrow. I'm being like mandatory evacuation right now, like freaking out. And Tana's like.
I gotta go get my stuff. I go, no you don't. Like you can't go get your stuff. Tana went to get her stuff. We have to insert the photo of the Lowe's with the fire. Of course. Everything I care about the most. I have chills even right now thinking about it was so insane. First of all, I have no power. The only candle I can find is the Pete Davidson candle. My front door. I have my chapel room. Everything in my house is so um...
Like, smart home technology, I can't get out of my front door. Like, I'm freaking the fuck out. Isabelle and I get in the car. Everything she cares about, her, me, Isabelle, Ashley, and Amari, we put all of our stuff in the low, so it's all four of us. And we start driving to the lows, and I'm watching the maps, and it like originally was like 15 minutes away, and then it's becoming 25, 30, 35, whatever, and then we eventually get into gridlock traffic, and I'm like, oh my God, everything I care about most is going to burn right now. Like, I'm gonna lose my mind.
And so Makoah and I are about to get out and start running. And then people just start driving over the medians. People are driving across each other. There's no traffic laws at all. I get to the lows. It's packed out with people. And everyone is running out of this hotel. Everyone is running, like running out, evacuating out of the low. So I saw I'm running in it. I'm running into it. And I'm like, the workers are just helping me. I didn't have a key. They're just running up. And we go up. Makoah has a photo. I'll find it.
Not even across the street like the lows was just about to be on fire like we looked at the window And it was just completely fire and I was like oh my god I have to go in an elevator like this is horrifying And like we got our stuff and then we get back down. It's just helicopters like it's so crazy to the way people
Start acting and I get it like Isabel and I were freaking out just the phone going off every two minutes with like the and like people just cutting you off in front of you driving crazy, but like No traffic laws like there were police just driving directly at us down the road people with suitcases running in between the cars helicopter
Yeah, it's got like I mean, what are you gonna do for like stop it a stop sign? Absolutely not it's it was just fucking terrifying I got a little lucky in that like I was so I didn't even think to pack anything that I like we miss where we like beat the traffic But like immediately after that it was like we couldn't get anywhere near this place like it was so fucking scary I realize I don't like really care about a lot of like
Material things. I really was just like, please God. I've worked my whole life to have this house. Like, yeah, how could I have been? And I'm sure it happened for so many people I saw like something about a house that had just sold like a few days prior for $12 million and then burnt to the ground literally at like eight days later. No, my realtor was telling me she had like 19 clients out of homes and stuff and it was just so horrible.
It was just I was scream sobbing to poor page like bloody murder in her car It was just like literally begging God like please don't because it is so true. It's like even people coming at Heidi and Spencer online. It makes me so sad because it's like You can't I mean Spencer said it best you've called me broken irrelevant my whole life and now you're saying that I'm rich and famous like it's crazy the way people will just flip that but so many people are
only asset rich and not cash rich. Not only that, but a lot of people who lost their homes were just not rich at all. I mean, not all of the areas even that burn were like super nice, like wealthy areas. It's just like the frustration I felt like reading everyone's comments that are like, like, you know, LA deserved this. It's so sad and scary that people think that even just like the amount of people, I mean, everyone knows multiple people who are affected, but like the amount of people who lost their childhood homes and like families, it's just like, it is so fucking nuts and fucked up. I really like,
Wanna leave LA a lot of yeah, it's really made me feel that way especially because like Perfect, I mean, you know, what's craziest like like for people who don't live in LA like the palisades in particular is like the dream like that's like the number one nicest Place that you could possibly live like that's like I could have never even like but like think of living there and now it's burnt to the ground and like all these areas like are Living in the canyon is like such a dream and like all the like I'm like, where do you even go now like no, it's so fucking nuts. It's nowhere is
Safe and people are just so Scary to like you do you see Whitney Cummings was like going out personally to like stop committing arson like it's I commented on Leo Skeppy's TikTok Should I address that by the way? Yeah, I didn't see the TikTok, but I saw the reaction to it dude
Take my phone away, okay? It's just like that one time. I forget Sometimes especially just like I'll be I'll smoke a joint. I'm at night. I'm scrolling I'm watching shit on two times speed You know me and like I'll watch a fourth of a tick-tock and then comment this I commented this on his video I didn't even watch the whole video and then the next day I'm like getting all this hate and I'm like why like I
I just, I like skimmed some of his video and I was like, whatever, like, whatever. And then I guess he was like coming at homeless people, saying that homeless people are committing all these crimes. And what's crazy is like, it's not. It's not. Well, first of all, at all, at all. And that's on me. It's just like, make a user 7737 account if you want to watch a fourth of a video and comment this.
Yeah, I'm sure he's like like the concept was there because the people there are people committing these crimes It's just not homeless people who are doing it. You know, I mean like I learned a lot about fear mongering I didn't even know that was necessarily a thing and I am like the perfect target for that because I'm such a paranoid person as is and This the first time I evacuated my house Do you know that my security caught six different people on my property casing my house like ski mask people like
And obviously, LAPD is so busy, so that's the least of their concerns. And obviously, even just now in LA, normally the police don't, you know, when I was living in Hollywood, it was like everyone was getting robbed on the street all the time. But it's not homeless people. It's like these calculated robbery rings, and the people are so insane. But it's like, I realized I am a victim of fear-mongering, because I do be sitting up just so paranoid. And like, you know what I mean?
Being afraid of everything and that's like I can see how that video can cause so much harm And yeah, I shouldn't be commenting this on shit that I don't watch in full with my public account girl. You are embarrassing this Watch the whole video is pretty crazy like this is one thing to like it like like
You can't say this about a video. You did watch it fully. You do be commenting on them. So I'm gonna lie. I'm gonna be so serious. Like sometimes I'll be scrolling like honestly every video I ever open the comments of you're in. Take the phone away. No, I'm done. I learned a lesson and like no, I didn't because I commented on like 30 TikToks today, but it's like If something like that it's like obviously I just know better to like watch a video like that in full and then now I'm like
watching all these TikToks and everyone thinks I'm on the Leo Skepe side of history and it's like, no, it's not like, fuck the homeless. I can't even believe that certain people are on that side of history. It has nothing to do with the homeless, people and all your nuts. No, not at all, but there is obviously a major, like there's people who got caught dressing up as firefighters. Did you see that? Today, the arson, some old fire truck that they bought in an auction. Someone bought a fire truck
a fake fire truck to go try to commit arson in the palisades today. I do sometimes though, I'm like, did I just read that somewhere? And it became true to me even though it probably wasn't.
Yeah, no, I saw, I mean, I saw that article today, but like, I'm just happy that for the most part, I mean, like knock on wood, but like for so long, it was like they couldn't contain these fires at all. I feel like now we're, we're getting into a little bit of a rhythm with it. We're 50% contained, 59% and there's, but that being said, there's no like structural risk right now. What do you mean? Like it's like all the fires they are contained to areas. There are no structures.
Again, like it's not burning houses right now. It's literally just burning wood. Oh, that's good. That's really good. I'm just like still I'm on the very edge of this zone and I am like one wrong wind could definitely fuck me up. So I'm like really hoping.
things go back to normal, but like it is just so nuts. I don't even want to unpack my shit. I had to evacuate so many times that I'm like, you know, and it's just scary. But I was humbling for sure to find like, you know, people say like, grab your valuables. I'm looking around like.
Gotta go like I got nothing I it made me realize how little I care about material things 100% like I really was just like please don't let me help spread mccoa did the sweetest thing he put a sprinkler on my roof I know you got it you honestly I told you this already but you got to propose to that guy yeah I might have to get like I think it's you on any I think I have to just baby trap like really clench
You know, I don't think you need to baby trap him. I think you baby trap in a bind like no one no one's baby trapping without emergency I have anxious attachment Girl what like you're fine. Um, yeah, he was like helping me and that was really sweet. No, that was really cute All I really cared about was getting the kids out of here and it was honestly Murphy's not you know Murphy's never even been in the vet before like She's she will not get in her bag and she's never had an issue. So I'm like she's fine
It was a nightmare and they both but they slept in a hotel and they honestly listen we went to the Beverly Hilton it was like I don't want to call it a positive experience because of course it wasn't a positive experience but it was like obviously everyone had been evacuated most of the people from the palisades and it was like the camaraderie like you know every first of all everyone had their animals and they were so pet friendly they had set up an entire ballroom like
with pee pee pads and dog food and cat food and toys and like a whole separate ballroom for the kids and like everybody's just running around like everyone's you know like so there for each other that it was very like like it settled so much of the anxiety so it was like like I feel so safe here I can bring my cats downstairs no one's gonna say a thing like
I feel like LA can be a very cold city. Like clicky and people aren't always the warmest. And I think that that's the only positive thing that I've seen, obviously, just like positive takeaway is seeing LA really become a community for the first time ever. Like even just evacuating going to hotels, we took pocket on a little evacuation nation trip and like just seeing the way people
are so kind to each other and like welcoming during this time. And like even all the donation places, I was trying to donate clothes and like they're all at capacity. Like that's really cool. We went to shop. I went to go like because they were saying people needed diapers and everything still. And I went to go buy things and it was almost like it was completely picked over. There was hardly anything I could even buy, which is so great. It's nice to see.
LA having a community for literally the first time ever and it's sweet but I think LA's always had heart. I think it just sometimes is masked. I think in this city the majority of the time people are very much only in things for themselves. So to see a lot of people be so fucking selfless and you know to see Alexis Oakley chefing up in the kitchen like just to see
people you know going above and beyond for other people is really sweet and it is just horrifying just even like thinking about losing everything is so crazy Heidi and Spencer like I can't stop watching their stuff and streaming her music like I just obviously there's so many other people who lost things but I do feel like
Because they're kind of influencers and celebrities like seeing them really like be a voice is yeah, and also like Like not that they're making it into like this big positive thing But they're being a little like light-hearted about it And I feel like it's refreshing to see them kind of like you know make light of the situation and joke around about it kind of and like Spencer's been very like you know satirical like
Interesting like him ride for Heidi like literally crying saying like we spent all this money on this music and to finally see people like love it Like it just makes me really I saw the cutest take I forget I wish I knew the girl who made the video But she was talking about how like you know So Heidi had put all this money into the music and it wasn't successful then and they had lost so much money on it, but like
She was saying like it was it was an investment. It literally like they're just now getting the return on investment because they needed for the money to come now. You know what I mean? Because it had they had it been very successful in the moment. Then they would have already probably blown through that and like they would still be in this position. But instead it's like blowing up now and honestly streams. We what's called I'll do it. I'll do it superficial. Yeah, I'll do it is an in parentheses superficial.
I don't know. Someone fact check me. I really want to have them on though. I just I've always been I'm I would love to I love like I just love how the world was against them and they just fucking proved everybody wrong like everyone was like they'll never stay together. They're like the most extremely like tight couple. Yeah, they're everything. They're so cute.
I mean, with all of that being said, I do feel like, especially due to the state of TikTok and just everything, there is so much drama and stuff to talk about. And can I just say like, I was telling you this before we started filming, but I don't know if it's the three weeks off or what, but I'm like ready. I'm ready.
I think to stir things up. This is what it is. Being at my house, standing on my balcony, watching that fire come over my hill, and really thinking about what I would do with my life, if everything I ever worked for burnt down. I realized, I mean, first of all, I would be the fuck out of LA.
But even just thinking about that, it puts everything else into perspective in the sense of what you really care about. And it's like, care about the people close to me and that's about it. And it's like, I don't know, I just think that towards the end of the year I found myself in this place where I was being a pussy because I was afraid of internet drama or saying what was on my mind or whatever. I'm like, I'm ready for the smoke. I'm ready. No, that's not what I want to say right now. No smoke.
She takes that back immediately, immediate retraction. But it's just like, who gives a fuck? Like if I have a fucking opinion on someone, like, oh my God, so be it, I'm gonna say it. What, you guys are gonna fucking cancel me? Perfect. I'm gonna move to Hawaii and cook everyone from there. So true. Honestly, let's lean in. I'm just at this point where it's like, I don't know.
I let the internet make me a soft baby-back bitch for a couple months there, and I think I needed it. I needed to dial back after that whole Cody Coelis of Islet moment, but taking this time off, putting things back into perspective, I'm ready for this year and this podcast.
You know? Okay, I might still watch from the sidelines. Just because I don't know if I'm quite there yet. No, it's not like I want to fight people. Like I'm not angry. I think I was just holding back on opinions. Like I was being a pussy. Yeah. And it's just like, that's not who you are. I'm that way too. I try to be like pretty PC with my answers these days because I'm like...
You know and like that's not what canceled is and canceled was its most fun when we didn't give a fuck and I just I want to bring that energy back I feel like after having been canceled I'm like who am I to cancel somebody? But then I'm like wait you had been canceled before we were canceling anyone and it's like I was in that place for so long where I was just like I felt so free and I didn't give a fuck and then I like
I don't know. I regressed a bit. I'm like, I became the boner of the century, which I think is good in a way. Like some of it was growth and I needed to grow as a person, but I'm at this point in my life now where it is like, I'm so peaceful. I don't care what these other fucking people think of me, especially when so many of these other people are so awful and like I'm confident in who I am as a person and I know I'm a good person. I don't know. I'm just like, I really almost did a fucking 50 part series, just actually exposing everyone.
and then I was like, book for sure, but it's like, here's the thing, my book is gonna be my life story, right? Yeah, I guess it's not an expo guy. And it's like, I'm watching this Jack Wright and Sienna May shit go down. That's not gonna be chapter seven of Tana Mojo's life story, right? But I have shit to say. Yeah, okay, say it. Do you know what I mean? There's just so many things that it's like, it's not gonna make the book, but I've always held off because I'm just so afraid of so many people. I don't know, I didn't watch all of Sienna May's video, so I don't wanna like, did you? I've only seen clips.
Really? Yeah, I really don't know much about that situation at all. Really? I really don't. I was counting on you. Oh, you were coming in here hoping that I was going to have the note. First of all, if there's one thing about me, it's always that I have the wrong information. Like fuck, I don't know what her video said. Jack writes a murderer. I think...
I shouldn't, I should stop calling Jack right of murder. Okay. I don't think you should. A media retraction, but obviously I said what I said on tour and like told that story and then I got in a little bit of heat for that, but it's hard because being in my position in LA, even the Emma Chamberlain, Ethan Dolan thing really had me like, I sometimes I forget.
Like the life I've lived, I guess, and like my position in all of this, like I'll be in taking things, just kind of like everyone else. And then it's like, when that Emma Chamberlain Ethan Dolan shit came out, I was like, no way the whole world had no idea that the Dolan twins were like fucking anything that walked.
I guess that's true. Like, I think that was just our understanding. Yeah, like, just to me, I was like, of course everyone knows that. And like all of those boys, like the magcon and the like, bless their hearts. Well, I went on that whole tangent, but it's just like, obviously these boys like blow up for being hot to millions of young girls everywhere and can do.
Anything they want and they do yeah, and that's that's just the thing Olivia O'Brien like I thought everyone knew she literally posted that I should have fucked your brother music video and like had two twins in it Well, but everybody thought that it was Jake and Logan. Yeah, should we get her up here? Honestly, we really should honestly and get like the full thing But I guess I just I was like holy fuck I guess like everyone doesn't know the lore the way I know the lore and I like forgot that a lot of people infer like obviously everybody knew about Ethan and Emma but like she had never personally confirmed it and
Yeah, so I think it's just exciting especially as a fan like for them to now like way down the line get it. It's like I knew it. It is just I mean she obviously deserved better but also like again when you put those guys in that position like I'm sure they're grown now like just in that area. Are they both married?
Think I don't know, but it's just like again. I'm sure they're grown out But obviously like at that time like they were of course they were Unhinged, you know, but anyways Jack Wright like I saw him a lot, you know what I mean? like he after that whole thing with Sienna May he really like dove into the partying scene crazy and So I would see him out a lot and just like a lot of the things he would do would always like
like we would have knights and shit you know like where I would be like out with 10 people and he'd be one of them and like he'd say something funny I'd laugh like we'd be in the same places together but I would never say that we were like great friends. I just think that always from a lot of the things that I saw him doing in LA when he was with her and not with her like
One could infer that his intentions, especially with her in that whole situation, were not good. And like, she also was like, I mean, God, she had a really, really quick like blow up too. So it was like,
I don't know anytime in that situation you have to be a little bit like oh well why are they so eager to hang out with these people. I think he was eating up her demise and I think that's like one thing that didn't sit right with me like I would never want to I don't know enough about the situation like invalidate his experience but I didn't like how.
how excited him and everybody around him got when she got so badly canceled. Yeah, and it's just like, it felt to me like it was about her getting canceled, not so much like her being held accountable. It was like her. That's exactly what I'm saying, exactly what I'm saying. His intentions were for her to get canceled, not held accountable. And I agree with that completely. It's not, I have more thoughts on the situation, but I feel like there has to be more things come forward before I'm the person exposing
Yeah. People's secrets and truths, but crazy. I want to talk about Tard Island for a second because here's what I will say about Tard Island. They're getting a lot of flack for not canceling amidst the LA fires. I do not agree with that situation just because of how, first of all, how much they've donated and how much they did do to help in this scenario. That being said,
there was a theme, one of the knights was like, tart on fire. And you have to assume that was really poor planning, but even if I like, like, take down the placards today then, you know what I mean? Like how about tart on your water? There has to be like something you can do to cross that out on the menu, you know what I mean? Like, yeah. It's almost like, are they rage baiting us? Because like, I'm not sure if there's anybody around who's like thinking that far ahead, but like,
With everything that's happening even without Los Angeles a flame like tart was gonna get heat for this trip regardless heat is their own They were gonna get pushed back for this situation regardless Yeah, but like it was almost like they leaned into it really hard and if they did more power to them because they were able to Translate that into money that could be donated and put toward the bigger cause I mean
me putting on the glasses. It's like, I just feel like it's an alter ego. Whenever I put on my glasses, I just like looking at like less of a stupid whore. So here's the thing. I think Maureen is an amazing person. I really do. Even throughout the fires, just the way she was texting me, making sure I was okay, making sure everyone was okay. Like her, the second that shape tape makes a damn dollar, that woman is running to donate it. And what other makeup companies
are doing that as frequently as she is. She helps with everything. She is the first to donate everything. I also understand that so many of the girls on the trip were from the East Coast. I also think it's like, I'm assuming Trennecker Island to call up Richard Branson himself in book that shit is a trillion dollars. Like, I see why they still did it and like,
You know what I mean? I see why everyone still went. I just guess I personally like, I couldn't. Like, well, it was just the night before I left, I get back to my house for my like third round of evacuations and this was the night where like, it was coming over the hill towards my house. And so I was just sobbing, like just uncontrollably sobbing at every second. And I was like, I walk into this like Tarte PR box and I'm opening it up and I'm like,
I mean, I have nowhere to go. Like, theoretically, this is great in that sense. Like, anywhere else I'm going to have to spend a bunch of money on a hotel, like, getting out of LA is horrifying. Like, this is a guaranteed flight and a safe place to be, which is great, but it comes with so many other things, right? I start calling some influencers on the trip, okay? And even just that, across the whole week before, I had some face times with a lot of the girls, and it's so funny,
Because I feel like I am the type of person where people call me to unload, like to rant and talk shit. And like, I feel like I was just receiving so many calls or having so many FaceTimes. There were so many of the other girls were talking so much shit. Like being like, I'm so scared. So and so is going. I don't want to be. And all these influencers are so calculated in the sense where they're like, I don't want to be photographed with so and so like, how is this going to look? PR yada yada, whatever. And so I was already just like, I knew it was going to be a lot. And then,
Because that group, it's not, it's including myself. It's a lot of personalities, you know what I mean? And even just explaining it to McCoy, because I was bringing him, trying to explain it to an outsider, I was like, as much as it's a beautiful island and it is so relaxing, like,
You don't go to relax. It's like someone transported a red carpet to an island and you're just on the red carpet on the island for five days straight. Like, and that's not on-chart. You know, they have goat yoga and they have people meditating and they have all the, but just due to the nature of the like PR, like it's not giving relaxing vacay, whatever. Anyways, fires start really coming. And so I'm kind of calling other people on the trip.
to get a feeler. You know, some of my LA girls, I'm just like, what are you doing? What should I do? Calling people. And I call this influencer. Showing her where the fire is, like saying like, do I go? Whatever. And she goes verbatim, this influencer goes, you just need to take your emotions out of it and you need to come. Can I guess? Can I guess?
Yeah. Of course. And I'm watching this fire roll over the hill, sobbing my eyes out while this influencer is on the phone, telling me to take my emotions out of it and get on a jet to a private island. And I'm like, I can't, what do you actually mean? You know what I mean? I called Tiana Robillard, I will say, and she was so incredibly like sound and awesome. And she honestly made me realize that coming up from her. I just was imagining myself if the worst case scenario knock on what happened.
and I'm on this island, and I'm sobbing about my house. And like, Ken Yorick and Breonna chicken fryer talking in the corner? Yeah, and it's just like, you know what I mean? And then like, these beauty bitches are telling me to take my emotions out of it. And like, you know, it's just like, I needed to be with my people. That's a really, really crazy sentiment. Like, what do you actually mean? You need to take your emotions out of it. First of all, I've never taken my emotions out of anything, ever. It's just...
And the person kept going to see, like you're just not thinking logically, like you're thinking with your emotions. I'm like what, the logic people are supposed to think with their emotions. Well, and it's like the logical thing is not to go on this. You know, I mean, I guess it's like, again, safety, but it's like.
I also just wasn't in a happy headspace and like put you know what I mean putting on like the a shape tape of it all for me I couldn't I made the whole experience like so much more miserable and you would have been so hyper aware like it's already kind of in like influencer settings like that It's already sometimes very like oh my god. I can't believe this is like really
Real life and whatever yeah, I feel like that would have like put you in like a whole Like out-of-body experience like what the fuck is this because like Exactly like honestly just exactly like the world is on fire and again That was only my experience and half of these girls aren't even from LA So it's like obviously like go on the chair I mean how many times does this happen like you know it happened in Maui and we Yeah, it doesn't affect you the same if it's not where you're from yeah 100% and it's just like
I don't know. I hope to go on one in the future, but like I just and even just like seeing all the content I was just like to go on one in the future I just could not imagine myself there on that one like and I think I also think that for some reason like The internet just holds me to a different standard in certain ways, which is kind of crazy, but like if I was posting what like aspen over to Remy Bader loved them both I'm just saying if I was posting what they were posting on that trip I think my comment section would have been like
warfare. I want to like move on from the tart trip, but there was so much that happened. That's also that. Like it was just like, I didn't need to be in the mix of all of that. You know what I mean? Cause it was just like so much. I was not expecting the Brianna chicken fry and Ken Yurick makeup at all. Do you think it was more just like a like, I'm drunk and I'm on trial and then this is awkward. Yeah. And we probably want to run into each other again.
But it's so interesting. I was expecting Ken Yurick to, like, swing on her. David Dobrik is back, and he's fucking ripped. What's that about? He really, it's so funny seeing people say that it looks like he'd be like, I thought iPhone stickred his head onto something. You know what's crazy is I see him often.
Really? And yeah. Where? A lot. Because he's like a big, he works at Paramount a lot and I work with Paramount a lot. So we see him. Oh, that's why I'm banned from all Paramount events, actually. I forgot about that. You're not banned from all Paramount events. No, you're not. I've heard from multiple people that you said one time that you were banned. And I think that after that, they were like, maybe she should be banned. You're not blacklisted from Paramount events.
Well, Jesus Christ, then get me on the Sonic the Hedgehog carpet, then. Like fuck. I'm just so I see him point is I see him a lot. And I remember the last time I saw him being like, he's looking pretty thin. You know, like he's looking a little like because you see it, especially in someone's face when they get like really thin like that, but I always see him in like an outfit. So when I saw him rip out that washboard, imagine my shock.
I think the Zila transformations are great though. You know what I mean? Like, that's a slay. I just... Something about David Dobrik's come back to YouTube and then all of LA lighting on fire just doesn't feel like you're blaming David Dobrik for the fires.
It's just weird that Dobrik's is still standing. I can't get behind this. Obviously, I think it's just like, I know that so many people are nostalgic to Dobrik's vlogs and watched them and loved them so much. I guess it's just like, my personal ties stop me from feeling anything good towards his comeback. You know? I get that.
The views podcast like I just is it back. Yeah, and like just I don't know like what do you mean? You just get to come back Scott free. What do you mean? What do you actually? Imagine do you think I'll come back Scott free though? He got like
I know. You're right. I mean, he definitely took a hit. He took a hit. I don't mean it like that. I guess I do. I'm not saying he didn't deserve it. I'm just saying. It's not like he just like nothing happened. I know. I just imagine I took your eye out. Oh.
And then I never paid you a dollar, never once said sorry, and never once like just fully validated your emotions or maybe even came online and validated your emotions, right? And then all of a sudden you one-eyed open your computer to me traveling the seven wonders of the world.
the seven wonders of the world. Like you see me under the leaning tower of Pisa. I don't think that's a wonder, but you see me on and you're like, well, you don't see me actually, but like it's not a good look. I just I'm with you on that one. I just feel so much empathy for Jeff that it like lights a fire and I know that there's all the people that say like, Jeff's a grown man and he did it himself and like, okay, but like if that's your best friend, you would still want them to like,
apologize or give you money and pay for your surgeries or especially when like the person who did it is a fucking millionaire. I think that for me would be the hard part about it is like watching just the amount of wealth.
That would be tough. Like each one of those Teslas is one of the 12 eye surgeries, right? It's just like, it's crazy to just take a break and say nothing. I don't know. I guess just knowing him personally, just knowing like the way he was about those vlogs, like the dirty Dom of it all, like Jason Nash, like being like just
Not the best. Obviously, I think that the style and format of his vlogs will change so much. There won't be as much putting people under pressure, making people do crazy things. I think he's smarter than that. And now they'll be more wholesome and happy and stuff. And that lesson has been learned, but it is just so crazy to just see him back skipping on the internet. I don't know why it has me.
No, I mean, I know why because you're a good friend of Jeff and like obviously of a soft spot, like that's completely understandable. That was a fucking horrible thing that happened. So you don't want like anybody to be able to just come back and be like, sorry about my break. And it's just so PR. Like sometimes I just wish people would be more real. Like it's just like, I wish you would just be like, yeah, I shouldn't have fucking put him on that crane. I shouldn't have told him to do that. I shouldn't have filmed it. I would love to pay for these surgeries. Here's me on a Jesus Christ statue.
You know, like maybe there was something real. Yeah. Like it just feels so PR and contrived to like take this break and then hope that enough people just like loved your videos and are nostalgic for them that like they'll care to just like keep watching them again and like no.
I don't know. I do. The seven wonders of the world. I'm wondering a lot of things. We're wondering. I have seven wonders. Yeah, I have seven wonders. Like it's just like, oh my God. And certain people too that I don't necessarily like, I can like view their content without disdain and separate the two. I just like, I don't know. It is just being so close to Jeff and seeing like,
how much he suffered and I know there are people who like pick it all apart and say that Jeff didn't do certain things right and like whatever but it's still just like a human being who like has to keep going back and getting these surgeries and like I need for the money to pay for them when like the other person is.
Of course, if it happened to you, I would literally be screaming from the rooftops, like get away from the fucking Taj Mahal and go to jail. And it's like, you could do both. I feel like you could cut a check and then go to the Taj Mahal. And it's just, it's not one or the other. And just all those people were Jeff's friend too. You know, and I think that makes me sad.
Like let's just say in like this scenario like I would hope like if I did something to you like that that like page wouldn't just like Blindly like I know page would be like that's wrong. You have to pay her like you have to help her Yeah, the difference is if I if like something like that happening you at my hands I would have like probably had to die or something by now
No, I mean no just like actually the guilt would eat me alive That's the only reason like I never want to say like I have sympathy in the situation But like the way that I would feel if I did that to somebody I have to assume that he feels that way as well You hope and just knowing his personality I'm just like you don't think he does no and that's like what like you don't feel guilty You don't feel sad you you just want it to go away. You want people really
You want the Trisha's of the world and the means of the world and the Jeff's of the world to just shut up about it. And you want to sell your fucking Prince Street pizza. You know, like it's like, I sound like I'm just like an apologist right now and that is not the angle I'm going for. And I'm clearly coming in very hot. Yeah.
You're playing a game right now where you're like dodging the balls. I'm probably gonna be like, I understand completely. Well, I just, I don't know. Again, it's more, one of those things where it's like, I feel still like my cancellation is too fresh for me to come at anybody else's cancellation. You know what I mean? I completely disagree and maybe I'm wrong. Well, you know, how do, how can I hope that people have grace for me if I have no grace for anyone else? That's true. But listen, this is the canceled podcast, right? This isn't like the horse girl, Palooza.
You're right. Woah Vicky fakes kidnapping in Nigeria. I know I'm a little late on that topic and people really don't like that but Woah Vicky fakes kidnapping in Nigeria. To be honest, I get how that could happen. Because I too have been in a scenario where I'm not really on the good side of PR and I'm like if I just got kidnapped or like
Okay. You were either going to start nodding or you weren't. No, but it's just funnier thinking that like, like that almost makes more sense to me, right? And I've been in situations like that. Okay. I've had men like, you know, at my worst heartbreak of my life, I was praying to God for like a side swipe car accident, you know, just like something where I don't get like permanently injured, but like I go to the hospital and they have to show up.
I under like that almost makes more sense whereas it's so funny to me to just think whoa Vicki was just like bored in the house in the house bored and then she was just like hey I'm kidnapped in Nigeria and then the next day was like sorry y'all I was bored like that's insane no to be honest that's really camp like it's funny it's just crazy but that was just I had to just touch on it I have no like nothing to add anything to hear about it
Really? No. No. Yeah. Well, Vicki fix kidnapping in Nigeria. Oh, I'm mixing up. Hold on. Okay. I'm mixing up Bad Baby and Woah Vicki. Girl! And I shouldn't because they are not even similar in any way. I mean, they have like, you know, the Venn diagram, you know, they're Vicki. Woah Vicki used to be my neighbor and she told me I had beautiful skin in the elevator.
That's actually, she does give really sweet girl. She was so nice. Sweet energy. But same with Bad Baby, she's sweet. Oh, I'm a Bad Baby super fan. Me too. But not enough to not... But Woveki's all God too, so just the fake kidnapping. Woveki gone Bible. Yeah. It's just crazy. I don't even know. Woveki for sure voted for Trump.
Do you want to know the craziest shit circling back to the fires? But like, I just have to touch on this really quickly. Well, first of all, I have never been more grateful for the screenshot feature and the screen recording feature. I just want to let people know in 2025, like, let's talk about ins and outs really quick in actively screenshotting people's stories on your main account to let them know they've done something wrong.
Okay. I couldn't, my fingers were stuck like this during the fires with the amount of people posting out of touch shit. Okay. Like, oh my God, the amount of people in L.A. which I wish we had a PowerPoint presentation because our group chat at this time, wait, we don't even have group chat.
The Instagram. Yeah. Like, everyone, I mean, I want to save it for the canceled awards because I fear that it has its own category at this point. But I'm just off the top of my head. What's her name? Sofia Copo. Did I make that off? Sofia Copo posting a smiling selfie with her boyfriend, her and her boyfriend smiling. I actually need to find it because I don't want to miss this. She's so nice and she means well, but the photo was so funny. It's like her and her boyfriend. And they're like smiling and they go, had to get out. And she's like,
Hold on. She's like, I woke up with a bloody nose. Had to get out of there. No. Where is it? And then she puts, she puts highly recommend an air purifier. Highly? Like, I thought that if there was an Amazon link, that was going to lose it. That's what I was literally just going to say. The only thing missing from that truly was an Amazon affiliate link. It was just a smiling photo. Like, and I do understand that like,
Things were progressing so fast that maybe something someone posted in the morning by the nighttime could be like so much more wildly out of touch. I saw some Pac my evacuation bags with me. I saw selfies with the it's come on and I'm gonna But I think we save all of this I Tara's world. What did she post? She posted thank God Equinox has hot water. It's like Kim
People are dying. No, who is the girl? Actually, I know exactly the girl. She put like a, she did a collage and one of the photos was her doing like a thirst trap in front of the fire. Yes, yes. You made a TikTok about her. That was a good TikTok. And everyone thinks it's about that girl backup, but it's not. Oh, wow. Chloe Kardashian is doing monetized snap stories and was just using, obviously someone runs her snap and like so many influencers do that and like make so much money, but like Chloe Kardashian.
Someone's running her snap and was just repurposing other people's content of the fire tapping through it with ads like like cashing out Which is just wild anyways my whole point of this like wrap-around tangent was That while I was also just doing that like wildly in taking so many things that just blew my mind on people's Instagram stories It was also a major
like news source, like as things were happening so rapidly in Los Angeles, sometimes people's stories were informing me about like ways to donate things to do to help, like where the fires are going. Like, oh, I live here and this is happening or like watch out for this. Like it was helping me in a lot of ways too, obviously. And just like it was so scary how delayed the news would be in comparison to like what people were posting on Instagram and TikTok and stuff too. Like it just
Scary times were in, but anyways, Ledemi posted a story saying that she was in a waymo driving from like Hollywood to Beverly Hills as the Runyon fires broke out. And due to the power going out, I guess the power went out in her waymo. And then people in the gridlock were like getting out of like,
the cars and the traffic and whatever and you know how Weimos are like they lock so you can't just like get out and she was stuck in this Weimo for like an hour. Like absolutely not. What's that movie like end of the fucking world or whatever it's called? Final destination. That too. But like crazy. Stuck in a Weimo. What kind of 2025? See that's why I don't really fuck with Weimos to be honest because I like that's just like a recipe for disaster.
I was into it at first because I really don't like Uber drivers. You guys know I've had my fair share of stories and I'm just very paranoid. So I love the idea of no person. But the fact that people are just getting stuck in them now feels so... It feels like there needs to be some sort of bypass the electronic feature. Same way, have you seen how Teslas aren't really fully safe because if the power goes out, you can get stuck, the doors won't open?
It's just crazy. There should be some type of e-brake. And people, there's so many things where people are just coming up and smashing the windows windows.
No, I was so team Waymo for a second there. I was like We need these way no just give me the creeps because I like I can't conceptualize the fact that like in my head like self-driving cars were at least another 20 years down the line Yeah, it is just very creepy, but I can't believe she was like stuck in one during that would be said that I would need therapy for that like really crazy. I know I need actually generally speaking anyway, but
Especially people just getting in these grid locks and having to get out of their cars and like run in stuff You know what I mean? Like I was just and I saw that when I was in the Hollywood grid lock and I was just like oh my god That's like I was imagining like what if I was in a fucking Waymo
I don't know. Crazy. I don't think we're ready for that yet as a society, to be honest with you. Okay. I just saw this clip, Brooke, of this old ass television show that Mario Lopez used to host. I guess I have no information on the show other than the clip I saw. Okay. But he's in the car with Kim Kardashian. I guess the premise of the show was
taking celebrities to their biggest haters and like, need to go on. It's this clip of this bitch being like, I fucking hate Kim Kardashian, like just all of these reasons why she hates her. And then Kim walks in, first of all, how humbling. The bitch was in like a yoga class. So she's like, in downward facing dog, like no makeup sweating. And then Kim walks in and goes, hi gorgeous. I hear you're my biggest fan. And the girl was just gagged and like, immediately folded obviously.
And, like, what if we just have, like, our biggest hater on the pod? K-wop? Or, like, that woman, like, this, like, she's 40. She loves talking about the pod. Like, let's just have her on. Let's fly her out, like, Tard Island.
Oh, plus her heart. Let her rest. No, honestly, I would do anything. I always say that. The people who comment on my videos sometimes are like our videos or whatever. Just haters in general. I'm like, I would do anything. I would pay any dollar amount to just see them stand in a line.
You know what I mean? Like what? They go to school. They go to work. Do you think they're friends know that they're fucking that miserable? It is so true. It is wild. Like, and I'm not talking about like people who just like have an opinion. Like there's people who you're allowed to have an opinion. I'm talking like people who are literally like sending DMs like you should die and kill yourself and crowing your fat. But I think that that's just all you can do is feel empathy for those people because it's got to be so sad. Empathy's out.
Out 2025 empathy, David Dobrik would be like, I'm totally kidding, but I want to talk about a really humbling experience I had recently. There is a gym here. There's quite a few, like social club gyms. Zila fitness. Yes, that's not the one, but I recently, I was like, you know what, because I'm back on my fitness grind. I know you probably noticed based on my excessive muscle tone. Yes.
I am really working out a lot and I was like you know what let me join a gym and I was gonna join this gym with my friend because I was like she's gonna train me and it's like this whole thing and this gym that I wanted to join it's like a really like really beautiful nice gym it's like you have to apply whatever what is where do people get off in LA it's just like
Who like that just feels so like Matilda Dijerf coded. Yeah, like why do people have to apply well cuz it because it's like a it's a membership like I mean, I know I guess I knew how expensive it was so I was like obviously like if you apply like there's a process you probably have to interview and stuff But like if you can pay for it like I'm assuming that you can join
It's just like, what are the qualifications? Like, do I need to show you my sell you my bank account? It's funny that you ask that. Okay. Because I, so I tell my friend, I'm like, I'm going to, let's go to this gym and we'll sign up and like, whatever. I've heard so many good things about it. So we go to this gym, I'm in my fucking workout clothes. Cause I'm going to sign up for the gym. I'm going to sign up for the gym and I'm going to work out that day. Cause that's what you do. You go to the gym and you fucking sign up. All right.
I walk in there, I go up to the counter and with my friends and I'm like, hey, we want to sign up and this bitch at the front literally looks at me like this. I go, hello? Like, I want to sign up and she goes, you can't sign up. We go, what do you mean you can't sign up? Like, we want to join. She goes,
I'm like and again I'm giving her the opportunity to tell me like no actually like you have to do this, but I'm going Like is there somebody we can talk to about signing up? She goes we do it all online I go okay, and I'm in-house right now. You don't have one person here who does like ballero flare legging I have my fucking Pilates princess outfit on her you're gonna embarrass me like this She tells me she tells you she goes you can you can apply online and I go how okay, but how long does that?
She's taking the sweatbands off, Lesh. She goes, she goes. All right, you can try Sears, do you? I'm sorry, I keep letting you off. I go, how long does that take? She goes up to a month. And by the way, she's being such a fucking to me in the moment that I'm like, I want to be like, you're going to get nobody to join this gym with this fucking attitude that you have right now. I wanted to be like, first of all,
Full transparency, they charge like $600 a month for a membership, okay? Which is just ridiculous, I can't believe I was even considering a thought to begin with. But I'm looking at her like, I'm telling you right now, like with my words, that I'm willing to pay $600 a month and you're gonna tell me that I have to apply and you might accept me.
Okay, so I'm like you can try manjaro so I'm going I'm going what are what are they're like? How long does it take she goes up to a month so I go okay? Can I apply here? She goes no you have to do online so I go you know what actually ma'am I'm gonna sit in your lobby and I'm gonna do it on my phone and I'm gonna apply right here Okay, so then so I do I don't get it. I go on I come on their website I
I put in my name, my email, you guys, I swear to God, the application process is nothing but your name, your email, and your Instagram. That's it. And when it was over, I literally like, I felt like I just got violated because I'm like, you thought it was gonna be fingerprint. I thought it was gonna be like a social club, or like so how's there something where they ask you about your profession and what do you do and what do you like to do for fun and like,
You know like who do you know who goes here or whatever it is like where is like a social club? But this was literally just send us your Instagram and it and so I'm thinking in my head like oh, they're just gonna look at my Instagram decide if they want me in their gym or not and
That's it. And I'll tell you why I'm really mad about it, because honestly, I wouldn't have even been complaining. You would have never heard a word out of me if I got accepted, but I didn't. I didn't get accepted. I think it's good that you didn't. But the worst in that is I just sat there right next to Maddie, and we applied it the exact same time, and she got accepted, and I didn't.
That is so awful. But I waited this long because I'm going to write the lengthiest, craziest review about that dumb bitch at the front. No, I'm not kidding. I'm so mad at her. So because just the way that she talks to me, it was so condescending and just like, I literally felt, first of all, just so embarrassed because like,
Like, oh, my bad for thinking that you can show up to a gym and sign up there. Like, the way that she made me feel like that was the stupidest thought anyone's ever had in life. All these LA, like, all of the social clubs, really. Like, yes, some have more of a purpose than others, but it is to create this, like, feeling of hierarchy. Bring the lunk alarm back, okay? I think we were peak, we were peak society when there was a tanning bed in the lobby of Planet Fitness. They said, come on in, get cancer, and here's the lunk alarm. What's the lunk alarm?
See what I mean? Girl, your priority is wrong baskets. Like that, I don't know, like you drop the weight and they're like, stop that fatty. Oh, no, it's, I think it's so that everyone, they have like a really like comfortable policy at Planet Fitness. See, you're already selling it. I bet they're gonna give you a fucking free your membership right now.
Anyway, I'm not kidding if they accepted me now I'd be like fuck you guys so much cuz what did you see that first time on my Instagram that made you deny me to begin with That is probably because they knew I was gonna do exactly this that I was gonna sit down on my podcast and talk shit about it But honestly it has nothing to do with the establishment. It's probably a beautiful wonderful establishment that dumb bitch at the front I'm not kidding. I will never forget her. No one has ever made me feel so stupid
Well, it's like they need to almost just put at least like a fake question on the like name and Instagram What do you like to do for fun? Yeah, like I would have showed that out to all they asked me was for my socials You know like that's like a little diabolical like I think they almost just need something to be like oh well Maybe we're not into people who knit right like you know just something else like the Instagram check But it's LA and that's the most LA shit ever so duh
It was really humble, I'm gonna be honest. Yeah, that is just crazy like to your face and I don't even know, that's wild. But now I'm really lifting, I'm lifting it like a real lifting gym. So about a month like are you gonna lift the weights for me? But then again, like if someone said Ozemphic was $600 a month, I'd be like fair price. So it's like, well at least that does the job for ya. Like I pay $600 a month and I still have to show up and do the work, like fuck you. Yeah, that is just, oh my God.
I don't know if it's $600, but it's something close to that. It's like something really stupid where it's like, oh, this is rent. Did you see all the people during the fires posting that they were finally going to community goods because there was no line? No. Like that's the, I don't know why that's like, it's just everything that's so old. You're like, the community goods is actually like one of the places that we donated to because they did like a huge drive. Wait, that's great. Yeah. I love community goods, honestly, but I just, everything just, I don't know. Being like all the, just the LAification of everything. I can't.
I like want to get out of here. I can't believe I like bought a house. I know, but well, you know, you can sell the house, but that's true. I just went to Arizona. I had such a beautiful experience until of, oh, I didn't even, I haven't even talked about it on the podcast. I got a neural virus. Yeah. Are you sure? Yes. I shit the bed. What do you mean? Are you sure?
I'm sorry. I'm really passionate in this last like 20 minutes. I don't know. I love this. I went to Arizona and I got either food poisoning or norovirus, but I've had food poisoning before and I have never had whatever I just had before. I don't even know what I would do.
If I was Noro'd up right now, that would be my 13th reason, I'm not gonna hold you. I still don't feel completely well. I'm afraid to eat, I'm afraid to drink, because what I dealt with, was it like one of those ones? I mean, all my questions are actually bowel movement related, and I don't wanna do that to the people. I don't wanna do that too much about shitting yourselves, but I did shit myself.
It is kind of crazy though. Like I did see today, you were, you were Norovirus, this Norovirus that. And I kind of was just like, you know what I mean? Like is this some niche thing? No, but I didn't know it was like a potential epidemic. Yeah, like I saw some news about it today. It's a bug. So it's like similar to getting food poisoning or something, but it's just like it was so immediate that I like, it like I was completely fine. I was mini golfing and all of a sudden I was like, hmm.
Projectile everywhere and I just can't worry about the wrong hole pregnancy test It was like oh my god like this is bad news and then all the sudden I that was I was just throwing up at that point and then as soon as I started shooting myself was like oh no And then I there's like slightly different symptoms like I was I couldn't pee I didn't pee for like three days. That's No, that's enough to like send me into but I know but I was consuming so much liquid of course I was throwing everything up and
Oh, and that's where it was going. Like, nothing was making it to your kidney. I don't know how that works either, but I wasn't peeing. That's so scary. And you weren't pregnant. But not out of my urethra. And you weren't pregnant? No pregnancy. But I think I had a miscarriage, by the way.
Something came out of me. But I'll save it for the Patreon. Okay. How long till you're pregnant? What do you mean just for me like my own personal timeline? Yeah. I don't know. I only say that because I've been very like... I just want to be young forever.
Like I've been like the idea of because even like Trisha they said on Hot Topics or something that she was telling me yesterday I don't know where they said it or whatever but someone's prediction was that like I'm gonna be engaged by the time 2025 is over and I'm lying. But so it's like I like I love Mikoa and I do want to spend the rest of my life with him but like the idea
It's just like getting older, I don't know. And like, I love getting older in all the other ways. It's just like, I don't think I fear that anymore, but I think maybe I'm gonna be like a married woman. Yeah, gag this, but gag this. I think you're, you still are very young. I think I'm just ready. Like I wanna be engaged so badly. But like the idea of it or like for real, and then I'm gonna plan a wedding, like, oh, I was trying to plan a trip to Tahoe today, exhausted.
Um, okay. A media retraction on that, but like just dead ass. Like that is, I don't know. It's so wild. I want to move over to the Patreon because I told an innocent person to end their own life the other day. Um, I really have a bone to pick with my neighbors and I think I had a miscarriage. So okay, those all feel like Patreon topics.
Well, canceled. We love you so much. It's stupid. I'm really excited for 2025. I think this is going to be a good year. I'm excited for all the stuff we're going to do with canceled. I really want to tour again. I'm ready to be messy again. I'm hoping this goes over. And I don't get rediscouraged. I'm ready to be a little messy. I'll tell you one thing I know for sure is that it's not going to go over well.
You were actually so right, but whatever. I'm still just excited for this year, and I'm happy to be back. I mean, these past few weeks have been really fucking crazy. I think this year is starting off in a very everything feels dystopian and weird, but yeah, it's nice to just sit and forget about all the weird crazy things happening in the world and just Kiki with the girls and the gays in the day. So we're happy to be back and we love you guys. And yeah, we're filming the canceled podcast awards tomorrow. So if this one doesn't go over, well, God, that's going to be tough.
I mean, I'm just ready for it, whatever. Hit me, honestly. Hit me where it hurts. We love you guys. Thank you for joining us. Anybody who is still with us in 2025, but we love you so fucking much. And yeah, we're going to keep yapping on the Patreon and we love you.
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